Minority Game Devs Needed?

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I'm a new member, this thread made me have to reply. As already stated, political correctness makes most of us want to scream/hurl, etc. If you are a qualified programmer, I'm pretty damned sure you will get a job out there regardless of color/sexual orientation/other. Sure there will be some bigoted S.O.B. out there in charge of hiring somewhere, but not the norm. Also as stated earlier, these whiners make it worse for minorities by making others think the minorities are doing the whining. STOP!!!!! If it's a good game I'll play it regardless of who made it or what color/sex the lead character is. End o' rant.....
WickedAngel said:
Perhaps the stereotypes would be squashed if the majority of the young African-American male population aspired to be something other than rappers or athletes. Stereotypes exist because they're true. White people aren't holding the black community back; the problem is in parenting. About 6 of the ~30 African-American friends I had in highschool aspired to go to college. 2 of them were from the same family (A family which stressed the importance of education). 4 of them were female. 2 of them were male.

I'm not a fan of Bill Cosby's television shows, but he makes a lot of good points on the subject. He basically says the same thing; white people aren't the reason black people are being held back. They're so busy blaming everyone else and living in the past that they don't see the possibility of a bright future in front of them. Take responsibility and stop laying your shit on everyone elses doorstep.

There is still racism against everyone. I've been called a "cracker" before. I've heard people call others "!!!!!!s". It's a part of life...there are ignorant people in every race. If you want true racism, try looking at college admission standards these days. "Equal Opportunity"...what a joke.

Well said. The college situation pisses me off. Being noticeably white, it is much harder for me to get into college, to get loans, grants, funding, etc. I could exploit my last name but I'd rather not. Basically, this day in age, if you're a young white male, you're going to have a harder time getting into college compared to you minority counterparts. Sad part is the minority counterparts aren't taking advantage of all the oppurtunities that are presented to them. I'm paying for them to goto school with my taxes and can't afford to go myself.
Um, whites built this country, invented almost everything in it, and maintain almost everything in it.

Why are white males the most hated descriminated against people again?

If they dissapeared so would a lot of the stuff around us. You may call me a hater or whatever, but its true.
Lord of Shadows said:
I dont really believe that games are typecasting minorities to the extent this article would have you believe.

I agree, and I think that it's because games with highly typecast minorities generally don't sell.

It's still frustrating how many people keep posting thinking this article is about how there aren't enough minority programmers/characters.
clownvomit said:
Um, whites built this country, invented almost everything in it, and maintain almost everything in it.

Why are white males the most hated descriminated against people again?

If they dissapeared so would a lot of the stuff around us. You may call me a hater or whatever, but its true.

Who built this country? I guess people don't count when they are considered property. That's a pretty ignorant statement you made.
Steve said:
d.) Unreal franchise: Many of the main characters are "not white" and not portrayed "stereotypically".
Up to and including the "You be dead" taunt.
d.) EverQuest / WoW: I feel that Orcs, Elves and Dwarfs are equally represented. Theives and Dark Elves might have a legit complaint though. :rolleyes:
Are there any black/Asian/hispanic humans?
While I do see a need for diversity and would love to see more minority developers, it is almost laughable that they would leave women completely out of the equation (no call for women game devs) and other countries that put out some of the best games out there (Croteam) who are not rich middle class Americans.
There are few women who play video games. I could name a handful of female developers.
I'm sure there are more women lead characters in any video game than racial minorities.
Jeriko_Cherry said:
Who built this country? I guess people don't count when they are considered property. That's a pretty ignorant statement you made.

A lot of people helped build this country.

and many others.

No race should be hated, period, because of their skin color.

As modern things go at the moment, it's impossible it seems to be "racist" towards white people. Call them crackers/whities/anything , at home, at school, in the media, it's A-ok.

Have BET/black college funds, etc, it's A-ok, but have white based funds and it's racism....

The point is, people need to stop worrying about things such as color and need to see people....as people.
Jeriko_Cherry said:
Who built this country? I guess people don't count when they are considered property. That's a pretty ignorant statement you made.

I was just waiting for someone to spout off with this drivel. Let me fill you in on something (instead of the tv, where 90% of sheep, oops, I mean americans get ALL of thier information) Africans picked cotton, PERIOD.

They did not invent or build cars, they did not work with steal, the did not create space programs, they did not create computers, or electronics, or just about anything else for that matter.

They picked cotton, which is fine I'm not putting anyone down but when I hear bleeding heart liberals or anyone else for that matter say africans built America I have a big problem with that because the people that say that are the ignorant ones, not me.
clownvomit said:
I was just waiting for someone to spout off with this drivel. Let me fill you in on something (instead of the tv, where 90% of sheep, oops, I mean americans get ALL of thier information) Africans picked cotton, PERIOD.

They did not invent or build cars, they did not work with steal, the did not create space programs, they did not create computers, or electronics, or just about anything else for that matter.

They picked cotton, which is fine I'm not putting anyone down but when I hear bleeding heart liberals or anyone else for that matter say africans built America I have a big problem with that because the people that say that are the ignorant ones, not me.

You are an idiot. Just picked cotton? Guess you never used a light bulb before [Lewis Latimer], or how about our boys overseas using gas masks [Garrett Morgan], I'm sure you've never used a traffic lights [same guy]? Do you know anyone who uses a pacemaker, ibm computer, or knows about guided missiles [Otis Boykin]? Hell, what could be more American than Peanut Butter [George Washington Carver]? It doesn't take a liberal to see how much minorities have contributed to our country... just basic reading comprehension.
clownvomit said:
I was just waiting for someone to spout off with this drivel. Let me fill you in on something (instead of the tv, where 90% of sheep, oops, I mean americans get ALL of thier information) Africans picked cotton, PERIOD.

They did not invent or build cars, they did not work with steal, the did not create space programs, they did not create computers, or electronics, or just about anything else for that matter.

They picked cotton, which is fine I'm not putting anyone down but when I hear bleeding heart liberals or anyone else for that matter say africans built America I have a big problem with that because the people that say that are the ignorant ones, not me.

Uhh......look at what George Washington Carver did...

Almost ANY Race of people has had people invent and better things that as a whole has benefited many people.
clownvomit said:
I was just waiting for someone to spout off with this drivel. Let me fill you in on something (instead of the tv, where 90% of sheep, oops, I mean americans get ALL of thier information) Africans picked cotton, PERIOD.

They did not invent or build cars, they did not work with steal, the did not create space programs, they did not create computers, or electronics, or just about anything else for that matter.

They picked cotton, which is fine I'm not putting anyone down but when I hear bleeding heart liberals or anyone else for that matter say africans built America I have a big problem with that because the people that say that are the ignorant ones, not me.


EDIT: This thread needs to die a horrible, horrible death.
clownvomit said:
I was just waiting for someone to spout off with this drivel. Let me fill you in on something (instead of the tv, where 90% of sheep, oops, I mean americans get ALL of thier information) Africans picked cotton, PERIOD.

They did not invent or build cars, they did not work with steal, the did not create space programs, they did not create computers, or electronics, or just about anything else for that matter.

They picked cotton, which is fine I'm not putting anyone down but when I hear bleeding heart liberals or anyone else for that matter say africans built America I have a big problem with that because the people that say that are the ignorant ones, not me.
You are ignorant.
Elledan said:
Positive discrimination is just as wrong as discrimination. It's like saying that a 'black' or a 'white' school is 'bad', even if there are no problems with it.

Yeah, I was going to comment, but it has been said most perfectly. If you take race into account in any way you are racist and less for it.
"Minority" my ass. White males are hardly a majority worldwide.

I don't think kids need to play any games teaching the wonderful elements of noble African culture such as the indulgence drugs, violence, and rampant sex.
The only ignorant ones here are the ones that look at that list and believe it.

And are you joking? IBM computers....missles? LOL.......I still cant believe that sheep will believe anything the media tells them to....

good luck with life, im outta this thread.

I love how you brainwashed white liberals jump so fast to provide "facts" about black people, but you won't do the same for the millions of things white men have done. Ask yourself why that is....
We as a country are misguided for the most part. The reason for Affirmative Action and such programs are because until about 40 years ago, a black person was legally segragated into a class. For one, you weren't afforded the same quality education, and you couldn't even vote for it like every other American. That't not in the history books. Blacks were freed in 1865 but not allowed to vote until 1965. They went to schools designated for Blacks. How many of our parents grew in in those years, I know mine did. Would you feel like you had an equal chance? Many people still feel it should be the old way. I've experienced it first hand. It's not even ground yet. I'm not saying this for anyone to feel sorry, but for us to all understand better. We need to understand the reality of what goes on in our world. Talk to me when you have to first convince people that your are not a certain way because your skin is darker. Or when you have to prove that you can carry a conversation in proper english. Maybe if young Blacks felt they can succeed by being more than a rapper or athlete, they would aspire to more.
wolfofsin said:
Maybe if young Blacks felt they can succeed by being more than a rapper or athlete, they would aspire to more.

Isn't this the point of making them being able to go colleges easier, get loans easier, get housing easier, etc.? Yes exactly thanks. :rolleyes:
clownvomit said:
The only ignorant ones here are the ones that look at that list and believe it.

And are you joking? IBM computers....missles? LOL.......I still cant believe that sheep will believe anything the media tells them to....

good luck with life, im outta this thread.

I love how you brainwashed white liberals jump so fast to provide "facts" about black people, but you won't do the same for the millions of things white men have done. Ask yourself why that is....

Wow...imagine that...straight from IBM.

Prior to this Dr. Dean was responsible for the IBM Austin Research Laboratory in Austin, Texas. He was appointed to this position in November of 1997. The primary focus of the laboratory is the development of high performance microprocessors, systems and software, including the circuits, tools and micro-architectures to support high frequency operation. Other ARL research activities include high MIPS/milliwatt embedded controllers, full system simulation, formal verification, design for manufacturability and low temperature cooling methods. Recent lab accomplishments include the successful testing of the first 1GHz CMOS microprocessor, design of a high speed DRAM (<5ns latency), ACES EDA tool development, SimOS-PPC full system simulator demonstration, and the prototyping of a highly scaleable SMP architecture (NUMA) for Intel and PowerPC.

Throughout his 20 year career with IBM, Mark has held several engineering positions in the area of computer system hardware architecture and design. He worked on establishing the strategy, architecture, design and business plan for proposed video server offerings and studied the technology and business opportunity for settop boxes. He was also chief engineer for the development of the IBM PC/AT, ISA systems bus, PS/2 Model 70 & 80, the Color Graphics Adapter and numerous other subsystems.

He must be one of them good fer nothin' negroes! 'Course you wouldna' known none of them there fancy facts, 'cause you gotta avoid reading 'cause'n they's print them dirty black words on white paper!!
ScretHate said:
I don't think kids need to play any games teaching the wonderful elements of noble African culture such as the indulgence drugs, violence, and rampant sex.
It's not our culture, and that's not what it's about. Sorry you've been told otherwise.

I had something I was going to say, but after reading it, it's really just whining. You've been spared ;).

But one last thing: If you really care about whatever it is, you'll do something about it.

Have you all forgotten about the trials and tribulations(sp?) of the Nerds?

clownvomit said:
Um, whites built this country...
I would have said "stolen", but what do I know? I just went to school, and read a lot. You should do the same.
Lamont said:
I would have said "stolen", but what do I know? I just went to school, and read a lot. You should do the same.

Yes white people read and blacks (c)rap wtf is your point?! :D
Lamont said:
I would have said "stolen", but what do I know? I just went to school, and read a lot. You should do the same.
Not everyone wants to be indoctrinated into a self-hating, guilt-ridden White. We conquered a weaker people and created a great nation where there was first nothing. That is an accomplishment.
ScretHate said:
Not everyone wants to be indoctrinated into a self-hating, guilt-ridden White. We conquered a weaker people and created a great nation where there was first nothing. That is an accomplishment.

Yes, and when another country tries to do the same. Guess who likes to jump in with guns blazing and act like a hero.
Tazman2 said:
Isn't this the point of making them being able to go colleges easier, get loans easier, get housing easier, etc.? Yes exactly thanks. :rolleyes:

Thank you.

Handing black people (Or anybody, for that matter) the world on a silver platter is no better than taking everything away from them. Either way they're not going to get the sense of accomplishment that stems from earning something.

You don't have to be rich to take responsibility for yourself. You don't have to be white to get a good job. You have to be motivated and intelligent. You have to be somewhat respectful, or at least smart enough to make a clever disguise of it. Teach your children to speak correctly. Help them learn to read. Be involved with their lives in more ways than making them food and giving them money. It's a simple concept that the country is tired of seeing go unfollowed.

Homicide is the leading cause of death in African Americans ages 15~24. How the hell are you going to blame that on white people?

Look at welfare and the people who are abusing it. How many of those people are on it simply because they can be as opposed to those who legitimately need it? How many of them are simply free-loading assholes who are two lazy to work like you and I? My father used to deliver mail; he told me one of the most insulting stories I've ever heard in my life. He was delivering mail in one of the poorer parts of town and a young black boy came to collect this mail for his house. Upon seeing the welfare check, he said "One day I'll be gettin' my check in the mail too".

I know African American people who work two jobs while some of them claim that they can't get one? Give me a break.

The African American problems can be attributed to two things; lack of education and bad parenting. Neither of those are caused by whites. A lack of parenting leads to a lack of self-respect and personal drive, which leads to having no ambition. This lack of ambition leads to flunking out of school, getting young women pregnant, and doing drugs. These young men become parents, abandon the mothers of their children, and the cycle starts all over again.
Sly said:
Yes, and when another country tries to do the same. Guess who likes to jump in with guns blazing and act like a hero.
America isn't what it used to be.
ScretHate said:
Not everyone wants to be indoctrinated into a self-hating, guilt-ridden White. We conquered a weaker people and created a great nation where there was first nothing. That is an accomplishment.

and by conquer you mean kill people off with desease right? cause that's what did in the natives in the new world.. it wasn't guns and armor as they have you believe in school...
you know what we need in America?? an all out race war.. i'm talking whites, blacks, latinos, asians, native americans... all out baby.. lol..
As an Nigerian-American

i can honestly say their are few positive black characters in video games i.e. the vances in HL2 but to say a positive black LEADING protagonist... i havent seen yet..

but i didnt really care about CJ in GTA SA in any GTA crime knows no race

but ignorant games like 25 to life that are made by non-black Designers who have no idea how living in the ghetto really is, is just bogus... (Note: GTA:SA had DJ Pooh as a writer who had a realistic view of los angeles at the time of 93 b/c he lived their and probably experienced or knew people in similiar situations as the character CJ) as a black person aspiring to be a Game Designer None of my ideas have touched to a specfic race. It is just a game but remember any game can touch sensitive subjects and be really crude... like Fugitive Hunter...
I didn't read the entire article, and I didn't need to. The "AP" in conjunction with CNN have their collective heads up one big ass on this story. Get a life.
The only people who care about skin color are the idiots who write articles like this.
AMDGeek said:
but ignorant games like 25 to life that are made by non-black Designers who have no idea how living in the ghetto really is, is just bogus... (Note: GTA:SA had DJ Pooh as a writer who had a realistic view of los angeles at the time of 93 b/c he lived their and probably experienced or knew people in similiar situations as the character CJ) as a black person aspiring to be a Game Designer None of my ideas have touched to a specfic race. It is just a game but remember any game can touch sensitive subjects and be really crude... like Fugitive Hunter...
Yeah, the reason Halo was so good was because it was written by a real Spartan soldier not some suburban white guy.
What's another word for "uneducated, cocky black man" that everyone will know?

And yes, it is way off topic now. A lock should be in order soon!
iZero said:
Yeah, the reason Halo was so good was because it was written by a real Spartan soldier not some suburban white guy.

anyone can write a game about a super soldier who kills bad guys in the future... i'm just saying that GTA:SA had someone who actually live in a perspective that Dan Houser did not have. i never had an perspective of a italian mob family so if i wanted to write a game about it would i look for someone who has actually lived that life?

PS: Luxor if you were called the C-word i apologize but you could set an example by not calling anyone the N-word. if you set that example and if everyone did maybe we could have no problems. Do the right thing.
Luxor said:
What's another word for "uneducated, cocky black man" that everyone will know?
It's a blanket term offensive to anyone with half a brain, not the petty glove slap you make it out to be.
Luxor said:
What's another word for "uneducated, cocky black man" that everyone will know?

And yes, it is way off topic now. A lock should be in order soon!

that's called a dipshit... just like an uneducated, cocky white man is a dipshit.. and just like a uneducated cocky hispanic man is a dipshit...

you shouldn't single out someones race when they are a dumbass.. race doesn't have much to do with stupidity..
AMDGeek said:
anyone can write a game about a super soldier who kills bad guys in the future... i'm just saying that GTA:SA had someone who actually live in a perspective that Dan Houser did not have. i never had an perspective of a italian mob family so if i wanted to write a game about it would i look for someone who has actually lived that life?

PS: Luxor if you were called the C-word i apologize but you could set an example by not calling anyone the N-word. if you set that example and if everyone did maybe we could have no problems. Do the right thing.

That's never gonna happen... think realistically instead of fairytale land.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
that's called a dipshit... just like an uneducated, cocky white man is a dipshit.. and just like a uneducated cocky hispanic man is a dipshit...

you shouldn't single out someones race when they are a dumbass.. race doesn't have much to do with stupidity..

Dipshit?! So 80s :rolleyes: :p
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