Uncharted 4 E3 Demo: why I hate console exclusives


Aug 5, 2004

The Uncharted 4 E3 demo was jaw dropping and mouth watering to say the least.
The graphics was almost 1:1 with pre-rendered scenes. Naught Dog has really done a great job here. It will be the new standard for adventure/action gaming. The Uncharted series reminds me of my childhood favorite comic Tintin. It certainly has that vibe and ambiance to it. Which is why it breaks my heart that I will have to wait 2 years before it comes out on PC, or if it comes out on PC at all. I really hate this console exclusive business. It seems things are really stacked against PC gaming. Graphics being downgraded to make PC look similar to consoles. It's all too much.

Upgrading PC's, especially adding new GPUs and CPUs is too much fun to pass up. And with PCs, there are mods. I suppose I can buy a PS4 but it's the principle of it.
It'll never come to PC. But if you really want to play the Uncharted series then they are releasing a remaster of the first three on the PS4 later this summer that could keep you busy and in the loop once the fourth one is released.
I never could get into Uncharted. Started with the first game on PS3, got a few hours in, haven't touched it since. The movement and combat felt really awkward.
Uncharted games are optimized only for the console they are designed to run on more so then other games. I don't think the pc ports would turn out great even if their was even a remote chance of it ever happening.

I can understand the hate for exclusivity, but i highly doubt these games would be nearly the same if they were developing them for all platforms.

Just take a look at some of their history with consoles and the effort they put into optimization of their games back to the ps1 era. Anything naughty dog wants it can get, including shared technology between other first party studios and direct access to console engineers. There are way more advantages for them as a exclusive developer with sony.
So... its Call of Duty in 3rd person? :p Actually looks fun even if over the top actiony and scripted. Graphics look impressive for a console game.
Wait 2 years for pc version? Have you even played the first 3?

I plan to either buy a ps4 new, beat Uncharted 4 then return the console, or buy one used off here/ebay etc. then just sell it again once done with the game. Will gladly pay $60 for the game, not paying hundreds to play it.
The amount of destruction and objects flying everywhere is impressive. Love little touches like that. Makes the game world feel much less static. I am pumped for this. Naughty Dog can do no wrong.
Sony own Japan maybe. I'm not for exclusivity at all.

I can't believe how this game look great from the E3 video. Even the Uncharted 3 on PS3 was the best looking game I've seen back in the past.

As we can see, they have use destructible world very well and much better than what I expected for. But the destructive program that has been done is not only for one part of the game because in this case and even if it look so great, I pretend it's a waste of time to program in that instead of better graphics: BF4 destructible world for grenades and some tank shots on house; 80 hours of playing BF4 for me and two grenades trow plus one building demolish with my tank; Not sure if it's the case with all players but if it is, I'm sure I'm right about the waste of time to program destructive world FOR NOW.
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I tried to play the uncharted and they just were not hat great gameplay wise. Reminded me what I would play with tomb raider 2 or 3.

Maybe 4 will be better
Worse dialogue ever. The whole thing looks stupid.

The dialog did seem like it was written for a target demographic of 12 year olds and what they would find hilarious.

In any case I'm not sure why a thread about Uncharted 4 is in the PC forum.
It looks good visually, but I didn't think those Uncharted games were action games. Regardless, I want a PS4 and it's nice to see them making quality games just for the PS4.
Tough fucking critics in here. I for one love the uncharted games, they're top notch in every aspect. Day one buy for me.
The amount of destruction and objects flying everywhere is impressive. Love little touches like that. Makes the game world feel much less static. I am pumped for this. Naughty Dog can do no wrong.

It's pretty neat at all the little details and tiny little bits that shift around. From a rag on a belt to the jerry can in the back of the truck. It only has a few inches to scoot around but it still does. The tire rocks around a bit too, and people lean into the turns. Mud splashes up on the jeep and even clothes lines snag as they go through.

There's a lot happening and the action has that Indiana Jones vibe.

Looks pretty fucking good to me.
The Last of Us is the masterpiece you should be mad is a console exclusive lol
I suppose I can buy a PS4 but it's the principle of it.

What principle is being violated here? Naughty Dog is owned by Sony. The Uncharted series is property of, and funded by Sony. Obviously, they are going to use that property to sell their gaming console.

I can understand being disappointed that it's not on your preferred gaming platform... but calling it out on principle is like saying Sony is doing something immoral by using the thing they pay for to sell the thing that makes them money. That's total nonsense.
I never could get into Uncharted. Started with the first game on PS3, got a few hours in, haven't touched it since. The movement and combat felt really awkward.

The difference between Uncharted 1 and 2 are night and day. I suggest trying part 2.
Naughty Dog hasn't been good in over a decade. Uncharted is just Rachet & Clank with "grit" and "realism." Even the dialogue is the same tired junk aimed at preteen boys, and they didn't even try covering it up in the trailer. Why is this in the PC forum in the first place? If this is the kind of game you want to play, a console is perfect for you.
I definitely agree that the dialogue is definitely overblown. There's nothing I hate more in games than over-used phrases and what not during intense action scenes in games. I believe it detracts more than it helps. Uncharted is almost THE prime example of this. I played part of Uncharted 1 and couldn't finish it. Combat and movement was awkward but they really improved it in 2. I wish they were just a little more subtle with their quips, it's worse than Michael Bay's Transformers...

I do agree that Uncharted isn't the game to be mad being a console exclusive staying on PS4. The Last of Us and Bloodborne are much greater gaming experiences that I wish would come to PC. If you do pick up a PS4 definitely get a used copy of the Uncharted remaster before laying such great praise to a tech demo of 4, and most definitely pick up The Last of Us and Bloodborne.
Exactly. This game is awesome. Uncharted is garbage compared to it.

Slightly overblown, don't you think? Garbage? I think we should save that adjective for say, ET on the Atari.
The Last of Us is the masterpiece you should be mad is a console exclusive lol

I am mad about that! Lol.

I have it on PS3 but using a controller sucks balls.

The difference between Uncharted 1 and 2 are night and day. I suggest trying part 2.

I actually got the whole "set" (1 through 3) at the same time, so maybe I will try that.
Uncharted is all about the big set pieces. When an entire building is collapsing and the game still leaves the player in control, it's an awesome feeling. Similar to when a cargo net is dangling out the back of an airplane and you are holding on for dear life while simultaneously dodging crates being thrown at you. You are essentially playing through what other games would only dare render as a cutscene, and that's part of the magic of Uncharted.

And being a Naughty Dog game, it's as polished as they come. Fluid controls, great shooting mechanics, effective and satisfying melee.

The first one is a little rough around the edges which is why I usually recommend that new players start with 2. They really fine tuned everything in that one, and even more so in 3.
Arguments against console exclusives by 3rd party developers I can understand. Arguments against exclusives by 1st party developers have no weight.

Why on Earth would Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo make a game for someone else's platform? Their goal is to sell hardware which in turn leads to more games being sold and more licensing revenue. They don't maximize profit by selling games on other platforms.
I think we all understand that. It's more lamenting that there may be games some here won't enjoy because they may not want to invest in a console.

Personally I think there is a place for both. PC for intense multiplayer, console for sitting on the couch and enjoying a single player game like Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2, GTA 5's campaign mlde, The Last of Us Remastered, and etc.
Wait 2 years for pc version? Have you even played the first 3?

I plan to either buy a ps4 new, beat Uncharted 4 then return the console, or buy one used off here/ebay etc. then just sell it again once done with the game. Will gladly pay $60 for the game, not paying hundreds to play it.

That's what I did when GTA 5 came out. Bought the ps3 bundle, finished the game and sold the package on Craigslist.
I never could get into Uncharted. Started with the first game on PS3, got a few hours in, haven't touched it since. The movement and combat felt really awkward.

Ha, the first game did have some...interesting combat controls. They got better in the other games.
Uncharted series never interested me. Watched a friend play throughout a few of them, still no interest
Naughty Dog hasn't been good in over a decade. Uncharted is just Rachet & Clank with "grit" and "realism." Even the dialogue is the same tired junk aimed at preteen boys, and they didn't even try covering it up in the trailer. Why is this in the PC forum in the first place? If this is the kind of game you want to play, a console is perfect for you.

I wish it were R&C but I don't see Snow doing flips and shooting a disco ball gun.

I don't see why anyone would buy U4 after the infamous U3 crap.
When I start to feel like this, I just look at my steam backlog and I'm not upset anymore.
What principle is being violated here? Naughty Dog is owned by Sony. The Uncharted series is property of, and funded by Sony. Obviously, they are going to use that property to sell their gaming console.

I can understand being disappointed that it's not on your preferred gaming platform... but calling it out on principle is like saying Sony is doing something immoral by using the thing they pay for to sell the thing that makes them money. That's total nonsense.

You misunderstood what I meant by principle. If you had read my comment carefully, my "principle" was that I enjoy PC hardware and upgrading it. I have been building PC's since I was in high school and thoroughly enjoyed it since. The last time I bought a console was a ps3 and I think I touched it twice because I spent most of my time reading up on hardware and upgrading it. Now if only I can combine that passion with a good game like Uncharted 4, right?;) . I suppose buying the PS4 would betray my PC enthusiast principle but it's not about Sony. Is it silly? yes. But it's how I feel.
Naughty Dog are a bunch of talented dev, these guys were able to make the best of PS3 and now PS4. I'd say they are worth every penny Sony invested in them.

Anyway, IMO there's always room for a console or two if we are enthusiastic about gaming. These consoles cost lesser than a high end graphic card alone anyway. I have a PS3 along with my PC for the best of both worlds. I use my PS3 for any console exclusive titles such as Uncharted, Last of Us, Gran Turismo, and JRPGs. Everything else is on my PC.

The Uncharted 4 E3 demo was jaw dropping and mouth watering to say the least.
The graphics was almost 1:1 with pre-rendered scenes. Naught Dog has really done a great job here. It will be the new standard for adventure/action gaming. The Uncharted series reminds me of my childhood favorite comic Tintin. It certainly has that vibe and ambiance to it. Which is why it breaks my heart that I will have to wait 2 years before it comes out on PC, or if it comes out on PC at all. I really hate this console exclusive business. It seems things are really stacked against PC gaming. Graphics being downgraded to make PC look similar to consoles. It's all too much.

Upgrading PC's, especially adding new GPUs and CPUs is too much fun to pass up. And with PCs, there are mods. I suppose I can buy a PS4 but it's the principle of it.

Boo fucking hoo. If there were no exclusives, there would be no incentive to buying a console and there'd likely be only one console to game on. I love PC gaming, but lately the PC community from comments i've seen all over the Internet have turned into a bunch of arrogant assholes. People complaining about console exclusives is like complaining the sky is blue... it's always been like this. If you wanted to play Mario you have to buy a Nintendo console, if you wanted to play Halo or Gears of War you'd buy a Xbox, if you wanted to play Metal Gear Solid (at the time) you'd buy a Playstation.

Exclusivity is what keeps the competitiveness going in the gaming market. So honestly, just get used to it. Consoles will never end strictly because of the convenience factor. They are cheaper and way more convenient. I'll take console graphics, sitting on my couch in front of a big ass tv over sitting in front of a computer any day. So the graphics are slightly better on PC. Who fucking cares? If the game sucks, isn't fun, it doesn't matter how good it looks. Hell, even computer mods are going to be playable on Xbox One now... so the disparity between PC and console is closing. The only thing I still love about PC gaming is the price of the games. You buy digital games on either console the prices virtually never go down to Steam-sale level. But as long as physical copies exist for games (which I actually prefer) i'll always be able to buy them used so the cost of ownership always stays relatively low. Not to mention that I end up spending money on Steam for games I never play b/c of how good a deal they are. Every PC gamer here has a backlog longer than their list of completed games (likely). With the consoles, I have to be more selective... and shit I can rent games to see if I even want to buy it. Steam should have a game rental system... but then it'd be heavily DRMed which people always seem to bitch about.

Anyway, enough from me.
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Look up the still images from the game trailer. They are making clever use of baked lighting, HDR, and motion blur to trick the eyes. It's not a bad looking game, but it's also not impressive, in the least. It's also important to remember that these "gameplay" demos are scripted.

I like the Uncharted series, but I also hate it for "inspiring" Square Enix to turn Tomb Raider into a more action-oriented experience over platforming and puzzle solving.

If you have a gaming PC, exclusives are the only reason to own any console. Being primarily a PC gamer, myself, I also love the Forza and Gran Turismo series too much to not own a console. Having access to other exclusives on consoles is a bonus.

I guess my point is: if you're a gamer, you should not be limiting yourself to a single platform.
I never could get into Uncharted. Started with the first game on PS3, got a few hours in, haven't touched it since. The movement and combat felt really awkward.

Eh, you have to give it time. I felt exactly the same way at first, but eventually got used to using the controller. Finished Uncharted and moved on to the Infamous games. Finished the first one twice and the second one once and was part way through a second play through when I dumped all my saves and put a new HD in my PS3 for GTAV.

I'm sure console veterans have no problem with the controls, but it really is hard to make the switch from mouse / keyboard to controller for any kind of FPS-ish game like this. I tried to get into the PS3 Resistance series, but it's TOO much of an FPS. I couldn't deal with the controller on that one.
Uncharted 1 was an interesting spin on the "male Tomb Raider" and "grifter Indiana Jones" kind of character. In my mind, Uncharted 2 fixed every negative aspect of Uncharted 1. Uncharted 3 was awful. :D

I'll probably buy a PS4 for this :(
Uncharted 4 looks great...I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and the only other game I've played on it is The Last of Us (Remastered) but UC4 looks to be another amazing PS4 exclusive...I'll definitely be getting the remastered Uncharted series as well in November