The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

It doesn't look like Slimlines are on UBid's site anymore? A search for "s3400t" turned up empty. :confused:
Few updates, relevant to video card/power supply upgrades:

I installed the new power supply, along with the galaxy 9600GT. Details of power supply can be found in previous posts. Everything is working well. The new power supply is very quiet. The fit was pretty good, as can be seen in drwatson's posts(~pg 75-76). Instead of double sided tape, I drilled a new screw hole in the case and used one screw to tighten the power supply from the back. Additionally, I used slots in the case(under the power supply) as anchors for 2 plastic ties, to secure the power supply. It takes a little finessing but its tight. As mentioned before, the new power supply is a tad bit closer to the motherboard/cpu, so I really dont want it to loosen up. Now that I am satisfied with the mounting, I moved onto the wiring. The adapter I purchased(previous thread) does convert an ATX to a mini/hp connector. The problem as drwatson mentioned is that a) there are too many wires in too small a space, b) the adapter harness is way too big and cant be moved or hidden. I cant speak for all internal power supply swaps, but the one I picked definately requires splicing of the wires. I basically removed the harness(by splicing it out), but if I measured out the length of the wires beforehand, I couldve made the installation much cleaner. I will post pics soon. Additionally, to reiterate Dr.W's posts, the HP power supply connectors are nice, small and use a thinner wire. I chose not to cut the original power supply up, to have as a backup, but using these connectors, will make it a much more elegant solution.

Regarding the 9600GT. The scores in windows have jumped to 5.9/5.9. You can review my previous posts for the score of the 9500GT. I will run more elaborate benchmarks soon. Be advised that the 9600GT is by far the nosiest part of the system now. Its not too bad, but its definately louder than the cpu/ps fans.

Regarding the 9500GT. I have found the issue with my screen being off center. Turns out there were driver issues with both monitors I tested on. Therefore, I do not want to discourage people from getting the 9500GT, especially since it ran in my system with a 65W cpu and on the original power supply(160W). It seems like a great choice with minimal power supply/case modifying ramifications.

Hope this info helps.
Contrats Robario, glad to see you've pervailed.

Could you give a bit more detail with the power supply, specifically with the rigging for a 24pin mini motherboard connector?
I'm basically looking to do the same thing you've done, although I might try one of the other options from Shuttle or Sparkle.

So I have a 3120n and haven't had any problems with it so far until today. I booted it up and ran some vista updates. Now I think this is more of a coincidence that it happened after updating, but afterwards it locked up at the windows loading screen. After waiting a few minutes I did a hard restart and now it won't boot up to windows anymore. It'll kick on fans will start going, but it won't push out any video through either the integrated or the 8400gs. I've tried reseating RAM and resetting the bios. Anyone have any suggestions?
which vista updates? More than once i've had an "update" go wrong with a microsoft product.. I now run them manually, downloading the ditribution files, rather than using auto update.

Does it POST? if you mean you're not getting any video whatsoever, remove your vidcard, and try booting it... something may have gone screwy with the vidcard.

Mine wouldn't display any video whatsoever on my 3650 with the VGA connection (connected via cable - whereas the DVI and HDMI was on-card) not plugged in to the card... and it also crippled my onboard, since it was trying to default to the new card.
It'll kick on fans will start going, but it won't push out any video through either the integrated or the 8400gs.

The same symptoms are happening regularly (but randomly) to my s3400t. My problem turns out to be that the computer failed to detect my monitor through DVI, so it produces video output through 8400GS VGA... which, because I used a low-profile bracket, is not connected to anything.

Try to open the case and connect your monitor to the VGA port, or remove the 8400GS and see if that helps. I have not figured out the cause of the problem yet.
Finally, I'm in. I've just bought a Slimline s3620f (CompUSA), a XFX 9500GT w/1Gb DDR2 and a XFX low profile brackets kit (Tiger Direct) $650
I tried using the DVI on the 8400 as well as the VGA. I also tried the VGA and the S-video out. I don't know what else to do really.
First numbers w/o GeForce 9500GT with 64bits Vista Home Premium and Intel E5200, 4Gb Ram, 500 HDD, DL DVD burner:
Oldscotch -

Details are listed in previous posts(pg.92) from newegg(In-Win 300w), used atx to mini-atx adapter from

Here are some pics, to follow my previous post:

key points are:
1 - wires were run ontop of the cd-drive since as mentioned, i did not cut the wires short for the cleanest solution. There is plenty of space between the top of the cd-drive and the side of the case for the wires. I taped them down to be safe.
2 - I used tape behind the video card, as there are metal brackets near the back of the card, and i didnt want anything to short.

Performance of 9600GT...the card is really fast. I still have no apples to apples comparison of 9500gt vs 9600gt. I was able to compare the 9600GT to a 8800GT overclocked on my other system. The 9600GT is about 10% worse in 2D, but only about 2% worse in 3D performance. I am very satisfied with the card. Additionally, its not as loud as I initially thought as the fan idles when appropriate.
Can anyone recommend a video card that has the capability for compnent output that is powerful enough to stream HDTV rips yet can still function off the 160 watt power supply and fit in the slimline case?
digitaltrader. XFX 9500GT low profile w/1Gb DDR2. I'm using it right now. Soon I'l give the benchmarking
There's something that pissed me off: my s3620f is an Intel Slimline with Irvine motherboard but comes with Delta Electronics DPS-160QB A rev 02 F 160W power supply! I'm wondering if that should be enough for my 9500GT?

i ran a small stability test using everest for 10 mins and my cpu is averaging around 56C is this normal or too high? when its idle its around 25c hope this is ok :confused:

just for the record, my windows index scores are as follows:
Processor AMD Processor model unknown 5.2
Memory (RAM) 3.50 GB 5.9
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 5.9
Gaming graphics 2047 MB Total available graphics memory 5.9
Primary hard disk 60GB Free (293GB Total) 5.7

overall score 5.2 :eek::mad::D

regards me
Temps sound okay to me. With x2's, i don't start getting nervous until 60+C. thermal protection shutdown is typically 73C, and the chip damage threshold is typically mid-high 70's.
dr penicillin,

When I look at the specs for that video card I see it requires a 350 watt power supply and am not seeing the option for component out. Do you have a link from where you bought yours.

Just though I would add my penny's worth here. I have the s3150 with 180W power supply and just upgraded to the XFX 9500GT 512MB from the standard issue 7500LE card.

For those that want a decent boost without replacing PSU, i would recommend this card. COD4 / Red alert 3 are now actually playable. Have had zero problems with it so far.

HP Pavilion Slimline
Stock 180W PSU
Core2 DC 1.86Ghz
2GB DDR2 RAM; 750GB 7200RPM 3Gb/s HDD
XFX 9500GT 512MB DDR2
Just though I would add my penny's worth here. I have the s3150 with 180W power supply and just upgraded to the XFX 7500GT 512MB

i hope you meant the 9500gt and not the 7500gt :p :D

where did you buy your slimline from plopbob? i see its from UK i got mines from comet way back last year :) ive used several cards on mine without any far!

it plays any game with ease now, also im modding my case with more vent holes when i get time :) when its all done i will post pics

regards me
yep. meant the 9500gt.

Got the PC from Dixons Sep 2007 (£530), xfx 9500gt Card and bracket from (£51).

didn't want to go the whole hog and get the 9600GT... I see you did without upgrading the PSU. Not sure I'd want to take the risk.
Glad to hear people are having good success with the 9500GT. I'm considering getting one even though I have an 8600GT as the fan noise should be quite a bit less - is this the case? Anyone find their 9500GT loud at all? The 8600GT is by far the noisiest component in my system.

BTW, the Aspire X1200's slimlines are finally showing up - only Staples so far. Not bad though -4850BE (2.5ghz, 45wt), 640GB HD, lightscribe style DVD burner, 3 gigs, 4 USB ports on front/4 on back (!), ESATA, HDMI, and comes with an 8200 on board plus a 9300GE external card already installed. From briefly playing with it at Staples it seems the default config is in hybrid graphics mode - Vista's device manager said it was a "9400 (8200+9300)" - which is rather nice. Still, you won't be doing anything close to hardcore gaming on that, but it sure beats the pants off the Nvidia 6100LE on the HP slimlines.

The reason why I'm interested in this over the HP's - despite the lack of Core2 options - is that there's no drive bay blocking the PCI-E slot, so the XFX 9600GT LP could likely fit in there without modification. Even better, the PSU is 220 watt, significantly widening your options. Price is $499 currently.

The only drawback is Acer's god-awful standard config, a ridiculous amount of crapware. Nab yourself a Vista disk and do a reformat first thing if you get this.

does any1 know if you can overclock the 5050e cpu? i ran some benchmark tests on sisoftware sandra professional program and its way below most chipsets :(

im not convinced now that this cpu is fast at all, just as an example i burned an episode of lost using nero vision and it took about 36 mins to transcode and burn to disc is this fast or slow? file size is about 2.5gb

regards me
I just wanted to confirm that the XFX 9500GT can do component analog output before I purchase one. I cannot find an adapter anywhere. Any suggestions.

digitaltrader, mine is a XFX 9500GT low profile (bought brackets too) It has S-video, DVI and RGB analog outputs. I bought a DVI to HDMI converter too. I bought it in Tiger Direct retail store, this one has 1Gb DDR2 for $89. Model is PV-T95G-ZAFG. Please, let me know if my 160W PSU would be enough for it!
Im sure someone can measure out a stock HP PS dimensions. Little searching provided this:
Thats the one in my system, pics are provided, numerous links, dimensions are 180x80x45.

The delta you are asking about lists it at 240x100x40.5.

As has been previously posted, the length of the in-win isnt an issue, so you may be fine with the 240 dimension. but im not sure if the 100width will work. My 80 is fairly snug.
Cool pics, miosis. Congrats on running the 9600GT w/ aftermarket PSU. Hopefully you won't have cooling issues due to the tight spacing. The real test will be in the summer when the ambient temp. will be much warmer (unless you keep that room the same temp. all year round).
@Regional Coffee:

The XFX 9500GT 512MB is pretty quiet. I wouldn't say it was silent, and maybe a little louder than my (very quiet) 180W stock PSU.
Nice job there mosis! Great pics too! :)

The only thing left that you might want to do is to try and mount those fans inside the computer. You would have to move around your WiFi adapter though. (I'm still working on a place to put it but I haven't had much time recently to solidly mount it somewhere else.) It gives the same temps if not better though and looks much better because it pretty much lights up the whole inside of the case. But just an idea.:p
Has anyone tried rebuildint their slimline in a new case? A new case with more room?

I'm just looking around and there are a few mini-ITX cases that will take an ATX power supply, was thinking about this: Thermaltake Lanbox

hey guys, i cant decide which video card would be better suited for my slimline 3521p here are the specs

it comes with a ati hd 3450, but that card isnt good for gaming, i dont know if 4gigs of ram will eat more power, im not sure this one has a 160 or 180watt psu, but the cards im looking at are these

id have to say the 9500gt is alot better for gaming and im leaning more towards that but i dont know if it will be good with the stock psu, i want a good graphic card that would let me play warhammer online and fallout 3 with at least medium settings, any suggestions would help me greatly.
insanevibez, we got same dilemma... Your Slimline has same 160W PSU that came with my s3620f, same configuration, only difference in CPU, mine has an Intel E5200, yours an Athlon X2 (which consumes a bit more power) I've already bought a XFX 9500GT low profile and all is working fine and today I bought Bioshock and Company of Heroes to stress the PSU a bit next week! Still, I have the oportunity to change for a C2D 7200 or 7300 for lower CPU consumption and you for a 45W Athlon... Without a doubt, this is the best low profile card you can get now.
here are some questions i also have in mind:

has anyone tried adding the 9500gt with the 65w cpu and if i just unplug the all in one reader and the dvd drive would that save me some power with the video card added with stock cpu?

would the 1gig 9500gt consume more power than the 512mb?

would the 9500gt fit perfectly or would i have to get the bracket kit.
insanevibez, we got same dilemma... Your Slimline has same 160W PSU that came with my s3620f, same configuration, only difference in CPU, mine has an Intel E5200

Really? Intel Slimlines usually ship with a 180W PSU while the AMDs ship with a 160W.
insanevibez, I don't think the 1Gb version consumes a noticeable greater amount of power and yes, you have to get the bracket kit if your low profile 9500GT comes from XFX.
Well I purchased the Thermaltake LANBox for the migration of a Slimline and so far I'm very pleased.

Things to consider:

By doing this, you lose the HP Pocket Drive reader thingy, and the rather handy array of media card readers on the front panel. The housings for these components look to be very propietary so unless HP has some sort of adapter for a floppy bay or a 5.25" bay, they're not going to carry over without some serious jerry-rigging.

The LANBox is also a good bit larger than the HP case, so if you purchased the Slimline for its size, this is something you'll want to consider.
I purchased it because it was a deal too good to pass up, the size is a non-issue for me, but the computer is for the wife who liked the cuteness of the Slimline. She remains happy with the compromise of the size LANBox and the added flexibility.

The Thermaltake LANBox

I found a shop in the city selling them for $86 cdn without the windowed sides, and $100 with the windowed sides. Unfortuntely there were no non-windowed versions available, and even at $100 this was cheaper than the other shops were selling for, so I took a windowed version.
This is a added cost to the machine, I only paid $300 for the slimine with a deal through work, so this case brought it up to $400. Still a good deal and to me it's worth the money to be able to fit a "normal" power supply and a full-hieght graphics card with nothing to worrry about. This case is also compatible with micro-ATX boards for upgrades down the road.

There are other options for big ITX-compatible cases, but I didn't find any for cheaper than this that allowed for a normal power supply. Apex has a couple of less-expensive options with their MI-008 and MI-100 worth mentioning, both have their own power supply which do not appear to conform to any standard. I haven't invesitgated options for replacing that power supply, and some users have noted issues with not having enough room with that case, in particular with the CPU Heatsink/Fan assembly not clearing the power supply bracket.

There are several reviews of the Thermaltake LANBox, just google it and you'll find plenty. It's very well built, very easy to setup and there's plenty of room inside. I like that you can move to a mico-ATX later on if you wish and the sliding out motherboard mount is great. There's an intake fan on the front and two exhaust fans on the back panel. There's also an optional mount for an 80mm fan which would give you four case fans total.

The HP/Asus motherboard fit perfectly to the mounts. The CD drive and hard drive have their own mounts inside that are also easy to use. You can also mount a third hard drive on the CD-drive cage. It's almost all thumbscrews so taking the case apart and accessing the different brackets is simple.

As I mentioned, the HP Pocket Drive and the media reader array aren't really feasable here.

The wireless LAN was kind of odd. I haven't used wireless LANs yet, so I'm not as familiar with the parts as I should be. When disassembling the HP case, the wireless antennae mount connected to a small board which was mounted on the back of the Slimline. This had a USB connection to go to the motherboard and then a third wire that ran to the front of the slimline and was attached to a small, odd-looking device at the front of the case. I have no idea what the purpose of this is, perhaps a secondary antennae or a ground. Both this wire and the wire to the actual antennae mount on the back of the board are attached to the small board with a very tiny plug of some sort. My wife managed to get it apart so we could remove the whole thing without having to cut any wires.
I didn't expect to be able to, but we were able to reconnect the tiny plug and I glued the board mount onto the LANBox case between the fans. (This glue supposedly works with metal). I'm not sure what to do with the second wire doo-hickey, if it just mounts to the case somewhere or it had to be seperate or what. It did not appear to be in any special place on the Slimline box.
The front panel pins on the motherboard are also inconveniently not labelled, I mirrored the power and LEDs from the Slimline connector, however there are three pins left and I'm not sure if there is a reset function or if they're dead or what. I couldn't find any documentation on the pin schematics on this motherboard. The power-LED for the case also does not connect to the power-LED pins on the motherboard. The case connector is three holes with the middle hole not attached to anything and the outside holes going to the wires. The motherboard has two pins directly beside each other. This should be a fairly easy fix, but the power light is hardly necessary anyway when six or seven fans will be more than enough to indicate whether the machine is on or off.

If anyone has anything on the pinouts or the wireless doo-hickey, I'd much appreciate it.

Firing it up

Well we haven't done this yet. We'll be shopping for a graphics card soon and once we have that we'll be swapping the power supply of the wife's machine over to the LANBox and give her a go. I'll update here once that happens.
Oh, it was the Thermaltak LANBox Lite that I purchased, not the regular one. The only difference seems to be plastic front instead of metal and a handle on the top.