Vista Aero GUI is a downgrade from XP GUI

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OK that's about as fuckin' off-topic as it gets. Will a Mod please put this one down like the bitch it's become?
The only eye-rolling is going on over here. You stalked my threads in which I mentioned Ghost, trolling for an argument. Sound familiar? Oh right, it's what you've been doing here.

See, I love a good debate. If you truly felt Acronis was superior, that's wonderful. I've already switched allegiences to products based on debates here. If it turned out Acronis was a better product, I would have switched. You gave no prove or reasoning, just you're opinions. However, you proceeded to follow me around and bash Ghost anytime I mentioned it. A psychologist would have a field day with such behavior.

What pisses me off in that debate, and what you are doing here is this: You feel your opinion, even one formed on third hand experience, should be taken as gospel. I've been using Ghost for 9 years, and you were telling me things you've heard Acronis could do. That doesn't leave much for a debate. That's like someone who plays Battlefield 2 arguing strategy with someone who's commanded troops in Iraq.

You're even doing it here. As the debate rages on, and more people are calling your posts FUD, the truth comes out that you haven't really given Vista a real're arguing over what you've read other people say. That type of attitude kills the forums, and should be removed.

Do you see me starting debates in the Linux or Mac forums? No, because I have little or no first hand experience with those topics. I stick to what I know. I'll read other debates on topics I don't, trying to learn, but I sure as hell wouldn't join the debate.

Now, all that being said, if you want to turn this thread into something useful, install Vista and give it a shot. Then come back and tell us your rants. At least it will be a meaningful discussion.

Are you saying that you have never gotten pissy and went and cried to a mod to get someone banned if they wouldn't give in and agree with you? Never, not once, not twice, not 10 times?

I remember that post you made and that you linked to in that thread. It was in the Forum Help & Feedback section complaining that the guy failed to see you were right and he should have earned a vacation.
Are you saying that you have never gotten pissy and went and cried to a mod to get someone banned if they wouldn't give in and agree with you? Never, not once, not twice, not 10 times?

I remember that post you made and that you linked to in that thread. It was in the Forum Help & Feedback section complaining that the guy failed to see you were right and he should have earned a vacation.

He's not the only one.

The pro-Vista folks lurking in this section have incredibly thin skins when it comes to their favorite OS. If anyone dares to debate them on the actual merits of switching to Vista (or not) they have a hissy-fit and the thread is subsequently shut down by mods. This one will be as well.

Just one last thing - one does not need to purchase a bullet and gun and shoot one's self to know that such an activity is counter-productive. It is intuitively obvious.
Who adds programs via control panel?

Our IT has a few programs on a network share in case we need something more than the standard image. How do the end users install them? From Add/Remove programs.

Open the applet, click on the "Add New Programs" button, and below the CD/Floppy and Windows update will be a section for network install if any are available.
I followed you around to bash Ghost? If you actually believe that then it is you who needs to see the psychologist and not I. But I did direct you to an extensive comparison of Ghost vs True Image which completely destroyed your opinion. You see, I like to back up my opinions, unlike you. And I do have Vista installed so your opinion is once again nothing but bollocks.

That's the whole point, it's his opinion.

Some people can get by with just a few xterms on a Linux box. Others prefer a flashy, highly customized GUI. Both of them can do the same things, they just have a different way of doing it.

You and the writer of the article you posted hate the GUI changes made by Microsoft? Fine. That's certainly your right. Others, however, certainly have the right to accept, and even enjoy, the changes no matter what you say.
He's not the only one.

The pro-Vista folks lurking in this section have incredibly thin skins when it comes to their favorite OS. If anyone dares to debate them on the actual merits of switching to Vista (or not) they have a hissy-fit and the thread is subsequently shut down by mods. This one will be as well.
Regardless of whether that's true or not, you never seem to miss an opportunity to hiss back.

If you want to participate in a discussion, do so without going all ad hominem on the people you disagree with.

What is the registry path to change the fade animation to -2.
"Shut up" is two words, donchaknow... if you meant SHADDUP that's different.


Why not just disable the damned menu fade altogether? Eh? If you're gonna set it to a negative amount, just disable it all together.
You and the writer of the article you posted hate the GUI changes made by Microsoft? Fine. That's certainly your right. Others, however, certainly have the right to accept, and even enjoy, the changes no matter what you say.

The point of the post is that the changes are counter productive and has nothing to do with opinion of whether you like the look of Vista or not. It's the same with compiz in Linux, I found the 3D cube thingy slower than using the 2D icons in the task bar so soon dumped the whole 3D desktp on Linux. I like fast and efficient and that's how an OS should be. It should not get in the way of productivity.
"Shut up" is two words, donchaknow... if you meant SHADDUP that's different.


Why not just disable the damned menu fade altogether? Eh? If you're gonna set it to a negative amount, just disable it all together.

Of course I could just disable it, however I prefer the transition and would like it to be a bit faster.
Regardless of whether that's true or not, you never seem to miss an opportunity to hiss back.

If you want to participate in a discussion, do so without going all ad hominem on the people you disagree with.

Oh, please. I will guarantee you you won't find one example of me launching an ad-hominem attack against anyone in this forum - and I almost guarantee you won't go looking, either.

I've just asked you questions. For reasons known only to you, you and your pro-Vista colleagues refuse to answer, and I suspect it's because the answers are too embarrassing to your Vista-centric viewpoints. What makes it even worse is that a few of you have squelched debate by tattling to the mods, effectively censoring any viewpoints contrary to your own. Groupthink at its finest. (pls. read Irving Janis' tome on the topic)

If that's your aim, you should come clean about it.

The hilarious thing here is that your post was QED.
The point of the post is that the changes are counter productive and has nothing to do with opinion of whether you like the look of Vista or not. It's the same with compiz in Linux, I found the 3D cube thingy slower than using the 2D icons in the task bar so soon dumped the whole 3D desktp on Linux. I like fast and efficient and that's how an OS should be. It should not get in the way of productivity.
That's your opinion, not an absolute truth.

kunsunoke said:
Oh, please. I will guarantee you you won't find one example of me launching an ad-hominem attack against anyone in this forum - and I almost guarantee you won't go looking, either.
kunsunoke said:
The pro-Vista folks lurking in this section have incredibly thin skins when it comes to their favorite OS. If anyone dares to debate them on the actual merits of switching to Vista (or not) they have a hissy-fit and the thread is subsequently shut down by mods. This one will be as well.
I have little interest in getting involved in this particular discussion, but I'd like to correct people on their usage of ad hominem.

Merely insulting someone is not an ad hominem, claiming that their argument is invalid because of a characteristic they possess is. (regardless of the reality of them having that characteristic!)
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