XBOX 360 - 2 versions? Poll - is this a bad decision?

2 Versions of Xbox 360 - Good Decision or Bad?

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[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
I thought it was a good move when the rumor was there was only going to be one console and not two versions...alas...I guess we are stuck with two versions which would mean the games must be simplier to accomidate the lack of harddrive on the cheaper version.
Its a good move. All those cheap bastards who cry about the price of new consoles can afford the core system and still take advantage of the amazing hardware in the XBOX 360.
it's even better marketing.

By doing this, MS actually gets to say they have a lower pricepoint, and at the same time it almost forces you into buying the $399.00 bundle because buying everything separate would be more expensive.

The thing is that they make more money this way and keep everyone happy.

except that developers will have to work around no HDD which might turn out to be an issue, who knows. The way they have the strategy setup, it seems the majority are opting for the $399.00 bundle anyway, just what they want.

PS: I'm getting the $399.00 bundle anyway, so I really don't care either way.
This quote has been removed - by Maz - Just to prevent more MASSIVE QUOTING GOODNESS - I will retract this comment -

on a side note: I totaly thread jacked with my bad comments - w00t! :D
Mazgazine1 said:
Wrong, its a bad move, MOST GAMES WIILL REQUIRE THE HDD, or atleast a hefty memory card!!! ($40-$60) -

Whats the point of paying for the $100 less version when you HAVE TO BUY EVERY FRIGGIN PART ANYWAYS!!!!??!?!?!? :mad:

Most games will not REQUIRE the hdd.
is the hard drive version backwards compatible with all xbox titles? i know the core version won't be.
Archaea said:
is the hard drive version backwards compatible with all xbox titles? i know the core version won't be.

Yes the HD contains the code for 100% of XBOX games to be compatible. Which is contrary to what was reported only a few months ago, that only major titles would be supported.

mazgazine1 said:
Wrong, its a bad move, MOST GAMES WIILL REQUIRE THE HDD, or atleast a hefty memory card!!! ($40-$60)

Umm where did you get this information from ? The developers were told very early on, to not expect the HD to be in there.
Genocidal[v2] said:
Most games will not REQUIRE the hdd.

Well I hope so! I know atleast the few 'backwards compatible' games (I think halo 2 was the only or something) - wont run on the basic system..

Besides, you'll need to by atleast a controller, the Xbox live sub scription and a memory card anyways.

Why not get the HDD and headset and remote controller for an extra $100 bucks? and save on memory cards?
This decision has gotten Xbox !!!!!!s in a real bad mood. I'd say it was a pretty bad move. Not because game would be 10x better with it but because Mr. Allard led everyone to believe that every Xbox would have a 20 gig hard drive. I am pretty sure he even said it at E3 which makes him a downright liar.
Mazgazine1 said:
Wrong, its a bad move, MOST GAMES WIILL REQUIRE THE HDD, or atleast a hefty memory card!!! ($40-$60) -
Only MMORPGs will need the hard drive. XBL and backwards compatibility will need the hard drive. MS made it so the hard drive would be useless unless the developer wants to spend an extra few months making a second path to take advantage of the hard drive.
loading a game off the hard drive is faster than a DVD. When you are talking about loading times everytime you play a game...There is no question there...In my mind that alone makes the harddrive worthwhile....and developers should no doubt take advantage of's going to be a huge hit on x360 titles if they take forever to load on every scene/race...

Think Burnout 3's crash mode...even with the hard drive on the original xbox it sucked...15 seconds of loading for 15 seconds of gameplay...then repeat.
Draax said:
Yes the HD contains the code for 100% of XBOX games to be compatible. Which is contrary to what was reported only a few months ago, that only major titles would be supported.

this is incorrect. only the big first party games will have support initially. They may code additional support as downloads through xbox live later, but it won't have 100% of xbox game compatability. Please link a source.

[edit for spelling newbieness]
i think its a good idea. who can complain about more choices? only competing !!!!!!s quick to point out every "negative" aspect might. I will be gettin the 400 dollar version as i wanna chip the sucker as soon as it comes out. now i have to get updated to the goings-ons @ xbox-scene and see if they got a chance to play around with the new xboxes.
CHIP IT? Xbox didn't need it, hopefully xbox360 wont.

I have a nicely hacked xbox that plays everything, I didn't even need to open the hood (until I wanted an 80gb harddrive).
some of us like to do hardware hacks :) I enjoyed the whole process of soldering, dropping in the bigger hard drive, etc...not to mention, the 'old days' of modding, there weren't softmods like today. And chances are the 360 will be very difficult to mod initially, and the first mods will be hardware based.
why mod your xbox 360 right off the cuff? better to buy a HTPC and use that because you can set it up exactly how you like it. You'll risk being banned by xbox live on a 400 dollar machine mostly intended for that purpose? Doesn't sound very smart.
That would be a bad idea and would create a hirearchy amongst Xbox three six owners...

i mean would you wanna walk around with a b!tch version of the xbox while your friends have the deluxe..? stilll it wouldn't matter but i would poke fun of my friends about that
JasperW said:
this is incorrect. only the big first party games will have support initially. They may code additional support as downloads through xbox live later, but it won't have 100% of xbox game compatability. Please link a source.

[edit for spelling newbieness]

No you are infact incorrect. The article which states 100% are going to compatible is in one of the various other threads on the XBOX360, do your own research. Notice how I said originally only first party games would be supported but its recently been noted that all games will be supported.
I don't like the move; I was really hoping that every console would have an hdd, that way every game could take advantage of it without worrying if they'll leave some players behind. If there were two versions and BOTH had hard drives, then I wouldn't mind it so much.
somebody said there should be a small - upgradable hard drive on the core version and a large actually usable hard drive on the other unit...that way developers could still program for the hard-drive, yet microsoft could still get their money in the upgrade.
Archaea said:
why mod your xbox 360 right off the cuff? better to buy a HTPC and use that because you can set it up exactly how you like it. You'll risk being banned by xbox live on a 400 dollar machine mostly intended for that purpose? Doesn't sound very smart.
of course , when you put it that way.... it doesn't. but i think all the people who mod or get their's modded put it a different way.
I think it'll be fine.

I really think a HDD in the core system would've been a better idea though, even if they had to rework it as a 3.5" HDD.
Draax said:
No you are infact incorrect. The article which states 100% are going to compatible is in one of the various other threads on the XBOX360, do your own research. Notice how I said originally only first party games would be supported but its recently been noted that all games will be supported.
Just like the PS2 isn't 100% backwards compatible with the PS1, even though it has the actual PS1 hardware onboard? Like MSFT would care about less popular XBox titles working on the X360. Making a perfect emulator isn't that easy.

Back on topic, the HDD is required for XBox Live from what I've heard, so this 'Core' version is only going to be for those who play a limited number of games and never play online. Also, if they wish to actually save their game status, they'd have to buy the memory card, which would raise the price by around $25 or so. Upgrading their Core system to the 'Full' version is going to be much more expensive than just buying the latter system to begin with.

I can understand why people question MSFT's sanity at this point.
Elledan said:
Just like the PS2 isn't 100% backwards compatible with the PS1, even though it has the actual PS1 hardware onboard? Like MSFT would care about less popular XBox titles working on the X360. Making a perfect emulator isn't that easy.

Back on topic, the HDD is required for XBox Live from what I've heard, so this 'Core' version is only going to be for those who play a limited number of games and never play online. Also, if they wish to actually save their game status, they'd have to buy the memory card, which would raise the price by around $25 or so. Upgrading their Core system to the 'Full' version is going to be much more expensive than just buying the latter system to begin with.

I can understand why people question MSFT's sanity at this point.

The HDD isn't required for XBL. A memory card will suffice.

Sly said:

Gotta call bullshit on that article. Hell, they even say that the $300 system doesn't come with a controller.

Do you consider a vehicle that doesn't come with all the upgrades fully functional?

You don't need a wireless router. You don't need an extra controller. You don't need XBL Gold. You don't need the charger kits.

Criticizing a company for not providing every upgrade as a standard is fucking ridiculous.
The guys at Penny Arcade don't seem too excited:
I think the Xbox 360 is at least as cool as the 3D0 was. I also think that four hundred dollars is too Goddamn much - in any event, it's widely considered too much by those who will buy it anyway - but the three hundred dollar model isn't worth it at all. If you're ever planning to get

# a wireless controller,
# a remote control,
# a hard drive,
# hook the machine up High-Def,
# or play on Live

and you try to piece that stuff into (what they call) the Core System, the numbers don't work. I mean, look at those prices. At the very least, you're going to need their forty dollar memory card. The lower cost "sku" isn't for the "Wal-Mart" consumer, it's for fucking retards.
At $299 for eveything I was planning to buy it right away. Now that it's $399 I see I'm in for a nickel and diming journey with Microsoft. That might delay or change my choice between the next two major consoles. At this new price it's only going to be a short hop up to the PS3. With the PS3 I won't have to shell out a fee to use Live (which I can only assume MS will jack up once it starts being bundled with the system). Microsoft's new licencing fee on peripherals means I'll likely be paying $20 every four months when my cheezy wireless Live headset breaks. :rolleyes:
Dam it, I have a 60GB hard drive and I can't stick it in there. I do not even need half the stuff listed, only a couple controllers and the remote. I can wait. Well your getting screwed anyway because MS plans to replace DVD Drive with the HD-DVD.
Good idea.
There are lots of drunken Halo playing Frat boys out there that don't own a HDTV
and have no clue what a hard drive is.
I think the real problem here is people nered to take there head out of there ass.


The core system is not the normal version. The normal retail version is the 399$ one. The 299$ system is a striped down version that allows people who cannot afford 399$ all at once to pick and chose the hardware they want. And pick up more hardware over a period of time making the cost much easier to swallow. The 399$ is not a premium package .... just look at the packaging or advertising. The 399$ systems is the normal retail package.

So stop crying that the core system does not have everything you want. Thats the way its meant to be. The real system cost is 399$ if you work at McDonalds and cant afford the real system either ask your manager for a raise, or buy the core system and buy the accesories over time, not all at once.

The fact that penny arcade cant even grasp this very simple concept, just goes to show the IQ of the people they have working over there.

I mean essentially what everyone here is doing is complaining that the normal retail version saves you money as a package, because you are getting optional accesories all at once. Perhaps Microsoft should have created the advertisements in crayon to appeal to the masses who apparently have very low intelligence.
Draax said:
I think the real problem here is people nered to take there head out of there ass.


The core system is not the normal version. The normal retail version is the 399$ one. The 299$ system is a striped down version that allows people who cannot afford 399$ all at once to pick and chose the hardware they want. And pick up more hardware over a period of time making the cost much easier to swallow. The 399$ is not a premium package .... just look at the packaging or advertising. The 399$ systems is the normal retail package.

So stop crying that the core system does not have everything you want. Thats the way its meant to be. The real system cost is 399$ if you work at McDonalds and cant afford the real system either ask your manager for a raise, or buy the core system and buy the accesories over time, not all at once.

The fact that penny arcade cant even grasp this very simple concept, just goes to show the IQ of the people they have working over there.

I mean essentially what everyone here is doing is complaining that the normal retail version saves you money as a package, because you are getting optional accesories all at once. Perhaps Microsoft should have created the advertisements in crayon to appeal to the masses who apparently have very low intelligence.

i agree with the penny arcade thing on the point that people say computers are teh model for consoles... i don't want to have to upgrade a god damned console after i but i.. that's just fucking gay... if consoles get to that point.. i see myself not playign many games..
The point is that you don't have to upgrade to play X360 games (Possible exception being FFXI). The base model should play 99.9% of the X360 games coming out with no problems.

There have always been options with consoles. The Dreamcast had a broadband adapter, keyboard, mouse, and many other non-essential items. The N64 had an expansion cart (Not to mention the 64DD in Japan). The Playstation 2 had the network adapter, multi-tap, and many other non-essentials. The Gamecube had the network adapter, wireless controllers, memory cards, and other things of that nature. With the Xbox, Microsoft ingegrated a lot of unnecessary hardware into the system and it cost them a lot of cash that didn't have to be spent (The majority of Xbox owners will never use their ethernet port, for example). Instead of wasting money they're giving us options.
Draax said:
No you are infact incorrect. The article which states 100% are going to compatible is in one of the various other threads on the XBOX360, do your own research. Notice how I said originally only first party games would be supported but its recently been noted that all games will be supported.

Uhm, actually he's right. Every single relased article says that the XBOX360 will be backwards-compatible with leading XBOX titles. Not all of them. Sorry.
WickedAngel said:
The point is that you don't have to upgrade to play X360 games (Possible exception being FFXI). The base model should play 99.9% of the X360 games coming out with no problems.

There have always been options with consoles. The Dreamcast had a broadband adapter, keyboard, mouse, and many other non-essential items. The N64 had an expansion cart (Not to mention the 64DD in Japan). The Playstation 2 had the network adapter, multi-tap, and many other non-essentials. The Gamecube had the network adapter, wireless controllers, memory cards, and other things of that nature. With the Xbox, Microsoft ingegrated a lot of unnecessary hardware into the system and it cost them a lot of cash that didn't have to be spent (The majority of Xbox owners will never use their ethernet port, for example). Instead of wasting money they're giving us options.
Which is fine and all, but as the PA quote pointed out, unless you never plan on buying any additional X360 accessoires (aside from the required $40 memory card) for the core version, it simply doesn't make sense to buy it, as it'll cost you a lot more money.

If the core system plus the accessoires missing compared to the 'full' version would end up around the 400 dollar mark nobody would be complaining, but right now this isn't the case, so complaining ensues ;)
Bad decision.

Developers want to make everyone able to play their games, and now, they won't add cool ways to support the hard drive, since not everyone has one.
For some reason, I think the might of Microsoft's legal team will crush any mod chip sellers. But we'll see ;)