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  1. A

    DOOM : Movie trailer

    I couldn't agree with you more Remember Terminator.... that was a BS Time paradox situation also!
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    What Movie Would You Like to See Made into a Videogame?

    Fresh would incorparate into a good game :p
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    Minority Game Devs Needed?

    anyone can write a game about a super soldier who kills bad guys in the future... i'm just saying that GTA:SA had someone who actually live in a perspective that Dan Houser did not have. i never had an perspective of a italian mob family so if i wanted to write a game about it would i look for...
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    Minority Game Devs Needed?

    As an Nigerian-American i can honestly say their are few positive black characters in video games i.e. the vances in HL2 but to say a positive black LEADING protagonist... i havent seen yet.. but i didnt really care about CJ in GTA SA in any GTA crime knows no race but ignorant games...
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    Mom pwns son in WoW forums

    Lucky my parents werent with me when i played my online games they would drive me nuts "where did my +20 str armor go?" every freaking minute i would hear that dude
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    XBOX 360 - 2 versions? Poll - is this a bad decision?

    That would be a bad idea and would create a hirearchy amongst Xbox three six owners... i mean would you wanna walk around with a b!tch version of the xbox while your friends have the deluxe..? stilll it wouldn't matter but i would poke fun of my friends about that
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    Microsoft announces Xbox 360 Price!

    Yea that is the evolution of video game development, it's like a rolling snowball constantly getting bigger... the thing is that why we have all of these periperhals and crap is to lure "Joe Gamer" with shiny new objects because "Joe" is more marketable than Mr. Modder and Hardcore Gamer Bob...
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    Best gaming PC builder?

    falcon allows you to open their case.... their warranty allows you to overclock also last time i checked
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    Now that Carmack is developing primarily on XBox 360

    True True... doom 3 was just eye candy engine. HL2 engine was way better though... but wait they concentrating more on engines now? (devoid the dissapointing fact of D3) what gonna happen to those up coming games?
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    In your own word, what is a Hard Core Gamer???

    a hardcore gamer is someone who laughs at a noob who watches G4 and thinks they are hardcore too. someone who can compensate their skills to comply with lag someone who takes aimbot as a compliment
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    Now that Carmack is developing primarily on XBox 360

    carmack developing mostly for xbox 360.... Microsoft basically bought iD...