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  1. S

    Tone down huge low frequencies in recordings?

    I just returned from EDC Vegas and took a bunch of video from my phone. But (quite obviously) everything there has huge bumping bass and low frequencies. My phone didn't seem to capture the other frequencies very well (or covered the higher ones up), is there a way to take the raw footage and...
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    power transgormer blown, gear okay?

    This is a re post to my thread on head-fi just thought I'd get as many opinions as possible. So today I was doing some listening on my PC, my setup is usb -> aune t1 -> hd650. Out of nowhere i hear a pretty loud *boom* and a second or two later all the power cuts to the house. I take the...
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    New build soon, general advice welcome :D

    1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc Majority of what I'll be doing is gaming (certain MMO's, Borderlands 2 CS:GO etc. etc. etc.) 2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included? Around 2,000 u.s. dollars. I can go higher if there's a certain...
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    *another* recommendation thread =/

    sorry to add to the recommendation threads that've been popping up a lot recently, but none of them are close enough to what i'm looking for. I'm looking to buy some decent non multimedia speakers for my pc. the past year or so Ive done with just my e7/e9 combo with hd650's but there've been...
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    pc media speakers to e7/e9?

    So, I currently am using an e7/e9 combo for my hd650's (I know, the e7/e9 supposedly don't pair well with the 650's but that's a different topic) and when I have friends over I have an old pair of logitech z2300's to switch to with my old sound card when we watch movies or are listening to music...
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    [warm] Monoprice mechanical keyboards, cherry mx black or red *new*

    looks like the mechanical gaming keyboards that monoprice announced at CES are finally in stock, they are discounted for a limited time. the keyboard with mx reds is backlit red, and the mx blacks are non backlit...
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    low-mid end replacement for audigy 2 zs

    so my old as time audigy 2 zs bit the dust last week and i'm looking for a replacement for it. 75% of the time i'm listening to everything i do through my hd 650's amp/dac'd through e7/e9... but when i have friends over and were just hanging out listening to music or watching a movie or...
  8. S premium audio quality

    i'm considering purchasing a membership to premium membership on, and i was just wondering if listening to it via the browser vs winamp or any other program would alter the quality enough. i'm currently running an e7/e9 combo right now with a pair of ad700's. i'm pretty sure the premium...
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    For trade: wireless (+ wire) 360 control

    Looking to trade a brand new wireless 360 controller + play and charge kit, looking for a relatively new *wired* 360 control. only bought a control to play super meat boy on pc, and found out later that the wire from the play and charge kit doesnt actually work connected to a pc, only for charging.
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    samsung galaxy s2 vs htc sensation vs evo 3d

    so my plan with att is finally up this month or next month (finally) and have been looking forward to one of these 3 phones for a few months. i was initially leaning towards the galaxy s2 because it has the most impressive specs and seems to perform pretty well from all the reviews and videos...
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    sound card advice.

    not too sure if this is the correct place to come for this, but i shall try. sorry in advance for sounding like a noob, i really do read up on things more than it seems i do. ive used an audigy 2 zs card for around 5'ish years, and it still works fine (to my knowledge) but is having more and...
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    WTB: mid level sound card

    my audigy 2 zs still works fine but is old enough that the driver team has stopped fully supporting it, and has a lot of bugs with windows 7 64bit. so i am looking for a slightly lower or mid level card, preferably in the range of 50-75 us dollars. willing to go higher or lower depending on...
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    switchable double output with 2.1 system and headphones?

    This is somewhat of a noob question, but I know little to nothing about higher quality hardware/software. First, my sound card is the audigy 2 ZS. I own a set of Sony MDR-V700DJ's as well as my Logitech Z-2300's. I hear that either through the audigy software or other software, there is a way to...
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    unable to find a 5850

    ive been on the hunt for the past couple of weeks for a 5850. i have a full unopened i7 setup ready to be slapped together at home but would feel more complete putting it together once i got my gpu. im getting sort of tired of looking around and not being able to find one; which nvidia card is...
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    new semi-budget build

    i'm first going to copy and paste some text from a thread i created on the gamefaqs pc boards, and then answer the questions. so i'm looking to spend somewhere in the region of 1200-1400 on a new setup, my old one is pretty dated. basically i want this setup to beast wow, being that is what it...
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    firefox issue/s

    Ok, so while browsing random sites (myspace, gmail, facebook, 4chan, hardforum, shoryuken, and gamefaqs are my most frequented sites) my browser will randomly stop loading pages, no matter what action i take it will either keep loading the last previously working page or if i stop the loading...
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    All songs aren't showing up on iPod

    So the other day, I ejected my iPod after transferring over a few songs and letting it charge, and got in my car to go to work. Well, I plugged my faceplate into my deck and turned my iPod on only to find that NONE of my songs were showing up on my iPod, literally nothing, as if it were brand...
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    Overclocking my setup (wow related)

    Not sure which forum to post this in so i'm posting it here, the processor boards, and the general software board. Ok well I used to have a pretty top of the line rig, bought it about 3 years ago. 7900gt (ended up RMA'ing it and got a 7900gs back,) amd 4000+, 2 gigs of corsair ram (can't...
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    Overclocking my setup

    Not sure which forum to post this in so i'm posting it here, the processor boards, and the general software board. Ok well I used to have a pretty top of the line rig, bought it about 3 years ago. 7900gt (ended up RMA'ing it and got a 7900gs back,) amd 4000+, 2 gigs of corsair ram (can't...
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    Overclocking my setup.

    Not sure which forum to post this in so i'm posting it here, the processor boards, and the general software board. Ok well I used to have a pretty top of the line rig, bought it about 3 years ago. 7900gt (ended up RMA'ing it and got a 7900gs back,) amd 4000+, 2 gigs of corsair ram (can't...
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    Budget speakers for my TV?

    So I have a Sharp LC32D43U, and I really like the T.V. itself. But the integrated speakers are nothing close to up to par with what they should be. While watching movies I Turn the volume all the way maxed out and I still have to somewhat strain to hear everything. So I thought i would buy a...
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    can someone recommend me

    Can someone recommend me an HDTV somewhere preferably between 26" and 32" that can do at least 720p and can fit under an $800 budget? Been trying to get a new one for ages but can't seem to find a quality display that fits my needs very well without me hearing bad things about it. as an...
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    Winamp question.

    not sure if this is the right place to ask but i'll go ahead and ask here anyways. ok i have an 80gb ipod that i put every piece of music on my computer on, using winamp. i recently found out that some of the albums that were transferred in bulk did not transfer because they were not in mp3...
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    need a new 1gb

    a couple weeks ago i had a system crash and found out that one of my two gb of ram got corrupted. so now im running on only 1gb and wanted to buy another one again. it seems i had something along the lines of two of these:
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    major problem

    not sure if im pposting in the correct sub forum, but the other day i was on my computer not doing much, when all of a sudden the computer just restarts out of nowhere as if the power reset. so when i turn it back on it starts to load into windows and i get a blue screen that states that one or...
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    possible virus and/or defective mouse

    ok i am going to copy/paste from my gamefaqs thread just because i didnt get much help over there. --> ok so a couple of days ago, i clicked a bad link (on myspace somewhere) and (before i knew the link was...
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    Itunes and bitrate problems

    Ok i just imported a bunch of songs into my itunes, but noticed that when looking at the bitrate within itunes, it shows them as different than they really are (pic provided.) I was wondering if this is some sort of downscaling the bitrate or just a problem reading the actual bitrate of the...
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    exactly how to RMA

    ive gone through all the RMA authorisation for my 7900gt, but im not quite sure exactly what to send and what to send it in. do i send it in the original box? or do i buy new packaging or what exactly? and if i send it in the original box, do i include all the wires and software that came with...
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    Blah... 7900gt problem

    I've had my xfx 7900gt for about a year now, and all of a sudden it starts to artifact and have other graphical glitches, including random colored pixels popping up around the screen, and then i score relitively low in 3dmark06. I seriously have no idea why my processor tests scored so low...
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    My recent apple experience.

    Ok, I'll start with the fact that i have another post on this forum somewhere down the line, with my problem of songs not playing on my iPod. Certain songs, (a lot of them) i will try to play, and as i start them i feel a distinct vibration and hear clicks from the hard drive, then, nothing. The...
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    critical error, please help

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    network card, much point?

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    A (maybe?) problem with my iPod

    As in my other thread, i got an 80 gig ipod recently. I put most of my music collection (only about 2.5 gigs, my cds got stolen before i got my new computer) onto my ipod. I have noticed that when starting some songs, it doesn't start them, it will show the play sign but the music wont load and...
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    Charge question

    I used to have an ipod mini about 3 or 4 years ago, and i used it a decent amount every day. After a while the battery would hold less and less of a charge, which i know normally happens. But i read somewhere that charging through the usb port from a computer was known as "trickle charging" and...
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    cable internet/tv

    i just added cable internet svc to my cable plan, and i was wondering if using the same cable outlet for tv and for the internet, if it would make the connection any slower than if i just connected the cable to the internet thanks a lot in advance.
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    oblivion game saves

    im just curious, do people upload their game saves for oblivion onto the net? um i played my archer a while and it got kind of boring and i wanted to play a mage, but im not sure how fun it would be playing over to get high enough level for it to be really fun. so i would just like to TRY out a...
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    What are your guys' take on these? kinda in the market for a new set of headphones.... i already have the Sennheiser PC150's, are they any better? thanks in advance.
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    network card, much point?

    for just general computing and gaming and such is there a point in a network card when u already have onboard ethernet ports? im talking about not for servers and stuff, just the average person gaming or browsing the internet. network cards dont make ur signal any faster or anything, or do it...
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    extreme newb question (beware)

    im sorry, i have never built a complete rig by myself, though i have done a lot of upgrading. all my parts from newegg should be arriving in a few days so... now i have a really stupid question that will probably make a lot of people laugh, but i feel it to be better safe than sorry. I know...