World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

Getting into a knive fight with tirpitz, in the 8-9 line of fault line, is bags of fun! Made another tirpitz, a cleveland, and an aoba regret that :D Also, want to point out, I never got a citadel during that game.


So, I do have a question for the more experienced players out there: On my Iowa, should I get the gun fire control system mod 2 or AA gun mod 3 for the third upgrade?
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stepping away from KM cruisers for a moment - i FINALLY unlocked the north carolina. and by the emperor, is it an immense step-up from the colorado. fast, awesome guns, decent AA, good armor.

now, i got quite fond of the colorado after this much time, and with the last hull it is not that bad. but now it feels like a toy. plus, on the EU server the matchmaking usually puts me up against new yorks and new mexicos, but suspiciously few tirpitzes. that's like shootin' fish in a barrell.

God I love that boat.

Every time I come up against one in my Cleveland or Pensacola I run like hell and HE spam it, cause one shot and I am done.

On my team? Stick to them like glue, they are lethal and eveyone shoots at them bounching their shells while you pick them all off.
NC, 1.5x XP bonus for first win, 50% xp flag, 100% xp camo = youch

Wow, that's really good.

On a side note.
I've been playing more and more Furytaco and I've grown to appreciate the ship. I'd pick the Fury over the Omaha due to Fury firepower and citadel KO punch power. Once I got it fully upgraded it's a pretty good ship now. Only thing it lacks in is range, where the Murkie bests it.
So, I do have a question for the more experienced players out there: On my Iowa, should I get the gun fire control system mod 2 or AA gun mod 3 for the third upgrade?

I always take the accuracy mod whenever it is available for a BB. Tighter grouping, even by a few percent, can make all the difference between a 10-15k salvo and a 60k salvo.

Also, I have no idea what the hell 20% improved AA efficiency actually does from a statistical standpoint. Without some extensive testing there's little reason for me to suggest it. Running AA mod 2 for 20% increased range, along with the 1 & 4 point captain skills that help AA, you should be about as good as you can be. Remember, even completely AA-oriented battleship defenses will get overwhelmed.

edit: nice rounds, chibe and viper!
That is a shit ton of XP there Viper x! Gratz mate!

And thanks Business, i'll go with that. Really starting to love these guns, and here I thought the North Carolina's guns were the cat's meow.
Izumo overview. Surprisingly strong ship and I think it's worth putting the effort in to learning it.

Chibe, apparently the 20% AA efficiency directly increases the DPM of the AA so it could be worth it, depending on a few factors.
Izumo overview. Surprisingly strong ship and I think it's worth putting the effort in to learning it.

Chibe, apparently the 20% AA efficiency directly increases the DPM of the AA so it could be worth it, depending on a few factors.

As someone who spent some time in the Izumo, it's not surprisingly strong. It's not a good ship. You can have some good games in it, since the turret location leads to tight groups on target, but it's just paper when it comes to taking damage even on angles since the deck is so wide you get plunging pens all the time. People exaggerate how bad it is, but it's still terrible.
The problem with the Izumo is that it is compared to the Iowa, which is a great ship. The second problem is that the Izumo is one UGLY looking ship, so everyone likes to rag on an ugly duckling. Once all of the battleships are released, I wouldn't doubt that the Izumo will be middle of the road.


Also finally, FINALLY got Wither! Only achievements I need to get still is solo warrior and close quarters combat expert (which I should have gotten a few times, but still didn't receive it).


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As someone who spent some time in the Izumo, it's not surprisingly strong. It's not a good ship. You can have some good games in it, since the turret location leads to tight groups on target, but it's just paper when it comes to taking damage even on angles since the deck is so wide you get plunging pens all the time. People exaggerate how bad it is, but it's still terrible.

My experiences disagree with your experiences. I think it does just fine taking damage at angles but yeah, obviously if giving a flat side you're going to take a shit load of damage. That's true regardless of the ship. The Izumo is likely a lot less forgiving than other ships because it requires more to play it well.

Honestly, I didn't find the Izumo taking any more or less plunging fire than other ships. They're all wide as hell at tier 8 and up and they all take that damage due to the armor schemes used. Save for the retardedly exaggerated armor on the Yamato.

Congrats on Witherer, chibe. I still have yet to attain Solo Warrior or CQB Expert as well. Really thought I earned that on a couple ships so far but apparently not.
Congrats on Witherer, chibe. I still have yet to attain Solo Warrior or CQB Expert as well. Really thought I earned that on a couple ships so far but apparently not.

Thanks. As for the CQB expert, I "did" get it on my New York atleast, as in, I got the flags for that achievment award. However, I did NOT get the achievement itself. Wargaming logic for ya.
I spent 4 hours on 8 ships last night and got all of 18,000 total LOL

Wow, that's really good.

On a side note.
I've been playing more and more Furytaco and I've grown to appreciate the ship. I'd pick the Fury over the Omaha due to Fury firepower and citadel KO punch power. Once I got it fully upgraded it's a pretty good ship now. Only thing it lacks in is range, where the Murkie bests it.
Farragut destroyer is next, or should I build the Japanese or Rusky line instead? Farragut, at first glance at least, is a downgrade from the Nicholas.

I don't get this Tech Tree sometimes. Upgrading to lower performing ships don't make sense to me.
Thanks. As for the CQB expert, I "did" get it on my New York atleast, as in, I got the flags for that achievment award. However, I did NOT get the achievement itself. Wargaming logic for ya.

I think getting the CQB requires a good deal of insanity. Which means I probably have 12 of them LOL

I would think the STL or Omaha/Muransk would be great ships to get this with.
Only way to get CQB Expert is for the secondary guns (line on a battleship) to do 20% of his HP and kill him. So the St. Louis and the Omaha is out of the question for that achievement.
^ No, it's pretty much BB-only territory as it's all from being WAY TOO CLOSE and beating up folks with your secondaries (which are laughable/nonexistent on the boats you list)

Edit: Chibe beat me to it!
I just watched a Phly Daily video where he got 80,000 plus XP in a single Yamato game. Holy shit...
Getting into a knive fight with tirpitz, in the 8-9 line of fault line, is bags of fun! Made another tirpitz, a cleveland, and an aoba regret that :D Also, want to point out, I never got a citadel during that game.

So, I do have a question for the more experienced players out there: On my Iowa, should I get the gun fire control system mod 2 or AA gun mod 3 for the third upgrade?

First game in my Iowa last night . . . and, yikes, the repair bill. Lost the battle and sunk but did 104k in damage. With premium, I made 20k in credits. Without premium, I would have lost 50k credits.
And once again, matchmaker is drunk.

LOL! and they have the salem witch.. with higher tiers... awesome

had something just as stupid yesterday

Our team had 3 T5 battleships, only 1 in a division, theirs had 3 T6 battleships, NONE in a division... WTF? why not balance that out a bit and give our team a T6 and theirs a T5?!
Made it to the New Mexico. Should I keep the NY or sell it?

I can freeze the captain in Carbomite. I already had one for the NM.
I wouldn't keep it IMO. The kongo was a better ship, when compared to the same tier of BB.
Off she goes. Don't see it as much of an XP grinder. I got other ships for that. Could use the million or so too :)
Man, it's hard to get anywhere in time to shoot at anything in the NM. By the time I get there it's all oil slicks and twinkie wrappers.
Low tier USN BB's don't seem worth it to me. Then again I petered out on the NY

I am having the same issue. Can anyone comment if it gets better? I loved the wyoming and then went to the NY and was like wtf did I just do.
The next BB is just as slow. So you have to preplan on where you want to go.

Looks like I have a massive Tirpitz grind ahead of me. Yay on being redonkulously short on credits for me to pick up the Mogami. Only 8 million to go :(
The next BB is just as slow. So you have to preplan on where you want to go.

Looks like I have a massive Tirpitz grind ahead of me. Yay on being redonkulously short on credits for me to pick up the Mogami. Only 8 million to go :(

Its not the speed that really makes me so frustrated in the NY its the fact that going from the Wyoming to the NY I feel like my accuracy all the sudden went down the shitter with longer reload times all while turning into an even larger whale target that no cruiser can seem to miss at 2km further than my best range...

ahhh relief my rage is vented
Yea, it is a bitch driving the slow bus around that is good only at spraying and not praying. Atleast it better with the New Mexico. Reload is slower though with the New Mexico.
I am having the same issue. Can anyone comment if it gets better? I loved the wyoming and then went to the NY and was like wtf did I just do.

it gets better then worse then better again.. the new mexico is a friggin beast, the colorado sucks and the NC and iowa are really good.. but i'd say the new mexico is probably the most fun of them to play.
Accuracy is shit. Played it a bunch of times in the Colorado buff patch and the New Mexico seemed to get some stealth nerf that made it damn near impossible to use. That was my go-to ship for breaking any bad streak with 80% win rate, 80k average damage a match in 90 matches. I fucking loved that ship but now it makes the Fuso shotgun spread look like it's a sniper by comparison.
Accuracy is shit. Played it a bunch of times in the Colorado buff patch and the New Mexico seemed to get some stealth nerf that made it damn near impossible to use. That was my go-to ship for breaking any bad streak with 80% win rate, 80k average damage a match in 90 matches. I fucking loved that ship but now it makes the Fuso shotgun spread look like it's a sniper by comparison.

i dunno every new mexico i've run across the last 2 days friggin nails me with every damn round even from max range.. doesn't seem any different then it was before.
i dunno every new mexico i've run across the last 2 days friggin nails me with every damn round even from max range.. doesn't seem any different then it was before.

I think I need to grind some other ships to get some free XP to use to get all the upgrades for the NM because right now it's a big ass sitting duck that can't get out of it's own way or hit a damn thing at distance.

Possibly the worst ship I've driven so far.