The Frag Dolls

I think the biggest reason a female clan would get supported - prime logo placement! I mean 95% of the people looking thier way will be staring right at those logos...
Even better is a clan that has members that are a mixture of genders and races that can all get along.
I guess the pictures are terrible cause they are just your normal looking everyday mix of gals to me. If they are uber-hotties get some high res pics for the interview.

Ask them if PMS effect game play.
Absolutely nothing wrong with them ladies, prefer a bit of home-grown good looks and geek talent than people so full of themselves they can't see the ground for the ego-filled clouds...

'Scuse me while I go take my medication - need to stop staring at that redhead...
I'm not trying to be mean here or anything but I'm not that impressed, Sorry. It also seems that girls are becoming a lot more acceptable to the gaming.

Chicks that game are cool, but it helps if they're semi attractive. The only two in there that I liked was the one on the left and the one in the middle. The one that is down on the train tracks looks possesed and appears to be getting ready to pounce on the camera man.

Just stating my opinion.
The one in the middle is hot and the asian isn't too bad, but the rest are pretty "meh."
Torgo said:
Steve, are you asking for questions to be used in interviews? If you are, I'd like one or two answered: Does it bother you at all that Ubisoft is sponsoring you based on your looks rather than your skills? (Pointed question, but gives the girls to explain they have "skillz"). Do you feel that you're re-enforcing the stereotype of women in games being sex objects?

Seriously, seeing stuff like this makes me shudder a little bit. There's no doubt in my mind that these girls are being used for their looks, rather than their skill in their sponsorship. I'm sure they're great players and could whoop me anyday. C'mon, look at those pictures. It doesn't sell the player, it sells sex. Bare midriffs, tight T's. What is this really doing for gaming? For that matter, what do these girls want to get out of this?

I guess I need to wait for the interview to see what direction this is going to take. I'm all in favor of more feminitity in gaming. I'd personally rather see gaming take a higher road and not base it solely on sex appeal.

So I guess if they were black men, they woud be sponsored because of their skin color? Torgo, you know how to ask better questions that are not loaded with bias and assumption. Maybe you should ask the questions at the base of your thoughts first like maybe, "WHY is Ubi sponsoring a women's team?"

Come on, you are a white male and see this stuff all the time.
{EB}NuTSymPToM{EB} said:
meh my gf is hotter than any of them

Lucky u , my wife was just a normal MISS CZECH REP. 1998 , but i still like them all very much as far as looks go !

{EB}kick@ss{EB} said:
The one in the middle is hot and the asian isn't too bad, but the rest are pretty "meh."

I think "I reffuse to choose" says it all !
MoDsQuaD said:
But personally I would not take my wife hunting, nor would I take her to a lan, shes got her things, I've got mine.

Ah, but would you take her if she wanted to?

I ask because if I didn't take my wife hunting I'd be dead. She's a better shot then me with a rifle, although I am better with pistol and shotgun. Although she's been practicing with her conceal-carry pistol a lot this summer and I suspect that there will be some serious smack-down at the range this fall. (Not in my favor I might add.)

She is also a much better at fishing then me. But, her father is a commercial fisherman and she spent her formative years helping him on the boat. Me, I hate fishing, and only do it because fresh caught halibut is sublime.

Anyway my point is do you not take her hunting because it's a "man thing" or because she genuinely has no interest in it?

(With the caveat that I'm not asking this to be inflamatory, but becasue you and I are literally as far away as can be and still be in the same country. Here, if your wife doesn't go moose hunting with you in the fall you might not have any meat that winter.)
In the thread picture, is that Laura/Thug from G4TV in the back? The blonde.
Truth be told, I never forgot when I played Stevie Case one time and she beat the living crap outta me during a team deathmatch. Didn't help that she was sitting next to me. The bright side is that it was only Diakatana that we were playing. :p

My apologies to John and Stevie.
I don't care who the hell fragged me, I'm just pissed I got fragged. If any of those ladies are handy with the Explosives in BF42 they can be on my all Engineer BF team.
i find it funny that this is seppuku's sig on the PA forum...
1-Get a frisbee from the store or friend.
2-Clean the Frisbee
3-Put something slippery on it, like butter or cream
4-Get really super pissed
5-Fold Frisbee hard
6-Insert Frisbee into mouth hard
7-Push hard until you can’t see it

and i think it is cool that there are female gamers getting some recognition now. maybe this will help convince more women to get into gaming/computers (we can only hope, right?)
honestly, it would not matter one bit to me if they held open tryouts to come up with players for an all girl team (or a guy team, black team, white team, cross dresser team, etc.)

If Bungie held open try outs for a Halo 2 Exhibition team and 12 of the best guys on the planet won top spots after eliminating everyone else...what is the harm in that? Nothing, happens all the time.

...the fact that they are all girls seems to be the big "issue".

You guys have come up with a lot of good questions...I'll make sure I get as many (even the goofy "are you single" ones) as I can answered.
Also, for the record, I have been corrected by several people that UbiSoft (and other publishers like Activision) do in fact hold open try outs for teams. Normally they are male teams...which is why I have never noticed :D
rogue_jedi said:
i find it funny that this is seppuku's sig on the PA forum...

and i think it is cool that there are female gamers getting some recognition now. maybe this will help convince more women to get into gaming/computers (we can only hope, right?)

I'd like that, but personally I'd rather go out with girls than game with them :D muwahahaha
Anyway my point is do you not take her hunting because it's a "man thing" or because she genuinely has no interest in it?

I guess you could say its a gut thing, she likes computers and uses one constantly, just for different reasons.
I would not take my wife because she would not have any fun, same with hunting, but I guess thats the difference here in NY :p

She would has as much fun playing games and hunting as I do gossiping with the girls, or crafts, ect. you get my drift.
Thats why they say Men are from mars, women from venus.
But really, I could care less if theres some femal gaming clan, does not surpise me, I'm sure there is femal hunting clubs :eek:

I'm more scared of the men who go to craft shows and such!! Would not want to get fragged by them! :D
MoDsQuaD said:
She would has as much fun playing games and hunting as I do gossiping with the girls, or crafts, ect. you get my drift.
You realize that modding is the "guy" version of all that (exept the gossiping, thats what beers for). lol :D
My first "date" with my current gf of 2 years was at a LAN party... when the .45 caliber round from her deagle entered my skull I instantly knew it was love at first headshot... ;)
Cruithne said:
My first "date" with my current gf of 2 years was at a LAN party... when the .45 caliber round from her deagle entered my skull I instantly knew it was love at first headshot... ;)

O.K. everyone at once..."AWWWWWWWWWWW" ;)
Cruithne said:
My first "date" with my current gf of 2 years was at a LAN party... when the .45 caliber round from her deagle entered my skull I instantly knew it was love at first headshot... ;)

isn't that cute... Just makes you wanna curl up and puke ;) :p
Cruithne said:
My first "date" with my current gf of 2 years was at a LAN party... when the .45 caliber round from her deagle entered my skull I instantly knew it was love at first headshot... ;)

That was beautiful dude *sniff sniff*
Steve said:
O.K. everyone at once..."AWWWWWWWWWWW" ;)


BTW it took me some 2 years to convince my wife to play games , now she cant wait to start playing (whenever she is here ) ! :)
Cruithne said:
My first "date" with my current gf of 2 years was at a LAN party... when the .45 caliber round from her deagle entered my skull I instantly knew it was love at first headshot... ;)

That is so awesome. Love at first headshot.

I better actually start going to LAN parties. I've spent a lot of time and money on my rig (and am going to spend more of both in the near future) but yet have never been to a single LAN party except the ones I have hosted in my garage.

Anyone want to invite me to a lan in the Bay Area?
Hey guys, Katscratch here. Found this forum on a Google search, and was impressed with all the questions (and the number of posts in this thread!). Frag Dolls is a group of girl gamers brought together from different backgrounds and platforms. We hope to dispel the myth that girls don't game. By competing in FPS tournaments like the Black Arrow one, we hope to step out into a genre previously thought as being all male.

Girls can shoot too!! ;) :eek:
Anyway, you can read more about the girls at our site

shrater, Katscratch

Thanks for respresenting us female fps players so well :) Continue to kick butt and don't listen to the naysayers.
Nice to see katscratch here!

For everyone else, the interview question have been decided on and we'll have an interview with the lovely Frag Dolls in the next week or so. :D I'll keep you updated!
Steve said:
Nice to see katscratch here!

For everyone else, the interview question have been decided on and we'll have an interview with the lovely Frag Dolls in the next week or so. :D I'll keep you updated!

I think envy is a good word to describe what I am feeling torward this man at this moment...
First, I'd like to say hello and welcome to Katscratch.

I know the whole jist of the thread so far has focused on the clan as a whole, but after reading your profile, I was rather intrigued when it stated that you were a game journalist. The very idea of being a game journalist strikes a lot of us (well, at least me) as being a dream job. Getting one's toe in the door to do it is a pretty big feat, and I can only imagine it was doubly so being a female. Therefore, I'm rather curious as to how you did it. When/where/how were you able to accomplish that? Was there one particular individual that saw past the typical biases that assisted you?
Bane said:
I think envy is a good word to describe what I am feeling torward this man at this moment...

well, that is the purpose of an share the lovely Frag Dolls with everyone ;)
BlasterJaack said:
The one that is down on the train tracks looks possesed and appears to be getting ready to pounce on the camera man.

Yeah... there wasn't much left of the camera person when I was finished. ;)
Hi Jinx , Katscratch and the other ladies ( i think i saw at least one other ) !
I think the others got scared of girl power on this thread coz there has been no post in 4 or 5 days :eek:

i am doing a lot of thinking ( menatal note to self : go see a doctor first thing tomorrow!) :p
There haven't been any posts because we're waiting on the interview. We've otherwise covered pretty much all there is. Any more and we'd be retreading previous posts.