Time to ramp it up boys, winter is almost here.


Apr 21, 2004
Time to ramp up those overclocks guys! The Aussies are getting into the summer months ,
Come on DR, the mods are supposed to know the Rules. No posting in all caps :p

I'm hoping that I will be able to go Full Fold Ahead soon. My San Diego is ready to go, I've got a Northwood, Prescott, pair of Bartons, a pair of Katmais, and a Samuel2 that should be ready to rock. Overngiht lows are hitting the 30s in these parts now, time to drive down the gas bill and drop the hammer on the Aussies.
Roo-burgers... roasted roo, roo al dente... :D

Soo many choices, so little time!

I'm a roo-ka-bob fan myself :) Anyone got a spare prescott I use to cook them over?

I've clocked my XP-M back up to 2.4, it shaved over a minute off the 600point frames!
hmm...pretty much maxed out at 3.6 already with 1.65 vcore (bleh vcore fluctuations). :(

I wonder....we'll see what I can do after the race. :cool:
mm... smoked roo... ::drool::

The gauntlets got me to ramp up early. I'm not sure I can push out much more than I currently am. I'm helping a friend build a computer in the next couple weeks, so maybe I'll get another A64 out of that. :)

DR_K13 said:
Time to ramp up those overclocks guys! The Aussies are getting into the summer months

yes sir, will do!

Roo a la carte?

Well I just found out why my PPD and cpu count dropped off the map, my families work replaced 6 of their p4 2.8ghz & 256mbvram :( with p4 3.2 & 1gb ram, big WU's here we come, starting this weekend.

My dual g5 and p4 keep my room independently warmer than the rest of the house :)
I would like to get my XP-m running faster but 2.5 seems to be the best I can get out of it. I could try raising the vcore to 2.00 but that would require me to spend time rebooting and running Prime. I would hate to waste the cycles if I wasn't able to get any more stable of an overclock out of the machine. :(

clean_me: You forgot to address one important point... Where are said 2.8s with 256? I'll take 'em! :D

It'll be a while before I find a way to significantly increase my production, though I'm currently securing funding for upgrading my only lab that isn't folding. I get to see how far 80K or so can go on upgrading 36 machines or so. :D Unfortunately, purchases won't happen until after the spring semester. :(

Can sombody explain or link to some place that describes the points system. [H] has more people folding and more work units but less points?? How come the 24hr average of OC Australia is higher?
One bbq roo coming up, just need a grill big enough to hold it. Oh yeah I live in Ohio, where anything that crosses the road becomes instant road kill.

But unfortuantly I am doing like another folder and heating the house this winter with boxen.
Just brought a new 2200 online (though my Duron 850 is now offline) and hope to get an X2 up and running with my next paycheck and throw my current 939 in a borg.

Hey, you guys can eat all the BBQ roo you want, not sure about availability in US, but the "Relic Trophy" will be staying in its cabinet in the OCAU trophy room. :p
Twrecks said:
Hey, you guys can eat all the BBQ roo you want, not sure about availability in US, but the "Relic Trophy" will be staying in its cabinet in the OCAU trophy room. :p

Now are we going to stand for this?!? A tresspasser, comes into our house.... We must not allow this transgression to pass!

p[H]ant0m said:
Now are we going to stand for this?!? A tresspasser, comes into our house.... We must not allow this transgression to pass!

Dont be like that, its all friendly rivalry. ;)
Besides, we were happy to have Atomic Moose & Marty9876 visit us at OCAU during the recent hurricane season, although they still havent paid the bar bill yet. :(

Remember its for the science. :)
Fold on brothers.
Twrecks said:
Besides, we were happy to have Atomic Moose & Marty9876 visit us at OCAU during the recent hurricane season, although they still havent paid the bar bill yet. :(

Is a third party post dated bad check OK?

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

*furiously searches on Google for a druidic hymn or battle song to rouse the [H]orde*
Twrecks said:
Dont be like that, its all friendly rivalry. ;)
Besides, we were happy to have Atomic Moose & Marty9876 visit us at OCAU during the recent hurricane season, although they still havent paid the bar bill yet. :(

Remember its for the science. :)
Fold on brothers.
and we ain't gonna either. Mwuhahahaha!!!
One of these days that Relic Trophy will up and disappear from your trophy room.
Then what are you going to do, when you find out we just came out of nowhere and won the trophy back?

Aussie Roo Lauger, It is how we like our Roo's in the US!
We WILL get the relic trophy back one of these days... and much more permanantly than last time!

Dark Ember said:
We WILL get the relic trophy back one of these days... and much more permanantly than last time!

Nah, the ducks flown south and he is staying for our nice warm summer. :cool:
BTW, as your heading into winter, can we borrow some airconditioners? To keep our computers overclocked. :)
Twrecks said:
Nah, the ducks flown south and he is staying for our nice warm summer. :cool:
BTW, as your heading into winter, can we borrow some airconditioners? To keep our computers overclocked. :)

thought you guys had vegemite for that.

Twrecks said:
but the "Relic Trophy" will be staying in its cabinet in the OCAU trophy room. :p

The thought of this almost pisses me off enough to risk my job by forcing the IT guys to let me install F@H on all the systems here. Well, at least the ones in several areas around me. A few hundred P4 2.8 Presshots would be a welcome addition; even if they would only be folding about 45 hours or so a week.

I think I will start up my own computer service in the area and make one of the payment requirements that they let me install F@H.

Datsun 1600 said:
Nah, Vegemite is a hangover cure for real beer drinkers.

Datsun 1600

Veteren (real) beer drinkers don't get hangovers.

Scorpionjwp said:
Why need air conditioners, if you can just open a window?
Its mid spring here, temps already passing mid 80s, thats why the ducks stayin. ;)
Datsun 1600 said:
Nah, Vegemite is a hangover cure for real beer drinkers.

Foster's doesn't count! ;) j/k
SmokeRngs said:
Veteren (real) beer drinkers don't get hangovers.

We need to make a trophy for OCAU. Maybe a roo with a hangover with a Fosters beer mug in it's hand.
Scorpionjwp said:
We need to make a trophy for OCAU. Maybe a roo with a hangover with a Fosters beer mug in it's hand.
I'm up to it....just give me the picture...