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  1. L

    Jalopnik Drives KITT

    all the KR is is a Shelby GT500 with a different hood and other slight cosmetic differences, an intake, and a (very) slightly modified tune, with a sticker price about 37k more than the GT500. why not just buy a shelby, put the 37k saved into the car, and put about 750 to 800 to the...
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    one time
  3. L

    Best deal on an AMD FX-55?

    best place to check for prices on just about any computer part is right now best price for the fx-55 is 849 shipped from best bargain pc, but i have had bad experience from this company, new egg comes in a very close second at 851 shipped
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    754 or 939

    well i have an asus a8n-sli deluxe with winnie 3000+ (rest is in sig) i have been able to push it up to about 2508 mhz prime stable. i have crappy ddr3200 ram and was able to push it up to ddr4000 at one point. i can get the proc up to about 2700 mhz windows bootable . asus isnt bad, the...
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    On the quest for a 34sec 1M SuperPI on air cooled S754.

    yeah, i have one bad stick. it sucks whats funny is i have cheap ram, (kByte special at Best buy) and i can push it way up. at one point i had it over 250mhz. just wait til i get some good ram. muhahahahaha...............
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    33 second 1M pi on air

    mine seems to run higher my problem is im runing crappy ram right now, (kbyte shit) i have 2 sticks, but i can only use one of them cause the other tests bad under memtest, even though both sticks work fine in my old system
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    33 second 1M pi on air

    yeah, but its definately not prime stable and damn is it cold in my room right now now all i gotta do is get some dual channel action going on hehehe
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    On the quest for a 34sec 1M SuperPI on air cooled S754.

    hehe, i already posted this elsewhere, but i guess it should go here too on air (pc hanging out the window at 3 am)
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    33 second 1M pi on air

    whats everyone think.................................... and yes its on air, computer was just hangin out the window lol
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    winchester overclock database

    ok, got a pretty decent oc now (thanks eclipse) 280 x 9 =2520 @ 1.52 v on stock air cooling rock steady at 51 C running prime again processor is cbbhd 0449mpm
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    winchester overclock database

    not sure how to enable ram divider. i have tried looking at all bios settings, didnt see anything referring to a ram divider. only thing close is where i can set the max mem speed. actually, i dont remember seeing anything to set bus speed in bios either. i got to this oc using the nTune...
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    winchester overclock database

    ADA3000DIK4BI CBBHD 0449MPM running on stock cooler running @ 238 x 9= 2142 according to cpuz going to prime it for 24 hours see what i got
  13. L

    ?'s about ati x700 vid card (oc'ing and such)

    just got an ati x700 vid card and put it in my system (see sig). started playing around with ati tool and was just wondering what other people have experienced with this particular card with overclocking. right now i have it at about 500mHz core and am working on the memory. any thoughts...
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    need some help

    no i didnt try different slots, as the a8n-sli, from what i understand, will only recognize a single stick of ram on the b1 slot only, as referenced from the users manual. i know its not "quality ram", but i just got it and i dont want to spend any more than i have to to get this thing...
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    need some help

    ok, tried sticks one at a time. stick two ran for 8 hours overnight with absolutely no errors. stick 2 ran for 00:02:00. that is 2 minutes exactly, with 2517 errors. (i didnt think it would really make a difference if i ran that one for 8 hours. but, like i said, on the old system, i ran...
  16. L

    need some help

    yes, i ran memtest on both sticks in the old system at the same time with absolutely no errors for just over 30 hours yesterday i just got a shiny new ultra x connect 500 watt powersupply, i havent tried one at a time, but maybe ill give it a try tonight b4 i go to bed
  17. L

    need some help

    not sure if this is the right place to start this thread, but i have a new system im putting together and am having some problems with the ram new system is as follows a64 3000+ asus a8n sli maxtor 250 gb sata hd 2x512mb k-byte 3200 ram old ati raedon all in wonder pci 32 meg vid card...
  18. L

    Super Lanboy case is way too flimsy

    yeah, my psu support was bent up a little, but nothing a little presure wont fix. it is pretty light though. only reason i picked it up is im building a new system and it was on sale for a good price after rebate at compusa.
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    Do they make cases with 120mm fans on em?

    im going to be getting rid of the blueness up front anyway. im gonna be getting some blue case fans for the back and processor i think
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    Do they make cases with 120mm fans on em?

    i just got this case from compusa this week on sale for like 69.99 with a 30.00 rebate. not bad, pretty quiet, 2 120mm fans.
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    help my a64/a8n-sli wont boot!!!!!!

    temps were fine in bios, standard amd cooling (bought retail box processor) 37gb ata hd maxtor, cd/rw for optical
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    help my a64/a8n-sli wont boot!!!!!!

    hello all, i just received my new a64 3000+ and a8n-sli this week, got everything put together, but it wont boot, posts fine but when windows goes to load, it will either give me a memory dump, or just shut down altogether. heres is what i am currently working with a8n-sli a64 3000+ ati...