The Elder Scrolls Online

I played a lot of the beta's (5 or 6) and was disappointed. I want to pull the trigger on this hoping the full game is considerably better, as well as my twin boys (really!) want me too. Unfortunately I need to sell some equipment and even when I do I am still skeptical.

What's the general verdict? Because metacritics user rating is just 7.0/70% which is a C or mediocre/bad IMO.

Not sure what your looking for. Most of us have already gone into detail about what we like and don't like in the last 3 pages. Compare that with the meta critic reviews and decide. Personally I'll score it in the high 80's very low 90's.

If you like elder scrolls then there is a very large chance you'll like ESO.
Love Elder Scrolls. I was just disappointed by the beta's. Looking for a good mix of Oblivion and Skyrim but with the ability to play with friends and my kids. Part is there.

Edit: The monthly fee plus game purchase irritates me as well. Would be $45.00 a month currently. Although 30 of it is dependent on the kids handling their responsibilities.
Ya the monthly fee is annoying; however, if they release regular content I may be more amiable towards it.
Love Elder Scrolls. I was just disappointed by the beta's. Looking for a good mix of Oblivion and Skyrim but with the ability to play with friends and my kids. Part is there.

Thats what millions upon millions of people ultimately want is a drop in/drop out co-op Skyrim with instanced loot, but by all accounts, this isn't it. And this also isn't by Bethesda so - so is it truly a TES game? Opinions vary.
I don't get those complaints because that is what it is if you choose to play it as such. No there are no personal instances but you get loot if you participate in the fight.

The game is actually more fun if you approach it that way. If you have a friend or group of friends to play with the game is a ton of fun. Guess this goes for all mmos but if you like Elder Scrolls this is pretty damn close to perfect.
Thats what millions upon millions of people ultimately want is a drop in/drop out co-op Skyrim with instanced loot, but by all accounts, this isn't it. And this also isn't by Bethesda so - so is it truly a TES game? Opinions vary.

Yes, it's a TES game.
I don't get those complaints because that is what it is if you choose to play it as such. No there are no personal instances but you get loot if you participate in the fight.

The game is actually more fun if you approach it that way. If you have a friend or group of friends to play with the game is a ton of fun. Guess this goes for all mmos but if you like Elder Scrolls this is pretty damn close to perfect.

There are personal instances, usually reserved for the main story quests and the guild quests (Fighters/mages) guild.
Sigh, well I am not sure if it is Zenimax or comcast, but ever since late yesterday and today I haven't been able to play that well at all, the game constantly lags for me and has terrible delay's (like I can do something and then finally 5 seconds later it happens).

Also unrelated to this issue, I sent in a ticket back on the 30th about the "two extra" days (which many people thought with how it was worded that everyone got two extra days, only to find out those two free days ended as soon as you put in your cd key).

I was told my issue had to be "escalated" and the response I got back was:

"Hi customer,

Seems like the pop-up you are having issue with was a scam. I can report it. I am sorry for inconvenience. You can email us back if anything else pops up."

So apparently according to the OFFICIAL zenimax "customer service" their own game client's "pop up" is a scam...

I don't think that word means what they think that word means.

I don't know if they simply don't read the actual customer emails (doesn't seem so) or they just don't give a shit.

Paying 15 bucks a month for this level of CS...I got better CS from league of legends and Guild Wars 2.
Sigh, well I am not sure if it is Zenimax or comcast, but ever since late yesterday and today I haven't been able to play that well at all, the game constantly lags for me and has terrible delay's (like I can do something and then finally 5 seconds later it happens)..

Same happens to me sometimes. It's the game.
So apparently according to the OFFICIAL zenimax "customer service" their own game client's "pop up" is a scam...

I don't think that word means what they think that word means.

I don't know if they simply don't read the actual customer emails (doesn't seem so) or they just don't give a shit.

Paying 15 bucks a month for this level of CS...I got better CS from league of legends and Guild Wars 2.

Probably added a bunch of new temporary employees to handle support for the game's launch. Even if they read your email, whoever took a loot at it likely has absolutely no idea what an MMO is or where you saw the popup.
Yes I am now 100% convinced that they are not actually reading the emails, or a bot is handling them.

I sent a reply, explaining the problem as clearly and calmly as I could, providing sources to the extension by Jessica Folcom (the Zenimax Community Manager) and also a quote from another customer on their forums who posted his response where a CS rep gave him his extra days and added it to his account.

What response did I get?

Hi customer,
Thank You for contacting Elder Scrolls Online Team
Our servers are currently down for patching and maintenence. Please be sure to check the Service Alert page for updates on when the servers will be online again.

.....literally has ZERO, zilch, nada to do with a single thing I said in my email.

So either they aren't reading them or are using bots to simply scan emails and send in canned responses to key words.
...Annnnd node bots teleporting to all nodes and farming.

Apparently the chinese are relentless, despite the odd report of a ban here or there. They're like roaches - you can spray the bastards but the legs keep kicking. But then isn't that the case with every MMO. If I recall it took GW2 a few weeks to get on top of it after launch.
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...Annnnd node bots teleporting to all nodes and farming.

Apparently the chinese are relentless, despite the odd report of a ban here or there. They're like roaches - you can spray the bastards but the legs keep kicking. But then isn't that the case with every MMO. If I recall it took GW2 a few weeks to get on top of it after launch.

This pretty much destroys the server economy if left unchecked. Sorry but those graphics look so horrible and from 1997.
I was in beta and can some up the game in one word. Mediocre. I wasn't going to play the game live but friends purchased it and I was able to find it for $45 so I went ahead. I've played for 3-4 days now and my opinion hasn't changed. I will say that people who talk about the gfx being dated and crappy are pure trolls. Max detail and sweetfx = :D. Not skyrim modded out, but gorgeous none the less. I wonder what I will think in another week or so.
How are the animations in TESO compared to GW2?

The world looks good, but I'm not sure about the combat animations, running, jumping etc.
I've seen alot of gameplay videos and it looks more like Defiance (choppy / unpolished / old) or any other third person without motion capture / fluid natural animations.

Anyone here playing both games?

I tried FFXIV:ARR last night and I'm completely disappointed. Feels like going back to 2008.
I also tried around 8 other MMOs, and came to the same conclusion: GW2 is miles ahead.

Should I buy TESO or wait for EQ Next?
How are the animations in TESO compared to GW2?

The world looks good, but I'm not sure about the combat animations, running, jumping etc.
I've seen alot of gameplay videos and it looks more like Defiance (choppy / unpolished / old) or any other third person without motion capture / fluid natural animations.

Anyone here playing both games?

I tried FFXIV:ARR last night and I'm completely disappointed. Feels like going back to 2008.
I also tried around 8 other MMOs, and came to the same conclusion: GW2 is miles ahead.

Should I buy TESO or wait for EQ Next?

I won't sit here and lie to you, so I'll tell you the combat animations are a little defiance looking. None the less, the game is still fucking great. I'm not sure what people are looking at when they're complaining about the graphics but IMO, best graphic MMO to date... and I'm a graphics snob.

IMO, you should buy it.
How are the animations in TESO compared to GW2?

The world looks good, but I'm not sure about the combat animations, running, jumping etc.
I've seen alot of gameplay videos and it looks more like Defiance (choppy / unpolished / old) or any other third person without motion capture / fluid natural animations.

Anyone here playing both games?

I tried FFXIV:ARR last night and I'm completely disappointed. Feels like going back to 2008.
I also tried around 8 other MMOs, and came to the same conclusion: GW2 is miles ahead.

Should I buy TESO or wait for EQ Next?

EQ Next is still a ways out. EQ Next has a larger feature list but its not complete yet? Is it really fair or realistic to even compare those. By all rights EQ Next should destroy anything current or around its release. Depends on what they deliver as a final product and if you want to wait another 9 months or so. I don't know the release date.

Animations are fair. Nothing special but nothing incomplete. DON'T LOOK AT THE HORSES!!!!!!!!!! AVERT YOUR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously. How the fuck did that animation get to release??? The horse movement animations are something out of the early 90's.

I played GW2. I enjoyed the questing. I found the skill system being tied to weapons retarded though. I liked being able to switch weapons and such. I hated being pigeon holed into the skills of those weapons though. Dungeon and world environments are just as impressive. More so if you enjoy the Elder Scrolls world. Combat. Meh. A wash between the two. Not sure about PvP yet. Haven't done any. Crafting. Meh. Another wash. GW2 no monthly fees and updates has ESO beat hands down. Time will tell on the updates for ESO. You have the trinity back unlike GW2. I think that covers most of it. It is a fair MMO. The only thing that stands out about it in my opinion is the gfx/atmosphere/world.
EQ Next is still a ways out. EQ Next has a larger feature list but its not complete yet? Is it really fair or realistic to even compare those. By all rights EQ Next should destroy anything current or around its release. Depends on what they deliver as a final product and if you want to wait another 9 months or so. I don't know the release date.

Animations are fair. Nothing special but nothing incomplete. DON'T LOOK AT THE HORSES!!!!!!!!!! AVERT YOUR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously. How the fuck did that animation get to release??? The horse movement animations are something out of the early 90's.

I played GW2. I enjoyed the questing. I found the skill system being tied to weapons retarded though. I liked being able to switch weapons and such. I hated being pigeon holed into the skills of those weapons though. Dungeon and world environments are just as impressive. More so if you enjoy the Elder Scrolls world. Combat. Meh. A wash between the two. Not sure about PvP yet. Haven't done any. Crafting. Meh. Another wash. GW2 no monthly fees and updates has ESO beat hands down. Time will tell on the updates for ESO. You have the trinity back unlike GW2. I think that covers most of it. It is a fair MMO. The only thing that stands out about it in my opinion is the gfx/atmosphere/world.

That is funny you mention that I was chatting with someone last night about that. The environment, mobs and characters/npc's look pretty good. But the horses look like pure ass, like an after thought, their animation is even worse.
That is funny you mention that I was chatting with someone last night about that. The environment, mobs and characters/npc's look pretty good. But the horses look like pure ass, like an after thought, their animation is even worse.

Ya the horses in ESO are seriously WTF...moments. They look like shit, textures are shit, and the animation is shit; possibly the worse in MMO history. I remember the horses in DAoC looking at being animated much better than this.
I was in beta and can some up the game in one word. Mediocre. I wasn't going to play the game live but friends purchased it and I was able to find it for $45 so I went ahead. I've played for 3-4 days now and my opinion hasn't changed. I will say that people who talk about the gfx being dated and crappy are pure trolls. Max detail and sweetfx = :D. Not skyrim modded out, but gorgeous none the less. I wonder what I will think in another week or so.

To a certain extent I agree with the mediocre aspect, but not in a derogatory way. The game has taken the MMO concept and took the medium between the various MMOs out and went the middle road. It doesn't do anything extraordinarily good, nor does it do anything bad. It just works if that makes sense.

Options in combat and builds are excellent as well as the graphics, atmosphere, environments, and questing, and PvP; story is actually above average, animations are ok, UI is functionable but just barely; The bad is related to factions and covenant. I still think that is a shitty system despite their reasoning behind it. Some odd stuff here and there make you go WTF others make you go wow that was awesome.

If you're a fan of the Elder Scrolls series you are missing out if you skip this it really is good. If you're a fan of MMO's you could probably miss out on the game and not really be missing much, if your a fan of massive PvP you're missing out if not playing this. These are of course all my opinions but I'm enjoying the game.
If you're a fan of the Elder Scrolls series you are missing out if you skip this it really is good. If you're a fan of MMO's you could probably miss out on the game and not really be missing much, if your a fan of massive PvP you're missing out if not playing this. These are of course all my opinions but I'm enjoying the game.

I'm sure the vast majority of its detractors would have bought this game, had it not come with a sub. I fall in that category, which sucks hardcore.
Damn, so shit. I wish we were in 2014! Man, that'd sure be great.

For seriousness though: That does look kind of cool for a late 90's game...
Ya the horses in ESO are seriously WTF...moments. They look like shit, textures are shit, and the animation is shit; possibly the worse in MMO history. I remember the horses in DAoC looking at being animated much better than this.

Does the crafting animation still look like your character has arms that only bend at the elbow? :p
Meridan59 in 97...
Shitty ESO in 2014...

M59 - Better ground textures, more players on screen, more variety in colors
ESO - Fog because engine can't handle far geometry, terrible grass textures, single player MMO syndrome

Clearly we have regressed. But all kidding aside, most MMO's these days completely fail in the "massive" part of MMO. Instanced, Phased, whatever you call it; there is hardly large scale player interaction anymore.
M59 - Better ground textures, more players on screen, more variety in colors
ESO - Fog because engine can't handle far geometry, terrible grass textures, single player MMO syndrome

Clearly we have regressed. But all kidding aside, most MMO's these days completely fail in the "massive" part of MMO. Instanced, Phased, whatever you call it; there is hardly large scale player interaction anymore.

Not sure if your trying to be sarcastic or being serious, but either way you fail. If you have even bothered to play the game you would know there is massive large scale player interaction.

Guess I can post some RvR sieges of over 200 players on screen with zero slowdowns or lag and considering there are generally 2 or 3 huge battles going I'm guessing the zone has about 1k people in it laying siege to keeps and castles or roaming looking for small group warfare.

You can't please everyone. Literally half the people want an instanced solo small player experience, the other half want massive open world experiences and in the case of ESO they give you both and people still complain about it. Talk about fail.

Lol. I would say that it's about on par with Guild Wars 2 graphics...maybe slightly better but from what I have seen of both there's a marginal difference at best.

I would take that as a compliment since GW2 graphics are pretty damn nice. However, unlike GW2 graphics ESO can actually handle large scale warfare and PvE experiences without lag, slowdowns, or crashing.
Do you have to pay each month even if you don't play the game each month? Like suppose some other big release comes out or you go on vacation or something and simply don't have time to play it. Are you allowed to temporarily deactivate your account for a month then reactivate it the next month?
You can't please everyone. Literally half the people want an instanced solo small player experience, the other half want massive open world experiences and in the case of ESO they give you both and people still complain about it. Talk about fail.

If they had just released a DLC which added 2-4 player co-op to skyrim, i doubt you'd hear anyone complaining that there wasn't an mmo =P
If they had just released a DLC which added 2-4 player co-op to skyrim, i doubt you'd hear anyone complaining that there wasn't an mmo =P

The elder scrolls crowd which wanted an mmo would be complaining I bet.

Out of curiosity what is keeping you from playing the game in a 4 person party.
I looked at your screen shot. You gotta run Sweetfx! It looked like you weren't. If you are, you need a better config. PM me if you need pointed in the right direction.

Did some more questing today. I'm glad the world design and atmosphere is top notch because it does nicely covering up the shortcomings of the game. They aren't killer issues, just stuff that makes you scratch your head and makes you say "WTF?" For example, the character armor being a skin texture and not a model, or public chests that everyone can't loot at once. Still having fun, but not the OMFG factor I had in MMO's. I will say they did a great job covering up some of the instance factor. Because the world design is so well done you forget that you are separated from the main world when you go into the dungeons/caves/groupy stuff.
No I'm not running sweet fx. I have it downloaded and an enb to test out tonight. Kinda excited to see the difference.