The official "clean desktop" club.


Unknown-One said:
Holy taskbar batman! Why did you put them in rows when you can put them in menues and get two full rows of your desktop back?

Here's mine with one of the menues open as an example (click for full size):

how teh hell did you get menus there

edit: nvr mind, got it. I'm retarded.
Here's mine; I basically mixed and matched ideas that I liked best from multiple people's setups. I've never done this before and am VERY pleased with how it came out.

Nimrod said:
How did you make the Photoshop, Internet, Media, Other Apps labels?
As you know, Windows supports menus like that be default, but the built in functionality is limited to just making a list.

I dug around and found this handy little app called Free Launch Bar that adds all sorts of cool things. You get the option of using pop up balloons with descriptions, changing the text label on your taskbar into an icon, adding dividers, large icons in the menus, multi-column menus...the list goes on :D

All the features it adds can be turned on or off, so you can have it as simple as the default Windows menus, or turn on all the options and totally trick it out.

I can confirm that this softwear is 100% clean. Its free of spyware and safe to use, I've done numerous scanns and even tested the uninstaller myself.

That's my desktop.

Auto-Hide Taskbar.

No Desktop Icons, and it's not set to hidden either.

Windows XP Pro - Windows Classic Theme.

And dirty?

Dapperdan said:

Nah there wouldn't be such jaggies if it was a real display it's most likely an overlay app ontop of the background and just stretched to fit box.

about as clean as im going to make it, i literaly do not use my start menu
It is a real display, there are JPEG artifacts around the edges of the graphic to prove that it came from a real picture, and the blur in the background shows a tv with some equipment off to the side. Its real alright, but theres no model name whatsoever associated with it. It would help if you could tell us where you found the picture.
Borgschulze said:

That's my desktop.

Auto-Hide Taskbar.

No Desktop Icons, and it's not set to hidden either.

Windows XP Pro - Windows Classic Theme.

And dirty?


woah...there's seriously nothing there.....real clean lol :D
Emission said:
It is a real display, there are JPEG artifacts around the edges of the graphic to prove that it came from a real picture, and the blur in the background shows a tv with some equipment off to the side. Its real alright, but theres no model name whatsoever associated with it. It would help if you could tell us where you found the picture.

Why would someone take a picture of a led screen with stats that arn't functional? I believe any jpg artifacting is because he used jpg for compression of the screenshot. Also I don't think you can take a screenshot of an lcd like that and have it come out so bright and clean. It looks good but it just wouldn't be rational to have a screen like that unless the background updated in real time.
psychoace said:
Why would someone take a picture of a led screen with stats that arn't functional? I believe any jpg artifacting is because he used jpg for compression of the screenshot. Also I don't think you can take a screenshot of an lcd like that and have it come out so bright and clean. It looks good but it just wouldn't be rational to have a screen like that unless the background updated in real time.
Unless it were a VFD instead of an LCD... VFDs are a hell of a lot easier to photograph, and a lot brighter.

Edit: It appears to be a 640x200 LCD display. Here's a similar example, utilizing a Seiko G649D (Okay, so it's not yellow-on-black, but...)
Emission said:
It is a real display, there are JPEG artifacts around the edges of the graphic to prove that it came from a real picture, and the blur in the background shows a tv with some equipment off to the side. Its real alright, but theres no model name whatsoever associated with it. It would help if you could tell us where you found the picture.

jpg artifacts mean nothing. You can create those in any photo simply by saving with higher compression.
wiretap said:
Here's my clean laptop.. Specs are in sig. Skin: Elfin for WindowBlinds. Wallpaper: Nucliaire Lab from Deviant Art in the 1280x800 section for wallpapers.

What font is that on your start menu?