Apple Rejects Religious-Face App

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Apple has rejected that “Me So Holy” app that allows you to take someone’s picture with your iPhone and then place their face over a picture of Jesus. The app is just the latest in a string of apps that have been denied for questionable reasons. No worries, the app that allows you to put your face on a farm animal is still available. :confused:

Applications must not contain any obscene, pornographic, offensive or defamatory content or materials of any kind (text, graphics, images, photographs, etc.), or other content or materials that in Apple’s reasonable judgment may be found objectionable by iPhone or iPod touch users.
Do you buy an iphone or just rent it? If you actually own it, why cant you put what ever you want on it?
Get over it… It is Apple’s store they can sell or not sell as they like.
Do you buy an iphone or just rent it? If you actually own it, why cant you put what ever you want on it?

It's like buying a camera that uses special batteries, only the camera maker can sell them. It's part of their proprietary system and as a result, you get cheaper hardware as the costs are made on other services rendered.
So why would this be banned? People who wouldn't want it, wouldn't get it. Am I right? Or is every app forced on everybody's phone and they can't remove it?

How about Apple let people make their own judgment instead of playing big brother... It's very foreign to me why Apple feels like the iPhone is their only OS where they force people to use what Apple wants them to use.

I would love to see somebody write a Windows or Linux look-alike app (perhaps a screensaver with the Windows logo) and see whether Apple denies it or not. Let the lawsuits commence. bahahaha
If I own a gas station and I decide not to sell Playboy, I'm not playing Big Brother, I'm deciding what products best fit the image of my store, and the demographic that I am aiming toward. If you don't like it, you can get your gas somewhere else.
So why would this be banned? People who wouldn't want it, wouldn't get it. Am I right? Or is every app forced on everybody's phone and they can't remove it?

How about Apple let people make their own judgment instead of playing big brother... It's very foreign to me why Apple feels like the iPhone is their only OS where they force people to use what Apple wants them to use.

I would love to see somebody write a Windows or Linux look-alike app (perhaps a screensaver with the Windows logo) and see whether Apple denies it or not. Let the lawsuits commence. bahahaha

It's Apple. They have their own reasons to what they feel is just. Keep in mind, if a app of Mohammed was posted, you can bet your ass Apple would be burned to the ground... and I'm thinking this is one of the types of backlash they want to avoid.
Except legally that is the only store you are allowed to use with the piece of hardware you own.

Still their store... you know that when you but a Apple product.

Apple has a long and well known history of trying to control their products with a iron fist. So why now complain when Apple does what Apple has always done.

Anyone who buys a Apple product should expect this type of behavior so do not buy Apple products if you cannot live with it and why complain when Apple does what they always do... you knew they would do it at some point or you should have.
If I own a gas station and I decide not to sell Playboy, I'm not playing Big Brother, I'm deciding what products best fit the image of my store, and the demographic that I am aiming toward. If you don't like it, you can get your gas somewhere else.

Exactly... It really is this simple. No one is forcing any one to do anything, if you do not like Apple’s policies do not buy their products.
If I own a gas station and I decide not to sell Playboy, I'm not playing Big Brother, I'm deciding what products best fit the image of my store, and the demographic that I am aiming toward. If you don't like it, you can get your gas somewhere else.

App Fuckle.

Don't like its business model, don't buy its products; that simple.
Still their store... you know that when you but a Apple product.

Apple has a long and well known history of trying to control their products with a iron fist. So why now complain when Apple does what Apple has always done.

Anyone who buys a Apple product should expect this type of behavior so do not buy Apple products if you cannot live with it and why complain when Apple does what they always do... you knew they would do it at some point or you should have.

So the only place to get things for the iPhone is through their store? This is their own problem. I understand your point, but does Apple basically say your hands are tied using their product before you purchase their product?

If I own a gas station and I decide not to sell Playboy, I'm not playing Big Brother, I'm deciding what products best fit the image of my store, and the demographic that I am aiming toward. If you don't like it, you can get your gas somewhere else.

Your demographic is customers wanting to buy gas. Your magazine analogy does not fit though. You do not need a Playboy to use gas. Totally unrelated to the use of gas. Your customer can also decide to use the gas they purchased from you to go to a store that does sell Playboy. A more fitting analogyy would be like you (Apple) forcing your customer that they can't use the gas they purchased from you to drive to a store to buy a Playboy.

Exactly... It really is this simple. No one is forcing any one to do anything, if you do not like Apple’s policies do not buy their products.

Exactly. Nobody is forcing this religious app on people's iPhones, so why ban it? Apple needs to start banning apps on their other operating systems... :p
So the only place to get things for the iPhone is through their store? This is their own problem. I understand your point, but does Apple basically say your hands are tied using their product before you purchase their product?

Your demographic is customers wanting to buy gas. Your magazine analogy does not fit though. You do not need a Playboy to use gas. Totally unrelated to the use of gas. Your customer can also decide to use the gas they purchased from you to go to a store that does sell Playboy. A more fitting analogyy would be like you (Apple) forcing your customer that they can't use the gas they purchased from you to drive to a store to buy a Playboy.

Exactly. Nobody is forcing this religious app on people's iPhones, so why ban it? Apple needs to start banning apps on their other operating systems... :p

Do not buy the product if you do not like the policy. Simple ain't it.
Your demographic is customers wanting to buy gas. Your magazine analogy does not fit though. You do not need a Playboy to use gas. Totally unrelated to the use of gas. Your customer can also decide to use the gas they purchased from you to go to a store that does sell Playboy. A more fitting analogyy would be like you (Apple) forcing your customer that they can't use the gas they purchased from you to drive to a store to buy a Playboy.

They aren't filtering the internet. They are filterting their appstore. Get over it already.
Say you want to control the software that goes on your phone and play God and a censor, there's an app for that!
Just say no to Apple, if enough do so, they can be yet another company to die in this economy of businesses that assume what customers want rather than giving customers what they want.
There's Apple going again. They're soon enough going to make influence over other things too, and therefore other things filtered out. \o/
This is exactly why I will not own an Apple product. People bash MicroSoft all the time for trying to control things. Apple is much worse since they do it with software AND hardware.
I love when haters, who would never buy an Apple product anyway, come into to yet another hate-Apple thread and complain that this is the last straw, they won't buy an Apple product. LOL, yeah right, you were this close to buying an ipod, but banning the Jesus app, that tears it! :rolleyes:

Bottom line is anyone small-minded enough to not buy something simply because of the logo on it is dumber than anyone who owns an ipod.

Go buy your Zune and see if you have a better experience, you rebels!
It's like buying a camera that uses special batteries, only the camera maker can sell them. It's part of their proprietary system and as a result, you get cheaper hardware as the costs are made on other services rendered.

The problem with that theory is, the Iphone is more expensive! Your NOT getting cheaper hardware, but MORE EXPENSIVE hardware, and STILL stuck with there proprietary systems. Apple has the highest markup rate of any computer or device on the market, fact.
The problem with that theory is, the Iphone is more expensive! Your NOT getting cheaper hardware, but MORE EXPENSIVE hardware, and STILL stuck with there proprietary systems. Apple has the highest markup rate of any computer or device on the market, fact.

Alienware has the same ballpark on markups.

Monster has even more mark up on cables (even though apple store does sell some cables)

Markup on Quadro graphics cards is much much much more than anything apple does.

iPhone is 600$ which isn't outlandish for a smart phone.
I love when haters, who would never buy an Apple product anyway, come into to yet another hate-Apple thread and complain that this is the last straw, they won't buy an Apple product. LOL, yeah right, you were this close to buying an ipod, but banning the Jesus app, that tears it! :rolleyes:

Bottom line is anyone small-minded enough to not buy something simply because of the logo on it is dumber than anyone who owns an ipod.

Go buy your Zune and see if you have a better experience, you rebels!

I refuse to give money to a company that pulls this kind of shit constantly. Apple is as far away from any remote notion of open source, open architecture as you can possibly get. Apple, as a company, is the epitome of the word "proprietary." If my dislike of Apple for this reason makes me "small minded," then so f*cking be it.

I also try to avoid shopping at Wal-Mart because of their history of abuse to their employees, both here in the US, and overseas. Does that, too, make me small minded?
The problem with that theory is, the Iphone is more expensive! Your NOT getting cheaper hardware, but MORE EXPENSIVE hardware, and STILL stuck with there proprietary systems. Apple has the highest markup rate of any computer or device on the market, fact.

Yes, proprietary systems do not make for cheaper parts. Not sure how Ockie got that backwards...
All of these anti apple articles are getting old. Please post interesting articles.
The responses in this thread made me giggle. It's Apple's store, they can do as they wish.
I refuse to give money to a company that pulls this kind of shit constantly. Apple is as far away from any remote notion of open source, open architecture as you can possibly get. Apple, as a company, is the epitome of the word "proprietary." If my dislike of Apple for this reason makes me "small minded," then so f*cking be it.

I'd say, so what? Remind me again why I should care about open source? I'm not a programmer. Apple has the highest customer satisfaction of any computer company, and has proven so popular (outside of HardOCP) that it is recession-proof. So I am calling dogma running over your karma when your panties get in a bunch over Apple actually having standards as to what it sells on its own servers (note the heat the took when the baby-shaking app got through).

Every tech company, a least those that make money, have proprietary intellectual property. Apple is one of the most profitable business in America partially because it is a proprietary company. If you are one of those linux nerds who thinks everything should be free, including millions of man-hours of programming, then you have a very unrealistic view of how to run a business (yeah, those linux companies are just taking off!). Yeah, because Linux is so much more usable for the average person than that evil OS X. :rolleyes:

If you think a company should give away it's most important assets, great. Just don't run any company I have stock in. Apple is doing great financially, and as a stockholder I say great! And they are #1 in customer satisfaction. So if the haters here don't like them, oh well, Apple loses the .000001% linux nerd and HardOCP "I am so smart, I run Windows!" market share. Big whoop. Meanwhile, ipods and iphones - and those applications - are flying off the shelves.

I also try to avoid shopping at Wal-Mart because of their history of abuse to their employees, both here in the US, and overseas. Does that, too, make me small minded?

Maybe not small-minded, but wrong that it is the customer's job to pay extra for union benefits. Why should I pay more money at my local grocery store to pay for some checker's health care? I have a doctorate, and I don't have anyone paying my health care, but some dumb grocery clerk who blew off college for the quick paycheck deserves me paying 50% more for my chicken and beer so they can get their union benefits? As I watch their obese asses smoke and curse on their breaks? Do they care about my health care? No. I'll take Wal-Mart's cheap prices - and so will a lot of poor people who might not be able to afford groceries otherwise. And frankly, I find Wal-mart's employees friendlier and more helpful. Union employees tend to get a sense of entitlement and act more surly.

By the way, not every freaking job is supposed to be a "living wage" job. Some jobs should be transitional. Not my fault if some dumbass gets D's and F's in high school, and keeps his boxboy job into his 20's. Improve yourself if you don't like working at Wal-Mart!
To the people saying get over it already, no, you get over it.

People dont like it, its their right to complain, if they have their way, you have more options for the iphone, so just give it a rest and let them try and get their way. More options is not a bad thing......

"If you dont like it, dont buy it simple"

I doubt the people that like how restrictive Apple is will dislike it when apple gives them more options for purchasing apps for customizing the phone.

Me I dont really have a problem with my iphone being a locked system, but I dont jump at people because they want an open platform, it wont hurt me because they get to write their own software for it.....
uclajd: Apple says that it's illegal to put any app not purchased from Apple onto an iphone. I wouldn't have an issue with Apple rejecting some stupid app, as long as they allowed a user to put whatever they want onto a peice of property that they bought. It's a matter of principle. I dislike Apple for these reasons. Incidentally, I also resent ipods because they do not have a changeable battery, a design move that seems irritatingly like Apple wants you to buy a whole new unit if the battery on your old one goes.

Apple could easily licence its overpriced crap out to many manufacturers, and allow, for instance, another company other than Apple (god forbid) to make headphones for its frigging ipod nano. I do concede that for the majority of users, these issues are moot. For the average computer user, OSX, ipods, etc. are great. But you'll never see anyone build an Apple from scratch, now will you?

I guess all I'm trying to say is that there's nothing wrong with boycotting a company because you don't like their business practices, whether they make stockholders money or not. As a consumer of electronics and computer equipment, I value freedom of choice in the hardware and applications I put together to use on a daily basis. Apple seems to disagree with that notion more than I'd like.

As for the Wal-Mart stuff... are you kidding me? And I'm not even talking about unions, here. I'm talking about illegal abuse of employees. For instance (and there are many) Wal-Mart does not allow overtime, yet tells employees to get tasks done that require employees working over 40 hours a week. If they do not do it, they get fired. Never do they get overtime. Several lawsuits have been filed over the country for this, but the settlements are still cheaper for Wal-Mart than if Wal-Mart payed fair overtime. All in the name of some cheaper chicken, as you put it. Wal-Mart also illegally denies maternity leave, and refers employees to government aide programs for medical care and food stamps, rather than giving any benefits at all, ultimately costing the taxpayers money. By the way, minimum wage laws were enacted in order to FORCE employers to pay a living wage for someone working a standard 40 hours a week. Minimum wage was designed to be a living wage.

Your whole e-peen I-have-a-PhD, so "improve yourself" argument testifies to how sheltered you must be. I'd recommend volunteering sometime, and hey, it'll look good on a resume, right? :rolleyes: If you really must know, I am also educated beyond a Bachelor's degree, but can still acknowledge that I had it easier than many others in this country. /rant

You're right about their computers. You can do all kinds of "open" stuff on a Mac. But the iPods are locked up tight, and even Jobs has publicly said that "You cannot jailbrake your iPod touch/iPhone." That's the locked up part we're referring to.

And as for the guy selling the gas, your analogy is correct. Your storefront - sell whatever you want and maintain your image however you want. You might refuse to sell me dirty magazines, but you're not preventing me from getting them somewhere else, but this is precisely what Apple does with the iPhone/iPod Touch, or at least what they're trying to do. I hate how locked out we are from customizing a little handheld computer that we had to pay for out of our own pockets. When I buy a Ford, they couldn't care less if I jack it up, put on custom rims, custom exhaust, an aftermarket stereo, etc. When I buy a PC they don't give a crap if I put Linux on it, Windows 1 - 7 on it, Hackintosh on it, or even crazy mods and aftermarket hardware. I might void the warranty, but they don't tell me I can't do it. Even Mac computers allow a great degree of customization and freedom, but for some reason on the iPhone and iPod touch they say things like this:

"Apple states that Jailbreaking is a copyright infringement and is in clear violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The US Copyright Office has a rule-making session that occurs every three years for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act."
so what if the face of Jesus was replaced by the divinely radiant mug of Steve Jobs?

would Apple brink your iPhone if you covered Jobs with the Woz? :eek: