Mom pwns son in WoW forums

I saw that.

What is funny is that there is already people trying to cash in on it, by selling T-shirts.
Concillian said:
Transcript is in yesterdays link to the "mom" owns son thread:

I put mom in quotes, because I don't think there is a way to really verify that the response is actually from his mother. It's still funny though.

Thanks for the link, that's amusing. It's GREAT that the mother is actively involved in her son's gaming! More parents need to follow this example.
my parents are so clueless about computers, i could NEVER see them gaming
My mom has always played games, but always different ones from what I was interested in. When we had an Atari 2600 and later an Apple II it was Video Pinball. With the PC she moved to Tetris and got my dad involved. Then Welltris came out and they are still playing the same copy of the game they bought when they had a 486. A $30 purchase and like 10 years of entertainment. That's really stretching your dollar =) They compete with each other for high scores and now to beat the high score you have to play at the fastest speed for like 4-5 hours to get enough points to make high score.
My dad doesn't even know how to turn on/off a computer let alone play a game.

Growing up in in poor souther italy might do that.
ryanrule said:
my parents are so clueless about computers, i could NEVER see them gaming
My mom didn't know what a desktop or a file were. :\
Wow. As of 10:37 PST the thread's at 1,024 posts and 780,289 views. Currently its getting another 6 views every second :eek:. No one's posted since yesterday though, so that's proof that most of those views are coming from people who have barely even heard of WoW. Wow.
Alterac Valley for Tuesday 08-16-05 | 8/16/2005 1:45:01 AM PDT

Brion (aka Wu): As a reminder to the Alliance and Horde the DFP and fellow Horde will be hitting the Alterac Valley area around 6:00 PM server time. Hope to see some great battles and have a wonderful time.

Wu – of The Dreadforge Pact

Faydra: Re: Alterac Valley for Tuesday 08-16-05 | 8/16/2005 8:44:27 AM PDT

Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


(Hilarity ensues :D

edit: Other hilarius posts):

Nihongrra: 816. Re: Alterac Valley for Tuesday 08-16-05 | 8/18/2005 10:57:13 AM PDT

Faydra, you've changed my life. ^_^ This one's for you!!

(to the tune of "Rocket Man" by Elton John)

I checked the boards last night, pre-raid
It was around… 3am
And I thought my mom… was in bed by then

Now all I wanted was an AV fight
But momma found my post
And I wont be on… tonight

And I think it’s gonna be a long long time
Before she ever lets me back online
She said Im grounded, I can’t play no more
I was owned by Mom…
Owned by Mom… burned by her in front of the whole world

Now im listed on everyone’s blogs
Get laughed at every single time I log
Movie night, sanity’s under attack
Now im begging Mom
Mom please don’t… make me watch ‘How Stella Got Her Groove Back’

The boards ain’t the kind of place to stalk your kids
In fact it's cruel as hell
And there's no reason to flame them if you did

And all my friends said “Ha! Boy you just got served!”
“Just like you were a 5 course meal.”
“You got Faydrowned!”

And I think it’s gonna be a long long time
Before she ever lets me back online
She said Im grounded, I can’t play no more
I was owned by Mom…
Owned by Mom… burned by her in front of the whole world

Now im listed on everyone’s blogs
Get laughed at every single time I log
Movie night, sanity’s under attack
Now im begging Mom
Mom please don’t… make me watch ‘How Stella Got Her Groove Back’

And I think it’s gonna be a long long time…
I think it’s gonna be a long long time…

Faydra: 819. Re: Alterac Valley for Tuesday 08-16-05 | 8/18/2005 11:24:34 AM PDT
Q u o t e:
Hey Brion is your mom a milf?​
What you need to ask yourself is if you might even possibly have a ghost of a chance?

The answer is NO.

(Definately one of the funniest threads I have read in a loooong time :D)
Maximus825 said:
Thanks for the link, that's amusing. It's GREAT that the mother is actively involved in her son's gaming! More parents need to follow this example.

She was more involved in her own gaming (she is level 59) and happened to notice her son was posting at a time he should have been asleep....but i agree, more parent involvement...
She sounds like a cool mom. My mom's a smart lady, but couldn't even get the hang of Duck Hunt. Definitely technologically disinclined. My dad used to blame my brothers and I for when he would screw up in Mario Brothers.
Maximus825 said:
Thanks for the link, that's amusing. It's GREAT that the mother is actively involved in her son's gaming! More parents need to follow this example.

That's exactly what i'm thinking. It's also awesome that there are actually moms out there that do love playing some of our favorite games!
junehhan said:
That's exactly what i'm thinking. It's also awesome that there are actually moms out there that do love playing some of our favorite games!

I've heard of entire families playing as a single guild (Uncles and cousins included). Also brought up some interesting situations.

Son: MOM! He took my +5UberFlameSword!

Mom: Christopher i thought i taught you better than that. You're grounded for a week. George, who was the elf you were to talking to last night?

Dad: Err... umm... nobody...
Lucky my parents werent with me when i played my online games

they would drive me nuts

"where did my +20 str armor go?"

every freaking minute i would hear that dude
haha. yeah my Dad and I play flight sims and stuff, but that's pretty much it. He's not much for FPS or MMO's.

I would be really pissed if one of my parents did that to me. I mean, it's cool that she's involved, but she could have just grounded him. Either that, or embarassed him and nixed the grounding. I think one or the other is enough. Poor kid.


The only time my parents got involved in my gaming was when I had Top Gear for the SNES, and some shooting game at an arcade.