Vista Aero GUI is a downgrade from XP GUI

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Far be it from me to be the voice of reason, but I can't help but think....

Isn't it freakin' logical that anytime something new is presented to a person, it's less intuitive than what their used to? I mean seriously...did these need to be a study, or need to be a thread?

If my local supermarket changed the order of their aisles and how the items were organized, wouldn't it be less intuitive then how it was previously laid out for the past 5 years? Well yeah, no shit.
Yes that is correct, but seeing as how an OS isn't a supermarket, it doesn't really apply.

Now I find the article to be vague, undetailed, and unscientific, but the claim is that things like menu fade (not really a familiarity issue) and pointer precision (possibly a familiarity issue, but more likely a default settings issue) are not quite as good as in XP.

Whether or not these claims are true, there is still the important question of how these issues effect overall productivity and ease of use. I'm guessing the effects are pretty negligible either way.

Personally I find menu fade dreadfully annoying, so I turn it off, but I doubt it actually slows me down much.
Yes that is correct, but seeing as how an OS isn't a supermarket, it doesn't really apply.

It's called an analogy, and yes it applies. Every take any Interface Design classes? If so, you've already heard the supermarket analogy.
As far as the pointer precision thing, the idiot that wrote that piece of fluff (an F, a U... but no D, damn) probably went from using a PS/2 mouse with low or almost no sensitivity and accuracy to a USB mouse with high sensitivity.

This article is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo personally objective as to not even make it something I as a publisher would even allow on my site. But ad revenue is ad revenue, and right now the fastest way to make a quick buck on the Internet is...

Bash Vista, or Microsoft... and make it look good... you'll get Digged, Slashdotted, Googled, Yahooed, etc... and the money will flow...
I only installed Vista so I could make threads like this so get used to it. Currently I have zero reason to actually use Vista for anything else. :)
I only installed Vista so I could make threads like this so get used to it. Currently I have zero reason to actually use Vista for anything else. :)

You're turning into the poster boy for Vista Bashers worldwide more by the minute, I swear.
This is going to be more fun then the video card forum.
It is quite entertaining. These topics are really great for separating the FUD-spouters from the experienced. A good number of these anti-Vista threads are started be people who haven't even used the OS for 5 minutes. It's like asking someone to write up a car review, without that person ever seeing the car in person or driving it.
It is quite entertaining. These topics are really great for separating the FUD-spouters from the experienced. A good number of these anti-Vista threads are started be people who haven't even used the OS for 5 minutes. It's like asking someone to write up a car review, without that person ever seeing the car in person or driving it.

I'm making a habit of this but...


The sheer fact that he's stated twice now "I'm only doing this (meaning creating Vista related threads) is to <insert your way of saying "get your goat" or "incite some reaction" or however the hell you wanna put it here>, I really don't care either way."

That, my friends, is trolling.
Doing such a thing is interesting but doesn't stop it, that's the problem. Going through life with blinders on sure doesn't help many people, and it makes you look ignorant. :p

Mods: If you're not too busy, could we close up shop on this thread before it curtails anymore out of what little control it has?
I don't like seeing names in control panel renamed to something else for no good reason. What was wrong with "Add or Remove Programs"?

Just having "Uninstall a program" underneath "Programs" actually makes more sense to me. Who adds programs via control panel?
A lot of stuff that was in Control Panel is now readily accessible in Explorer when Computer is chosen. The "info bar" across the top of the panes offers a lot of options, including shortcuts to System Properties, uninstall or change a program, Map a network drive, or... lo and behold... Open Control Panel.
I was no fan of early vista, but the final version, while having some areas to improve on, is very worth using and upgrading to.
It is quite entertaining. These topics are really great for separating the FUD-spouters from the experienced. A good number of these anti-Vista threads are started be people who haven't even used the OS for 5 minutes. It's like asking someone to write up a car review, without that person ever seeing the car in person or driving it.

Yes, but I have been using Vista since the beta so I don't fit into your little analogy.
I felt the GUI in Vista just made doing everything a little slower than in XP and that article just backed me up. Let's see all the wonderful articles stating the Vista GUI is faster to use than XP. Seems to me Microsoft made a lot of changes for the worse and not better.

Yes, but with all the comments made in the thread about tweaking the user interface for responsiveness you still haven't realised:

"Oh! I've been approaching it the wrong way!"

Edit: Oh dear! You removed that bit from your post before I got around to submitting my own post :(
It's called an analogy, and yes it applies. Every take any Interface Design classes? If so, you've already heard the supermarket analogy.
No I haven't. I do find conversing through analogies a lot more confusing than just discussing the topic at hand though. This peculiarity of mine tends to get me in a lot of trouble.

One of the reasons I don't like analogies is because people tend to get caught up in discussing the merits of the analogy, which sidetracks the actual point of the discussion. For example, right now you think the analogy applies, and I don't. We could discuss this point, which isn't really important, or we could just present our arguments in terms of the non-metaphorical problem, completely avoiding any extraneous validity debates.
No I haven't. I do find conversing through analogies a lot more confusing than just discussing the topic at hand though. This peculiarity of mine tends to get me in a lot of trouble.

One of the reasons I don't like analogies is because people tend to get caught up in discussing the merits of the analogy, which sidetracks the actual point of the discussion. For example, right now you think the analogy applies, and I don't. We could discuss this point, which isn't really important, or we could just present our arguments in terms of the non-metaphorical problem, completely avoiding any extraneous validity debates.

Here's a definition I created years ago for an infobot I use/have access to on EFnet:

Specificity = Generally, in all probability, and for the most part, circumstances not withstanding, you'll probably be able to come up with some kind of roundabout solution to whatever problem you're having, but only if you're pretty sure it's not something you can specifically identify, and it's not something that you can't reasonably be sure is actually the supposed problem. Confused? So are we.

So yeah, what he said... :)
Here's a definition I created years ago for an infobot I use/have access to on EFnet:

Specificity = Generally, in all probability, and for the most part, circumstances not withstanding, you'll probably be able to come up with some kind of roundabout solution to whatever problem you're having, but only if you're pretty sure it's not something you can specifically identify, and it's not something that you can't reasonably be sure is actually the supposed problem. Confused? So are we.

So yeah, what he said... :)

So, you're just saying to all Vista haters, "STFU YOU WHINY LITTLE BASTARDS! TRY IT BEFORE YOU RANT ON IT! ASSHOLES!"

And you know what, I agree 100% with your logic
Well, someone has to keep you Vista fans honest.

Did you guys know that in Vista by default there is only the one admin account that you boot into and that Microsoft in their infinite wisdom allows the admin to change that account to limited? If you do that you will of course lock yourself out from doing anything that requires admin privileges. I read on usenet of one guy doing this and he had to reinstall Vista because of it. Why would Microsoft allow users to change the one admin account to limited user? If there is on one admin account on the ssytem then changing it to limited should be blocked as every computer needs at least one admin account.
Well, someone has to keep you Vista fans honest.

Did you guys know that in Vista by default there is only the one admin account that you boot into and that Microsoft in their infinite wisdom allows the admin to change that account to limited? If you do that you will of course lock yourself out from doing anything that requires admin privileges. I read on usenet of one guy doing this and he had to reinstall Vista because of it. Why would Microsoft allow users to change the one admin account to limited user? If there is on one admin account on the ssytem then changing it to limited should be blocked as every computer needs at least one admin account.

Wow... Grade A FUD.

You cannot change the account you're currently logged in as to Limited.

To do this, you first must enable the Administrator account (via MMC), log out, log in as the administrator, now demote your main user to Limited. Log back out, and in as your Limited User.

At this point, you still have sufficient permissions to check the box "disable this account" in MMC for the Administrator user.

This is a very difficult 'hack' to perform.

(and, although I haven't tested this yet, if you are able to "disable" the Administrator account, you would also be able to "enable" the Administrator account using the same method. Disabling the Administrator account does not change the permissions of the user you're currently logged in as)
"Oh god... please... it hurts... make it stop... owww... it hurts... <assorted moaning and groaning>"

The trolling simply needs to stop, period.
I read on usenet of one guy doing this

I read in an e-mail once that Paris Hilton and Alyssa Milano wanted to have a three-way with me. Sadly, that wasn't true. Ed McMahon hasn't given me my money yet either.

You really need to stop this trolling. Why do you insist on arguing Vista's flaws with a bunch of people who actually are using it, when you're only ammo comes from second and third hand info, and worse? Seriously, don't you see a problem here? That whooshing sound you heard was your credibility going right out the window.

I hope the mods start handing out boots and shovels, because it's getting deep in here.
I read in an e-mail once that Paris Hilton and Alyssa Milano wanted to have a three-way with me.

That statement explains soooo much about you djnes. Alot of things coming together now. Some fantasy you have. Paris though? yuck. Now Alyssa, she ok.
That statement explains soooo much about you djnes. Alot of things coming together now. Some fantasy you have. Paris though? yuck. Now Alyssa, she ok.

If it was a request from me, it would have been Alyssa and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Yowza. However, if the e-mail was offering, who am I to say no? I probably would have just given Paris a buyout number, and focus on Alyssa. But...I digress....*immensly*.
Is anyone else waiting for this quote from Gatticus?

"Well, I'm not really a Vista expert, or a user, for that matter. But, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!"
Well, that's what the guy said he was able to do. If I come across his post again I will post it here for you. And I can't be banned for stating the truth no matter how much you may wish so. djen wanted me banned for simply proving to him that Acronis True Image is better than Ghost. :rolleyes:
djen wanted me banned for simply proving to him that Acronis True Image is better than Ghost. :rolleyes:

ROFLMAO. That is so out of character for djnes to do such a thing. It's a farce I tell ya, djnes is a graceful loser of debates and arguements.
And I can't be banned for stating the truth no matter how much you may wish so.

Actually, you can be banned for the truth. If you posted something in the forum that would cause trouble for the forum or Kyle, you would be banned. But, that's not the point here. You haven't posted any proof making your statements fact or true.

I only installed Vista so I could make threads like this so get used to it. Currently I have zero reason to actually use Vista for anything else. :)

For your information, this is called trolling. Did you read the rules when you signed up for the forum like you're supposed to do? Have you reread them lately to refresh yourself? I'm guessing you haven't because then you would know that trolling will get you banned.

Have a nice day.

I only installed Vista so I could make threads like this so get used to it. Currently I have zero reason to actually use Vista for anything else. :)

wow i can't believe i overlooked this one.

fuckin amazing.......
/me has been with this since the beginning... pointed it out as trolling behavior on several fronts... why this thread is still going is beyond me... everything the OP seems to start nowadays is geared with trolling in mind.
Well, that's what the guy said he was able to do. If I come across his post again I will post it here for you. And I can't be banned for stating the truth no matter how much you may wish so. djen wanted me banned for simply proving to him that Acronis True Image is better than Ghost. :rolleyes:
The only eye-rolling is going on over here. You stalked my threads in which I mentioned Ghost, trolling for an argument. Sound familiar? Oh right, it's what you've been doing here.

See, I love a good debate. If you truly felt Acronis was superior, that's wonderful. I've already switched allegiences to products based on debates here. If it turned out Acronis was a better product, I would have switched. You gave no prove or reasoning, just you're opinions. However, you proceeded to follow me around and bash Ghost anytime I mentioned it. A psychologist would have a field day with such behavior.

What pisses me off in that debate, and what you are doing here is this: You feel your opinion, even one formed on third hand experience, should be taken as gospel. I've been using Ghost for 9 years, and you were telling me things you've heard Acronis could do. That doesn't leave much for a debate. That's like someone who plays Battlefield 2 arguing strategy with someone who's commanded troops in Iraq.

You're even doing it here. As the debate rages on, and more people are calling your posts FUD, the truth comes out that you haven't really given Vista a real're arguing over what you've read other people say. That type of attitude kills the forums, and should be removed.

Do you see me starting debates in the Linux or Mac forums? No, because I have little or no first hand experience with those topics. I stick to what I know. I'll read other debates on topics I don't, trying to learn, but I sure as hell wouldn't join the debate.

Now, all that being said, if you want to turn this thread into something useful, install Vista and give it a shot. Then come back and tell us your rants. At least it will be a meaningful discussion.
I followed you around to bash Ghost? If you actually believe that then it is you who needs to see the psychologist and not I. But I did direct you to an extensive comparison of Ghost vs True Image which completely destroyed your opinion. You see, I like to back up my opinions, unlike you. And I do have Vista installed so your opinion is once again nothing but bollocks.
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