Goodbye Origin - EA App is now in session


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
The EA app is now out of open beta, and you'll soon be 'invited' to upgrade. (But it's good, so that's okay.)

Back in 2020, Electronic Arts announced that its Origin launcher was being updated and rebranded as the EA App(opens in new tab). More than two years later, it's finally ready to go: EA announced today that the app is now out of open beta and will soon step over Origin's corpse to take its place as EA's "primary PC platform."

"The EA app is our fastest and lightest PC client to date," EA said. "With the new streamlined design you will easily find the games and content you’re looking for and discover your new favorite games. With automatic game downloads and background updates you can ensure that your games are ready to play when you are."
Along with all the usual launcher stuff, the EA app will also connect to other platforms, including Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox, so users will be able to integrate their friend lists and stay on top of what everyone else is doing.

Now if only they could start putting some focus on releasing decent games...

For those wanting to download directly -

Otherwise your Origin app should "eventually" do it automatically.


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Origin works fine for what it is, a basic game launcher. I assume this will be a step back. Ubisoft's Connect is worse than Uplay. Stutters and has lots of pop ups. I don't really need anything more than something that launches games. Personally I would have preferred them to keep Origin as is or just go to Steam only in the future.
...and if it is mandatory in order to play their games, I'll just pass on their games (or if there is something I am really into, I guess I'll just use the community edition)

I'm sick and tired of required launchers/stores installed on my machine.

If I can't get it on either Steam or GoG without having them install another launcher/store/app or requiring me to create an account, I'll just say "nah".

Sick and tired of forced bloat/spyware.
Origin works fine for what it is, a basic game launcher. I assume this will be a step back. Ubisoft's Connect is worse than Uplay. Stutters and has lots of pop ups. I don't really need anything more than something that launches games. Personally I would have preferred them to keep Origin as is or just go to Steam only in the future.
Sure Ubisoft connect is worse than uplay, but origin was always terrible, I can't imagine taking steps back from there.
Hopefully they handle the auto-login a bit better. I pretty much run every game launcher in the background, but for whatever reason Origin has always been the most aggressive when it comes to making me re-login (and re-enter my password). And since I use complex and unique passwords for every site/app, this is more of a nuisance then it might seem on the surface.
I have Star Wars: Fallen Jedi ordered through Steam but it needs Origin to start it. So I installed the EA app that uninstalled Origin but then when I started Jedi Fallen last night it reinstalled Origin 🤪
You know what worse than Origin? The damn Battlelog browser for launching Battlefield (2? Or 3? Can't remember) from years back. That was horrific.
that was Battlefield 3. BF2 had an internal server browser.


Oh, the above image is BF4, but if I recall correctly, both BF3 and 4 used the web browser for launching the game,

Back when I had triple monitors,
As much as Origin sucked, I can tell you the EA App sucks more. It follows the BS trend in the past few years where all these companies have been coming out with 'improved' applications that have a shit minimalistic GUI with absolutely no options for the end-user.

Luckily, EA is pretty much dead to me, so I don't need to worry about it anyways.
i'm just lazy too much stuff to keep up with nowadays so if it's not on steam it doesn't exist . sorry not sorry, plus i have almost 20 years of purchases already on steam.
I just get the game where the deal is the best, Steam, Origin, Epic, Gamepass whatever with modern computers its simple to have them all running with zero impact and it is easy to add short cuts to games into Steam so it is an all-in-one stop shop in the end for me atleast.
I have been with Steam 2004. And EA since 2012. I remember that shortcut mess. You click the shortcut to the EA game and then had to wait for EA to load. What a big joke. I have Epic to but never bought on their platform. Got like 100 free games from them that I don't even play. Even Uplay. But I forgot I had them. Steam I have over 650. Played them all until I got bored with them.
Origin works fine for what it is, a basic game launcher. I assume this will be a step back. Ubisoft's Connect is worse than Uplay. Stutters and has lots of pop ups. I don't really need anything more than something that launches games. Personally I would have preferred them to keep Origin as is or just go to Steam only in the future.
Remember when you could install a game, then have a shortcut that started the game? And the game would start directly, without starting any other programs?

That was cool.
The EA app is now out of open beta, and you'll soon be 'invited' to upgrade. (But it's good, so that's okay.)
View attachment 517092

Back in 2020, Electronic Arts announced that its Origin launcher was being updated and rebranded as the EA App(opens in new tab). More than two years later, it's finally ready to go: EA announced today that the app is now out of open beta and will soon step over Origin's corpse to take its place as EA's "primary PC platform."

"The EA app is our fastest and lightest PC client to date," EA said. "With the new streamlined design you will easily find the games and content you’re looking for and discover your new favorite games. With automatic game downloads and background updates you can ensure that your games are ready to play when you are."
Along with all the usual launcher stuff, the EA app will also connect to other platforms, including Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox, so users will be able to integrate their friend lists and stay on top of what everyone else is doing.

Now if only they could start putting some focus on releasing decent games...

For those wanting to download directly -

Otherwise your Origin app should "eventually" do it automatically.

Oh good. /s I say /s because I will have to wonder if it will work with Lutris.
I haven't used Origin ever since I tried to play Apex Legends only to discover that I had been permabanned before even downloading the game and the crazy futuristic technology required to inform the player and the tech support rep that such a ban was in place had not yet been implemented.

Even if the new EA App is truly a wet turd of an app, that is still a quantum leap beyond Origin. Good bleepin' riddance.

Remember when you could share a copy of half life with friends and the key would work for everyone?
There's no technical reason why license validation requires a standalone app to perform. The games themselves could easily hit the same API that the launcher does.
You know what worse than Origin? The damn Battlelog browser for launching Battlefield (2? Or 3? Can't remember) from years back. That was horrific.
I loved battlelog for BF3 and 4. Far snappier and faster than any in game browser has ever been.
Remember when you could install a game, then have a shortcut that started the game? And the game would start directly, without starting any other programs?

That was cool.
Still works that way for me. I keep all the launchers in the background anyway, so I just click a shortcut and bam, a game loads with no further interaction. I have 64gb of ram, it's not like it's scarce.
Personally I never had an issue with Origin.
What do you mean by issue? It didn't break or anything, I just never liked the layout and the design, the user experience was not great. EA app seems slightly better, but I'd say it's still worse than any of the competing launchers.
What do you mean by issue? It didn't break or anything, I just never liked the layout and the design, the user experience was not great. EA app seems slightly better, but I'd say it's still worse than any of the competing launchers.

I don't have an issue with the UI/layout either. Then again I only ever had a handful of EA games on it. The simplicity was nice. This is EA, so I assume it will become like Ubisoft Connect. More popups and annoying things.

Good news is the upcoming Jedi Survivor will be on Steam only if you buy directly on Steam.
Oh good. /s I say /s because I will have to wonder if it will work with Lutris.
This is what I'm wondering. I don't doubt that they will eventually get it to work but I wonder how long it will take and if the Origin client will be completely deprecated before it happens.

I rarely ever use it but I do have some games through Origin such as Mass Effect Legendary Edition and I still have finished a playthrough of that.
Remember when you could install a game, then have a shortcut that started the game? And the game would start directly, without starting any other programs?

Remember when your launchers just launched the games instead of launching a publisher/dev sub launcher? Sub launchers that advertise its other games and auto plays youtube videos every dang time you start it (funcom)?
I only have Dead Space 2 for Origin, and had forgot my password also.....
Not sure if I want to uninstall Origin since it says it might effect EA.
Epic has a Browser for Game installs it must of happened a few weeks ago so if a drive is full you can use another drive. Moving installs is a problem I suspect they don't want you to mess with installs. I kept uninstalling games like RDR and Outer Worlds because of Install size on the 1TB I had for Epic