What Free Softwares for Apple Users???


[H]ard DCOTM January 2008
Aug 25, 2005
Hello guys, I thought it would be better to post this in here and if it should not be here then MODs (please move this if you perfer for this to be under the Software Section rather than the Apple Section)

I'm trying to get a list of "must-have" softwares for MAC OSX 10.4 And yes I'm new to the MAC world.

I've already downloaded NeoOffice and I'm not sure what I should use for my multimedia needs (animes and so on)

Anything else?

Can play about any format except the newer WMV files.

The nightly builds play WMV3.

OP, iusethis is a great resource for finding Mac software. Most of the stuff listed is freeware or shareware. I've found lots of great software just browsing through the site.
Growl for system wide notification messages.

Adium for all your IM needs

Gimp.app for image editing

CyberDuck for FTP client

TextWrangler for text editing

Firefox for browsing

Burn! for cd/dvd burning

Vmware fusion beta for virtual machines

TFTPServer for tftp'ing
GIMP for image editing, VLC for video playback, Cyberduck for FTP program, I don't know if you're into BitTorrents or not, but I use Transmission or Xtorrent for those. AdiumX is totally awesome, and as an IM client, it's 100X better than iChat and it's free, but I have heard good things about Fire, but have not tried it myself. Firefox is definitely better than Safari, Safari is well, dated. It just has some bugs, and Firefox is overall a faster and smoother browser. I just use Toast 8 for burning, it does cost you money, but I would recommend it to anyone, it's an awesome program, I think retail price is $80, but there are free alternatives. I believe OS X 10.4 has a built-in cd/dvd burner, you simply create a burn folder with what you want to burn, and then it should do it. I don't think you need any extra software for that task, but it is always an option.
Camino - based on the Firefox rendering engine, but the rest is built for OS X. Looks way better, and integrates better into OS X, with the rendering advantages of Firefox.


Azureus - If you want a fuller featured BitTorrent client

Handbrake - Easy DVD ripping
Quicksilver is a nice quick launch program. Much better than spotlight. Its free too.
Quicksilver is a nice quick launch program. Much better than spotlight. Its free too.
Quicksilver uses Spotlight to build up its database, I think. Spotlight is more than just the icon in the corner (just like QuickTime != QuickTime Player).