Wait for Nvidia's Fergie or go with 5800 series?

What are you going to do?

  • I'm waiting for Fergie.

    Votes: 154 23.8%
  • I'm buying 5800 series card, or plan to.

    Votes: 247 38.2%
  • Waiting for prices to come down.

    Votes: 145 22.4%
  • Who Cares, pick your own.

    Votes: 100 15.5%

  • Total voters
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May 31, 2009
Anyone else waiting for Nvidia's Fergie / GT300 series cards to arrive, or did you go, or plan to go ATI this round? Maybe there are those still waiting for the price go down? And maybe there are those still waiting for more stock to come in?

I went with a 5850 but if Fergie is considerably faster than the 5800 series then I'll definitely upgrade.
I've been pretty disappointed with ATI's drivers since I got 4870 X2 a year ago. So I plan to go with Nvidia this time and get a Fermi.
Crap, need to change it to fermi, I think you guys know what I mean.
I voted who cares. Pick your own because of your needs/wants.
So that makes the next Nvidia card a Fergilicious MILF?

Lol, talk about getting [H]ARD for next gpu architecture.
I'm going to wait until MWLL is released, and then I'll purchase the fastest single-card product available at the time. To be honest, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that card is a "Hemlock" product, because based on Fermi size rumors I highly doubt we'll see a dual-GPU product based on Fermi until yet another process shrink, and I'm not convinced 512 shaders will be enough to match a 5870x2 or whatever it will be named. I also hope MWLL is out before Fermi, too :p
If you wait, the HD6xxx will be out.

You know what? If you just wait, better tech will always be out.

Just buy what you think you need, and ignore adverts for the next 6months before your next upgrade :p
If you have the money, go ahead and grab a 58xx now and you'll be able to enjoy the benefits for at least the next six months until Nvidia releases its next line of GPUs...you can always sell the ATI card if you decide the GT300 cards are what you want.
Anyone else waiting for Nvidia's Fergie / GT300 series cards to arrive, or did you go, or plan to go ATI this round? Maybe there are those still waiting for the price go down? And maybe there are those still waiting for more stock to come in?

I went with a 5850 but if Fergie is considerably faster than the 5800 series then I'll definitely upgrade.

To me it depends on whether or not my needs are being sufficiently now. If I do not have any pressing need to upgrade, I can wait a couple more months till Nvidia's release which will force price competition and trumping which works out nicely for the consumer. Now, If you are unable to play your games at a modest setting or you have the spare cash available, getting a current offering isn't a bad choice since they are nice.
I am waiting for Fermi but I might buy ATI if the price/performance turns out to be a lot better with ATI.
My 3 280's are still kickin' for now though I am VERY much intrested in Eyefinity, more so than DX11 as that's not going anywhere with the exception of DirT 2 (which is on my must buy list) before the nVidia DX 11 parts.
not waiting for the green team, after their denial of laptop problems, i am staying far far far away from them
I'm curious to see nvidia's new chip in action. That said I really really really hope Nvidia the company gets off its high horse and stops being douchebags.
I'm not so sure Fergie is going to blow the 5870 out of the water. I'd imagine that Nvidia would showcase or "leak" some kind of benchmarks at this point just to help tide them over from the bashing they've been receiving so far. My guess? It'll perform a little better than the 5870, or whatever the top card is from AMD at the time its released, but not by much. At least not enough to hold out for.
I'm not so sure Fergie is going to blow the 5870 out of the water. I'd imagine that Nvidia would showcase or "leak" some kind of benchmarks at this point just to help tide them over from the bashing they've been receiving so far. My guess? It'll perform a little better than the 5870, or whatever the top card is from AMD at the time its released, but not by much. At least not enough to hold out for.

There's some logic to this but it really depends on how close "Fergie" aka "Fermi" is. If its much beyond early first quater leaking info no would do more harm than good. I'm sure we'll see leaks within a month or two of release.
This is the 4th thread in the last two pages by the OP, and none of them add anything to any relevant discussion.
I'm not so sure Fergie is going to blow the 5870 out of the water. I'd imagine that Nvidia would showcase or "leak" some kind of benchmarks at this point just to help tide them over from the bashing they've been receiving so far. My guess? It'll perform a little better than the 5870, or whatever the top card is from AMD at the time its released, but not by much. At least not enough to hold out for.

Most likelihood scenario. It would be more surprising that they come out with cards slower than the 5800 series.
I am waiting, at least until DIRT2 and see what DX11 offers over DX10 in a good game and then 2GB cards is a must.
58x0 has to drop down a bit in price as it is way to high right now, that is what Fermi gonna correct if everthing is what it should be. Then it is time to shop again red or green i dont know or care today and not fall for the urge to have the latest for no real use.

Main issue for me right now exept the use of DX11 is lack of 2GB cards, no more 1GB cards for me and price is never an issue as i never play the price/performance game, real and raw performace are what i want nomatter red or green. The lesson of going (to)cheap was one hell of expensive misstake.
And what happens when Fermie hits and a ATI refresh is right around the corner? Wait then too? Just buy the best you can afford now with the money you have, the waiting game takes forever.
And what happens when Fermie hits and a ATI refresh is right around the corner? Wait then too? Just buy the best you can afford now with the money you have, the waiting game takes forever.
If a card is needed now, exactly.
Waiting will only give you mature drivers, lower prices and more games to take advantage of your purchase.
I just ordered a GTX260. If Fermi is released early next year it's still very much on time for my next GPU purchase :)

ATi cards aren't an option to me due to the needs of my company's software.
Just to make you think some more. AMD/ATI new architecture coming out next year. Waiting for holodeck technology myself.
Most likelihood scenario. It would be more surprising that they come out with cards slower than the 5800 series.

SWEET! I've been wanting to increase my PPD sounds like this should help me do it!
I've been pretty disappointed with ATI's drivers since I got 4870 X2 a year ago. So I plan to go with Nvidia this time and get a Fermi.

gotta admit, 4870X2 launch driver was very crappy..

but things have change...
I ordered my XFX 5870 last Tuesday, but I found out I was 10th on the shipping list when I called yesterday to see what was taking so long. (Not hat I was informed was the case. It said In Stock.)

Of 10 brand names selling 5870s, all but one was sold out at my e-tailers the last few days. The one that is not sold out can only be bought with a prebuilt system.

I almost bought a GTX 295, seeing it was on sale for $50 more, but decided on the 5870. Now here I sit with nothing and very impatient. (Ok, not nothing, they sent my CPU cooler.)
I might just wait and see what Nvidia has if they release between dec-early feb.
and also because Fergie fur love you long time;)
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