XFX R7770 Black Edition Super Overclocked Review @ [H]

You always offload my direct to you comments as if im saying Anandtech and all the other sites are biased. I never said that and never will. Im directly stating that I feel you are biased and have some sort of motive. But in order to defelct from defending yourself you mold the arguement to make it seem like im calling any review site with a negative opinion on this card some sort of Nvidia marketing tactic.
I just dont see why you are so concerned with peoples opinion on this card. You stalk this thread just waiting to post and looking to disprove anything and when you cant you just post some sarcastic comment insulting AMD.

So lets ask some questions to see what you're understanding of this market is.

Is the Radeon 7770 a 6770 replacement or a 6870 replacement?

Is the 28nm Process more expensive for both AMD and Nvidia to manufactuer on?

Does the Radeon 7770 improve upon the performance of the card its meant to replace?

Should Nvidia and AMD price new technology lower than EOL technology?

Do the 560 and 6870 provide a noticeable difference in quality when actually gaming with them?

What are you're expectations for the GTX650 in terms of performance and price?
you really have some issues if you think I am stalking this thread just to say something insulting about AMD. you are so paranoid and delusional that you are hell bent on trying to defend this card no matter what. pretty much anything I have said here is no different than what most others including reviewers have also said so get over it. the fact that I have a gtx570 has NOTHING to do with how I feel about this particular card. in other words stop being ridiculous accusing me and others of being shills just because you disagree.
The 7770 replaces the 6770, the 7770 is faster then the 6770, how exactly is that releasing new tech tech that is slower then the old?

The people are going to be buying a 7770 dont need more then 128 bit memory, this is a LOW END CARD.

This thread is long because people like yourself who like to spread bull crap, like making posts saying the 7770 costs $200...

1)The pricing on this card is higher then what a lot of people want, suck it up, given the market situation the AMD pretty much has to price the 7770 they way it is. The only other option would be to of held off until all the old cards were gone, and then send it out, hoping all the while that impulse buyers dont buy Nvidia.

2)The 7770 is a low end card which matches the 6870 in game play experience while using less energy and producing less heat. The card is is slower when looking at raw numbers, but that doesnt really matter much if you cant/dont notice it now does it. I assume most of you have never experienced what it is like to see something that looks awesome on paper, but sucks in real life, well the 7770 looks like it sucks on paper, and is awesome in real life.

3) When Nvidia actually releases new tech. that can compete with AMD's offering, then pricing will go down, blame Nvidia for not having their crap together.

Wow...take a chill pill dude. This card is priced the same (or higher) as better ones with 256bit memory bus...get over that. And the 7770 is not awesome in real life for the price in my opinion. And I never claimed it was $200. That seems to be the main difference in views here we are debating, is the price performance. I do agree NV needs to release new cards to bring prices down though, but I don't blame them as AMD sets their own prices.
Fps4ever you I dont have much of an issue with. We have differing views but you seem willing to find a middle ground or agree to disagree.

you really have some issues if you think I am stalking this thread just to say something insulting about AMD. you are so paranoid and delusional that you are hell bent on trying to defend this card no matter what. pretty much anything I have said here is no different than what most others including reviewers have also said so get over it. the fact that I have a gtx570 has NOTHING to do with how I feel about this particular card. in other words stop being ridiculous accusing me and others of being shills just because you disagree.

I have no issues, mainly cause I bought a 7970 and every game runs smooth as butter ;)
You have somehow managed to ignore a list of direct and simple questions.... I cant f or the life of me figure out why...

I also never once mentioned your GTX570 as having anything to do with you being a shrill.
If you dont like being called a Shrill then dont walk the walk.
I just dont get why you are not critical of Nvidia at all. You focus in on AMDs issues while blinding yourself to any Nvidia issues.
You know a lot of people have said negative things about this card. Im not telling people they cant feel dissapointed. But if this card is such a dissapointment then bitch about it and then bitch about how Nvidia is dragging its feet for the 3rd time in a row. Mention, at least in passing, that AMD woulnt have such pricing power if the competition could engage them. Remind people that competition from Nvidia is what everyone needs in this market so we can have pricing wars to lower the costs for everyone.
This card has one issue to me.
The price, its priced too high right now, not rediculously high but still more than its performance dictates. Still That issue is diluted because I understand that both companies have to deal with old inventory. They cannot bite the hand of the resellers and Card companies that sell their wares. They have to work in the realm of reality and you can bet you're ass if Nvidia was launching the 7770 they would have priced it in a way to clear EOL stock as well.
But lets answer those questions you managed to ignore. Shall we?

So lets ask some questions to see what you're understanding of this market is.

1Q: Is the Radeon 7770 a 6770 replacement or a 6870 replacement?
1A: The Radeon 7770 replaces the 6770 in the AMD product stack.

2Q: Is the 28nm Process more expensive for both AMD and Nvidia to manufactuer on?
2A: The 28nm process is new and has issues that both AMD and Nvidia must work out. This leads to increased cost for the consumer (AMD and Nvidia) as well as delays for the consumer (Nvidia)

3A: Does the Radeon 7770 improve upon the performance of the card its meant to replace?
3Q:The Radeon 7770 improves upon the performance of the card it replaces by a large and noticeable amount. Gaming on a 6770 vs a 7770 is a night and day difference.

4Q: Should Nvidia and AMD price new technology lower than EOL technology?
4A: If they want to upset IHVs and lose money I suppose they should price brand new technology at prices that will essentially create unmovable stock in the form of older but still capable products.

5Q: Do the 560 and 6870 provide a noticeable difference in quality when actually gaming with them?
5A: The GTX560 and HD6870 both provide faster framerates in current gaming titles. They do not provide enough of a frame boost to increase any IQ settings in any current games. The end user would be have a difficult time determining which video card he was using in a blind test consisting of the 7770/6870/GTX560.

6Q: What are you're expectations for the GTX650 in terms of performance and price?
6A:So far we have no solid information regarding any GTX6x0 series products.
The rumors range anywhere from delays, to imminent launch. Price wise most people are expecting this Nvidia launch to stay true to the pricing schemes of the last 2 generations of cards. So expect the prices to be higher than AMD and expect the price/perf ratio to vary wildly depending on which bracket of the GPU market you decide to purchase.

I still would love to see you answer those questions.
Here this will make it easier to respond to them.

1Q: Is the Radeon 7770 a 6770 replacement or a 6870 replacement?

2Q: Is the 28nm Process more expensive for both AMD and Nvidia to manufactuer on?

3Q: Does the Radeon 7770 improve upon the performance of the card its meant to replace?

4Q: Should Nvidia and AMD price new technology lower than EOL technology?

5Q: Do the 560 and 6870 provide a noticeable difference in quality when actually gaming with them?

6Q: What are you're expectations for the GTX650 in terms of performance and price?
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there is not but one thing I am going to reply to for now.

The Radeon 7770 improves upon the performance of the card it replaces by a large and noticeable amount. Gaming on a 6770 vs a 7770 is a night and day difference.

the 6770 is just a rebadged 5770. the 5770 is 2.5 years old and the 7770 only beats it by just under 30% overall. do you really call that progress??? I certainly don't.

Meanwhile things get worse for the Radeon HD 7770, a lot worse. At $160 it’s more expensive than the Radeon HD 6770 and although it does deliver 26% more performance, it’s still way slower than the GeForce GTX 560 which is only slightly more expensive. Not only does the GeForce GTX 560 deal a serious blow to the Radeon HD 7770 but so too do AMD’s own Radeon HD 6850 and HD 6870 graphics cards.

Again ignoring all my questions but the one you can misdirect.
I think its pretty clear now what you're intentions are.
Stealth I think I can finally leave it alone.
I gotta get back to the XFX thread. That one actually worries me.
Again ignoring all my questions but the one you can misdirect.
I think its pretty clear now what you're intentions are.
Stealth I think I can finally leave it alone.
I gotta get back to the XFX thread. That one actually worries me.
so now I am a shill again? I am not here to answer questions for your entertainment. and how can I answer all of those questions without getting into an even bigger and more psychotic argument with you? the only reason I addressed that part of your comment is because people like you keep claiming the 7770 is huge improvement over the card it replaces. I dont consider less than 30% improvement over a 2.5 year old 5770 to be impressive.
I guess thats true..
Except im willing to answer questions and I am willing to put my neck out on the line to prove im unbiased and not a shrill.
Hell I am even bitching about the sad state of AMD drivers, rather bluntly I might add, in this thread.

I am also recomending that someone wait on the GTX6x0 series in this thread.

I am also recomending against 7770 CF in this post

I have also stated several times in this thread that I dont approve of the price of this card as it currently sits.

When my numbered question list gets answered then maybe I will change my opinion. I feel its extremely telling that someone would ignore those questions. Why all of the sudden back away? Why not explain to me how im wrong. Hell even list and ask me a set of questions.
They were simple, unbiased questions.
Its odd, someone has the time to reply to all these posts and watch this forum from 4am to 6pm non-stop. Yet when a couple of fair questions get asked he suddenly doesnt have the time no patience to respond.
Are you asking me to cover my eyes and ignore such misdirection?
If someone came in this thread saying AMD OWNS OMG NVIDIA SUCKS. I would call them out equally for being a AMD Shrill. Company has never mattered to me.
Products, Performance, Prices, and Functions. that is all that truly matters.
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you really have some issues if you think I am stalking this thread just to say something insulting about AMD. you are so paranoid and delusional that you are hell bent on trying to defend this card no matter what. pretty much anything I have said here is no different than what most others including reviewers have also said so get over it. the fact that I have a gtx570 has NOTHING to do with how I feel about this particular card. in other words stop being ridiculous accusing me and others of being shills just because you disagree.

So why didn't you answer any of the questions he asked you?

Wow...take a chill pill dude. This card is priced the same (or higher) as better ones with 256bit memory bus...get over that. And the 7770 is not awesome in real life for the price in my opinion. And I never claimed it was $200. That seems to be the main difference in views here we are debating, is the price performance. I do agree NV needs to release new cards to bring prices down though, but I don't blame them as AMD sets their own prices.

So you didn't post that comment in another thread?
I agree that the price is too high, considering the situation it is understandable as to why it is priced where it is at.

there is not but one thing I am going to reply to for now.

the 6770 is just a rebadged 5770. the 5770 is 2.5 years old and the 7770 only beats it by just under 30% overall. do you really call that progress??? I certainly don't.

Meanwhile things get worse for the Radeon HD 7770, a lot worse. At $160 it’s more expensive than the Radeon HD 6770 and although it does deliver 26% more performance, it’s still way slower than the GeForce GTX 560 which is only slightly more expensive. Not only does the GeForce GTX 560 deal a serious blow to the Radeon HD 7770 but so too do AMD’s own Radeon HD 6850 and HD 6870 graphics cards.


Couple facts I think you are missing
1) The 7770 is faster, while using less energy, and producing less heat.
2) The 7770 is fast enough to play all currently released games at high/highest settings, the 5770 and 6770 can not.
3) The 560 is not the 7770's competition, the 7770's competition has not been released yet.

Now lets look at a couple more facts you are completely ignoring.

1) The 7770 is a low end card, the 560 is a mid-range card.
2) The 560 is EOL, the 7770 is brand new.
3) The 6850/6870 are EOL and are being heavily discounted to make room for the upcoming 7850/7870, just like what happens with just about every product line that has ever been produced, old stuff gets cheaper, new stuff is more expensive.
4) The only bad thing about the 7770 is the pricing, and it is priced the way it is because it has no "real" competition. Once the 6850, 6870, and 560 are gone soon, whats left? the brand new 7770.
The GTX550 was a card that came out at 159$
It was slower the GTX460.
Want to know why i didnt complain? Because the GTX550 was brand fucking new and it was in a different product stack. It replaced the GTX450 and it increased performance.
It wasnt a good buy, and no one would have bought it at that starting price.
People knew why it cost that much though. They didnt try and paint Nvidia as greedy, lazy, slow. They knew that new technology costs money. You have to recoup on R&D when you first launch you're products. Well you have to try at least, you only take the losses if you end up moving no silicon.

So we have two very similar launches. The 7770 increases the performance over its older sibling as did the GTX550. The 7770 launched at 159 as did the 550. The 7770 got mixed reviews and some mehs from several review sites as did the 550. They have diffrences, that no one can dispute but all in all rather similar.

What I find odd is that Cannondale06 gets soooo passionate about the 7770 being a horrible value and just awful.

Yet in his thread discussing the GTX550:
You clearly can see the diffrence in attitude.

The only thing he had to say about the 550 was neither negative nor positive.
He simply backed away unable to insult a Nvidia product for whatever reason.
In fact even though the review he linked too ended with this

Ultimately, the GeForce GTX 550 Ti is a tough product to recommend. Were it offered as a replacement to the GeForce GTS 450 at $129, it'd be a no-brainer for cash-strapped gamers. Who knows—perhaps future price cuts will take it there. Right now, however, those users would be better off setting aside an extra sawbuck or two and moving up the food chain.

He made no mention of that opinion. His Thread focused on praising the mixed memory config (which I found interesting when it came out). Why didnt he moan and groan over the lack of progress.

I mean he has it in spades for AMD. He has an opinion on every single thing about this card.
the 6770 is just a rebadged 5770. the 5770 is 2.5 years old and the 7770 only beats it by just under 30% overall. do you really call that progress??? I certainly don't.

Whatever this is just like youre 7970 preview thread.
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The GTX550 was a card that came out at 159$
It was slower the GTX460.
Want to know why i didnt complain? Because the GTX550 was brand fucking new and it was in a different product stack. It replaced the GTX450 and it increased performance.
It wasnt a good buy, and no one would have bought it at that starting price.
People knew why it cost that much though. They didnt try and paint Nvidia as greedy, lazy, slow. They knew that new technology costs money. You have to recoup on R&D when you first launch you're products. Well you have to try at least, you only take the losses if you end up moving no silicon.

So we have two very similar launches. The 7770 increases the performance over its older sibling as did the GTX550. The 7770 launched at 159 as did the 550. The 7770 got mixed reviews and some mehs from several review sites as did the 550. They have diffrences, that no one can dispute but all in all rather similar.

What I find odd is that Cannondale06 gets soooo passionate about the 7770 being a horrible value and just awful.

Yet in his thread discussing the GTX550:
You clearly can see the diffrence in attitude.

The only thing he had to say about the 550 was neither negative nor positive.
He simply backed away unable to insult a Nvidia product for whatever reason.
In fact even though the review he linked too ended with this


He made no mention of that opinion. His Thread focused on praising the mixed memory config (which I found interesting when it came out). Why didnt he moan and groan over the lack of progress.

I mean he has it in spades for AMD. He has an opinion on every single thing about this card.

Whatever this is just like youre 7970 preview thread.
you are a psycho trying your best to look through threads to find something for your agenda. I am not praising the gtx550 mixed memory at all. that thread was only started because it was the first time anything like that had been used. it has drawbacks and in no way shape or form was I praising it all. in fact I think the gtx550ti is a pretty crappy product for the money.

yes I was hard on the 7950/7970 and so were many other people. I also think the gtx280/gtx260 were even worse cards for the money when they first came out too. :rolleyes:
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As I said in my post.

What I find odd is that Cannondale06 gets soooo passionate about the 7770 being a horrible value and just awful.

Yet in his thread discussing the GTX550:
You clearly can see the diffrence in attitude.

The only thing he had to say about the 550 was neither negative nor positive.
He simply backed away unable to insult a Nvidia product for whatever reason.
In fact even though the review he linked too ended with this
cannondale06 and {NG}Fidel...I would suggest the 2 of you learn how to use the ignore feature before one or both of you get yourselves in trouble
Aaaawwww, I still have a lot of popcorn left :(

If a SuperMod telling you guys to back off didn't get your attention, maybe an Admin will.

You guys can debate, even argue the facts all you want, but when it turns personal, folks get infracted or banned as required to make the point. Completely up to all you guys.
How many 7700 series can be X-Fired, and do they have the same advanced power saving features in X-Fire as the 7900 series when X-fired?
Is the advanced EyeFinity abilities the same as the 7900 series?
Any word on how far these can be pushed on software over volting?
And , oh ya, any 2GB models on the horizon?

Sorry to pump my own post, but I feel any normal questions have obviously been ditched by fanboi's agendas. So, can any real questions/facts be answered here? There might possibly be some reasons why someone would skip a better performing EOL 6800' series for a pricier 7700 series. Anyone want to pump the virtues of the 7700 series, or is it a dog to the fatter pipe 6800 series?
My position isn't one of market segments per generation, but more of price/features regardless of generation. In doing so I am also smart enough to understand that last gen EOL is going to be priced to sell, and not compete with its replacement.
Besides the half wits that have dominated the thread, anyone want to say anything intelligent?
Sorry to pump my own post, but I feel any normal questions have obviously been ditched by fanboi's agendas. So, can any real questions/facts be answered here? There might possibly be some reasons why someone would skip a better performing EOL 6800' series for a pricier 7700 series. Anyone want to pump the virtues of the 7700 series, or is it a dog to the fatter pipe 6800 series?
My position isn't one of market segments per generation, but more of price/features regardless of generation. In doing so I am also smart enough to understand that last gen EOL is going to be priced to sell, and not compete with its replacement.
Besides the half wits that have dominated the thread, anyone want to say anything intelligent?
One of the big issues with this card and 7900, is some of the "newer" tech cant be used yet because of drivers. I dont recall what review site it was, Guru3d i believe or anandtechs. They talk about the features being missing, and what they did design wise compared to the 7900 series. I dont think the new features makes the card worthwhile over EOL cards. I think if you plan on eyefintiy gaming, that 40GB memory bandwidth would rear its head. And from what i seen, there is only ~28 watts difference between the 7770 and 6850. So some say its not worth it. Overall, unless you plan on using the v7770 in very limited choices/settings (like in the review), the 6850 should have more versatility.

1) how many xfired. 2
2) its the same chip with same features. Just has 128bit memory vs 256bit. Less shaders/ processing units. Sorta like they did with the 6900 to 6800 series. Because of that, they could rebalance it. From what i understand, its actually a more efficient overall design, even compared to its big brother. This is why on paper it looks bad, but actual performance is different. Sorta like american bullies and boxers. Both have similar genetic traits, came from same pedigree (mastiffs) but was end design a little different for different roles.
3) Im sure the odd 2gb card will appear, but thats not the segment ati has in mind. Plus i dont think this card has the power/memory bandwidth to adequately use 2gb.. Others know more, but from what i gather, 1gb shoudl be fine.

I hope this helps you out. I just got off of work, and very tired. So the hamster in the wheel powering my brain computer is on a coffee break. That or he knocked the coffee over in the power supply, shorting the whole damn thing. Blasted hammies!
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How many 7700 series can be X-Fired, and do they have the same advanced power saving features in X-Fire as the 7900 series when X-fired?
Is the advanced EyeFinity abilities the same as the 7900 series?
Any word on how far these can be pushed on software over volting?
And , oh ya, any 2GB models on the horizon?

1. Two good sir.
2. It has the same features entirely as the 79x0 series. a minor update compared to the 6x00 series.
3. If a 2 gig card is made it will be for no actual reason. This card simply does not have the performance to push that much Ram. It would be like the 512mb 6800 from back in the day.
3. If a 2 gig card is made it will be for no actual reason. This card simply does not have the performance to push that much Ram. It would be like the 512mb 6800 from back in the day.

In crossfire I'm sure that it can. Still not a deal breaker for most people.
This card should not be compared to the 68xx series, it's an upgrade to the 67xx series, in that regard, it performs much better...it's the pricing scheme that is flawed.

AMD are shooting themselves in the foot again, first then subtract performance with FX cpus and now with this pricing they are subtracting value out of their formula, AMD=!performance+value.

Now if anyone could bring both amd and nvidia to court, every passing day it's more evident they are fixing their prices.
In crossfire I'm sure that it can. Still not a deal breaker for most people.

Eh, two of these in Crossfire is equivalent to about one 570/580. I would say that 2 GB probably isn't going to help you a whole lot at that level of performance. Maybe a bit, but probably not enough to justify the extra cost.
I'll address a few points here.

What's the 7770 a replacement for? It doesn't matter one bit what some authority (like AMD) or forum posters claim. 7770 will be compared to cards in the same price bracket. At the moment 6850 is the closest one at a slightly lower price. Perhaps 7770's price will drop later on, perhaps not. It's irrelevant because we are judging 7770 based on what we know right now.

28nm process may be more expensive than 40nm. Sure, it sounds like it. So what? Why should any consumer take an active role in that issue? Buy the card with a good price/performance/power usage configuration. Or don't buy anything if 7770 isn't a good enough upgrade compared to your current video card.

AMD can price their new cards any way they like, sure. Equally us consumers have the right to voice our opinions about the cards and their prices as well, and other forumers should have enough consideration to not attack people for posting their opinions.

Do 560 and 6870 provide a noticeable difference in quality (speed) and price? This is a highly subjective conclusion and it's not for Kyle or anyone else to dictate to other people with just subjective gameplay experiences. This is why reviews have raw numbers and they show that 6850 slightly beats 7770 and even the XFX 7770 in this review doesn't come close to 6870.

And since I'm a "new" poster... I registered probably about 10 years ago but I never was active and my account has disappeared. I got a slightly used Geforce 560 a week ago and the nvidia card I bought before that was a Geforce2 GTS... in 2001. Ever since 2002 I've preferred AMD and especially after getting a 4870 at launch at a very nice price. So... I'd say I'm no stooge.
Eh, two of these in Crossfire is equivalent to about one 570/580. I would say that 2 GB probably isn't going to help you a whole lot at that level of performance. Maybe a bit, but probably not enough to justify the extra cost.

It will in Skyrim or Serious Sam 3.
I don't know about SS3 but I get on just fine in Skyrim with Ultra detail, 4x FSAA and full HD and 2k texture packs.
I don't know about SS3 but I get on just fine in Skyrim with Ultra detail, 4x FSAA and full HD and 2k texture packs.

Thats with 25% more memory than the 5770, right? I know that when you run out of vram with these gamebyro games that you can see hitching.
This card should not be compared to the 68xx series, it's an upgrade to the 67xx series, in that regard, it performs much better...it's the pricing scheme that is flawed.
I agree, and even then its only flawed for a bit.
I agree, and even then its only flawed for a bit.

So where did you get the concept that 7770 is replacing the 6770, and who told you so? And do you think that matters more than how well 7770 performs and much it costs? (right now, and yes, i mean right now).
Arska are you saying you dont think the 7770 replaces the 6770?
Also the 6870 was replacing the 5770. the 6970 replaced the 5870.
If the only arguement you have is to try and confuse people on naming schemes then you are grasping at straws.
I suppose I need to prove that the GTX550 and GTX560 replaced the GTX450 and GTX460 as well? Or since that wasnt set in stone somewhere I suppose I can expect the GTX550 to perform better than the gtx480 based on its numbers?
Arska are you saying you dont think the 7770 replaces the 6770?

Who give a shit what replaces what in the eyes of AMD? I only care about how the card performs and how much that performance is going to cost me.
Thats with 25% more memory than the 5770, right? I know that when you run out of vram with these gamebyro games that you can see hitching.

Yeah, but I mean, that's with 4x FSAA + FXAA. You could easily kick the AA down to 2x and still have Ultra quality and HD texture packs and have it run fine.
My two cents:
I'm a HD4870 owner.

PRESENT TIME (which is the time this review califfication should be based on, and updated when needed)
Is CGN great?, oh yeah, 640 shaders almost as good as 960, they're very efficient.
Is 7770 overpriced? hell yeah, no doubt about it.
If you are to buy a card at around $160 - $180, which would you buy?, of course a 560 or a 6870
Has performance/price raised?, not a bit for the last 2 years i think, i could have bought a $180 6850 at release price almost 2 years ago and got the same performance as $180 can get me now.

----The following is about price/performance, don't reply if you are to point out any other measurement than that.----
I got my HD4870 on 2009, at $140, and it was like 400% faster than my previous $215 GF 6800GS.(3 generations jump)
I got my GF 6800GS at $215, and it was like 300% faster than my previous $210 FX5700 Ultra3.(1 generation jump)
I got my FX5700 ultra3 at $210 and it was like 40% - 100% faster with anti alias turned on than my previous $300 GF 4600Ti (1 generation jump, note that the 5700 ultra was midrange)

SO, i have $140 (what i paid for my 2.5 year old vcard HD4870), what can i get now for at least 250% performance increase?.......nothing:(.
(take in to account that my card is from 3 generations back, released 3 years ago, in technology that's an eternity, a fossil!).

It isn't the 7770 the problem guys, its a great card given the spec (not the price)

The real problem is performance/price ratio that is royaly screwed up big time.
So you don't care about price or performance, but just model numbers? And surely you consider 6870 to be a huge dump since it performed below 5870?

wtf?? now you intend to draw me in your stupid argument?? you asked about "the concept" of AMD half arsed model numbering, I posted a link with the information information.

I'm not sure what are you trying to pull up, if you intend to defend AMD, you are doing a piss poor job, 7770 is not offering that much of an improvement over the 68xx series, and it's more expensive, which was my original argument, the 68xx should be pitted against the 78xx series, hey who would've though, I'm actually defending this card.

You goofed your own argument, other than that, do as you please, just don't expect the rest of the world to think like you do.
My two cents:
I'm a HD4870 owner.

PRESENT TIME (which is the time this review califfication should be based on, and updated when needed)
Is CGN great?, oh yeah, 640 shaders almost as good as 960, they're very efficient.
Is 7770 overpriced? hell yeah, no doubt about it.
If you are to buy a card at around $160 - $180, which would you buy?, of course a 560 or a 6870
Has performance/price raised?, not a bit for the last 2 years i think, i could have bought a $180 6850 at release price almost 2 years ago and got the same performance as $180 can get me now.

----The following is about price/performance, don't reply if you are to point out any other measurement than that.----
I got my HD4870 on 2009, at $140, and it was like 400% faster than my previous $215 GF 6800GS.(3 generations jump)
I got my GF 6800GS at $215, and it was like 300% faster than my previous $210 FX5700 Ultra3.(1 generation jump)
I got my FX5700 ultra3 at $210 and it was like 40% - 100% faster with anti alias turned on than my previous $300 GF 4600Ti (1 generation jump, note that the 5700 ultra was midrange)

SO, i have $140 (what i paid for my 2.5 year old vcard HD4870), what can i get now for at least 250% performance increase?.......nothing:(.
(take in to account that my card is from 3 generations back, released 3 years ago, in technology that's an eternity, a fossil!).

It isn't the 7770 the problem guys, its a great card given the spec (not the price)

The real problem is performance/price ratio that is royaly screwed up big time.

So considering inflation and your GFX card math, a 7770 should cost, uh..... $37.89(after mail in rebate)?