What games do you Regret buying in 2008?

I think you need to start a Poll maybe? Unless people like scrolling through 13 pages of liners.
UT 3 kinda, cause of lack of players.
and TF2. yea, you heard me.i just find it boring. but im not giving up on it yet, so my opinion might change.
games i loved this year would be cod 4, crysis warhead, left 4 dead
my 360 and Wii..... not trying to start a system war.. but whoever said consoles are better than PC needs to be beaten. The PS3 I refuse to buy, incredibly overpriced and the Sony Execs are total idiots. (well some are at least)

Also I saw a lot of people mention UT3.. I have the PC Version.. and love it.

oh and the game one game I reget buying is NFS Undercover.
Bioshock, am a good ways in and just cannot get myself to finish the game. I try every so often to load the game but I just end up quiting after about five minutes.

Same.. It's really fun for that five minutes, then it just immediately drops off.
Bioshock mostly, just never got into it. I'll come across a review and be psyched about it then start it up and just not get into it at all.
I had the same problem with BioShock, I'd always get bored everytime I tried to go back to it. My most regrettable purchase however, was Alone in the Dark. I genuinely tried to return and finish that game but it just annoyed the hell out of me.
Far Cry 2 - Terrible game... Could of been so much better if you could go prone, lean, and if it had a exciting storyline... and if the AI wasn't thick as a plank. Yup it was pretty bad.

Call of Duty World At War - It's ok...But COD1 sounded and played better. Feels like a cheap medal of honor game. COD4 is so much better.
haven't had the latest game yet lately.

Absolutely regret,
HALO 2 (PC ver) is the worst (yes i got it this year, and I stop after a few mission)
UT3, its just sad they decide to go multi platform, and the game now sucks. Its slow and boring, maps feels like its lack of imagination and creativity,.. I loved past UT games for its fast pace run and gun.
Soldier of Fortune 3, can't complain much, its a budget game.

Blacksite Area 51. This game looked great from review and all, but runs badly on my PC, and gameplay feels outdated. But anyway waiting to give it a try again once i get my 9800GTX+
Oblivion TES, After awhile, it becomes boring, leveling is too fast, lack of different equipment, lack of environment variations (everywhere look the same). Played half way through.
Bioshock. First half was fun. After that, it became meaningless, everything stayed the same, I was just rushing to finish the game.

ps: Crysis was one of the best game I got. Sits up there along with farcry, Civ 4, Serious Sam series, SoF 2, games that I have played several times over and over.

Edit: This is just how the games felt like to me. I'm in no way saying that those game sucks for a matter of fact (especially Oblivion) :p
Left 4 Dead.

I do not enjoy endlessly grinding zombies just for kicks.

Repetitive, boring, shallow, not skill-based. Too team-dependent.

Unfortunately Versus is just more campaign. Very low replayability.

Don't tell me I have to try expert, I've beaten them all and got sick of Versus within the first 3 days.

Not a skill-based, MP FPS such as CS 1.6, CoD4, or TF2. I feel somewhat misled by how Valve marketed this game.

It's a decent game for what it is, I suppose. But I've got buyer's remorse with this one.
I have to agree with the comments about Bioshock.
I like to see a game in play before I buy it now but the reviews were so good for Bioshock, I plumped up the cash straight away.
I've tried to finish it (about 2/3 through) but its damn boring and has been for a looong time.
Theres no incentive other than to finish the game and I find myself watching TV or playing another game instead.

I'm still a sucker for buying a game before seeing it sometimes as I did the same with Farcry 2.
Luckily I saw it on a friends XBox before I opened mine and sent it back pronto!
I have taken to trying torrent versions out now as I'm so sick of the review BS that is now an epidemic.
I blame the whole industry for not getting their act together on accurate gaming reviews.
I DO NOT consider myself a pirate so screw anyone that calls me one.
I WANT to buy games and I do pay for those I continue to play.

If they want to curb torrent etc downloads, they need to start telling the truth by actually reviewing the games properly/honestly and being properly held to account for the reviews.
They also need to put the resale value back into owning a game title (another problem they have caused themselves through sheer greed) and stop limiting installs / forcing us to be on the web to play single player games.
/Rant :)