Venice rumors here please!

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Frallan said:
Well I wish I had anything to start of with except to say that Venice is the new A64 s939 core with SSE3 and made on strained SOI..

But Id like anyone with info to post on ETA, variations (clockings), PR numbers and so on...

[EDIT] And Yes this is a try to consolidate all the Venice threads into one place where it'll be easier to keep track of. And Ill B updating this post with the destilled info in the thread[/EDIT]

And we have a new winner in the stupidest post of the thread:

Its from Lazn_work... Who thinks there is a reason to explain the name Venice :rolleyes:


ETA: Late Jan - Mid Feb ((cf)Eclipse), Feb-March (AthlonXP source "maximum pc")

(Blame DryFire for this rumor :D)

Enhancements: Improved Mem controler, SSE3, 24% less power usage. ((cf)Eclipse)

Guesses at clock ranges: 3800+ (@2.4GHz) and upwards.((cf)Eclipse)

Cache: Venice 512 Kb (XXXX+ replacement) San Diego 1Mb (FX-replacement) ((cf)Eclipse)

all a Venice is gunna be is a slowed down A64 FX chip. the thing i dont get is. why is everyone so excited about this?
Frallan said:
Its from Lazn_work... Who thinks there is a reason to explain the name Venice :rolleyes

Thanks, thank you very much, I try.

Lazn_Work said:
I heard rumor that Venice is a city in Italy, where instead of streets they have canals.
bwahahaha, nice one.

and redefined: some people have different reasons to like a product than others. instead of projecting your own opinions on others without support, would you care to inform us why the venice won't be special, and exactly what you mean by a 'slowed down' fx chip? ;)

(btw- i'm not flaming you in the least, i just want real answers and opinions that can be supported, not a big quote with a single liner)
Redefined said:
all a Venice is gunna be is a slowed down A64 FX chip. the thing i dont get is. why is everyone so excited about this?

Most people can't afford a fx55 or whatever will come next, so a slower, cheaper part is very intresting especialy if it can be overclocked decently in most cases.
You realize most newcastles are cut down Clawhammers. Basically they make one 1mb cache core and speed bin them accordingly. The FX55's are harder to produce because of lower yeilds.

So in essence most of our A64's are slowed down FX's.
(cf)Eclipse said:
and too bad it didn't include the san diego, the chip venice will probably be derived from if part of it's cache is there, but doesn't work.

umm is does include san dieago in there. i have that issue, its a good one.
(cf)Eclipse said:
bwahahaha, nice one.

and redefined: some people have different reasons to like a product than others. instead of projecting your own opinions on others without support, would you care to inform us why the venice won't be special, and exactly what you mean by a 'slowed down' fx chip? ;)

(btw- i'm not flaming you in the least, i just want real answers and opinions that can be supported, not a big quote with a single liner)

OMG can you read??? dident you see that persons picture on the first page of this thread? read it!!!!!!! it says the FX with some Cache turned down!
no it says "Just think A64 FX with some cache turned off."

The curreny FX (the FX-55) is 130nm while venice will be 90nm so the current FX's can not become venices.

Think of it this way San deigo = FX, sandiego with 1/2 cache = venice =A64. So yes it is a slowed down FX just not the current incarnation.
Redefined said:
OMG can you read??? dident you see that persons picture on the first page of this thread? read it!!!!!!! it says the FX with some Cache turned down!

your a very special child...very special
i think we need to update the stupidest post status and create a funniest :D

and redefined, you still haven't answered my question. i want to know exactly how this venice will be a slowed down fx chip.

Redefined said:
umm is does include san dieago in there. i have that issue, its a good one.
i just noticed this. i was referring to the picture posted, not the magazine itself, because i'm not a subscriber to it. i just thought it was curious that what i consider to be the mother chip to them all wasn't in that list, but if it is, then just ignore that post way back there
taken from the other winchester thread and moved here:

needmorecarnitine said:
My reasononing also stems from costs. Doesn't make sense to make everything 1MB of L2 because you would be wasting a lot of wafer space and I believe you have a higher chance of defects (when comparing a similar cpu, L2 size being different). Do you have any info on yields?
yeah, you have a point there, i guess they'll just run two lines and salvage the san diegos they can while makeing true venice cores at the same time.. however i don't have any data on the yields. i'm assuming it'll be just about as good as the winchesters are now, which doesn't seem to be too bad.
hmm perhaps but don't forget opterons are also 1mb cache and pretty close to the fx so even if yeilds were good a lot of procs could be going toward opty's.

to me it makes more sense to streamline operations especailly when they're contracting an an extra fab to help meet demand (no not the one their building one that someone else owns) then to go on producing multiple cores.
Opterons also have extra HTT links (apart from the 1XX series). Are those on the die? AMD isn't contracting anyone to produce any cpus for them (apart from development, are you thinking of IBM)?
Just when i was planning on gettin a 3500+ winchester in early march, somthing new comes around the door :p Guess ill wait a bit, but if they are too expensive or a no-show by early-mid march, im jumpin the gun.
Bad_Boy said:
Just when i was planning on gettin a 3500+ winchester in early march, somthing new comes around the door :p Guess ill wait a bit, but if they are too expensive or a no-show by early-mid march, im jumpin the gun.

There will always be something "around the door"
IMHO the reasons to be exited about the venice are pretty much stated earlier but to me the reasons are:

24% less power usage (should translate into higher OCability)
Improved memory controller
DryFire said:
no it says "Just think A64 FX with some cache turned off."

The curreny FX (the FX-55) is 130nm while venice will be 90nm so the current FX's can not become venices.

Think of it this way San deigo = FX, sandiego with 1/2 cache = venice =A64. So yes it is a slowed down FX just not the current incarnation.

uhh....isnt that what i said?
(cf)Eclipse said:
i think we need to update the stupidest post status and create a funniest :D

and redefined, you still haven't answered my question. i want to know exactly how this venice will be a slowed down fx chip.

i just noticed this. i was referring to the picture posted, not the magazine itself, because i'm not a subscriber to it. i just thought it was curious that what i consider to be the mother chip to them all wasn't in that list, but if it is, then just ignore that post way back there

wow your a funny guy eh? you think i still havent answerd your question? did you read that persons pic? read that, and read what i said for the 5th time.

cf)Eclipse] = :confused:
Redefined said:
uhh....isnt that what i said?
which is also what i said when you called me wrong. please stop turning this into a personal vendetta.
(and yes, i'm ignoring you from now on redifined, so say whatever you want)

needmorecarnitine said:
Opterons also have extra HTT links (apart from the 1XX series). Are those on the die? AMD isn't contracting anyone to produce any cpus for them (apart from development, are you thinking of IBM)?
yeah, ibm is the company that springs to my mind when anyone talks about amd's chip production, i dunno of anyone else though.

DryFire said:
to me it makes more sense to streamline operations especailly when they're contracting an an extra fab to help meet demand (no not the one their building one that someone else owns) then to go on producing multiple cores.
yeah, that's what i thought at first too, however realize the amount of wafer space the extra 512kb of cache will be taking up. recently i've decided it will probably be moe benefitial for amd to do this:
make san deigo's, sell the ones that don't work as venice.
make real venice chips, and sell the ones that don't work as whatever the sempron is with 256kb of cache
and real semprons, the ones that don't work.. well toss em i guess.
(cf)Eclipse said:
which is also what i said when you called me wrong. please stop turning this into a personal vendetta.

eclipse out
(and yes, i'm ignoring you from now on redifined, so say whatever you want)

You really shouldnt bother with him. He has a noobie tag and he wears it well IMHO ;)

Trust me I've come real close to reporting this punk, keeps on looking to pick a fight for no F'ing reason

DemonDiablo said:
You really shouldnt bother with him. He has a noobie tag and he wears it well IMHO ;)

Trust me I've come real close to reporting this punk, keeps on looking to pick a fight for no F'ing reason


uhh no i dont, i just hate when people think im wrong. when theres even F ing pictures on the first page. and they still say im wrong, when the pics explain it all. sometimes people can be really stupid. and Eclipse is one of them people sometimes.
Wanna go technical? You said that Venice is a slowed down FX.

CPU speed != missing cache. There you go.

And about pictures, I guess we all have to believe when Intel shows slides that their CPU 0wnz everything else, huh...

I'm done with this too.
needmorecarnitine said:
AMD isn't contracting anyone to produce any cpus for them (apart from development, are you thinking of IBM)?

No like last year i read a small press release saying amd was enlisting the help of another fab to help meet demands (not IBM). They said something about not moving towards no fabs and that this was just temporary.

I'll look for it later if i have time.

but i suppose it would not be the best way to do things depending on yeilds.

Eitherway I'm hoping to see some x800xl availabilty and maybe the new xpress 200 chipset when venice comes around so i can make a move to pci-e with some choices.
as for an ETA, I'd say before the end of this month.

Intel has some new cpus coming out this month and I think AMD will use that timeframe as a way to get more publicity with lower costs (as usual)
DryFire said:
No like last year i read a small press release saying amd was enlisting the help of another fab to help meet demands (not IBM).

No one makes (production) cpus for AMD. IBM was contracted to help with some R&D which usually happens at Sunnyvale or Dresden.

maybe you were thinking of UMC
needmorecarnitine said:
as for an ETA, I'd say before the end of this month.

Intel has some new cpus coming out this month and I think AMD will use that timeframe as a way to get more publicity with lower costs (as usual)

I highly doubt its coming out this month. If there is anything that should have been realized over these past two years its that AMD doesnt give a damn about what Intel is doing. As far as they are concerned Intel can keep on shooting themselves in the foot. How long was it after Intel released a .09nm proc that AMD finally released one? How long after Intel releases their dual core procs is AMD sceduled to release theirs?

AMD is being smart by just doing their thing and not being rushed to make critical mistakes by their competitors (probably the reason why Intel's .09nm sucks and why their dual core is going to suck...b/c they've been rushing their shit out the door in response to competitors). AMD will release venice when they are ready not when Intel is.
DemonDiablo said:
If there is anything that should have been realized over these past two years its that AMD doesnt give a damn about what Intel is doing.

You have got to be kidding

Intel is AMDs only competitor (in cpus). Maybe some kids selling lemonade may not care what the other lemonade stand across the street is doing but multibillion dollar companies care what their competitor is doing.
DryFire said:
I agree with diablo but perhaps we'll see some price cuts :D

Yea if anything thats what will happen. If Intel releases these new procs and it pushs the prices on the rest of the line up down then AMD without a doubt will respond by doing the same within a respectable timeframe

But I really wouldnt hold my breathe on venice coming out b/c of Intel releasing some new procs, thats an Intel strateogy not an AMD one
needmorecarnitine said:
You have got to be kidding

Intel is AMDs only competitor (in cpus). Maybe some kids selling lemonade may not care what the other lemonade stand across the street is doing but multibillion dollar companies care what their competitor is doing.

:confused: way to completely re-edit my post :rolleyes:

Looking at my post in that context compeletly murders anything else that i put down in the post
Why should they lower prices if Intel isn't lowering them? They should launch the new cores as soon as they are ready because they cost less to make (adding various yield assumptions)
needmorecarnitine said:
Why should they lower prices if Intel isn't lowering them? They should launch the new cores as soon as they are ready because they cost less to make (adding various yield assumptions)

did you even read my post? I said IF Intel brings down prices then AMD WILL PROBABLY...bring down theirs as well
Yes. I don't think either company wants to lower prices. Do you think AMD should hold back on the new cores if they are ready?
needmorecarnitine said:
I didn't change a single word in it. I only picked out one line.

Its just that I wrote 2 paragraphs explaining my point of view which clearly neglects your response.

Now IF and I say if b/c i didnt, did write down this and just this:

"If there is anything that should have been realized over these past two years its that AMD doesnt give a damn about what Intel is doing."

by itself then your response would have been dead on. But thats not all that I said. Now sure AMD watches what Intel is doing in order to make sure they stay ahead of the game/dont get left behind in dust. But as far as AMD releasing something in response to Intel releasing something thats just not a logical response that can be backed up by recent facts/events.

So basically what im trying to say is that you took my statement out of context thats all. IMO no harm was done by it I just want to make sure my point of views arnt incorrectly viewed is all
DemonDiablo said:
Now sure AMD watches what Intel is doing in order to make sure they stay ahead of the game/dont get left behind in dust.

which totally negates what you claimed (and the single line that I quoted)...

I understand what you are trying to say but I have seen many AMD launches on Intel coattails and I think it is a good strategy. Advertising costs a lot so if you have a good opportunity, take it
needmorecarnitine said:
Yes. I don't think either company wants to lower prices. Do you think AMD should hold back on the new cores if they are ready?

See thats a good question. Its hard to say really. The newcatles came out of no where when AMD released them this time last year. And during the fall of last year AMD just started to release lower rated versions of the A64 on the .09nm process.

Its really hard to say with AMD what they are doing. I woundnt be to surprised if out of no where without warning amd just starts to ship out venice cores without saying anything

EDIT: I cant remember did AMD advertise the .09nm process at all when it first came out? I was trying to recall back when I orginally wrote this post but was like whatever. But now that im sitting here looking over my post its starting to bug me. Anyways if ya can remember post it to jog my memory a bit.

As for your other lost for words as to what to say lol. I wrote to paragraphs again to explain myself and the meaning of that one sentence and how it can have 2 meanings. ("If there is anything that should have been realized over these past two years its that AMD doesnt give a damn about what Intel is doing.")The meaning that I orginaly posted it as and the meaning that you inturrpretated it as.

But hey lets just call it some bad wording/missinturrprating and call it a day and keep that water under under the bridge ;)
They didn't really come out of nowhere. They didn't make any public announcements leading up to its launch but it takes a lot of time to develop a cpu.

the Inq was predicting a January "Shock n Awe" (a supposed launch of the new cores, which of course never happened) and there have been 90nm Semprons reported so it appears that they might be ready
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