What games do you Regret buying in 2008?

Well, MGS4 so far, and Socom (sorta). MGS4, just because it isn't my type of game, and I still can't finish it.
In order of how I remember (note, most of these items are on the list because I shouldn't have bought it at the time, not how good the game was)

Fallout 3 (Good game, I just should have waited till the bugs were patched out)
ID super pack (Too expensive)
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One (One of the best games of 2008, it's just I bought it one day before the weekend deal on steam. Could have saved 10 dollars :( )
Peggle Deluxe (Haven't touched it in a long time)
Titan Quest (Haven't touched it)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (Loved the first one, 2nd one isn't the same without OL)
Diablo 2 (Bought the battle chest hoping that I could get my friends to play it. Nobody was into it, and I don't really want to play through it single player)

So yeah, most of these are good games. I just should have waited and got them at a lower price
STALKER (first one, just thought it was ambitious but boring overall)
Crysis Warhead - bought it see what I could do with my new SLI rig... so not regretting it that much :)
Supreme Commander
Hellgate London. Spent 70 dollars on the Collectors Edition, for shame:(
Raw Vs Smackdown on PSP

and last but not least

AGE OF FUCK YOU CONAN!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So far everything has been pretty fun. I don't usually buy games on impulse rather I wait on reviews and feed back from the gaming community before I jump on something.
Supreme Commander was fun as hell. but on to the subject matter:

for me i was really disappointed by Age of Conan, first 20 levels AWSOME...rest suckage
farcry 2 comes into mind just for the stupid pills you got to keep taking at the wrong fucking time.
Hellgate London was my regret. Flagship Studios really messed up with this game. That's why they're shutting it down completely in Jan 2009.
World of Warcraft. I didn't even make it out of the free 30 days. It's not that I didn't like it, I just didn't like playing it alone, and I don't play often enough for most guilds to want me.

Madden 2009 Collector's Edition. I only bought it because my brother in law and I usually play the crap out of it together. This was the year he married my sister, right after it came out, and I bought them a PS3 as their wedding gift. He then trades in everything Xbox360 and goes full frontal on PS3. So I don't play Madden at all.
Hellgate London was my regret. Flagship Studios really messed up with this game. That's why they're shutting it down completely in Jan 2009.

My girlfriend bought that and played it extensively for about two weeks. I don't think she's touched it since. Terrible title. I tried to play it and couldn't take more than about an hour of the game.
Frontlines -- really shaped up after a few patches -- no one plays though and still feels clunky.
Hellgate London
Only game I didn't like was Two Worlds. I tried and tried to get into it but the combat bored me, the storyline was way too cheesy and it just felt like one messy grind.

All other potential disasters I played the demos of or waited for reviews and decided against them.
UT3. I love the game, and I think it looks great, but there is nobody playing it, so it is just sitting on my shelf, looking good.
GRID what a pitifull excuse for a racing game

I guess one mans trash anothers treasure. GRID is definitely everything I've ever wanted from a racing game and very addicting. I've probably got over 100 hours invested into it at this point but then again I love simulation based racing games. I just got MotoGP 08 and while I haven't played it yet I hope it doesn't disapoint.
CoD4. Campaign was amazing but lasted all of about 5 hours for me and offered practically no replay value. I thought the online was completely meh as well.
UT3. Played it the first weekend I bought it, hasn't been touched since (Aside from LAN-ing against bots with my son).

I tried REALLY hard to like the game. I didn't feel like it was a console port at all - it's just that I already played 04 to death and UT3 didn't offer anything over it.
Kane and lynch This game was so buggy it made stalker look like it was programmed by the gods
The multiplayer looked cool so we got it real cheap, and wow, couldn't even get it to work at all, 3 fps on 4 different computers, and viola no patches ever, sad disappointment after the somewhat enjoyable hitman games. Also sort of dissapointed in metal gear solid 4, bought it, paid full price and have played a grand total of 4 hours, liked it, just not enough motive to turn on the ps3 over the pc.
spore creature creator, however it saved me from buying the actual game...

I am regretting buying my 360 and everything that came with it, because I could be using the money for my new core I7 build! But streaming netflix will make some of that regret go away.
I haven't really bought anything I've truly been unhappy with, but it's mainly because I only buy maybe a dozen games per year.
If anything, I've played WipeOut HD and Bionic Commando HD the least of any other games, but it's mainly because they seemed to come out right when another good game did. Because both are frustratingly hard, it became easier to put off going back to them. Still, I think I'll end up revisiting both when things slow down next Spring.
It was like UT2K4 without the bite. Diet Unreal T 2K4
Slower paced and the weapenchoice was meh.
I avoided a lot of crap this year, but if I had to chose it'd be DMC4. Its the only game I bought this year that I sold off. I beat it but just didn't have the urge to do any of the bonus stuff at the end.

My purchase of the year Professor Layton and the Curious Village.
call of juarez

it was only $4, but still

edit: and red orchestra

Wow really, now admittedly I got it from gogamer for $1.90 or whatever it was but I thought it was worth a lot more than I paid for something like FC2 or even UT3
Far Cry 2 for the constant crashing, crappy/boring gameplay, SecureROM nonsense.
Age of Conan - lvl1-40 was fun until the quests ran out, never made it past the free month for that reason

UT3 - fun for a few weeks, but where are the players at....
GTA IV - I hate hate hate this game. Shit controls, long ass missions, and no mid-mission checkpoints.

No tongue in cheek humor or light hearted moments found to really speak of. Darker, less enjoyable tone than previous entries, mini-games that were annoying, support characters/keep-alive NPC's that were dumb as bricks. Super annoying dating/dinner with Roman gameplay mechanic.

I'd have to say that Age of Conan went from being a freaking blast to being the worst piece of shit I've spent money on in a loooong time. Ghost Town servers and development leadership that can't get what the playerbase needs fixed right, recipe for gigantic fail.
Bioshock, am a good ways in and just cannot get myself to finish the game. I try every so often to load the game but I just end up quiting after about five minutes.

many people agree the last 1/4 or 1/3 of the game is vastly inferior to the rest so dont feel bad.
FarCry 2, I keep going back to give it another shot since I have a hard time believing all the great reviews could be wrong, but whenever I start to get pulled into the story it pulls some shit and I just quit spitefully (shit being the mile-long shotgun accuracy, malaria bs, trapped far from a bus or mission without a car, jamming weapons, repetitive missions, etc...)

Assassins Creed: I loved the idea, be an assassin! But the execution sucked. There was no sneaking and silently killing one bad guy, you were basically a super-knight who fought the fuck out of cities at a time. The last few missions were so horrendous I just gave up.

the Witcher: I gave it an hour but it never drew me in, I don't want to call this a bad game because RPG's just haven't been my thing lately, but I do regret spending the money on it.

Other games I've bought this year:
Crysis & Warhead: both excellent 'action flick' shooters
Orange Box: phenomenal
Mass Effect: not quite KotOR but damn good
Supreme Commander: RTS fun ftw