Wait for Nvidia's Fergie or go with 5800 series?

What are you going to do?

  • I'm waiting for Fergie.

    Votes: 154 23.8%
  • I'm buying 5800 series card, or plan to.

    Votes: 247 38.2%
  • Waiting for prices to come down.

    Votes: 145 22.4%
  • Who Cares, pick your own.

    Votes: 100 15.5%

  • Total voters
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I not much a fan of waiting let's see... Half a Year for the competition to roll out some mythical card even if it is Nvidia.:mad: Unless Nvidia can pull some serious rabbits like real world tests soon, I will go with the AMD 5000 card series. The 5850 looks particularly attractive. I might though go with a 5770 crossfire solution :confused: So many choices to choose from makes me a happy camper. :D
I not much a fan of waiting let's see... Half a Year for the competition to roll out some mythical card even if it is Nvidia.:mad: Unless Nvidia can pull some serious rabbits like real world tests soon, I will go with the AMD 5000 card series. The 5850 looks particularly attractive. I might though go with a 5770 crossfire solution :confused: So many choices to choose from makes me a happy camper. :D

If you got a gtx285 or a 4870 I don't think you really need to upgrade. If you are starting from scratch though why not get a 5800 series. :p
PS3 Wrote

If you got a gtx285 or a 4870 I don't think you really need to upgrade. If you are starting from scratch though why not get a 5800 series.

Fortunately, I do not have a 285GTX or a 4870/90. ;) I have been with my 260 card for a while now and upgrade is in order soon. You have a valid point on the 5800 series. I just think AMD has a fantastic card lineup now and will have some new exciting cards in the near future with the 5900 series.
If you got a gtx285 or a 4870 I don't think you really need to upgrade. If you are starting from scratch though why not get a 5800 series. :p

I had a GTX 295 / 4890CF, and yes, I did upgrade to 5870..

and I do not regret since its a really good upgrade for me....at least...


but if fermi is a better solution, I will jump to another boat.
You bring up a good point. I wonder if Fergie will even be better at folding proteins.
All depends on what you'll be doing the next 5 months.

..I'll never understand why people buy stuff specifically for folding (at least for the next 5 years)
I wonder if Fergie will even be better at folding proteins.
I don't follow Fergie, so I have no idea if she F@H.
I do know your PS3 you love so much you named yourself after it, does F@H.
I'm actually waffling, def waiting for the 2gb model though. keep changing my mind. Of course this is an "I want" item
damn...I bought two GTX 260s specifically for folding because I don't game, at all. Here I was hoping to upgrade when the GT300 series comes out because the AMD client, well...blows.

But I drive a car AND eat cows...does this mean I can't buy fermi either? :(

If you are that naive to believe that folding makes this world a better place, you can make it even better by just donating the video cards money to the sick kids directly.
If you are that naive to believe that folding makes this world a better place, you can make it even better by just donating the video cards money to the sick kids directly.

The linked thread was a fail locked thread.

Believing that gaming makes this world a better place (the only other useage, so far, for graphics cards, all others have something to do with companies making money, so that's worse), is utterly delusional.

At least, via folding, people can claim they have helped.

Also... read stanford's website before posting.

You know, some people claimed the Space Program was utterly useless, and if you don't know where this statement is going, you really need to do some more research before posting.

EDIT: and actually read that thread, please, and don't just blindly follow along...
If you are that naive to believe that folding makes this world a better place, you can make it even better by just donating the video cards money to the sick kids directly.

One donates money to research organizations so that they can do research on a disease using super computers. With F@H and similar programs one can directly contribute one's computing resources to the virtual super computer of such an organization. If anything it's more efficient because handling the money would pose overhead, ensuring only half of it or so would be used for actual research. It's also awesome to see what is actually happening during the simulations of protein folding and to read up on the theory behind it as well as new papers that get published based on the F@H project.

You're welcome to just donate money, of course :)
Im just waiting to see what they got before jumping on any trains and of course the price drops.
I'm playing the waiting game. I have GTX295 and DX11 is not anything to worry about yet. Perhaps Nvidia will be faster, perhaps not.
I got the XFX 5870 to 1) tie me over & see whatever Nvidia brings 2) It seemed like a great choice which I still currently like 3) Big deal, I sell the card, take a small hit or rather my own personal "eVGA stepup program" money & grab a GT300 or whatever its called.
Waiting. From what I have seen the 5870 does not significant boost in performance over my GTX275 for the money. I think it's a given the new Nvidia card will be faster, but by how much is the question.
If you are that naive to believe that folding makes this world a better place, you can make it even better by just donating the video cards money to the sick kids directly.

yes...perhaps I will donate my video cards...then I don't have to read this nonsense :)
But I drive a car AND eat cows...does this mean I can't buy fermi either?
You can technically buy Fermi, but you'll be chastised and beaten with reeds. You'll also have to submit to being branded with something of a Scarlett letter by the esteemed and all-knowing dictator, PS3.

If you are that naive to believe that folding makes this world a better place, you can make it even better by just donating the video cards money to the sick kids directly.
I don't think you understand how folding works or what its purpose is. Nor do you seem to understand how donations work, remarkably (Donating money directly to sick kids? What?)
You can technically buy Fermi, but you'll be chastised and beaten with reeds. You'll also have to submit to being branded with something of a Scarlett letter by the esteemed and all-knowing dictator, PS3.

I don't think you understand how folding works or what its purpose is. Nor do you seem to understand how donations work, remarkably (Donating money directly to sick kids? What?)

There are orginizations... and they have overhead.

Also... folding isn't just for finding cures, ya know.

People once thought the Space Program was the the biggest e-peen race in the world, then it turns out, so much more came out of that.

Same deal with folding.

Just read the folding site on Stanford!
My decision is all based on price. If this new nvidia card costs more than a 5870, than its a no go for me.
And of course, all those nvidia fans who waited for 6 more months for "the savior" to finally arrive, will be lining up to buy it, no matter what the price, just because: It accelerates Physx better.... Or something.

Something good.
Or those waiting for both an improvement in gaming and F@H. Just like the 285 delivered.
That client, hopefully helps both AMD and nVidia folders.
Waiting. From what I have seen the 5870 does not significant boost in performance over my GTX275 for the money. I think it's a given the new Nvidia card will be faster, but by how much is the question.

Yea much the same at 1900x1080 the GTX275 plays basically everything silky smooth except maybe the odd game of crysis.I think the hardware is now exceeding the games except in very high res situations.

Nothing at all against ATi 5800 series just not seeing the need so happy to wait, if ATI end up being faster and or better value ill go that way.
My decision is all based on price. If this new nvidia card costs more than a 5870, than its a no go for me.

You might as well buy a 5870 then. I have seen zero evidence showing this card will be cheaper than a 5870. Everything points to the opposite.
I'm waiting...for a few reasons (1) Prices almost always go down a bit after the 'newness' wears off and supplies become more readily available. (2) I always wait to see if any potential problems develop with new technology...ala Barcelona and series 58xx FX. (3) I'd hate to jump into the fray and have Nvidia produce a better card at the same price...so no buyers remorse here. (4) My GTX275 is still doing what I want it to do. (5) Waiting for games that take advantage of tesslation. (6) Waiting to see if ATI will produce good drivers.
You might as well buy a 5870 then. I have seen zero evidence showing this card will be cheaper than a 5870. Everything points to the opposite.

I have seen zero evidence of any kind about the price of Nvidia's next card. Care to share?
I have seen zero evidence of any kind about the price of Nvidia's next card. Care to share?

There is no evidence on how it's going to be priced.

I'm sitting on a pair of 275s right now, and I'm sitting back and waiting for Nvidia to show us what they have.

Additionally, you can't even get a damn 5000 series ATI card right now, i'm guessing due to yield issues.

Honestly, I'm not a "fan" of either. I've learned, I wait for both to show us the goods, and then jump in. Unless you are sitting on a totally gimp GPU right now or are in the middle of a new build, I see little to no reason to do anything else
I have seen zero evidence of any kind about the price of Nvidia's next card. Care to share?

You haven't looked hard enough.

Die size is going the be larger, so it will cost nVidia more to get the GPU's made. Larger memory bus, which means the PCB's themselves will be more expensive to manufacture. Fermi is also reportedly going to out perform the 5870, which is another incentive for a price hike.

Is that prove that nVidia's next card will cost consumers more? No, but it most certainly is evidence suggesting that it will.
My decision is all based on price. If this new nvidia card costs more than a 5870, than its a no go for me.

Nvidia typically launches two high end cards very close together, like they did with the 8800 GTX and GTS, and the GTX 280 and 260.

So I would imagine we'll see two Fermi's launched within a month of each other (if not at the same time). While I'm sure one of the Fermi cards will be quite expensive, the lesser Fermi might get priced around what the 5870 is now.
You haven't looked hard enough.

Die size is going the be larger, so it will cost nVidia more to get the GPU's made. Larger memory bus, which means the PCB's themselves will be more expensive to manufacture. Fermi is also reportedly going to out perform the 5870, which is another incentive for a price hike.

Is that prove that nVidia's next card will cost consumers more? No, but it most certainly is evidence suggesting that it will.

A die is generally in the ball park of 50$, even if it costs Nvidia 20% more, that increase is only 10$. I just don't see this having as much of an end user impact as they (generally Charlie) touts it as being.
I'm waiting just based on the fact that the 5870 is more or less impossible to buy. Everywhere is sold out all the time. I'm not at all interested in playing whack-a-mole to get a card. So I figure I'll wait until nVidia announces their product for real and we see what it looks like. If nothing else I could see ATi shaving their price down a bit when the nVidia card is announced.
I'm waiting just based on the fact that the 5870 is more or less impossible to buy. Everywhere is sold out all the time. I'm not at all interested in playing whack-a-mole to get a card. So I figure I'll wait until nVidia announces their product for real and we see what it looks like. If nothing else I could see ATi shaving their price down a bit when the nVidia card is announced.

I doubt ATI will drop the price. If their cards are sold out, they can't gain market share by dropping the price. They can't sell more cards. They can't do much of anything. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised to see a slight increase in price for now, and then after they come back to common stock the price return to it's current level.
A die is generally in the ball park of 50$, even if it costs Nvidia 20% more, that increase is only 10$. I just don't see this having as much of an end user impact as they (generally Charlie) touts it as being.

Is $60 not more than $50? And that's just assuming we use your numbers. In addition, the size of the die is not the only costs involved. Larger die's come with lower yeilds, I wouldn't be surprised if that alone will cost nVidia more than the actual die size increase. Then there is the more expensive 384bit interface in addition to simple marketing price increases if Fermi is faster. Whether you want to admit it or like it, thats all evidence pointing to a more expensive card.

You don't have to have official numbers from nVidia to make an educated guess. Perhaps now you can explain why you think it won't me more expensive?
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