WoW; 5th expansion Warlords of Draenor

They will put flying back in. Why should they force anyone to interact in a way the don;t want to? Who cares about pvp and their crying about being ganked. Ganking existed before flying and will still exist. If you don't like it don't pvp.

I don't think it's about "forcing" anything, it's about game design. They stated in their blue post that flying makes the world much smaller and much harder to plan (and it does on both accounts). They gave an example of a quest where you had to kill a guy in a fortress. On a flying mount you'd just fly down, gank the guy, and fly away, flying far above the defences. With a ground mount they can get you to go down corridors and explore like they want you to. The big point of this expansion seems to be getting back to core exploration instead of just QUESTQUESTQUESTQUEST then RAIDRAIDRAIDRAID. And I, for one, am enjoy the idea at least.

Imo flying mounts, a dungeon/BG queue system that doesn't prioritize same-server players playing against each other/together, and paid server transfers killed a lot of the WoW community that was unique to each server. In vanilla, atleast on Silvermoon, our community on both sides was tight. I'd know everyone in a battleground and their tendencies since we were all on the same server, and I always knew the raiders/pvp grinding groups. Back then people had reputations (they still do, but not the same extent). It wasn't easy to spend 3 months leveling a new character (as you couldn't name change or transfer) so you had to represent yourself well or become notorious (which some people enjoyed).
I don't think it's about "forcing" anything, it's about game design. They stated in their blue post that flying makes the world much smaller and much harder to plan (and it does on both accounts). They gave an example of a quest where you had to kill a guy in a fortress. On a flying mount you'd just fly down, gank the guy, and fly away, flying far above the defences. With a ground mount they can get you to go down corridors and explore like they want you to. The big point of this expansion seems to be getting back to core exploration instead of just QUESTQUESTQUESTQUEST then RAIDRAIDRAIDRAID. And I, for one, am enjoy the idea at least.

Imo flying mounts, a dungeon/BG queue system that doesn't prioritize same-server players playing against each other/together, and paid server transfers killed a lot of the WoW community that was unique to each server. In vanilla, atleast on Silvermoon, our community on both sides was tight. I'd know everyone in a battleground and their tendencies since we were all on the same server, and I always knew the raiders/pvp grinding groups. Back then people had reputations (they still do, but not the same extent). It wasn't easy to spend 3 months leveling a new character (as you couldn't name change or transfer) so you had to represent yourself well or become notorious (which some people enjoyed).

It was looking for dungeon that did that. If you believe flying was even a part of your community falling apart well I don't know. Looking for dungeons was the best thing they added to wow. Who wanted to wait 1 or more hours trying to get a dungeon run going.
They need to add an account toggle for the people that want to play the game the way they think blizzard designed it. So no flying, no using dungeon queues, no skipping cut scenes, etc. Them let the rest of us play the way we want. I don't care about PvP or the wow story, never have and never will.
I'm pretty excited for the release tonight. Leveled up my level 55 Draenei Hunter (my main is Blood Elf Rogue) with the level 90 boost that came with the pre-purchase. I love playing for the Horde but from what I've seen I liked Shadowmoon Valley more as a starting zone and wanted to give it a first try.

I've been questing around 2-3 weeks for a Drake of the West wind for my Draenei Hunter (using Azure Netherdrake on my Rogue) as I wanted a new mount just before release. After I earned it I decided to go the Vortex Pinnacle to give Altarius a try.

I don't know why I did that, but I just had that feeling for some reason. Used my Rogue and the North Wind Drake actually dropped. I think I kept staring at my screen for awhile. I always preferred the North Wind drake over the one from Tol Barad but I thought the chance was too low for me to see it drop.
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that 3 am est sucks =/

iirc, MoP landed around midnight? or maybe my memory is off. it was fun to race to the new spot, compete with other idiots etc.

I just came back to wow about.. 3 weeks ago? moved to care bears. hate pvp while leveling etc.

anyway, I had left around 5.2, when my vale raiding gear was replaced by valor gear on TI.. lol /ragequit

just came back a friend encouraged me, so I picked the cloak quest back up and actually got it! I even ran with some friends, not a bought carry, but a bit of a carry by some better geared people.. and got my H BOA staff for the mage. Im pretty excited about wod, just the new content, etc. Ilove new expansions because its fun, hopefully better lore with this, and not as ego driven for a while.
Them let the rest of us play the way we want. I don't care about PvP or the wow story, never have and never will.


Just kidding.

Or am I.
I canceled my amazon preorder since they hadn't shipped it yet and got the digital version from Blizzard. I'm juiced for tomorrow!
or maybe.. Ill set my alarm.. and get up =)

w00t w00t!

got pretty lucky coming back too.. since mmo's really are about the people.. I found a very cool group of adults. very chill, yet we do raid without drama etc. supportive etc.

that always helps!
or maybe.. Ill set my alarm.. and get up =)

w00t w00t!

got pretty lucky coming back too.. since mmo's really are about the people.. I found a very cool group of adults. very chill, yet we do raid without drama etc. supportive etc.

that always helps!

I'll be playing right through tomorrow night into Friday afternoon. Have nothing planned other than that.
that 3 am est sucks =/
iirc, MoP landed around midnight? or maybe my memory is off. it was fun to race to the new spot, compete with other idiots etc.

Nope, that's how it always been. I remember waking up at around 5am last time and then staring at the stupid helicopter quest giver for an hour.
I won't get serious play time in until Saturday:(

Being paid hourly sucks, otherwise I'd get a cold, too.
I won't get serious play time in until Saturday:(

Being paid hourly sucks, otherwise I'd get a cold, too.

Mmm, working at home and doing my coding on my big ass monitors = a dream. I can't believe it took me this long to ask to work from home.

<3 <3
damn it man. guess I must have set my alarm for MoP release to get up then..

ya, I can technically request working from home.never have. maybe its time to start...
I'm so excited I could shit. This expansion is going to be awesome!
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I'm so exited I could shit. This expansion is going to be awesome!

I already did shit! Now I'm at a loss for what to do next.

But seriously. I am anxiously tracking my collector's ed. on amazon, can't wait to get it. Thursday afternoon can't come soon enough.
I won't get serious play time in until Saturday:(

Being paid hourly sucks, otherwise I'd get a cold, too.

Hourly rocks. A couple longer 12-14 hour days, and you can take a Friday off, easy.
damn it man. guess I must have set my alarm for MoP release to get up then..

ya, I can technically request working from home.never have. maybe its time to start...

Just make sure you hit the gym 5x a week. When you start working from home, you become very lazy.
Big cushy leather chair with lumbar support + a subscription to the gym is where it's at. The first week I started working from home, I had thoughts of what'd happen if I never got up to go work out...gave me nightmares! Takes some discipline to force yourself to go, and to remember to take breaks, but then again, it's a good habit to take breaks when working in an office environment as well. Get up every 20 minutes, your back and ass will thank you. Drink plenty of water too. It's really easy to let yourself go when working from home, TOO easy really.
espin#1448 is the name! Add me so we can talk about the expanion as we level!
I got to play for about 30 min this morning and so far the zones look awesome. I'm still stuck in the follow the leader arch, so that kind of sucks, but the story is being set up which is cool. I'm excited to get to the open world.

Sadly, I won't get much play time until Saturday:(
Yup. Completed the portal ach. And headed to work right after hitting Frostfire. No bugs, no lags, no crashes. Also, no day 1 patch, which surprised me.
Man trying to get the garrison quest finished was a bitch but so far the garrison is pretty awesome.
My SO doesn't know I bought WoD. I played for a little bit at 3AM EST while the SO slept during that time.
I checked my account and the last time I was in WoW was in 2009. Almost tempted to resub for a month and check out the panda/monk thing....... (2009 was when I used that come back to wow 7 days free thing I guess, since I don't have the option anymore)
Wait so there is no flying mounts in the expansion? wtf?

Im a little annoyed there hasnt been a new class or race intro this time around either
Few bugs. Warlock pets keep going away or getting stuck and can't find a path. Haven't logged my hunter yet to see if he has the same problems.

Phasing seems wacky. I'll be riding along and see some things ahead, mobs or herbs and get to it and they are gone. I think I can also see players not in the same phase as myself. Mobs are not attacking them even when they are standing right on top of one.

And server seems to be crashing as I type, no one can loot, no flight paths working, can't hearth.

Liking the story and Garrisons so far.
Servers are dying now that people are getting home from work/school.

I got like 2 hours in this morning, lag was tolerable. Got to 91 on my pally, got my garrison started.

Probably unplayable tonight, we'll have to see :) Fun so far though.
HAHA!!! :D They just booted us all back to stormwind/orgrim. No WoD for us!! All of us were laughing, right in the middle of questing with each other, we just started randomly showing up in Stormwind. Billion dollars a year, 10 years later still can't launch an expansion. Its one thing if you are new to this, but Blizzard??? Come on. lol
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ChedWick #1555 ( I Think)
Appaz - Korgath(Horde)

I unfortunately wont have time to play till probably Sunday night. I did log on this morning before leaving for work and was about to start the quest until it prompted about not being able to end it right away so I just checked my AH stuff and called it a day.

Hopefully Sunday night everything will be fixed and I wont have too many issues.