The official "clean desktop" club.

Imaulle said:

That wallpaper, please :)
Thanks, too bad she got those stickers allover her. Otherwise that would be perfect picture for me . :D Love her cute face.
Soyo13 said:
Thanks, too bad she got those stickers allover her. Otherwise that would be perfect picture for me . :D Love her cute face.
*Thanks, too bad she got those Mac stickers allover her.:p
Gah, why is the right side so blurry? That's annoying. Great picture otherwise, though.
holybonkers said:

An alternate way of taking a screenshot is Apple + Shift + 3. Using the command will automatically save the screenshot onto the desktop in the png format. No need to open Grab :)
Gotta love people who does not know how to press PrtScn then paste it into paint program. :(
PLmatt91 said:
Wallpaper pleasee :)


It's actually a picture i took over the summer during a road trip with my friends. don't usually upload pictures, what's the best way i can do it so it doesn't lose any quality?
holybonkers said:

It's actually a picture i took over the summer during a road trip with my friends. don't usually upload pictures, what's the best way i can do it so it doesn't lose any quality? also works very well, and unlike image shack, photobucket won't pepper visitors with pop up ads.
Soyo13 said:
Thanks, too bad she got those stickers allover her. Otherwise that would be perfect picture for me . :D Love her cute face.

You could very easily use MSPaint to white out the Mac crap, and Photochop to add in your favorite logos or phrases.
Pagan Wizard said:
You could very easily use MSPaint to white out the Mac crap, and Photochop to add in your favorite logos or phrases.

Hehe, yeah.. But I don't think that's what he had in mind.

(Click for biggerness)

Hacked UXTheme and pwnd my desktop. I give cookies if you figure where all my icons are at :)
I'd also second the request for linkage to that Jedi wallpaper. It's clean, simple, and pretty damned cool. :)
synergyo1 said:
An alternate way of taking a screenshot is Apple + Shift + 3. Using the command will automatically save the screenshot onto the desktop in the png format. No need to open Grab :)

oh that's awesome thanks, this is my first mac so I had no idea.
GJSNeptune said:
Heh, that's sweet. Did you make it, or where did you find the image? Link :D

I didn't make the wallpaper myself, I grabbed it off Deviant Art .

Its a pretty nice wallpaper package, with different color variations =)
GJSNeptune said:
Couldn't help but notice the method used to bring us this fine image. Any particular reason?
Yeah I was going to empty my SD card and, so the camera was in hand, hence the shot. :D
Sven_Lee said:
Hehe, yeah.. But I don't think that's what he had in mind.

I knew what was meant, I guess when you have as much pr0n on your rig as l have, you learn to appreciate the pics that leave something to the imagination.