Total War: Rome 2

I thought this was funny. Most reviewers haven't even played the game for an hour.

(gigantic image goes here)

I really don't think this image is proof that most reviewers played the game for under an hour. Hell, you can barely get through the tutorial in a TW game in under a hour, so I don't see how any of the reviews could have gone into the battlefield mechanics that quickly.

Here's two more likely scenarios: 1.) I'm going to assume everyone who worked on the game gets a free copy. How many of them went home and tossed their key into Steam, fired up the game, and then didn't play it? If that happened, that could hugely skew the percentage of people who own the game at that point that are earning achievements. 2.) It's possible, given the amount of time needed to complete a campaign in these games, that reviewers were given a non-final build of the game to review. They could have easily gotten into the meat of the game that way. Then, when a final build was ready, they could have used that merely as a means to verify the game received a final coat of polished, fixed any major bugs, etc. That would mean many reviewers would just have to fire up the game, spend a few minutes seeing if any issues they had were addressed, and then be done, thereby only earning a minimal amount of achievements.

I know that journalistic integrity probably isn't what it used to be, but I still think either of those scenarios are a hell of a lot more likely than the thought that 60% of reviewers played less than an hour and 75% of them never fought a battle.
I actually played quite a bit MP in Shogun two, I found it very fun.

Sadly, for some strange reason they seem to have decided to completely and utterly do away with ALL that shogun 2 brought to the MP game.

There's no more persistant "avatar/general" that you use in your battle sonline and gain exp with, there's no more skill tree's or anything like that.

Personally I wish they'd have kept the avatar and cosmetic unlocks (IMO gameplay shouldn't be affected like it was online, it made it hard for new players to fight against vets when they had such a large advantage).

there is, they just changed the UI so much it's hard to find anything.
While I haven't started a campaign yet, my experiments with the various battle types via custom setups has me feeling like waiting for someone to mod some of the wrinkles out before I commit any substantive time to this title.

Example 1t: I played a port assault where the entire defending fleet beached itself and ran into the city. There were foot units in the city already but the AI felt it necessary to withdraw everything.
I'm only playing through the prologue/tutorial at the moment, but I really like it so far. I absolutely expect there will some bugs for the foreseeable future.

Rome 1 was probably my favorite game ever (with Medieval 2 being a close second), so it is great to be back in this time period. :cool:

Seems to run OK on my machine (4770K, GTX 780) as well. I had to tick a few of the options off (running DOF on low, the softening of the vegetation option is off as well).
How did everyone do with the with the benchmark?

I got a pathetic 28.6fps at 1440p maxed out 3-way 780's. I just reformatted my PC too with the latest beta driver.
I haven't run the benchmark yet, but it was a bit sluggish maxed out. I only got to play for like 20 minutes. The UI is much less clear than shogun 2 so It might take me a while to get used to the game but I think it will be well worth it.
I think I figured out why - 3% gpu load on my 2nd gpu (3rd one was set to dedicated physx which raised score to 32fps)

It doesn't look like this supports SLI yet.
Eh? that secondpicture isn't even of the Carthage port (like the last video).

Though the graphics have definitely taken a hit...
I played the Carthage map in one of my test battles early this morning but I do not recall the graphics looking as bad as that third shot. Alas, I am not at home to verify this until much later today.
Awful launch glad i didn't preorder. Pretty funny watching from the sidelines though :p

False advertising ftw Link

I'm not sure what you're showing here, because it does not resemble my game in any way. I just loaded up the historical Carthage battle, the one you cite as false advertising, and my game looks identical to your beta screenshots.

I'm assuming you've posted a screenshot of the game on the lowest settings to dissuade someone with an absolute crap computer from purchasing. If you have a relatively modern machine, your game will not look like that (assuming you know how to set graphical settings and like to play historical battles.)

Please forgive my photos taken in haste as they do not represent maxed settings. (I have a few turned down.)

I'm not having graphic issues like you guys but some game limitations are bothering me.

-armies most have a general
-limited amount of generals

how i get more generals? im stuck with 3????????? wtf
Guys, I have found a way to play this week. I am working a 16 hour day today so that I can take tomorrow off! Brilliant!
Game running a little less than smooth on my stock 4770K/GTX780.

Will probably turn down some options later. Interface takes a while to get used to. Tutorial felt a little arcadey but we'll see once I hit the campaign.
Game running a little less than smooth on my stock 4770K/GTX780.

Will probably turn down some options later. Interface takes a while to get used to. Tutorial felt a little arcadey but we'll see once I hit the campaign.

Hopefully some updated graphics card drivers are released that have specific optimizations for Rome 2. It's a little disheartening to have heard nothing from neither Nvidia nor AMD yet, but I suppose that is to be expected since this game wasn't directly endorsed by either.

Oddly enough, there are settings directed at Intel integrated graphics (specifically Haswell, but I can't enable it on my 4770K + GTX 780). Makes me wonder if they actually did any Intel CPU specific optimizations (not the GPU part), or were just paid to have the logo on the splash screen.
wow i get dips in to the teens in the bench mark whit every thing maxed at 1080p
rig is 2 7970s and 3930k at 4.7 and i get worse fps whit crossfire on then whit it off
As expected, runs and looks (e.g. flashing/missing textures) like turd with crossfire enabled, and is barely passable with a single 6950.
From just watching resource monitor, it looks like this game uses four threads. I consistently sit at 50% CPU (8 threads available due to HT) usage while my GPU is around 70%. Even if SLI was working, I guess it wouldn't be worth the money currently.

Also, while this game doesn't seem to use much system memory, it is using the full 3GB of my graphics card even with "use unlimited video memory" unchecked. I'm afraid that turning that setting on would allow it to use the slow DDR3 system memory.
Awful launch glad i didn't preorder. Pretty funny watching from the sidelines though :p

False advertising ftw Link

False advertising indeed. I wish I knew what I needed to do to get this game to look anywhere near that "alpha" screenshot. Right now it looks like shit, especially the colors. Big step back from Shogun 2 graphically. Gonna shelve it until they patch it a few times.
Only payed $45 on Greenmangaming months ago so I'm not upset or discouraged because this is expected from a Total War game, now my $15 saving's will hopefully go to as Selucid DLC. Even for how crappy is it currently it's going to polish well just like Shogun 2 did in time, we don't even have SLI/Crossfire profiles, or supported drivers and people already want refunds on Day 1 :eek:. Go back to a console, or your Android phone and play Solitaire. Guessing some of you don't play other games like Tomb Raider or Max Payne 3 and recall launch day, or have even played a past Total War game.. Then again history has always been a daft subject for the human mind to understand.

I want a blood pack though (game feels off without it), I just wonder if it will be as funny / cheesy as Shogun 2's.
That's one thing I don't get, Sega said no blood because they wanted to keep a T rating......but T rating can contain blood, hell there's a ton of games rated T with blood in them. You just can't go over the top with it.
Because they want to sell you Blood Pack DLC like they did in Shogun 2.
Only payed $45 on Greenmangaming months ago so I'm not upset or discouraged because this is expected from a Total War game, now my $15 saving's will hopefully go to as Selucid DLC. Even for how crappy is it currently it's going to polish well just like Shogun 2 did in time, we don't even have SLI/Crossfire profiles, or supported drivers and people already want refunds on Day 1 :eek:. Go back to a console, or your Android phone and play Solitaire. Guessing some of you don't play other games like Tomb Raider or Max Payne 3 and recall launch day, or have even played a past Total War game.. Then again history has always been a daft subject for the human mind to understand.

I want a blood pack though (game feels off without it), I just wonder if it will be as funny / cheesy as Shogun 2's.

You saved even more because they just announced that the Seleucid DLC will be a free one.
Even though its buggy as shit and multiplayer is totally broken. i am still having a blast.
worst TW game ever
I can't play it like the old Rome game or even like Shogun2, uninstalling and I have to wait for mods to get this game fixed.

WTF were they thinking releaseing this trash?
worst TW game ever
I can't play it like the old Rome game or even like Shogun2, uninstalling and I have to wait for mods to get this game fixed.

WTF were they thinking releaseing this trash?

Its not that bad. did they release it a bit early ya but all the issues can be patched.

Over all i think Rome 2 will be the best total war game so far. they added loads more depth than the previous games. the town system is so much better than before. now each faction has loads of different buildings. you can have a town that is actually. focused on agriculture. not just building a lvl 4 field.

the sea land battles are a nice addition

the research trees are much more faction specific so you really get a totally different feel with each faction you play.

over all i am quite pleased with Rome 2 but i do feel that they could have held back the release for another month to finish working out the kinks.
Played a little myself, but a friend was playing on my pc for hours yesterday. No issues for me, and the game looks amazing. We even did the Carthage siege which was glorious. Running max settings on 1440p with a 3930k and a 780 gtx oced
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over all i am quite pleased with Rome 2 but i do feel that they could have held back the release for another month to finish working out the kinks.

As usual we can blame the publisher for pushing early release. This was originally supposed to be out in October, but Sega moved the release ahead by a month. Uggh!
anyone know how to assign skills to characters? when I go to change turns I tells me two of my characters have skill upgrades available, but I cant figure out how to select it
anyone know how to assign skills to characters? when I go to change turns I tells me two of my characters have skill upgrades available, but I cant figure out how to select it

one of these magic icons on the bottom after selecting your general or agent.
That's one thing I don't get, Sega said no blood because they wanted to keep a T rating......but T rating can contain blood, hell there's a ton of games rated T with blood in them. You just can't go over the top with it.

True, I know that, but there are issues I'm sure with European law to include blood and keep it t-rated. Specifically German law I think, they have weird things sometimes regarding games over there.

Because they want to sell you Blood Pack DLC like they did in Shogun 2.
For a whopping $2.75, cheaper then a gallon of gas. I might of payed even less during Steam sales for Shogun 2's. Actually, I looked, it's $1.59 now, maybe they lowered it since it was released? Still cheaper then a DLC for BF3, and you'll probably enjoy it more to. I await the cheese ;)

Far as the game goes it's going to take me a while to get used to all the visual changes. I do like the unit cards though, pretty cool looking.
The game is great except for a few issues here and there. With a few patches, it has the potential to be one of the best TW games. For those wanting to purchase it, I'd wait a while until they patch it up.
im having so much fun as Sparta.

just had a pretty nice battle the odds were very much against only a sliver of yellow on the chances of winning meter before the battle.

its not even my main army.
I don't have too many issues with the game. The people models could use some work and whatever causes a game to not recognize the end of a screen when multiple are used, is annoying.

I got 32.5 fps on the benchmark on my system below. Not bad, but I really didn't expect it to chug a bit on total war's recommended settings. I went into t he geforce experience and selected optimal settings and it's been better since.