The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Official Thread

Clearly bad game design :p

Sure I will just pickup the weapons I can't carry carry because I am over encumbered since I can't sell stuff I am carrying since vendor carry around like $3 and the game drop about seven million pieces of questionable crafting materials :eek:

Regardless of how I ended up here, for me the game is less of an adventure game and more of a series of life lessons on why being poor is bad. When you run out of money, you have trouble recovering since you ran out of money.

You'll get through this, man, don't worry. :p

Step 1. Drop some of your items at a fast travel sign. These will likely stay, but to be safe, drop what you can afford to lose.

Step 2. Find a better vendor. Ride around. Use a map out of game. Do what you have to do.

Step 3. Repair your stuff. Go back to where you dropped your goods previously.

Step 4. Profit! :D

Also, do a main quest, you'll get exp quick and won't have to be worried about being underleveled anymore.

Anyway, try playing a Witcher, not a traveling junk collector. :D
Clearly bad game design :p

Sure I will just pickup the weapons I can't carry carry because I am over encumbered since I can't sell stuff I am carrying since vendors only carry around like $3 and the game drops about seven million pieces of questionable crafting materials and new saddle bags cost almost 200 dildocoins (or whatever they are) :eek:

Regardless of how I ended up here, for me the game is less of an adventure game and more of a series of life lessons on why being poor is a downward spiral. When you run out of money, you have trouble recovering since you don't have money to fix things.

If you are over encumbered, go sell? Take your horse, and run it straight towards a city that does not need a bridge to get to it, find a vendor and sell your stuff. Heck, the starting town and the Nilfgaardian fort to the northwest of that both have vendors that each have plenty of cash. Look at your items, also, and figure out how heavy they are and compare that to how much they are worth. Drop stuff that is heavy but not worth much. Rusty swords? Don't pick those up.

Also, feel free to use your armor/weapon repair kits you find for free repairs. Also - hides? Sell all the hides. All of them. You'll know when you need them, and early on in that game is not it.
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I haven't been all over yet, but for armors/weapons... the person that gives the most money, that I've found is the Armorer next to the Bank vendor in the town square. Virtually all the vendors in Novigrad buy your things at a higher price range than in the outskirts. Same goes for the taverns.

So I mainly go to him for repairs and crafting, unless it needs to be a master armourer, but since i haven't got anything that is master class, no worries yet. Reason being of course is to get him money to get back. Other person I sell to is the master swordsmith. Considering I have like almost 30k I think, I'm not at all worried about money.
Wait, so different vendors give different amounts for items? lol, learn something new everyday.

I've been selling my stuff to whoever buys it.

Now I know why the 743 value armor I sold only brought 50 gold from the cheap traveling vendor.
ok, STOP breaking down shit. It is pointless.
Only break down stuff when you are crafting and looking for something you are missing or to recover runes
dropping loot for later pickup is NOT safe
you can drop crap, but if you travel into different zones it may disappear
SELL all the furs/skins - useless is useless, also junk > 5 of
SELL everything you have >20 of. it is common and pointless to keep
The only thing you really buy in this game would be plans for things you don't have - and cards - and 1k to respec
Everything else you find or make. If you are not scouring the countryside... well, may be harder
Well I broke down an armor I found (it wasn't high level armor) but one of the things it broke down into was cured dragonskin or something like that, I figured "I have never seen that resource, I'll probably need it later."

As far as the other things, how do you know what you'll need though? I mean I don't have a LOT of "one" thing mostly (I usually sell things if I get like 20 of them) but i have a HUGE variety of different things, metals, silver ingots (Which are used in about every armor/weapon crafting so far), gold, ores, all kinds of things that down the road seem like they'll be used (most likely) for something crafted be it armor or weapons but you have 0 knowledge of currently.

Having a simple storage (they updated Witcher 2 to have storage after many people asked for it) would solve so many of these problems people have.
When you get to Novigrad, get the saddle bags that give you +100. I just got it and I now have a little more space lol. The most important stuff to get rid of is the stuff in the "Other" tab.
So far the best prices you can get are from the black smith in Novigrad followed by the armorer in Novigrad. They give you relatively fair prices for Relic level swords (200-700 each) and around 60 each for regular magic swords. They buy Armor also for good prices. You'll probably have to sell to the armorer more since he has a more gold than the blacksmith and he is also the the one that sells the +70 saddlebags for ~500. The +100 saddlebags is with the merchant in the King of Beggars area. You can buy it once you get access to the area. For less than 1000
I am overburdened often cause I keep every crafting ingredient. It's more convenient to have it so I can make stuff when I need it without having to go out and find it later or buy it later. There is no merchant that carries all the supplies so you'll have to either remember where you saw someone carrying it to buy it later when you need it or keep everything. Even with + 100 I am something like 127/160. I have between 4k-5k gold, and don't pick up any weapons or armor unless I think I might want to use it or it's a relic gear so I can sell it. I only pickup everything when I know I'll be going back to town then I'll overburden myself and cash in. ;)
I don't know if anyone else saw this but the leaked 15.5 beta drivers from May 14th on guru3d seem to work somewhat with crossfire. There is no Witcher3 Profile but you can choose the sleeping dogs profile specifically the one for "sdhdship.exe" (there are 2 sleeping dog profiles). Then you need to disable AA in the game settings (it causes shimmering issues) I get some texture flashing but it seems to go away after a few minutes of playing. I'm getting 99%-100% GPU utilization and double the frame rates with my 7950/R9 280 config.

I'm sure there are other problems I haven't seen with them, but I tried it out this morning and it works. I'm going to start playing the game later tonight, I've been putting it off waiting for the mystical drivers AMD was suppose to release to us.

I'm not sure on what the mission was called.

But after I killed the werewolf with Triss(?) she asked me to meet her in a tavern to ask me for some sort of help. It was a now or never time thing.

Well, I denied her request, I figured I could come back and do it.
NOPE! Mission failed!

Does anyone know how severe this is with the main plot?

I hope I didn't lose a titty scene with her(or lifetime ban?), from my selfish refusal. :(
I solved that problem by installing a mod.


I installed the mod that makes everything weight only 0.1. Yes its cheating but in games I am a hoarder and cant help it. I loot almost everything I see. So for me the 60kg limit was way too restrictive and was actually hampering my enjoyment of the game, going back and forth and finding shops with enough money became pain in the ass fast and hampered my enjoyment of the game.

I never liked weight limits in games.
Way to go^ Way to completely change how the game was meant to be played.

Now let's just do an addmoney mod too. Just a little bit, because it doesn't really destroy the game.

Oh! Let's just add a little bit higher health and armor too. Say + 300%?
While we're at it, let's throw some insane +200% crit/hit chance to each gear piece too.

Screw it, give me god mode. Add no clip here and there too..

The fuck people, this isn't Skyrim... :p

The only thing you should be hoarding is your alchemy stuff,

Once you've read your pages, you can toss them.

You don't need a back up sword or back up gear, so why carry them? You don't need to hoard the common items you always pick up too. The +100 bag should never be full if you're regularly visiting a vendor.
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I'm not sure on what the mission was called.

But after I killed the werewolf with Triss(?) she asked me to meet her in a tavern to ask me for some sort of help. It was a now or never time thing.

Well, I denied her request, I figured I could come back and do it.
NOPE! Mission failed!

Does anyone know how severe this is with the main plot?

I hope I didn't lose a titty scene with her(or lifetime ban?), from my selfish refusal. :(
weeeeell.... yeah, i think you missed out on the triss sex. as did i, even though i went to her and helped her with her quest, but i messed up at the very end. watched the scene on youtube though, as should you, it has a very good joke in it that gave me a good chuckle
Way to go^ Way to completely change how the game was meant to be played.

Now let's just do an addmoney mod too. Just a little bit, because it doesn't really destroy the game.

Oh! Let's just add a little bit higher health and armor too. Say + 300%?
While we're at it, let's throw some insane +200% crit/hit chance to each gear piece too.

Screw it, give me god mode. Add no clip here and there too..

The fuck people, this isn't Skyrim... :p

The only thing you should be hoarding is your alchemy stuff,

Once you've read your pages, you can toss them.

You don't need a back up sword or back up gear, so why carey them? You don't need to hoard the common items you always pick up too. The +100 bag should never be full if you're regularly visiting a vendor.
The weight limit simply forces you to run back and forth between vendors more often. It's a QoL issue.
Yeah but as time progresses and stuff becomes unlocked and looted, vendors are nearly everywhere by the time you're in the mid point to end game, making this not really an issue.

A loot box would be great, but I don't think it's really necessary. It would be cool to store all my relics I've come across. I don't see why they couldn't add maybe a shared storage at every INN. Maybe another 100 slots.
Way to go^ Way to completely change how the game was meant to be played.

Now let's just do an addmoney mod too. Just a little bit, because it doesn't really destroy the game.

Oh! Let's just add a little bit higher health and armor too. Say + 300%?
While we're at it, let's throw some insane +200% crit/hit chance to each gear piece too.

Screw it, give me god mode. Add no clip here and there too..

The fuck people, this isn't Skyrim... :p

The only thing you should be hoarding is your alchemy stuff,

Once you've read your pages, you can toss them.

You don't need a back up sword or back up gear, so why carry them? You don't need to hoard the common items you always pick up too. The +100 bag should never be full if you're regularly visiting a vendor.

Err, with item degradation if you run out of repair kits you either need a backup or you have to huff it bakc to a smith to repair items.

Also what abut all the wepaons and things to sell? That's the biggest money maker (at least from my experience so far) in terms of gold aside from the animal hides.
weeeeell.... yeah, i think you missed out on the triss sex. as did i, even though i went to her and helped her with her quest, but i messed up at the very end. watched the scene on youtube though, as should you, it has a very good joke in it that gave me a good chuckle

On that topic, just a reminder that before putting The Wolf to any of these little whores in the game and bangin' em sideways, always scan their squack with witcher sense beforehand just to make sure no STD's.

Keira = clap
Tress = gonorrhea
Yen = hiv (from dirty needles)
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Way to go^ Way to completely change how the game was meant to be played.

Now let's just do an addmoney mod too. Just a little bit, because it doesn't really destroy the game.

Oh! Let's just add a little bit higher health and armor too. Say + 300%?
While we're at it, let's throw some insane +200% crit/hit chance to each gear piece too.

Screw it, give me god mode. Add no clip here and there too..

The fuck people, this isn't Skyrim... :p

The only thing you should be hoarding is your alchemy stuff,

Once you've read your pages, you can toss them.

You don't need a back up sword or back up gear, so why carry them? You don't need to hoard the common items you always pick up too. The +100 bag should never be full if you're regularly visiting a vendor.

I added the weight mod, better trades & money mod and the Dark Souls controls mod. I'll be getting the weapon degradation mod when that comes out as well.

Feels goodman.
On that topic, just a reminder that before putting The Wolf to any of these little whores in the game and bangin' em sideways, always scan their squack with witcher sense beforehand just to make sure no STD's.

Keira = clap
Tress = gonorrhea
Yen = hiv (from dirty needles)

I'm sorry, but are you serious? Can we actually get STD's in this game? Wtf?
This game is the knees of the bees, and Skyim is Fus Ro Dumb.

No, you can't get STD's. Witchers can't get the clap. srsly

Yes, I love it when Geralt sees a cold sore on his lip for the first time.... oh the humiliation...

If Ciri had Witcher powers, dear lord. Monsters will be disappearing left and right. She heals fast, dashes like crazy... Seriously.... I use combat mode to move faster when I'm encumbered, but if you had Ciri's dash, I'd use it to travel the world.

That said, I think Geralt's dodging is inadequate. There are just things that I can't seem to quite dodge 100%, and it seems like it's chance most of the time, rather than me messing up. I could be wrong though.
I don't know what the heck happened tonight.

I have been playing this game perfectly fine ZERO crashes at all up until the BAron mission.

I get to the point to leave and go to the PEller an dI'm crashing left and right now, every couple of minutes teh game just straight up closes without any error or anything, just staring at my desktop and no idea why.
Played another hour tonight, man I like this game. Fought a werewolf, hit level 10, nailed my first crazy chick.

I need to find the Baron's wife now that I found the daughter. Quest doesn't really help guide me at this point. Guess I have more exploring to do.
If Ciri had Witcher powers, dear lord. Monsters will be disappearing left and right. She heals fast, dashes like crazy... Seriously.... I use combat mode to move faster when I'm encumbered, but if you had Ciri's dash, I'd use it to travel the world.

That said, I think Geralt's dodging is inadequate. There are just things that I can't seem to quite dodge 100%, and it seems like it's chance most of the time, rather than me messing up. I could be wrong though.

Yeah it's just like block or parry. It's not invincible.

I think the game would be extremely easy if dodge could actually dodge everything.

I use it while I'm locked on with a 1 v 1 fight, but that's about it.
So who's got the best weapon so far??

As well , at level 16 now. Ive only found one axe that was better than my current sword.

Please tell me there are relic axes in this game.
Yeah it's just like block or parry. It's not invincible.

I think the game would be extremely easy if dodge could actually dodge everything.

I use it while I'm locked on with a 1 v 1 fight, but that's about it.

I get that, but it's kind of stupid that you can't really win with skill. Like the arch griffin. That dash move he does, you can get hit twice by it (thereby negating Quen and then killing you). When I fought it it was a skull red enemy. I manage to beat it, but he can literally kill me without giving me a chance with his dash move. And I get that it's supposed to be hard, but making it so it's possible to just "lose" without a chance seems silly.

Not to mention, the bastard glitched on me. Half way through the fight he ran off, and I gave chase for a bit, but the quest still pointed to where I had the fight. He disappeared (I'm guessing he went outside of the camera range, and it only took like 15 seconds for that to happen) so I went back only to see him respawn with full health. The bastard. I'm also playing on Death March, so maybe that has something to do with it.

So who's got the best weapon so far??

As well , at level 16 now. Ive only found one axe that was better than my current sword.

Please tell me there are relic axes in this game.

I really only use witcher gear. Some times I use some relic weapons, but they usually lose effectiveness to witcher gear pretty quick. And most of them aren't very pretty either.
Yes, that's how you obtain witcher gear, find a diagram/bok and it starts a quest to obtain ithe rest of that "set" of witcher gear (IE like the early Viper gear you can find and have crafted)
Best gear really depends on your playing style. I prefer fast attacks in light armour, so at 13 I went for some feline gear found near Novigrad. This mixed with skill that adds damage for every light gear you wear, makes good damage. Oh, and you will never get good gear, if you won't be exploring those question marks to find side quests and do on. There is no Black Emporium store with best gear. Got to find and craft it (and fund apropriate level crafter too)

BTW... played a bit of English version. This game looses then so much humor and great names of monsters. It's like playing adventure game based heavily on English idioms, translated to my language
I get that, but it's kind of stupid that you can't really win with skill. Like the arch griffin. That dash move he does, you can get hit twice by it (thereby negating Quen and then killing you). When I fought it it was a skull red enemy. I manage to beat it, but he can literally kill me without giving me a chance with his dash move. And I get that it's supposed to be hard, but making it so it's possible to just "lose" without a chance seems silly.

Not to mention, the bastard glitched on me. Half way through the fight he ran off, and I gave chase for a bit, but the quest still pointed to where I had the fight. He disappeared (I'm guessing he went outside of the camera range, and it only took like 15 seconds for that to happen) so I went back only to see him respawn with full health. The bastard. I'm also playing on Death March, so maybe that has something to do with it.

First time I fought the Griffin, I almost beat him very quickly, but being cheap, I was determined not to eat anything and died.
Later I beat it but spent long enough fighting that it flew off partway through.
I ran after it and it was on a hill next to a windmill where it continued to fight.
I think thats part of the way it behaves, but in your case, it didnt update where you were supposed to fight.
If Ciri had Witcher powers, dear lord. Monsters will be disappearing left and right. She heals fast, dashes like crazy... Seriously.... I use combat mode to move faster when I'm encumbered, but if you had Ciri's dash, I'd use it to travel the world.

That said, I think Geralt's dodging is inadequate. There are just things that I can't seem to quite dodge 100%, and it seems like it's chance most of the time, rather than me messing up. I could be wrong though.

Your timing's off. Some attacks (especially counter-attacks) are simply faster, you have to expect them because the window to dodge/roll is so small. There's a skill or two that can help you with that, actually.
Your timing's off. Some attacks (especially counter-attacks) are simply faster, you have to expect them because the window to dodge/roll is so small. There's a skill or two that can help you with that, actually.

It's exactly this. I think many people don't get this but you have to in Death March, at least to some extent. Each monster has it's own technique and rhythm. Once you figure it out you can dodge most attacks. And some you dodge backwards some you dodge to the side.
I was tired last night, and just couldn't believe the STD comment (I'd have believed anything!)!

I use the weight mod too, I don't feel like running back to a hobo dealer every 10 minutes, fuck that noise.

Here's a great site I found that details a lot of the armor/weapons, and other stuff -
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