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  1. G

    4870XT Stopped Working?

    Turns out it was the video card... Grabbed a new one, and everything seems to be fine now, thanks everyone for your consideration
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    4870XT Stopped Working?

    Unfortunately I haven't got another card handy to test, but I'm suspecting I'll need to pick one up to test... I can't imagine it being something else since I get no beep codes on POST. Now i can't actually see the POST, so I'm assuming its posting, but I suppose it could be a bigger issue...
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    4870XT Stopped Working?

    Hi Everyone, I think I've got a problem with my video card, a Radeon 4870XT that I've had for about 8 months or so. I was on my computer last night, and it just all of a sudden turned off, almost like a power outage (with the exception that I did not lose power). So I turned my computer...
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    LG DVD Drive Disappeared from Vista

    My problem with vista is that my system is a little dated (built about 3 years ago), so i have difficulty finding some drivers (LG Drive as an obvious example)... I generally don't have a problem with Vista, there are just some things I find annoying, although I agree that it is superior to XP...
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    LG DVD Drive Disappeared from Vista

    Well, i just thought i'd screw around with some system restore points (which oddly enough I still had enabled, since i usually disable it as a resource hog), but it seems that an installation of AVG Antivirus caused my drive to stop functioning... going back to a system restore point directly...
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    LG DVD Drive Disappeared from Vista

    Hi All, I have an LG 4163B DVD-ROM/Writer which up until today was working just fine and no problems to report. I was just about to load up a game which requires the disc in the drive and i get a notification that the disc wasn't found. I thought this was odd, and sure enough in "My...
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    WRT54GL After a Power Outage

    Yes its certainly a weird situation... I just figured it was a problem for all users, and I was just indulging my curiousity in asking, but it seems I'm alone, haha.... I'm by no means a networking guru, so it could be a setting I have messed up or something, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to...
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    WRT54GL After a Power Outage

    Well its not so critical that I need a UPS, its just my home computer. I have the latest firmware on it, and I can save the settings, but occassionally importing them doesn't work. The router will come back on when the power turns on, it just isn't allowing anything connected to it to...
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    WRT54GL After a Power Outage

    Hi All, I've been noticing an annoying occurrence everytime the power flickers here with my router. It seems once the power comes back on and I boot up my computer I cannot connect to anything through the internet. I can still connect to the administration console through my browser, but...
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    CPU Chip Fan Speed Failure or Slow

    For two days I've been hearing a sort of whirring noise that would go for about a second and come back about 2 seconds later. Originally I thought this was the HDD on its last legs, but I rebooted my computer to find this error message greeting me: "CPU Chip Fan failed or slow." Or something...
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    Problem with 91.33

    i was also running azureus... but i don't think i should have to close other programs to play games... i would prefer nvidia just fix the drivers
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    Problem with 91.33

    yeah, mine is running perfect again under 84.21's... sigh, yet another release I'll have to pass on... (also, my card is also new, but I had problems with my old 6600 as well with some of the newer drivers....) glad they're fixing all the SLI stuff, its just too bad its at the expense of...
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    Problem with 91.33

    I think i may just go back to 84.21 never had any problems with them
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    Problem with 91.33

    Asus A8N-E AMD Athlon 64 3800+ X2 2 GIG RAM Corsair Value Select (4x512MB; DDR3200) GeForce 7600GT Windows XP Home SP2 anything else?
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    Problem with 91.33

    I should also add, on this black screen I still have the mouse cursor, as responsive as ever, but clicking things doesn't seem to work.
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    Problem with 91.33

    Not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but I can't seem to get any of the drivers to work after some of the earlier ones. The last 5 or 6 releases of drivers have all had problems for me, but this one seems kind of stupid: Everytime I leave a game i get stuck with complete blackness...
  17. G

    Computer Build Trouble... either MOBO or PSU

    Well, i got a new power supply, and put it in, and its doing the same thing. I wonder if the power button on the front of the case is faulty. Going to try another case and see if that makes it work.. it not, I would imagine there is something wrong with the motherboard.
  18. G

    Computer Build Trouble... either MOBO or PSU

    Well, i remounted everything and took out the extra standoff, still doing the exact same thing. I am going to order a new PSU, since that seems to be the consensus of whats wrong. Any recommended brands? I've heard Fortran is good.
  19. G

    Computer Build Trouble... either MOBO or PSU

    now that you mention it, i may have an extra standoff in there, gonna try that... thanks!
  20. G

    Computer Build Trouble... either MOBO or PSU

    I'm having trouble with a build, and can't seem to fix it. Thought I'd ask here if anyone had any insight. Just upgraded my computer, and giving my mom the old, only problem is, i can't get it to turn on. Everything is in properly, and connected correctly (as far as I can tell). When i...
  21. G

    Problem with 81.85 drivers...

    I seem to be having a problem with the new "official" drivers. Whenever I try to open ANY video in Windows Media Player, the video will start to open, but then the whole computer will restart. It happened directly after I installed the new drivers, and stopped happening when I switched back...
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    ForceWare 77.76

    Having the same problem with these as the 77.72's. Whenever I play a video (in any player), it freezes my computer. I think i've have enough of the 77.XX series. Back to 71.89 for me
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    Windows XP Professional Install Disk Problem

    Only one CD Drive, no floppy drive(s), and memtest came back clean. I'm going to forego the reinstall though, since I figured out what was wrong with my computer in the first place, haha turns out I switched off DCOM Service Process Launcher when I went through my Services to fight the...
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    Windows XP Professional Install Disk Problem

    I'm having a bit of a problem with my Windows XP disc (at least I think thats the problem), i'm hoping someone can shed some light on it: I'd like to reformat/reinstall windows, but everytime I pop the disc in and reboot, when trying to boot from cd-rom it gives me this error: "Cannot Boot...
  25. G

    Official ForceWare 77.72 WHQL Drivers

    These drivers didn't work for me either. Everytime I tried to open a video it would take my CPU to 100% and hang. Going back to 71.89
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    Project: Batman Begins (completed!!!)

    This looks just utterly incredible so far! Great job!
  27. G

    amd 64 cooling

    Yes it will.. you just use the gold nipples instead of the mounting brackets
  28. G

    Adding fans to a case

    I'm just curious how you can add more fans to a case with a regular power supply. My power supply only has four 4-pin power connectors and i use one for cd-rom, one for HDD and one for video card, how can I run more than one extra case fan with only one connection left? Thanks
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    Socket 939 cooler

    I've been extremely happy with my Zalman7000B AlCu cooler. its really quiet and keeps my system cool enough for my liking
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    Flashing BIOS

    WinFlash worked perfectly...
  31. G

    Flashing BIOS

    So if I put the bin file on a floppy, the bin file by itself is bootable?
  32. G

    GeForce 6600 (non GT) and 64-bit Driver Issues

    I just tried installing the newest 64-bit drivers, and when I restart, I get a blank screen after the Windows XP Professional 64-bit loading screen, right before user signon. Anyone have any insight?
  33. G

    Flashing BIOS

    I recently bought a chaintech S1689 board, and AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (recently as in yesterday). I've been getting what I consider high heats (64degrees celsius) and was recommended I upgrade my bios just to be sure its not reading incorrectly. I downloaded the latest update to my BIOS, but...
  34. G

    939 Boards and Cases

    I've been looking at getting a socket-939 chip and mobo, but the backs of the boards (i mean, the part that sticks out the back of the case, with all the plug-ins) don't look like they work with any conventional cases. I've been using to try and put a system together, but all the...