What game do you think should get a sequel or a remake?


[H]F Junkie
Jun 12, 2012
I'm thinking about games that are older or forgotten, and aren't being worked on already.

Interstate '76

It was a car game set in a fictional seventies where the oil crisis never ended. It's kind of a non-post apocalyptic mad max.
The game's main appeal was the gameplay, the physics (for the time), the graphics, the open maps, and the salvage / upgrade mechanic. Basically you could collect wrecks after a fight and use those to upgrade / repair your car. I could say it was a mechwarrior / earthsiege but with cars instead of giant robots. But the cars in it would still use the same hardpoint mechanic that you could attach various weapons or upgrades to.

I think it should be a reboot / remake, since I don't think the story was that important and not many people played the sequel, which wasn't nearly as successful.

Who should make it? I'm thinking about Avalanche studios who made the recent mad max game, which was pretty solid.

Test Drive Unlimited

C'mon just give me something. I need a racing game for the open roads. That has proper physics and not the arcade garbage that the nfs games have become or the crew is. But the crew is not even a classical racing game, so fuck that anyway.

I was a beta tester on the original TDU game, and it was freaking amazing. Back then they actually listened to feedback, and beta testing wasn't just about stress testing servers. This was everything I ever wanted from a racing game. If they don't change anything about it just upgrade the graphics and physics to today's standards I'd throw my money at them without question.

Who should do it? Well I have no idea, since eden games dissolved, I don't know who I'd trust with making the physics well.

Alien: Isolation

OK, this one is not that old, but they almost but confirmed that they're not planning a sequel for it. But it needs one anyway. Of course by the original devs.

Star Trek: Elite Force

Just please keep it in the TNG universe and none of this alternate timeline shit. I have no other prerequisites. Whoever is not too busy making online garbage should pick it up.


I just loved the hell out of mercenaries II, I want more of the same insane destruction and variety. I know I get the hate for it, but Wildlands was almost there it only needs a few upgrades to match what I'd like to see from an open world shooter.

Terminator: Future Shock / Skynet

Another opportunity for a shooter. This game was so far ahead it's time, that possibly that is what caused it's mild reception. The technology just wasn't ready for it. We didn't even have mouselook standardized.

X-Wing / Tie Fighter / X-Wing Alliance

Basically a space sim in the star wars universe, sans space feminists, space peta, and hermits.

Shadows of the Empire

Yeah, whatever 1313 should've been, a story driven action adventure game. Exploring the dark reaches of the galaxy far far away a long time ago.

Jagged Alliance

I want a Jagged Alliance remake with the XCOM2 engine, simple as that!

That should be enough for a few weeks of gaming :D
There would be so many games going to limit myself a bit :p

Duke nukem 3D

Forget about DNF and make a real sequel to this classic.

Rise of nations

Always loved this series, was good fun shame it died out.

Blood series

This was also a series I had good fun with that underperformed and as such got canned unfortunatelly.

Quake 4

I want to kill me some more strogg

Wipeout series

I'm not a huge fan of racing games but this series does something for me (also liked rock 'n roll racing)

Also Shogo, Soldier of fortune, Sin, EA's old strike series (ie jungle/Desert strike), Landstalker, Zombies ate my neighbors, Chrono trigger.
I'm thinking about games that are older or forgotten, and aren't being worked on already.

Interstate '76

It was a car game set in a fictional seventies where the oil crisis never ended. It's kind of a non-post apocalyptic mad max.
The game's main appeal was the gameplay, the physics (for the time), the graphics, the open maps, and the salvage / upgrade mechanic. Basically you could collect wrecks after a fight and use those to upgrade / repair your car. I could say it was a mechwarrior / earthsiege but with cars instead of giant robots. But the cars in it would still use the same hardpoint mechanic that you could attach various weapons or upgrades to.

I think it should be a reboot / remake, since I don't think the story was that important and not many people played the sequel, which wasn't nearly as successful.

Who should make it? I'm thinking about Avalanche studios who made the recent mad max game, which was pretty solid.

Test Drive Unlimited

C'mon just give me something. I need a racing game for the open roads. That has proper physics and not the arcade garbage that the nfs games have become or the crew is. But the crew is not even a classical racing game, so fuck that anyway.

I was a beta tester on the original TDU game, and it was freaking amazing. Back then they actually listened to feedback, and beta testing wasn't just about stress testing servers. This was everything I ever wanted from a racing game. If they don't change anything about it just upgrade the graphics and physics to today's standards I'd throw my money at them without question.

Who should do it? Well I have no idea, since eden games dissolved, I don't know who I'd trust with making the physics well.

Alien: Isolation

OK, this one is not that old, but they almost but confirmed that they're not planning a sequel for it. But it needs one anyway. Of course by the original devs.

Star Trek: Elite Force

Just please keep it in the TNG universe and none of this alternate timeline shit. I have no other prerequisites. Whoever is not too busy making online garbage should pick it up.


I just loved the hell out of mercenaries II, I want more of the same insane destruction and variety. I know I get the hate for it, but Wildlands was almost there it only needs a few upgrades to match what I'd like to see from an open world shooter.

Terminator: Future Shock / Skynet

Another opportunity for a shooter. This game was so far ahead it's time, that possibly that is what caused it's mild reception. The technology just wasn't ready for it. We didn't even have mouselook standardized.

X-Wing / Tie Fighter / X-Wing Alliance

Basically a space sim in the star wars universe, sans space feminists, space peta, and hermits.

Shadows of the Empire

Yeah, whatever 1313 should've been, a story driven action adventure game. Exploring the dark reaches of the galaxy far far away a long time ago.

Jagged Alliance

I want a Jagged Alliance remake with the XCOM2 engine, simple as that!

That should be enough for a few weeks of gaming :D
Test Drive Unlimited did get a sequel, and it's just as amazing as the first. However, it was removed from digital distribution platforms when Bigben Interactive acquired the rights to it. Ever since then there have been murmurs about a third game in development, but we have yet to hear or see anything official.
Test Drive Unlimited did get a sequel, and it's just as amazing as the first. However, it was removed from digital distribution platforms when Bigben Interactive acquired the rights to it. Ever since then there have been murmurs about a third game in development, but we have yet to hear or see anything official.
Many of the games I listed had sequels, so if only that one stands out to you, then you need to brush up on your sequel encyclopaedia :D
Many of the games I listed had sequels, so if only that one stands out to you, then you need to brush up on your sequel encyclopaedia :D
That and Shadows of the Empire are the only 2 in your list I played :oops:.
There would be so many games going to limit myself a bit :p

Duke nukem 3D

Forget about DNF and make a real sequel to this classic.

Rise of nations

Always loved this series, was good fun shame it died out.

Blood series

This was also a series I had good fun with that underperformed and as such got canned unfortunatelly.

Quake 4

I want to kill me some more strogg

Wipeout series

I'm not a huge fan of racing games but this series does something for me (also liked rock 'n roll racing)

Also Shogo, Soldier of fortune, Sin, EA's old strike series (ie jungle/Desert strike), Landstalker, Zombies ate my neighbors, Chrono trigger.

Lol, I was actually thinking of Jungle Strike / Desert Strike, but decided not to list it as a 2D game wouldn't work nowadays, and they already tried to make a "2.5D" version that failed to get much attention in the late nineties if I remember correctly.

I didn't much like Wipeout but it made me think of racing games. I think the best racing game was Motorhead Amazing sense of speed. Great graphics for 1998, and an outstanding soundtrack.
-World in Conflict
-Rise of Nations
-Freedom Fighters
-Total War Empire
-Medal of Honor Allied Assault remake with Bf1 graphics. Keep everything else the same.
How about a Splatterhouse remake that isn't completely stupid...

Maybe a re-imagined Bloodnet, cyberpunk vampires are somewhat interesting.

A proper modern Syndicate?
I'm with you on a Mercenaries successor. Man what a game. Just Cause doesn't quite fill its void. People would compare it to GTA, but they just aren't the same beast.

The level of physics destruction and open world mechanics were quite an accomplishment on PS2 hardware. There was something about every vehicle in that game, each had its own unique feel. You could feel the weight of your vehicle when driving. Man going 100mph then ditching the car into your objective only to have it explode on impact was such fun haha. And don't forget about attaching C4 to that car first. It was just stupid fun, that's all I know. I love games that give you an objective and its up to you how you choose to accomplish it.
Mercenaries 3 could be good, the gameplay in Mercs 2 is a lot like Just Cause 2 and both are simple fun but Mercs 2 doesn't get nearly the attention.

Alpha Protocol is a game that I'd like a sequel made for. The game was buggy and gameplay was a little rough around the edges at times but the way the way the game changed based on your decisions and the order in which you did things was really well done and IMO still hasn't been matched. Your reputation with characters also had changed things a bit and was more interesting than most games because instead of simply rewarding you for keeping everyone happy there are pros and cons to having a positive, negative, or neutral rep with each npc.

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines is one I'd like to see a sequel to but only if it was done right and I doubt that would happen. I don't really care for the vampire/horror genre but that's probably the main thing that would survive in a sequel. The story, characters, and atmosphere were great but that's the hardest part to reproduce. I also thought they did a good job of adapting the pen and paper rpg aspect of it's roots which would probably be simplified a great deal in any modern release.

I would also like to get the second half of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided but it seems unlikely at this point and I'm still a little salty that they cut the game down in the first place, especially since it sounds like they used the funds to make that awful breach minigame that was mainly there to push their bullshit microtransactions.
I'd like some more of the old school, original Tom Clancy: Splinter Cell. Some more old school, original style Mech Warrior without the over complication and PvP. And I've also felt that a reboot of Interstate 76 is long overdue.

I'd really like a nice World War I flight sim. There are some out there but none suit my tastes, and none have that episodic, travel-through-the-war story line. And of course, I'd like a modern single-player reboot of the X-Wing series.

Interstate '76

Who should make it? I'm thinking about Avalanche studios who made the recent mad max game, which was pretty solid.

Gearbox could do it, also - they did the Borderlands games.
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Wipeout (by designers republic), abes exoddus (in the pipeline), ff7 and ff8 just graphical no gameplay change ( going to try pc edition soon), destruction derby raw, hard drivin', total annihilation (like old school one with taucp etc not new), legacy of kain series, HL3 etc, joint operations typhoon rising (way ahead of soyfield), dune and syndicate wars.
Any racing game would be great. I'm a big fan of racing games and would be delighted to see more in this category. Maybe it's me but last few years everything got boring. I need the same drive that I was getting from racing games in my childhood.
Redneck Rampage ... remake all of them and I'll will throw cash around screaming Yeeehaawwww!!!
Redneck Rampage ... remake all of them and I'll will throw cash around screaming Yeeehaawwww!!!

How about its predecessor: Bucktooth Bob's Jungle Adventure

Legacy of Kain.
We may be getting a remake or sequel, and I would be ecstatic for either. Crystal Dynamics put out several tweets end of last year referencing Raziel. Would be a pleasant surprise to see something at E3.
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We may be getting a remake or sequel, and I would be ecstatic for either. Crystal Dynamics put out several tweets end of last year referencing Raziel. Would be a pleasant surprise to see something at E3.

I would gladly take a remake of the first 3 games into a single narrative re-telling. With the hopes of a continuation...I'm just sad that Tony Jay isn't around anymore. He'll be missed.
Black and white - should make a vr version, super cool game

Empire earth - i believe they stopped after 2, some of the best lan games

Command and conquer generals- really one of my favorite rts games, it was fun, looked good and was moddable
Star Control....oh wait that is already happening....Battletech....happened....Starcraft...happened. Syndicate....they did a bad remake of that... This is a doosy. Perhaps Commandos.
God Hand
Alan Wake
Alpha Protocol

I'm not holding my breath on any of them tho.


Also, Chaos Overlords.


Also, Heavenly Sword.
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... Perhaps Commandos.

You're not talking about Commandos as in "Commandos 2: Men of Courage," are you!? :) I replay that every two or three years, even if I can't finish it.

I'm so OCD, on occasion I feel compelled to drag all the enemy soldiers into one genormous, sweaty, naked pile of Nazi failure. I'll spend hours choking out every Nazi and dragging him to the party pile. No real reason, but it amuses me.

If you haven't, take a look at Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun.
You're not talking about Commandos as in "Commandos 2: Men of Courage," are you!? :) I replay that every two or three years, even if I can't finish it.

I'm so OCD, on occasion I feel compelled to drag all the enemy soldiers into one genormous, sweaty, naked pile of Nazi failure. I'll spend hours choking out every Nazi and dragging him to the party pile. No real reason, but it amuses me.

If you haven't, take a look at Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun.

Yes, although I was a big fan of both Commandos 1 and 2. Not so much a fan of 3. I actually have Shadow Tactics and have played a little bit of it.
Freelancer -> Star Citizen
Mechwarrior 3 -> Mech Warrior Online
A non-existent vaporware scam, and in the case of mechwarrior one of the poorest attempts at a revival of a franchise. And both are multiplayer games without a single player campaign on story mode.
Those shouldn't even be mentioned on the same page, but to suggest them as spiritual successors of those games is scandalous.
Here are a few more that I recalled:

Hard Truck: Apocalypse - It's mad max but with trucks instead of cars, and a more feudal almost middle ages atmosphere to it. You can even transport cargo between settlements to make money. The main storyline is fairly interesting, despite being heavy on clichés. You spend the money to buy new trucks and upgrade them with weapons speed boosters and such. And the game also has a very atmospheric soundtrack, with different background music for each region, that are all interesting to explore.

Earthsiege II - I always preferred this one over mechwarrior. Better graphics, better campaign, better gameplay.

Max Payne I-II not the garbage 3rd by rockstar which completely lost all the noir atmosphere, and made the iconic hero into a self-loathing miserable sack of turd.
A non-existent vaporware scam, and in the case of mechwarrior one of the poorest attempts at a revival of a franchise. And both are multiplayer games without a single player campaign on story mode.
Those shouldn't even be mentioned on the same page, but to suggest them as spiritual successors of those games is scandalous.

I make no comment on how good they are. Making mention of them is far from scandalous, it is merely informative. They currently own the rights.

Now, you could choose to play Battletech, at least that is more like a true spiritual successor and it is a pretty good representation of the game.