I am Your New Mod - Let's get organized.

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I will be your new mod for this forum. I expect the rules to be followed to the letter.

I have backed our DC program for a long time and am quite disappointed in some of the things being said here by members. If a vote on the direction of our team displeases you, I am sorry. I am sorry if AM's demodding upsets you, but he was demodded for issues that HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH the DC team. I could personally care less his personal views and directions. We have rules that bind our mods and we expect them to abide by them.

Given this perceived power struggle going on, I think our DCers need to take a long hard look at themselves and ask themselves, "Why am I doing this?" And if you don't have a good answer that fully satisfies yourself, your might reconsider your position.

Now as to organization here, I think people need to step up and let our members know that they want to lead and have the time to do so. Then I suggest we vote to bring that person into a seat of power for a specified period of time and that they have decision making capabilities.

I do know this; it is time for all the infighting and bickering to stop. And you can either get organized and allow the group to decide the groups direction, or you can appoint somebody to chair the leadership of the group.
The order of business should most likely be

1) finding someone to take the lead. I don't have a problem with Kyle at all, but he'll get awfully sick of the insanity we generate on a daily basis.

2) Determining the "Next Project"

3) Throwing the crap aside and buckling up and crunching some damn numbers and saving some lives.
we were all for the voting process on which way to go with a possible new project....but instant bickering caused problems before we could figure out what to vote for. thus the last few days happened.

I blame UD for shutting down :(

so you are now the new fearless leader....oh wait...you have always been the fearless [H] leader....carry on :)
Here is your answer to "Next Project?"


Please vote. Given what has gone on in the last week I am going to step in an facilitate and answer to this question.

Hopefully if we have a democratic process to organization, it will help quell some of the attitudes. If we could get one person every 4 months to step up and do the job, it should be doable. I think 6 month and 12 month terms are not realistic unless the group and the leader want to extend the time period.

And I don't see everyone just "thowing the crap aside." I have waited for that to happen for a LONG TIME now and it did not come to pass. :mad:
so there will be a nom thread for new mod soon i take it.....ummmm....i got some good idea for noms :)
so there will be a nom thread for new mod soon i take it.....ummmm....i got some good idea for noms :)

Temporary DC Mods?

Unlike HDCer we can't nom anyone who's not around.

There are a lot of us around all the time, but who are just .. so out there..
Where are those that are on the council now? I would like to see them speak up on there feelings or at least bow to the side (into the [H]ard [H]istory book) and let some new people help hold this team together and flying straight.

as a member for the last 1 and a half years....i have only "heard" about the council...but never 'seen' the council, anything they discussed, or anything rolled out cuz of them. Only two people i have really seen 'run' this forum have been the mods (but i do know they have worked with others to pull stuff off ie viper and osuguy)
as a member for the last 1 and a half years....i have only "heard" about the council...but never 'seen' the council, anything they discussed, or anything rolled out cuz of them. Only two people i have really seen 'run' this forum have been the mods (but i do know they have worked with others to pull stuff off ie viper and osuguy)

Logically then, wouldn't it be great to have Moose, p[H], OSU, and myself as council?

Methinks that would be a cold day in Hell :D
Logically then, wouldn't it be great to have Moose, p[H], OSU, and myself as council?

Methinks that would be a cold day in Hell :D

as of right now yes....but looking at the list (thanks for the link Duster)....i see only half the members of the council being active, and the ones that are, i dont see very often.
as of right now yes....but looking at the list (thanks for the link Duster)....i see only half the members of the council being active, and the ones that are, i dont see very often.

King and BillR are really the only two I see around these days.
I think that was the entire problem with The council. There was no contingency for when they moved on to other things. Lets face it we will not all be here and active for ever. What happened is that the council one by one became less active and moved on but no puch was ever made to elect/replace inactive council members so people start filling those leadership voids on there own and it always became one big head butt b/c I those councils members still left around felt like they were trying to still thunder from them and i will make one long run on that keeps going and going b/c i can and will and on and on....

A new council needs to be formed with a few old council members onboard.

I believe that would be the best way to go, and have a person cycled in and out every so often to get a feel of what a council does. Something like having an honorary person for a week for helping out new people, and present team mates with answers and solutions.
A new council needs to be formed with a few old council members onboard.

I believe that would be the best way to go, and have a person cycled in and out every so often to get a feel of what a council does. Something like having an honorary person for a week for helping out new people, and present team mates with answers and solutions.

or have the council (once choosen by vote of course) appoint a chair and have that person fill the forum leader roll (like moosie and p[h] former roles). I think we should scrap the whole council and start over with a new vote and panel of people. No disrespect to the current members, but if they still want to be involved on that end of things, i say they can add their names to list of possiblities and have the team vote on who they want as the new council and go from there. A lot of what is happening is old guard v. new guard but new guard has no info or input from old guard.....i say we scrap it all, re-group as one big new guard and FOLD ON!!!!!!!
King_N- Last Activity: Today 11:54 AM
relic- Last Activity: 02-22-2006 09:25 PM
cabletwin- Last Activity: Today 01:10 PM
BillR- Last Activity: Today 01:06 PM
Majic- Last Activity: Today 09:15 AM
KillerMOB- Last Activity: Today 04:38 PM

I'd say they can voice their own opinion.
or have the council (once choosen by vote of course) appoint a chair and have that person fill the forum leader roll (like moosie and p[h] former roles). I think we should scrap the whole council and start over with a new vote and panel of people. No disrespect to the current members, but if they still want to be involved on that end of things, i say they can add their names to list of possiblities and have the team vote on who they want as the new council and go from there. A lot of what is happening is old guard v. new guard but new guard has no info or input from old guard.....i say we scrap it all, re-group as one big new guard and FOLD ON!!!!!!!

Yes, that's the best idea IMHO. As someone who only started to be active in the DC forum after being a long time lurker, I didn't know about the council till today so it's a problem. Dissolve them and if someones in the former council still want to continue, we can put his name and we will vote.

I recently heard about the old/new guard thing as well and I believe it's a stupid thing when we consider that the main goal of DC is to help find cures to diseases. It is pointless to use it to boost their ego and run like a dictatorship. This is a view I have from someone who wasn't in this sort of shit before. The new council should have very simple goals and this is to : help new members fold, help entertain the team spirit and have fun together with the DC projects (contests, battles and others challenges). Most of the DC forum regulars has great ideas and genuine thirst to promote the team spirit and friendship.

About AM stuff, I wanted to avoid participating since it's none of my business and if he is demoted on other grounds, then we should look forward instead of toying with the knife in people's feelings.

I think that was the entire problem with The council. There was no contingency for when they moved on to other things. Lets face it we will not all be here and active for ever. What happened is that the council one by one became less active and moved on but no puch was ever made to elect/replace inactive council members so people start filling those leadership voids on there own and it always became one big head butt b/c I those councils members still left around felt like they were trying to still thunder from them and i will make one long run on that keeps going and going b/c i can and will and on and on....

heck i didnt even know we had a dc council :confused:

heck i didnt even know we had a dc council :confused:

I've brought it up several times over the past few years, but we were always told to fuck off. Maybe now things can change with Kyle leading the group some...
I knew about the council before but looked @ it as behind the scenes running things and that's why we had mods. I think noms & a poll should be set up and vote for a few more mods then; a few in case one isn't active for a week, ( or during the day) and vice versa.
I am here to help find the cure, shed some light to help anyone, and to leave the drama for your mama.
so there will be a nom thread for new mod soon i take it.....ummmm....i got some good idea for noms :)

No. Mods are appointed by admins. If you have a suggestion, please contact an admin.
Pardon my French.. But thats basically what it comes down to.

Last time this came up, King removed some members as he saw fit and that was about that.

I sure hope Killer[MOB] is still not testing v2.0.... we be on v5.94 now~! :D
I don't quite follow. You are asking for the team to vote on a new leader? Is that not King;s job as team captain?

I think we should elect a team leader.

As for "captains" I don't think that is official. King is obviously a HUGE part of what goes on around here, but there is no official status or power given to him.
Maybe not one person but a group of 3 that are elected or nominated by the [H]ardDC'ers of the month. I mean we found them to go above and beyond the call of duty already why not let them help focus on how we are lead into the future.

I think one is just to unrealistic. 3 people means we can have different parts of the team represented and if it were three then maybe a 12 month stay would be more bearable for those that have been chosen as they don't have to bear the brunt of everything.

Where are those that are on the council now? I would like to see them speak up on there feelings or at least bow to the side (into the [H]ard [H]istory book) and let some new people help hold this team together and flying straight.

Maybe 3 is better, but the decision will NOT be given to a few. It needs to be a team decision.

As for council, there is no official governing body now with power, and that is what needs to be addressed.
heck i didnt even know we had a dc council :confused:

The [H]ard|Folding Council has no official authority over the team. They are people that are engrained with making HardFolding.com work and have contributed many hours of their time to the cause. Some of them are very likely candidates and very well qualified to help govern.

Now let's move on. The [H]ard|Folding Council as a body has no official power here.
Are we looking for nominations or suggestions here? New thread to start nominations for a new fearless leader or three? Or are we just batting ideas around and looking at options? I might be one of the newbies in here (relatively speaking) so kick me down if I'm out of line. I am just glad things are going to get back where they need to ultimately be - focused on producing science.
Are we looking for nominations or suggestions here? New thread to start nominations for a new fearless leader or three? Or are we just batting ideas around and looking at options? I might be one of the newbies in here (relatively speaking) so kick me down if I'm out of line. I am just glad things are going to get back where they need to ultimately be - focused on producing science.

No, we will post an official thread for that, without a bunch of talk. This is to discuss the idea of moving forward with a governing body and to get you guys thinking about it and whether or not it is a good idea.
Are we looking for nominations or suggestions here? New thread to start nominations for a new fearless leader or three? Or are we just batting ideas around and looking at options? I might be one of the newbies in here (relatively speaking) so kick me down if I'm out of line. I am just glad things are going to get back where they need to ultimately be - focused on producing science.

this is pretty much where we were if the new project before all hell broke loose :)

and since when has King been the "team captain" :confused: i always thought moosie had that title
In this case, I agree with creating some kind of forum council if I understand the HF council is only for the www.hardfolding.com management. We should also create a kind of charter for this to deal with the various things needed for a smooth council team.

Also, it is very important to make the newbies feel welcomed since the last thing I want is a council run by buddies who don't care about the rest.

Also, let me define this. A MOD in this forum will be chose by the HardForum admins and has no official team power. A mod is simply an agent to enforce the HardForum rules, that is ALL.

The HardFolding Council is the body of people that run HardFolding.com and have no official power inside this forum to enforce the rules and have no power in making team decisions.

If we do decide to have a "DC / H" governing body, whatever you want to call it, those people will be in power to make decisions when and if needed. As suggested above, a group of three might be great, possible a "president" with two "advisers" or something like that.

This thread is to discuss a governing body or if it is wanted at all. Likely we will take a vote a some time next week. I want these decisions to be make BY THE TEAM, and no one person.
this is pretty much where we were if the new project before all hell broke loose :)

and since when has King been the "team captain" :confused: i always thought moosie had that title

I am here to tell you there are no team captains. Never has been officially. That is exactly what we are trying to get worked out.
k....kyle....me and you....same level :)

and i do believe we NEED a governing body just to keep everything in line and to help keep moral high. I dont even want to imagine this forum/team without some kind of authority figure incharge. And plus, it helps to keep things running with contests, battles and such to just have someone/few overseeing everything. Personally, i liked the setup that we had before all of this. We had moosie as CEO, p[h] was the phantom COO, and then under them they had help via lackeys ie Viper. and when a big decision came, there was discussion (started by either the CEO or COO) followed by polls. It seemed to be working just fine. Im not suggesting necessarily that we elect the same people back, but the format was fine.
k....kyle....me and you....same level :)

and i do believe we NEED a governing body just to keep everything in line and to help keep moral high. I dont even want to imagine this forum/team without some kind of authority figure incharge. And plus, it helps to keep things running with contests, battles and such to just have someone/few overseeing everything. Personally, i liked the setup that we had before all of this. We had moosie as CEO, p[h] was the phantom COO, and then under them they had help via lackeys ie Viper. and when a big decision came, there was discussion (started by either the CEO or COO) followed by polls. It seemed to be working just fine. Im not suggesting necessarily that we elect the same people back, but the format was fine.

Yes, the format is good with 1-3 leaders and a few guys, each specialized in one thing to help the leaders (1 for FAQ updating, 1 for contests, 1 for the DC of the month polls, etc...). Like that, everyone will participate one way or another.

I'm not even sure there should be any team "leaders" except for a major happening like the current one. Generally, there are no decisions that need to be made teamwide.

There are contests and things like that, but that's not something that technically needs a decision. Yes, approval has to be granted for those types of things but that has more to do with keeping within guidelines for the forum and guidelines Kyle sets out to keep himself, the forum and the site out of trouble.

Personally, I think "leader" is the wrong term. The projects are the leaders and we follow where they go. They dictate what we can and can't do.

I can understand having a central "figure" that people can submit ideas to and discuss things with such as contests. Basically, just someone that organizes the goings on. This will not stop the average person from greeting people, helping out and coming up with new ideas.

This has always been a coalition of members helping each other out. There have been problems and there will always be problems, but it has worked.

I personally don't like having any one person "elected" to lead the team. A leader pulls the team in a certain direction and that's not what this team has been about. We've seen the results of having a "leader" and it has caused a lot of friction. I understand this would be the reason for the "terms of office" but this creates its own problems.

This post is not meant to say yay, nay or anything else. It's just here to give some food for thought.

It seemed to be working just fine.

Well, the fact is that it was not working fine and that is why you have me sticking my snout in here. But I will suggest that it will be working fine before you guys get rid of me. ;) We have a great group of people here. With UD closing, we have some hard decisions to make. We will make these decisions as a team and that is the only option for those answers. The fact of the matter is that some folks are not going to like the direction we will be going....not that I know what direction that is yet, but I can assure you some folks will not like it no matter what happens. That's life. But our DC team will endure and remain productive, that I know in my heart and soul.
I'm not even sure there should be any team "leaders" except for a major happening like the current one. Generally, there are no decisions that need to be made teamwide.

There are contests and things like that, but that's not something that technically needs a decision. Yes, approval has to be granted for those types of things but that has more to do with keeping within guidelines for the forum and guidelines Kyle sets out to keep himself, the forum and the site out of trouble.

Personally, I think "leader" is the wrong term. The projects are the leaders and we follow where they go. They dictate what we can and can't do.

I can understand having a central "figure" that people can submit ideas to and discuss things with such as contests. Basically, just someone that organizes the goings on. This will not stop the average person from greeting people, helping out and coming up with new ideas.

This has always been a coalition of members helping each other out. There have been problems and there will always be problems, but it has worked.

I personally don't like having any one person "elected" to lead the team. A leader pulls the team in a certain direction and that's not what this team has been about. We've seen the results of having a "leader" and it has caused a lot of friction. I understand this would be the reason for the "terms of office" but this creates its own problems.

This post is not meant to say yay, nay or anything else. It's just here to give some food for thought.

I think you are too hung up on semantics here. The fact is if you are going to be an organized group, someone has to be accountable for organizing it, delegating responsibilities, and willing to do so and be active. Call him Grand Poobah and the rest of you can be Water Buffaloes if you want....We are not looking for somewhere to do all the work that can be generated by the world #1 Folding team, we are looking for someone that can make sure it gets done. :) You guys need to be more of a team now more than you probably ever have been. Its a turning point, time to get your shit together and move onto a new phase. Might as well do it right and better than it has been done before.
Hard|Forum - Admins
Hard|Forum - DC Computing - Mods (follow H Rules and enforce)


President/Overseer with DC Project but not forums
lacky 1 - lacky 2

That's what I'm understanding. From the sounds of it this is what Kyle wants to see happen.

So lets start the new thread and see who we should elect for the positions.

Overseer, Contest, [H] member of the month / recruitment

3-4 people. yes? no?
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