World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

Looks like a few of those pictures had dead links to them.

Very nice SeaFoam! I love it when I do well on tirpitz as well. Also, SeaFoam, you know you can take screenshots from in-game? Just push the print screen button on the keyboard and they are saved inside game folder. Just look for the screenshot folder from there.
Looks like a few of those pictures had dead links to them.

Very nice SeaFoam! I love it when I do well on tirpitz as well. Also, SeaFoam, you know you can take screenshots from in-game? Just push the print screen button on the keyboard and they are saved inside game folder. Just look for the screenshot folder from there.

Ahh! Well that is nice! Hopefully I'll have my Admiral Hipper tonight, we will see how well I do with it.
Can someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do on the godforsaken high tier ice map? I feel like I generally have at least some idea how to approach most of the maps, but I've got nothing on this one and end up sailing around like an idiot. I'm usually in a BB - Iowa/NC/Nagato/Tirpitz, for what it's worth.

Speaking of Iowa, only a few games in so far, but it seems to flood more easily than any other BB I've played? A single torp floods me every time.
Can someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do on the godforsaken high tier ice map? I feel like I generally have at least some idea how to approach most of the maps, but I've got nothing on this one and end up sailing around like an idiot. I'm usually in a BB - Iowa/NC/Nagato/Tirpitz, for what it's worth.

Speaking of Iowa, only a few games in so far, but it seems to flood more easily than any other BB I've played? A single torp floods me every time.

I usually stay stationary at the beginning and see how the match unfolds. If not, I go toward the carrier and give AA cover for the first enemy run.

As for the Iowa, I don't have a flooding issue more than any other ships - but - my Iowa is fully upgraded.
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man, I wish I could get a tripitz. I know its flawed, but I crave range so bad.
I craved range, so I got a murmansk. Pretty cool shooting 14k, or 17k with the spotter plane up. I can't hit shit out there, but it's nice to watch the pretty tracers I guess as I give away my position and call in the hogs of war to destroy me.

(yes I know it's dogs, but if hogs are good enough for archer, they are good enough for me).
I craved range, so I got a murmansk. Pretty cool shooting 14k, or 17k with the spotter plane up. I can't hit shit out there, but it's nice to watch the pretty tracers I guess as I give away my position and call in the hogs of war to destroy me.

(yes I know it's dogs, but if hogs are good enough for archer, they are good enough for me).

17.8km base range with the 4 point captain skill and 21km+ range with the scout active.

Murmansk is downright nasty.
17.8km base range with the 4 point captain skill and 21km+ range with the scout active.

Murmansk is downright nasty.

and the most historically incorrect ship in the game, but i guess the russian line of ships in the game needed to have something useful.. but to be honest though with how incorrect the murmansk is, it makes me worry that all the russian ships that'll eventually be added to the game are complete garbage. but i guess i'll wait and see.. i already gave up on the russian DD's after T4. i dunno hopefully WG'ing found some paper ships that end up being amazing but based on all the documentation i've found of russian paper ships they aren't any different from the US ships since most were designed by american and british companies.
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Yes it is... I love it! money making machine :p powered by Russian Bias!!

Also, finally got my Iowa, sold the NC kind of miss it though, before upgrades the NC feels better than the Iowa, though the Iowa seems to penetrate better against the T10s! 4 cits in 3 salvos against a Yamato, maybe it's the angle of the shells. Can't wait for upgrades :D
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I citadeled a fully uped New York with my Murmansk yesterday at 11-12 km.

The latest Citadel Monster is the T1 Hermelin :) That damn thing is wild. Just put it in AP and leave it there regardless of situation.

I call it "Herme the love cruiser" :)
no kidding, I probably have a 2% hit rate out there. My long range shooting is just sad. Maybe I'm just incompatible with that ship, I've been getting crushed in it.

Well, your basically shooting ballistic shells from the atmosphere in plane mode :)
it's not that bad at 21k, mostly people don't expect you to fire on them and travel straight, and then you can just spam like crazy, even just to set BBs on fire while staying out of their range (up to T5 you will ot range all of the US BBs )
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no kidding, I probably have a 2% hit rate out there. My long range shooting is just sad. Maybe I'm just incompatible with that ship, I've been getting crushed in it.

just takes practice.. my friend that i always play WoWS with was terrible with long range shot prediction, had to coach the shit out of him on it and forced him to play the Cleveland for a month, once you master the Cleveland everything is a piece of cake after that, lol.

i'd say the hardest thing with long range shots is predicting speed and direction. if you're traveling toward them parallel, you want to fire at the water line of the ship, if you or them is traveling away from you, you want to typically fire deck level and ahead of them. it'll take time but you'll figure it out and then have to unlearn it all when you switch to a different ship like the konigsberg or pensacola which don't have any of those issues for long range shots, lol.

The latest Citadel Monster is the T1 Hermelin :) That damn thing is wild. Just put it in AP and leave it there regardless of situation.

I call it "Herme the love cruiser" :)

in T1 anything can citadel anything it's just about placing the shots correctly since the citadel's are in weird spots.
Anyone know what changes are in the 5.1 update that's about to be tested ?
I have my first 10 point captain. For the Pensacola, what are the best captain choices to use?

I can't imagine how long it takes, under NORMAL play, to get a 15 point captain :)
I have my first 10 point captain. For the Pensacola, what are the best captain choices to use?

I can't imagine how long it takes, under NORMAL play, to get a 15 point captain :)

on my new orleans I have...

The second option on the first column, (Turret rotation speed), the first option on the second column ( reload time and AA efficiency), the 4th option on the second column (20% boost to AA / 155m cannons and below), the 4th option on the last column (extra consumable, not useful yet, but will be @ T9/10 with the health repair thingy) and I think I Also have one of the damage control ones, my captain is a rear admiral :p
I think I'm close to t hat, but the 20% gun thing doesn't help me because they are too big.

On the 4 point line the best thing I could figure to use was the last chance stand option. Once the install of the beta for tomorrow is done, I'll check and make sure.

The ones in yellow are pretty much required for anything that isn't a carrier. The ones in orange are more dependent on what's needed. I don't use the Superintendent skill on cruisers until I actually have a Tier 9 because it's a waste of 3 points that could be used elsewhere but it is required on all battleships and should be the priority skill to obtain with a new battleship captain.

The 1 and 3 pt repair skills are quite important, though. The 1pt reduces the time for fire extinguishing and flooding by a good amount. Combine that with the 20% fireproof flag and fires can only rage on your ship for something like 65% of their normal time. That's a hell of a lot of HP you don't have to heal back for a BB or tier 9-10 cruiser while your repair party and/or heal are on cooldown.

I think I'm close to t hat, but the 20% gun thing doesn't help me because they are too big.

On the 4 point line the best thing I could figure to use was the last chance stand option. Once the install of the beta for tomorrow is done, I'll check and make sure.

It's not your main guns but your secondary and AA guns that get the benefit. The 4pt skills drastically increases the effectiveness of AA.

The ones in yellow are pretty much required for anything that isn't a carrier. The ones in orange are more dependent on what's needed. I don't use the Superintendent skill on cruisers until I actually have a Tier 9 because it's a waste of 3 points that could be used elsewhere but it is required on all battleships and should be the priority skill to obtain with a new battleship captain.

The 1 and 3 pt repair skills are quite important, though. The 1pt reduces the time for fire extinguishing and flooding by a good amount. Combine that with the 20% fireproof flag and fires can only rage on your ship for something like 65% of their normal time. That's a hell of a lot of HP you don't have to heal back for a BB or tier 9-10 cruiser while your repair party and/or heal are on cooldown.

It's not your main guns but your secondary and AA guns that get the benefit. The 4pt skills drastically increases the effectiveness of AA.

+ what he said

On the Iowa, i briefly tried the captain skill + the upgrade for 20% AA range, my range was 7.2K on the 5" guns :) !!
Those derzki's might have short range torps, but when there are 3 of them working in a pack, those bastards can be vicious. I'm guessing they were on teamspeak or something -they were perfectly coordinated, popped smoke, let it simmer for a minute, then all 3 came charging in straight, turned on a dime and lobbed their 30 torps in a nice line, circle, reload and launch. In about 90 seconds, my umikaze, karlsruhe (I think) and 2 south carolinas all dead. Pretty damn impressive. One guy said he normally runs his mogami, so I'd imagine they were all high level guys down to troll the
Thanks !


The ones in yellow are pretty much required for anything that isn't a carrier. The ones in orange are more dependent on what's needed. I don't use the Superintendent skill on cruisers until I actually have a Tier 9 because it's a waste of 3 points that could be used elsewhere but it is required on all battleships and should be the priority skill to obtain with a new battleship captain.

The 1 and 3 pt repair skills are quite important, though. The 1pt reduces the time for fire extinguishing and flooding by a good amount. Combine that with the 20% fireproof flag and fires can only rage on your ship for something like 65% of their normal time. That's a hell of a lot of HP you don't have to heal back for a BB or tier 9-10 cruiser while your repair party and/or heal are on cooldown.

It's not your main guns but your secondary and AA guns that get the benefit. The 4pt skills drastically increases the effectiveness of AA.
Had my best game in the pepsicola. Our team got creamed right off the get-go. it was me and a single CV vs 2CVs, all their BBs and 2 cruisers.

Those derzki's might have short range torps, but when there are 3 of them working in a pack, those bastards can be vicious. I'm guessing they were on teamspeak or something -they were perfectly coordinated, popped smoke, let it simmer for a minute, then all 3 came charging in straight, turned on a dime and lobbed their 30 torps in a nice line, circle, reload and launch. In about 90 seconds, my umikaze, karlsruhe (I think) and 2 south carolinas all dead. Pretty damn impressive. One guy said he normally runs his mogami, so I'd imagine they were all high level guys down to troll the

lol, that's nasty.

I've run across a triple shimakaze division that was fully coordinated as well about three or four times. Each time I faced them we didn't have a carrier in the match, lol.

Had my best game in the pepsicola. Our team got creamed right off the get-go. it was me and a single CV vs 2CVs, all their BBs and 2 cruisers.

Nice job!
I like the Pensacola, but man is it a "Stick and Run" ship or what. You take your shot, then GTFOOT before they get a bead on you because this thing cannot take hits worth a damn.

What it can do to a ship broadside at 5k is damn near criminal :)
I like the Pensacola, but man is it a "Stick and Run" ship or what. You take your shot, then GTFOOT before they get a bead on you because this thing cannot take hits worth a damn.

What it can do to a ship broadside at 5k is damn near criminal :)

Yes, I liked the pen as well! Good game last nite :p

On another note, I'm finally getting the hang of the Iowa, the guns are MUCH better than the NC(but it seems the spread is worse) , this thing dishes out damage without breaking a sweat, though being that it's an Iowa, it seems to paint a giant god damn target on my back, the NC usually gets ignored lol.

I had an Izumo take me down in 1 salvo from ~50,000ish HP, it was a bad situation, 3k apart, whoever fired first was probably going to beat the other :p
Yes, I liked the pen as well! Good game last nite :p

On another note, I'm finally getting the hang of the Iowa, the guns are MUCH better than the NC(but it seems the spread is worse) , this thing dishes out damage without breaking a sweat, though being that it's an Iowa, it seems to paint a giant god damn target on my back, the NC usually gets ignored lol.

I had an Izumo take me down in 1 salvo from ~50,000ish HP, it was a bad situation, 3k apart, whoever fired first was probably going to beat the other :p

Yeah, I got focused and it didn't last long :(. IIRC I was in a pretty crappy ship at the time too.

It was my fault. I brought a wet noodle to a gun fight too quickly and got my ass kicked.
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Anyone know the change list for the 5.1 Beta?

Boy, I wish I could rack up coin and XP that fast in the real game :)

Anyone know if any of our spoils will be carried over to our real acounts?
Anyone know the change list for the 5.1 Beta?

Boy, I wish I could rack up coin and XP that fast in the real game :)

Anyone know if any of our spoils will be carried over to our real acounts?

going on previous test servers, no, you get nothing, but you can try out ships that will take you a while to get. and i think the previous test server stuff you had carries over.
Anyone know the change list for the 5.1 Beta?

Boy, I wish I could rack up coin and XP that fast in the real game :)

Anyone know if any of our spoils will be carried over to our real acounts?

Test server, so no, nothing carriers over.

I'm looking into getting a full set of the patch notes but it's piece meal from everywhere that I'm searching. However, check out the new port:

The changes to Islands of Ice look fucking retarded:
Test server, so no, nothing carriers over.

I'm looking into getting a full set of the patch notes but it's piece meal from everywhere that I'm searching. However, check out the new port:

The changes to Islands of Ice look fucking retarded:

oh wow, they totally nerfed that map, it looks a lot easier to navigate around, which kind of sucks, the crazy islands made it interesting and useful to hide behind and take shots etc
I definitely like that new port UI.

As for the Islands of Ice map: I agree Whisky Tango Foxtrot...

I would LOVE to have more islands on that map, but that is just STOOPID.