Four Reasons Why iPhone Owners Hate AT&T

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
This article says iPhone owners have four reasons to hate AT&T. Only four? Or is it just four this time? All joking aside, most of the stuff listed are legit reasons to be pissed at AT&T if you are an iPhone owner.

Existing iPhone 3G customers, who endured those long queues last July, will have to shell out $599 for a new 16GB 3G S and respectively $699 for the 32GB model. Alternative upgrade pricing comes at $399 and $499.
i don't even have an iphone and i still hate at&t. they do have the best phones, though.
Or they could simply wait until their contract expires and get the "next" generation phone.

They should hate Apple for locking them into ATT or any other carrier.
Why do you need a new iPhone every year or so? Why not just wait for the contract to expire and get a new one at the end of the contract for a vastly reduced cost?
the pricing for upgrading is a gimmick, if not a whole lot of pre-i phone owners don't go for this they will lower the upgrade price, UNLESS apple has them by the balls. but we all know the answer to this one. i think this is more of APPLE pricing then AT&T.
I strongly dislike AT&T. They gave me the run around for the last year blaming everything from sunspots to bad towers until finally admitting that the issue was that there are to many phones on their 3G network. Now I'm going to have pay for 2 data plans since I'm getting 2 iPhones, one of which I'm going to have to illegally tether until AT&T gets their act together and then I'm going to have to pay $60-70 bucks again untop of the other raised fees I have with the iPhone. I sure as hell hope that the AT&T execs suffer and burn in what ever hell they believe in.

I'm doing a pretty good job talking myself out of an iPhone.


Why do you need a new iPhone every year or so? Why not just wait for the contract to expire and get a new one at the end of the contract for a vastly reduced cost?

According to the article it isn't about contract length - the promotion is ONLY available for new accounts. You also can't just cancel and sign back up - AT&T requires you to not have service with them for 90 days before you become eligible for new customer promotions.
You don't blame the drug dealers, you blame the poor schmucks who are addicted to the crack.
600 or 700 for a damn phone? suckers.
I love the iPhone, it's just a great phone, and it does everything I want and more. AT&T on the other hand is not doing a great job supporting me. 3G in LA can either be extremely good, or extremely bad. Ponying up more money for a iPhone 3G S is pretty ridicious too and the infustructure isn't fully there yet either. And tethering charge plans? Are they a telecommunications company or just a bloodsucking vampire. I also hate the fact that they get such good phones too :(
i don't even have an iphone and i still hate at&t. they do have the best phones, though.

you're joking, right?

A lot of smartphones, particularly touchscreen smartphones, gets sent to Sprint or Verizon because of AT&T's exclusive deal with Apple's iPhone.

Everything I see a smartphone I want, Sprint or Verizon gets it. HTC Touch, HTC Touch Diamond, Blackberry Storm, and now the Palm Pre.

AT&T doesn't get shit.

The only reason I'm stuck with AT&T is because my company pays for our phones and service and it's silly to have a second cellphone account. I'm a Blackberry Curve user and I was watching the Palm Pre for awhile. But I'm disappointed (but not surprised) in their going with Sprint.
According to the article it isn't about contract length - the promotion is ONLY available for new accounts. You also can't just cancel and sign back up - AT&T requires you to not have service with them for 90 days before you become eligible for new customer promotions.

Why not switch? I have an HTC Diamond Touch, and it may not be as robust app wise as the iPhone, but it is very good with custom firmware. And Sprint lets let me get a new phone every 2 years on them. Not to mention, I pay about 1/3rd of what I would be paying per month with an AT&T plan.

Sure, the iPhone is a nice phone. Do I absolutely have to have it? No. Especially at those prices, both monthly, one time, and then at each "upgrade."
Why are people pissed? The phone is not even much of an upgrade. There are a couple apps that can run on the older hardware and a compass. Whoopdee-doo
Why are people pissed? The phone is not even much of an upgrade. There are a couple apps that can run on the older hardware and a compass. Whoopdee-doo

Good for people that don't have an iPhone, not so good for people who already have a 3G. Happy?

AT&T has the same early termination crap as everyone else, its just that there plans, support and all the other services a descend phone provider is suppose to provide suck.
According to the article it isn't about contract length - the promotion is ONLY available for new accounts. You also can't just cancel and sign back up - AT&T requires you to not have service with them for 90 days before you become eligible for new customer promotions.

The 90 day thing was only if you canceled before your contract was up. If you're beyond the terms of your contract and are paying month-to-month, you are eligible for ALL their "new customer" promotions. They just don't advertise that fact very much, cause why give away cheaper/free shit if you might be able to get them to pay more?

The tethering and MMS things I'll give you are a heap of crap. The rest of it, however, is just a cell company being a cell company, and the only reason that it is "Outrageous" this time is cause it is an Apple product, with all the Apple Fanatics™ ranting about it. If it were Samsung, LG, or anyone else, we wouldn't be hearing about most of this.

I Make fun of my GF's iphone, she gets less bars in more places than my sprint phone lol

All in all, i wish ATT would release the Bold to other carriers, i don't want to be consumed by the death star just so i can get the Bold
I want to believe that AT&T isn't this oblivious about its customers. Apple, on the other hand, probably doesn't care. I'm sure this is precisely why Verizon declined to carry the iPhone in the first place.
The 90 day thing was only if you canceled before your contract was up. If you're beyond the terms of your contract and are paying month-to-month, you are eligible for ALL their "new customer" promotions. They just don't advertise that fact very much, cause why give away cheaper/free shit if you might be able to get them to pay more?

The tethering and MMS things I'll give you are a heap of crap. The rest of it, however, is just a cell company being a cell company, and the only reason that it is "Outrageous" this time is cause it is an Apple product, with all the Apple Fanatics™ ranting about it. If it were Samsung, LG, or anyone else, we wouldn't be hearing about most of this.


You signed a 2 year agreement with AT&T. If you want a new phone before that, you don't get their subsidy. It's the exact same as every other phone and every other telecom. Why is this a surprise to anyone?
Why do you need a new iPhone every year or so? Why not just wait for the contract to expire and get a new one at the end of the contract for a vastly reduced cost?

Dude, we're talking about the Apple Cult here.
Logic and reasoning has no place within the Cult.


What he said. Apple zealots got very lucky the first time when they were offered a discount to upgrade.
I just preordered my iphone 3gs and have no complaints at all. At&t service in charlotte is pretty good. Although I would like to have text messaging included in the data plan, I don't mind paying an extra couple bucks for it. I can afford it. Plus my employer gives a 15% discount on all att plans. Add another 8% discount for being a student. All in all, I see my bill being somewhere around $60/month. MMS and tethering I can care less about. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Simple as that.

If you want to blame someone, blame Verizon for not allowing Apple's precious phone on their network. At&t was the rebound and has struck gold with this phone.
I just preordered my iphone 3gs and have no complaints at all. At&t service in charlotte is pretty good. Although I would like to have text messaging included in the data plan, I don't mind paying an extra couple bucks for it. I can afford it. Plus my employer gives a 15% discount on all att plans. Add another 8% discount for being a student. All in all, I see my bill being somewhere around $60/month. MMS and tethering I can care less about. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Simple as that.

If you want to blame someone, blame Verizon for not allowing Apple's precious phone on their network. At&t was the rebound and has struck gold with this phone.

I still dont get that concept... you can have unlimited talk and unlimited data, but you still pay for text messages....
I still dont get that concept... you can have unlimited talk and unlimited data, but you still pay for text messages....

text messaging is probably the single most profitable part of a cellular plan
I still dont get that concept... you can have unlimited talk and unlimited data, but you still pay for text messages....

I do not need unlimited everything so why pay more for it? It doesn't make sense to me and my needs. I only use maybe 300 minutes/month at most and don't text often. The way I see it: Pay for what you need not what the best bang for the buck is.
If you want to blame someone, blame Verizon for not allowing Apple's precious phone on their network. At&t was the rebound and has struck gold with this phone.
I wouldn't really say they struck gold... More than anything it showed how poor ATT's network was.

I'd switch to Verizon in a heartbeat if it was available.

I do not need unlimited everything so why pay more for it? It doesn't make sense to me and my needs. I only use maybe 300 minutes/month at most and don't text often. The way I see it: Pay for what you need not what the best bang for the buck is.
That's part of the scam. By the time you pay for what you use (like a $10 plan), the next step up is $20 anyway, which is unlimited.
Texting is a flat out scam. It'd be nice if the FCC starts pushing some buttons about getting it all-inclusive on all plans (Or even a $5/month fee would be better than nothing). Or I wish the FCC would go after the cellular providers in a class action suit or something, and make them attempt to prove how it costs them a bunch of money and they need to charge such ridiculous prices for texts.
Reason #5: Pre-order doesn't mean jack, you have the same chances of getting an iPhone 3GS as the person coming in and buying the phone as a walk-in. You have no guarantee of getting an iPhone 3GS as walk-ins.

Plus, I'm developing a special kind of hate for employees of the Apple store. Went into an Apple store yesterday and they like to feed you bullshit. They were using the "in" factor to try and sell me the iPhone and that I would want to get in line on the day of release if I actually wanted to pick up an iPhone 3GS. They couldn't answer anything remotely technical, had several employees run and hide from me, management flat out told me "I don't know". Again, their selling points were the "in" factor, "its a very popular phone" and "everyone is going to want one".
We had AT&T a long time ago with one of the little nokia brick phones.... Granted a brick would have worked better and as such we switched to verizon... Wonderful service and it worked great for me! I had loads of bars all over and enjoyed as most people struggled with their push to talk with sprint (it was new then...)

Then the iPhone comes out and someone in the family wanted to switch to get an iPhone.... AT&T was worthless then and it's STILL worthless with 4 (yes four) iPhones in the house! Oh, wait sorry it works nicely when it's on my WIFI... Should have gotten a touch instead wouldn't have noticed the difference.

I was actually looking forward to going from first iPhone to the new one for the tethering option and "speed improvements"... Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised AT&T managed to screw that one up! If my service wasn't paid for I would jail break the phone and get a decent carrier so I could actually use the thing...

What really kills me is they want to extort even more for the tethering option! Give me a break... I pay for unlimited stinking data and only use 500MB ON THE HIGH SIDE... You want me to PAY for the option to use tethering those three or four times a year to check some websites on a notebook...

.... AT&T More bars in more places, if only they were useful.... Verizon you IDIOTS! Don't screw up next time Apple offers you a phone!
Everything I see a smartphone I want, Sprint or Verizon gets it. HTC Touch, HTC Touch Diamond, Blackberry Storm, and now the Palm Pre.

AT&T doesn't get shit.

In order, crap, crap, crap, and late to the party at way too high a price (curious to see how the Pre's applications shake out by this time next year).

AT&T has the iPhone and the Blackberry Bold, both the best phones of their kinds. Yeah, AT&T really sucks but they do get the best phones, it was like this back when they were Cingular as well. They'd have cool phones that T-Mobile (IMO a better network with excellent customer service) wouldn't even get.
I watched the WWDC presentation last night. The very vocal disappointment from the audience when it came out that AT&T would be late to the party with MMS and is TBD with tethering was hilarious. Mix of laughing disbelief and hostility. I really hope AT&T gets the message at some point, but at best I think tethering will eventually come with an additional fee.
Yeah.. I think I'll stick with Verizon. Hopefully the rumors are true and Apple will break their contract with AT&T next year and bring the iPhone to Verizon and other carriers. Until then, I'm happy enough with my LG Voyager. It does everything I need to do; check e-mail, text, GPS, and make phone calls wherever I'm at. It's garbage compared to the iPhone, but decent enough for me.
All this hate for AT&T? You guys are stupid and should be blaming Apple, they are the ones who signed the exclusivity contract for a hefty premium, they are the ones setting the price of the iPhone. Maybe if Apple didn't demand so much money, AT&T could upgrade their networks and offer the iPhone for less. AT&T is just like any other business and has to have margins. So it is okay for Apple to make money by the truckloads but not for their partners to make a dime? Damn hypocrites! Apple fanboys just need to shutup and pay their Apple Tax like good little boys.
In order, crap, crap, crap, and late to the party at way too high a price (curious to see how the Pre's applications shake out by this time next year).

AT&T has the iPhone and the Blackberry Bold, both the best phones of their kinds. Yeah, AT&T really sucks but they do get the best phones, it was like this back when they were Cingular as well. They'd have cool phones that T-Mobile (IMO a better network with excellent customer service) wouldn't even get.

Crap is relative. :p

It's how much you like it that counts.
I also find it interesting that so many people are bagging on AT&T's network when it seems that the *only* phone that is having PROBLEMS on AT&T's network is the iphone. That tells me pretty clearly that it isn't the NETWORK so much as it is the PHONE.

I can talk, text, download, and surf all day long on my AT&T Samsung Blackjack II with nary a problem. Maybe AT&T's network has a special Fail condition when it detects an iphone connect to the network? That's got to be it!!

I do not need unlimited everything so why pay more for it? It doesn't make sense to me and my needs. I only use maybe 300 minutes/month at most and don't text often. The way I see it: Pay for what you need not what the best bang for the buck is.

I'm not so sure you read my post correctly....
I also find it interesting that so many people are bagging on AT&T's network when it seems that the *only* phone that is having PROBLEMS on AT&T's network is the iphone. That tells me pretty clearly that it isn't the NETWORK so much as it is the PHONE.

I agree, HOWEVER... ATT's network still sucks compared to what Verizon has going on.

ATT 3G and Verizon 3G don't compare. ATT's 3G is in actuality like a faster 2G.
You can't even get AT@T up in my area, hence no on owns/uses an iphone in my state. Problem solved.
I was just watching the press release for the Iphone 3g s. I liked the part where everyone started cheering when it came to video recording :D
700 dollars for a phone. Anyone who buys one deserves a fucking knock on the head and forced sterilization.