In your own word, what is a Hard Core Gamer???

A hardcore gamer is someone who plays games a lot and becomes skilled with them. He's just like an enthusiast with anything else, such as a "gearhead". He has extensive knowledge of his computer and games and has tweaked them, just like a gearhead would do to his car. Gaming would be considered his "hobby" or "passion", and if you asked him what he liked to do, he would answer "play games". He enjoys playing games, he is competitive, he enjoys the edge provided by the newest hardware, but it's not required.

I guess you could say someone who devotes his free time and some time he should spend on other things to games.
Hate_Bot said:
Someone who thinks they are better then other gamers because they don't play consoles.

As much as i tend to dislike Hate_Bot's post, I've got to say he's right on. 100% right on. My roommates a "hardcore" gamer. He talk shit about consoles all the time hasn't had a job in 7 months, games all the time (he's 23). He's a hardcore gamer.

Hardcore gamer (like my roommate) = little bitches.

someone who stays dangerously close to the line of getting fired or kick out of school just to spent MORE time to play his or her games.
i guess im a moderate gamer.

i pretty much play when i have nothing else to do in that time, and i dont get mad when i lose :)
You don't have to play games all the time to be hardcore. That would be obsessive (Hello WoW power-levelers).

A hardcore gamer plays across all platforms and knows the in's and out's of the industry and its happenings (What has been, what is, and what will be coming down the road).
I just don't get wow. Its not fun to me. Doing the same things over and over again. But whatever floats ur boat.
Trepidati0n said:
Two worlds: Skill and hardware

-- A skill based hardcore gamer will do everything in his power to remove hardware issues that may degrade his "physical performance" (i.e. if he fails, he only wants to be able to blame is shitty skills, not the hardware).

-- A hardware based hardcore gamer will spend absolutely as much money as possible to be able to turn on all the eye candy and enjoy maximum visual potential of the game (7800GTX in SLI @ X2 4800 come to mind).

Both are valid....


i like these ones
Hardcore gamer has nothing to do with the equipment or how skilled you are.

I would say a person that plays 10 games but don´t excel in any is more hardcore then a gamer that only plays CS for example.

A hardcore gamer is not an addict either. It´s just one who has tons of passions for games. Like some people listen to lot of music all the time they are hardcore music lovers. No matter what music they listen to.

Being a hardcore game may have some to do with how much time you spend on it of course. More then 6 hours a game is silly I would say someone that perhaps average 1-2 hours a day easily can qualify as a hardcore gamer if you play games from different genres. If you only run racing simulations or other you are another type of gamer. Namely a genre gamer. Then if you are really interested in racing and have raced for real you can run racing simulations for hours without being a hardcore gamer.
I see your points and completely disagree. :)
What you're describing is somebody wno knows and loves games, but not what I feel a "hardcore gamer" is about.
You're describing "interest" where I think "obsession". :D

(And yes, this means that I have a somewhat negative view of "hardcore gamers", unlike the lind of people you describe.)
HHunt said:
I see your points and completely disagree. :)
What you're describing is somebody wno knows and loves games, but not what I feel a "hardcore gamer" is about.
You're describing "interest" where I think "obsession". :D

(And yes, this means that I have a somewhat negative view of "hardcore gamers", unlike the lind of people you describe.)

Im still one :(
J-M-E said:
Im still one :(

Hardcore gamer?
Don't worry. I've been one myself, and I'm perfectly NO GAMING MAKES ANGRY BOY ARGHKILLKILL fine.
HHunt said:
Hardcore gamer?
Don't worry. I've been one myself, and I'm perfectly NO GAMING MAKES ANGRY BOY ARGHKILLKILL fine.

Asian Dub Foundation said:
someone who stays dangerously close to the line of getting fired or kick out of school just to spent MORE time to play his or her games.

No, that's just a dumb ass.
pigwalk said:
As much as i tend to dislike Hate_Bot's post, I've got to say he's right on. 100% right on. My roommates a "hardcore" gamer. He talk shit about consoles all the time hasn't had a job in 7 months, games all the time (he's 23). He's a hardcore gamer.

Hardcore gamer (like my roommate) = little bitches.


Please man, the only real competitive games on Console are arcade style fighting games and sports games.

The real competitive edge is in First person shooters, which PC's will win hands down every time.

More hardcore gamers prefer pc's because there's just better competition there.
Torgo's Axiom #20: Any game who calls himself "hardcore" is in reality not, using the term as an expression of an oversized ego. By definition, a hardcore gamer is a person who knows the essence of design, the nuance of control, a mastery of the history, and understanding of the texture of the culture and the subtleties of the industry. To be hardcore is to have the mantle placed upon you; not to be labeled by one's self.

I can expound upon this further. Someone who desires to be hardcore needs to embrace electronic gaming in all of it's forms. That includes consoles, PCs and handhelds. That person needs to have an understanding of the impact gaming has on culture, the economy and employment. A good grasp of how games are developed and published helps, but in my mind an understanding of how games are designed and the thought processes that goes into design is essential.

I've seen some people's definitions of "hardcore" and see many flaws with them. Many are quick to point to a Thresh or Fatal1ty as hardcore. However, how can you not label Wil Wright, Shigeru Miyamoto, Chris Crawford or Peter Molyneux as hardcore? They don't fit the label that many in this thread claim as the definition, but these folks are more hardcore than either Thresh ro Fatal1ty.
Torgo said:
Torgo's Axiom #20: Any game who calls himself "hardcore" is in reality not, using the term as an expression of an oversized ego. By definition, a hardcore gamer is a person who knows the essence of design, the nuance of control, a mastery of the history, and understanding of the texture of the culture and the subtleties of the industry. To be hardcore is to have the mantle placed upon you; not to be labeled by one's self.

I can expound upon this further. Someone who desires to be hardcore needs to embrace electronic gaming in all of it's forms. That includes consoles, PCs and handhelds. That person needs to have an understanding of the impact gaming has on culture, the economy and employment. A good grasp of how games are developed and published helps, but in my mind an understanding of how games are designed and the thought processes that goes into design is essential.

I've seen some people's definitions of "hardcore" and see many flaws with them. Many are quick to point to a Thresh or Fatal1ty as hardcore. However, how can you not label Wil Wright, Shigeru Miyamoto, Chris Crawford or Peter Molyneux as hardcore? They don't fit the label that many in this thread claim as the definition, but these folks are more hardcore than either Thresh ro Fatal1ty.

Torgo Hardcore gamer isn´t it those people who play games not those people that develope games? Aren´t they hardcore game developers rather then hardcore gamers ;).

I would think only scientists with a doctors degree or something would qualify as hardcore gamers in that view. Does Shigeru Miyamoto, Chris Crawford and these guys have a doctors degree in gaming knowledge :)
oqvist said:
Torgo Hardcore gamer isn´t it those people who play games not those people that develope games? Aren´t they hardcore game developers rather then hardcore gamers ;).
Funny you should bring that up. The most hardcore gamer I think I've ever known was Sandy Peterson. If the name doesn't ring a bell, it should. He designed many of the levels on Quake, Age of Empires and co-authored the pen & paper RPG "Call of Cthulu". Man, I loved working with him every day. He would bring in a new game every week to show us. Mind you, this was a new board game or card game. Most of them were German, but he could disect game strategy in an instant. I quickly learned through him that most of the innovations in the gaming industry was actually being done in board games in Germany.

I would think only scientists with a doctors degree or something would qualify as hardcore gamers in that view. Does Shigeru Miyamoto, Chris Crawford and these guys have a doctors degree in gaming knowledge :)
Those guys friggin' invented degrees to have. I can only aspire to be the Ken Jennings of Video Game Trivia, but I'm happy with that.
A hardcore gamer is one of those guys who die at LAN parties. Speechless....
As much as i tend to dislike Hate_Bot's post, I've got to say he's right on. 100% right on. My roommates a "hardcore" gamer. He talk shit about consoles all the time hasn't had a job in 7 months, games all the time (he's 23). He's a hardcore gamer.
you know, i have always wondered how this is possible. unless he stays at his parents at 23, how does he survive? how do you feed yourself/pay rent?

hardcore gamer is someone competitive. its more to win than to have fun... and you do whatever it takes to become better. i was "hardcore" for a while - but there are not enough games out there that i can actually play like that. i spend an average of 20 hours on a new game... after that time, i usually quit whether i have beat it or not. i get bored so easily... i think i complete maybe 1 in 8 games i buy.

being hardcore can be fun though. when i was really into it and on a ladder devising new strats and trying to get better... trying to work your way to the top and then finally making it. this probably sounds pretty geeky but that is some of the best fun i have ever had. if only i could find another game i could play like that... sigh.
well first of all, a hardcore gamer is NOT necessarily living an unhealthy or unbalanced lifestyle. thats pop-culture, controlling you, making you believe there is a right way to live. what balance? does ones life have more meaning if he takes up rock climbing and scuba diving as well?

also, perhaps one should not have too much pleasure in life, so to balance it out one should inflict pain on themselves. because shit, otherwise they have an unbalanced life and are not living healthy lives. everything in moderation! haven't sliced up your penis with razors and massaged it with lemon juice? thats not being healthy, you! get on that!

anyway, a hardcore gamer or gaming enthusiast would most likely play recent games, and be looking forward to upcoming games. not necessarily playing a large amount of hours, but when he/she does play, its more involved, intricacies are learned etc. he/she appreciates the fine details that make a game, and not skip dialogue and other things.

hAppy said:
A hardcore gamer is one of those guys who die at LAN parties. Speechless....
I bet his last words were "I told you I was hardcore..."
To me, a hardcore gamer is someone who:
1.) you always see on one server (or multiple) every time you decide to play.
2.) does everything in his power to ban the guy that called him a hack
3.) doesn't have a tan :D
4.) can't carry on a normal conversation because he only thinks about that certain game
pretty much those dudes that was on mtv.. and anyone who plays as much as fatal1ty but doesn't get paid for it :D
man that video is funny. BOOM HEADSHOT.

I used to be hardcore... Cuse they had good games like ut99. No games out right now are worth spending 8 hours a day on.
Hardcore gamer: Someone who doesn't sleep at Quakecon, from early setup to the finish. Yes, I wish I could' be there right now, but I have no job so I'm poor :(
my wife is a hardcore gamer:
Will play for hours on end even if it means staying up and playing all night and not sleeping before work and then coming home to "nap" and waking up and playing again.

Doesnt matter where the system is, example:
I moved my xbox into the office to do some work on it and she asks me if she can play it, that was at 6pm or so, i only have one chair in my office and i needed to get some work done around midnight or so. so for the last id say hour or more she has been standing playing the damn xbox right behind and doesnt have a clue to what is goin on around her. she only stopped for about an hour at like 8.

Every timne she plays i ask her hey why dont you stop and we'll watch soem TV or a movie?
Response i get "sure in a munite"
I gues a gamers "minute" is 2 FRIGGIN HOURS!

This isnt a once in a while thing, its alomst daily depend on what game shes playing. She does stop playing for a few days but it dont last long.

I love my gmaer wife :D

...........why do i feel like the bitch of the relationship?
Asking that question in this forum makes me immediately think of this.

Rule 1: A hardcore gamer excludes PC !!!!!!s.

If you refuse to play games on consoles, then you are not a hard core gamer.
IMO, anyone that considers themselves "hardcore" usually will game no matter what, no matter what console, and figure out all the ins, outs, nooks and crannys to most any game he/she plays.

I don't consider myself "hardcore". I do play on PC and consoles mainly, I barely consider handhelds nowadays. I'm also into game development, so the gaming I do is more of a "research" thing, and I feel I should play the game from as many angles as I possibly can. Who is to say you truly mastered a game until you play it from all possible angles, taking in every scenario that is thrown at you?
I'm the Dude said:
I'd say the definition of the hardcore gamer is...... BOOM! HEADSHOT! Yeah, that guy.

Is this some kind of marketing survey, btw? :p


I think the hardcore gamer is someone who gives up all aspects of being a normal social human being in order to play games 24/7. No offense I play games and play them often, but there is a time a place for games and a time and place for being social.
Sitting up 3 days straight at Dreamhack here in sweden (worlds biggest lan) to game and be geeky twice a year.

I'm not a hardcore gamer.
I [H]ard|Core gamer to is someone who plays games all the time trys to get good at them gets good at them, stats up all night and day at home or at LAN events, plays for money or prizes, and keeps playing them non-stop..LIKE ME! :p
a hardcore gamer is someone who laughs at a noob who watches G4 and thinks they are hardcore too.

someone who can compensate their skills to comply with lag

someone who takes aimbot as a compliment
AMDGeek said:

someone who takes aimbot as a compliment

Im always gettin people sayin i cheat and use aimbots in Q3A, i laugh and say i guess i should be happy im so good you think i cheat.

They just say Fuck you cheater and leave

Its gettin harder to find people that will stay and play :(