What games do you Regret buying in 2008?

gta4 - meh
fifa 07 (shut up it was 3 dollars)
army of two - buddy sucked at it so never finished the coop and it just sat around till it got traded in

fucking age of conan
fucking HG:L
fucking warhammer

Bought a ps3 also but only have nhl09 and socom but I like both of those games for the most part right now.

playing fo3 / l4d / GUILDWARS right now and having fun again. also running through steam games again like I always seem to do every month or 2.
Battle Field Bad company
GT5 Prologue
Fallout 3
Fable 2 (kinda its fun but not really my type of RPG)
Farcry 2 (worst game I played this year)
GTA 4 (Never finished the game, online lots more than laggy, and cover system is bs)
Bioshock (one of the worst cases of motion sickness induced by a game I have ever had, that and not the type of FPS that I like)

Didn't regret:
Halo 3
Gears 2 (prbly my fav 3rd Person shooter of all time)
Dead Space
Warhammer Online: 1st month was fun and got my shaman to around level 25, no regret. Additional month was bore fest and total regret.
Bad choices :

2 demos :

Spore Creature Creator
Farcry (I know... I know... 4 years after - I wanted to try a little shooter but I'm really not good at this)

1 full game :

Simcity Societies (the end of the franchise ?)

Good choices :

Sins of a solar empire
Civilisation IV
It's not mine, but I regret not telling my dad he shouldn't by mercenaries 2, that game was terrible.
ut3 and company of heroes are my main ones i regret..... just nevr got into no matter how many times i went back i could just never get back into it.

best money i spent was one Fallout 3 and COD4... i still play cod4 multi and single almost daily

and fallout 3 i rushed thru and beat it then loaded a save game from near the begining and have been doing nothing but side missions between sunday and monday combined i wasted my two days off by playing this game for a total of 30 hours lol.... oh well it was a stay at home and be lazy weekend my first in months.
Bad Ones:

Crysis (I wanted to beat single player but gave up after mission glitches)
Age of Conan (Wanted to like it but just got tired of grinding)
WoW (Tried playing with friends still just found boring)

Call of Duty 4 (Loved the single player hated multiplayer)
Spectromancer (created by Richard Garfield creator of Magic the Gathering 20.00 well spent)
Tabala Rasa (.96 cents never played lol)

Kings Bounty
Witcher Special Edition
Left 4 Dead (not really hyped anymore for it)
Oh yeah, I regretted purchasing RB1. Bass drum pedal lasted 2 months, guitar was wonky from the start and now just randomly activates star power. Tried to get warranty service 2.5 months in and was denied and told it was out of warranty. Sure as hell not going to drop another hundred bucks on stuff that low quality, so screw you very much, Harmonix. :)
FC2 is the first thing that comes to mind. Was interesting for the first 3 hours and then it just went down hill after I realize that the rest of the game would be to repeat those 3 hours over and over again. Second is Dead Space, not that it's a bad game, but it's just not my type of game.

How dare you even associate with System Shock, you re-made a game 10 years old with LESS features, Ken levine your a tool and i hate you
Age of Conan - All hype and no substance, I'll never pre-order an MMO again.

Fallout 3 - Lacked the magic of the previous titles, too much wandering around fighting the same stuff over and over again; also lacks a solid storyline.

Too Human - I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed I was with this game.

Unreal Tournament 3 - A little more innovation would have been nice.
Age of Conan
Warhammer Online
Hellgate London
Tabula Rasa
Red Alert 3

Valkria Profile
Fallout 3
Fable 2
Left 4 Dead
No regrets here except maybe Paradise City.
I am not much into driving games...
Spore haha. just failed to be fun when it came to the space age, not enough material

why are people cutting up Warhammer? :(
lost odyssey - well made but i think i idolize ff7 too much to enjoy it cuz i'm constantly comparing the two.

i also regret renting army of 2 like 3 times before buying it, i should have just bought the damn thing after i enjoyed the first rent.

Wrath of the Lich King - should have known better, but after installing it, I again realized how much I hate WoW.
Assassins Creed - man, this was boring and repetitive
SSBB (and every other Wii game) - online play never ever worked right
Castle Crashers - was never able to play online, game is totally broken, not sure if patch ever came out


Gears of War 2


Fallout 3 (should have got it for PC though)
Orange Box
Far Cry 2 fails, I got it for free with my Evga GTX280 and I cant even play it, tried multiple installs, got the new patch that came out and I cant even start a story mode game. Just gets stuck at the loading screen. The pro is that the DVD art looks cool, so it will serve as my new coaster. No coffee rings on my desk!
Far Cry 2, what garbage.

Not real keen on Skate for PS3 either, good game but the frame rate just drives me absolutely nuts.
Far Cry 2 fails, I got it for free with my Evga GTX280 and I cant even play it, tried multiple installs, got the new patch that came out and I cant even start a story mode game. Just gets stuck at the loading screen. The pro is that the DVD art looks cool, so it will serve as my new coaster. No coffee rings on my desk!
you havent even played it yet but it fails? you obviously have something on your pc thats causing the problem because I have installed it on 4 comps without any issues. that being said the game is repetitive as hell so it might be a good thing you cant play it.

my biggest regrets:
Alone in the Dark...biggest pos with the worst controls in a game I have ever tried playing
Assassins Creed...boring, repetitive and to be honest I couldnt figure out what to do half the time

somewhat regrettable:
Far Cry 2...very repetitive, boring at times, ridiculous AI and enemy respawning
Fallout 3...maybe role playing just isnt for me
Far Cry 2.

Made the mistake of playing HL2 Ep1, Ep2 and Portal right before it... Talk about how not to make an enjoyable game :rolleyes:
Tomb Raider Underworld.

It looks like it has a promising story, and the puzzles are great... but now I'm stuck at a broken game mechanic and I have to start from the beginning again, since Ive been relying on a single autosave file. Argh... four hours of gaming down the drain!

Spore (ugh)

Wished I had bought sooner (waiting for new monitor):
I slightly regret Alone in the Dark - I liked the story and the cutscenes...the controls were wonky though.

I really regret FarCry 2 - first because although it looked fantastic and the fire effects were cool the story really was lame and the ending sucked balls. Secondly I got a free copy with the BFG promotion after I paid full price on steam =(

Kane & Lynch - It wasn't really buggy for me on my PC but the game really didn't have a great ending in my opinion and the story was flat

Assassins Creed - Game was just boring...I didn't even make it past the first mission before I gave up and haven't loaded it up since.
I slightly regret Alone in the Dark - I liked the story and the cutscenes...the controls were wonky though.

I really regret FarCry 2 - first because although it looked fantastic and the fire effects were cool the story really was lame and the ending sucked balls. Secondly I got a free copy with the BFG promotion after I paid full price on steam =(

Kane & Lynch - It wasn't really buggy for me on my PC but the game really didn't have a great ending in my opinion and the story was flat

Assassins Creed - Game was just boring...I didn't even make it past the first mission before I gave up and haven't loaded it up since.

Not sure why all the hate for this game. Granted the story premise is silly but the gameplay is fun. Its definately a console oriented game. I will be buying Assassins Creed 2 when it comes out.

Far Cry 2 is complete garbage. God I wish I had a time machine to smack myself before I paid money for this piece of shit software.
PC versions of Dead Space, Far Cry 2, and Fallout 3, the former two because of horrible implementation of mouse aiming control and the latter because it just seemed too much like an Oblivion mod.
Mercenaries 2.

Too few dialog for each character spoken way more than shoud be. Always being in 3rd person view sucks. Glitchy game. Pathetic AI. Did I miss something?
Warhammer Online, boy did that one get boring quick.

Almost bought Age of Conan when it came out, so glad I didn't now.