The DC Contest Parts Donation Thread

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Fully [H]
Jun 2, 2004
EDIT: Please see new thread on this topic here:

- Lethal

In the past, I have always collected donations, both cash and hardware, simultaniosly to, or just before running a contest. In the past, this has proven to cut things increadably close. So, were going to try something new. In this thread is the info to donate money or hardware whenever you please, which I will store to use in future contests.

Computer Hardware - As long as its decent hardware, I am always looking to take donations. Some stuff I can use older parts, such as CD-Roms, HD's, ect. CPU/MB/Ram, I would like to keep new as possible. Let me know what you have, and I will let you know if I can use it. Please know, if you wish to donate something, that is wonderful, but I will not be able to help with s/h. Contest costs have really been adding up for me, and they will continue to cost me money when it comes time to actually run them. Being 19 and in college, I can only afford so much. So, I do ask that all s/h expenses be covered by the donator.

Cash Donations - If you want to donate money, I am always game to taking that. It would be used to purchase hardware for future contests. I have set up a paypal account and a bank account specifically for donations as to keep it seperate from my personal business. All donations will be put in a seperate bank account where they will sit and collect intrest until needed. Donations are taken ONLY via a money order or check. If you would like to donate, please PM me for my address.

UPDATE: 12/16/06

Some of you may be wondering what happened to the Paypal donations. Sorry, but I am no longer accepting them. Paypal managed to rip me off for $1100, and caused me quite a bit of headaches and stress along the way. I have completely sworn them off. As of right now, only money orders will be accepted. I am looking into using Google Checkout for online transactions, but until I can figure out how that would work, I am keeping it to money orders.
mmm.. this subject looks like a minefield, but here's my 37 cents (well, inflation you know..)

1. I wouldn't mind making occasional cash contributions to a dedicated account. Occasional meaning not more than 25 bucks every 3 months or so. Yeah, that's a bucket of worms....
2. I keep upgrading boxen, but have very limited electrical capacity in my old 1952 house. So I tend to keep phasing out complete folding boxen....see #3
3. These phased out boxen are complete folders, (in case with PS, HD, etc) just retired... the one I want to phase out now is an Athlon 1300 (being replaced by an AMD64 3400)

4. Is the complete folding box listed above acceptable as a consolation prize ? If so, I will toss it it..shipping on me ... it beats dumping at the landfill....

5. Next boxen to be retired is a P4 2.4C ..... is that interesting at all as a 2nd or 3rd place winner's prize ? Again , complete box.... many , but not all of my boxen have Corsair memory--- some have OCZ .... all have decent PS ..

I guess my main question is what is the low end of acceptable hardware contributions ?

This is meant to be a thought provoking question, not a question to force limitations on the process of providing hardware for contests.

RPhArrow --\\\------------------->
I concidered cash also... something I'd like to do, but if I did that I would probably want to open up a seperate bank account to put it in rather than keeping it in paypal. More on that later....

RPh... check yurr pms
had a thought... maybe keep a list of who has given what or what not so if f you ever do a contest that has a fee you could let those who have given in for free or something.

I know my thinking my be bad but blame that on the beer

The extra bank account would be a good idea. I like the idea some have had where the donation will take out each month. I saw in on a pod cast link once. I had setup an account once for the 4-H group I was in, but this was about 11 years ago. I dunno what has changed since then.
Duster said:
had a thought... maybe keep a list of who has given what or what not so if f you ever do a contest that has a fee you could let those who have given in for free or something.

I know my thinking my be bad but blame that on the beer

Hopefully by taking donations year round... contests will always be free to everyone.
I have 7 S370 P3's 866 and 933 MHz CPUs only that i'd be willing to donate. Also have a handfull of slot 1 P3's. I think the Slots at 550MHz and 650MHz. Maybe some misc ram too. Let me know if you'd be interested id be willing to pay the shipping.

avey said:
I have 7 S370 P3's 866 and 933 MHz CPUs only that i'd be willing to donate. Also have a handfull of slot 1 P3's. I think the Slots at 550MHz and 650MHz. Maybe some misc ram too. Let me know if you'd be interested id be willing to pay the shipping.

S370 would be a little older than im after. Could end up costing more than its worth to turn them into complete systems and get them shippedI do appriciate the offer though. Far as ram goes, is it SD or DDR?
Viper87227 said:
S370 would be a little older than im after. Could end up costing more than its worth to turn them into complete systems and get them shippedI do appriciate the offer though. Far as ram goes, is it SD or DDR?

I think I have a few 256MB DDR 266 chips. I'll have to check when I get home.

Take a look at my for sale thread and pm me if anything looks good and I will see what I can do.


T-3 said:
Take a look at my for sale thread and pm me if anything looks good and I will see what I can do.


Sorry for the late reply... throwing a PM your way.

Also, everyone give a bit thanks to RPhArrow, who is shipping me a complete 1300mzh AMD system out of his pocket for future contest use. It's not blazing, but it will still hold its own against many who are still folding on P3's and such. Thanks man!
Good news guys. Got a new bank account set up today specifically for contest use. Anyone who wants to throw random donations my way can send them to [email protected]. Please, non-CC only. CC donations can go to [email protected], but please let me know ahead of time if you are sending them there, as that is my personal account.

Money will imeaditly be sent to a bank account where it can sit and gather intrest until it is needed!
Excellent move Viper ! This makes it easy to send occasional small donations -- shipping can add up quick on heavier items !

RPhArrow --\\\------------------>
Can someone add this info to a sticky. I would hate for the opportunity of some new contest boxen to be lost due to cash flow.

*EDIT - It's already there. just for parts though. Dosen't include the cash thingy.
Any use for server parts? I've got 2x256MB PC2100 ECC, HP branded, that I originally wanted to put into a dual-940 Opty build. Finances kept that from happening, sadly.
I'll donate an entire computer. Duron 1200 with 256MB or Dualie P3-933 with 512MB. Your choice.
Fenris_Ulf said:
I'll donate an entire computer. Duron 1200 with 256MB or Dualie P3-933 with 512MB. Your choice.

Expect to hear from me shortly ;)

mavalpha said:
Any use for server parts? I've got 2x256MB PC2100 ECC, HP branded, that I originally wanted to put into a dual-940 Opty build. Finances kept that from happening, sadly.

Doubt I would ever need ECC ram. Thanks anyways.

MN Scout said:
Also to the first post in this thread.

All donations will be put in a seperate bank account where they will sit and collect intrest until I need it.


Viper, where did you get the 20 processors?

"Oh, now where really." :p

Your married to the forum now. Whatever is your's is her's, and whatever is her's is Kyle's. :D
ICE_9 said:

Viper, where did you get the 20 processors?

"Oh, now where really." :p

Your married to the forum now. Whatever is your's is her's, and whatever is her's is Kyle's. :D

Who is her? The only her I know is Mary... and I want nothing to do with that!

And yea, I do realize I am sorta bound to the forums, but I don't see that as a bad thing. I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.
Ok guys... I need your help. This is a longshot but..

I need some older watercooling gear, and maybe some leds or cathodes or something.

Don't ask what its for ;). If you have anything, let me know.

This is Pioneer Stereo Head Unit that is Detachable, 50Wx4, Super Tuner D, PLAYS MP3's, Plays CDs, XM Radio Ready, Remote Control, etc.. Look up the model... Anyway this has been sitting here for about 10 months. I bought a New Prius, and it would never fit in the dash, AND because My Factory System, is ALL tied into the onboard computer. I have no use for it...

Whoever wins, would have to go to Best Buy or somewhere to get the 12$ wiring harness for your vehicle.

Decent Future Prize? Again, Loook the unit up...

I'll ship, I'll donate for free, just come up with a decent contest...PM ME.

Oh, and a shout to All the new UD team members I've seen recently popping up... Get Crunching...

TheAnkh said:

This is Pioneer Stereo Head Unit that is Detachable, 50Wx4, Super Tuner D, PLAYS MP3's, Plays CDs, XM Radio Ready, Remote Control, etc.. Look up the model... Anyway this has been sitting here for about 10 months. I bought a New Prius, and it would never fit in the dash, AND because My Factory System, is ALL tied into the onboard computer. I have no use for it...

Whoever wins, would have to go to Best Buy or somewhere to get the 12$ wiring harness for your vehicle.

Decent Future Prize? Again, Loook the unit up...

I'll ship, I'll donate for free, just come up with a decent contest...PM ME.

Oh, and a shout to All the new UD team members I've seen recently popping up... Get Crunching...

Thats a very nice item. Though not folding related, I am sure it is something people would like to well. Hell, its something I'd like to win, I could use a new headunit ;)

I just have to think of a contest to give it away in. I'll pm ya.
Viper87227 said:
Ok guys... I need your help. This is a longshot but..

I need some older watercooling gear, and maybe some leds or cathodes or something.

Don't ask what its for ;). If you have anything, let me know.
PM me with specifics. I may have some things.

I just got a goodie bag from T-3 with an AXP 1600+, a video card, a CD-ROM, and a couple of heatsinks. I have ram to throw in it... and a PSU and Case I can do for cheap. If anyone has an AXP mobo collecting dust, I could use it!
yeah. I donated to it. I mean, are we getting massive interest? Take it to the casino and make us a few boxen. :D
ICE_9 said:
yeah. I donated to it. I mean, are we getting massive interest? Take it to the casino and make us a few boxen. :D

If it was you who donated, then you are the only one, so you should should have a pretty good idea where I am at ;)
Giving this a needed bump. Fenris stepped up with a truly stellar modded case, and I would like to outfit it with some fairly decent parts to go along with it. I need a good CPU and Mobo, and possibly a PSU and ram, I need to check my stash for what I have there. So, I am still taking cash donations, or either donated or discounted hardware, the higher performance the better. If I can get some stellar hardware, I will probably hang onto this guy for the next [H]Bowl.

Some insanly huge shots (sorry 56k):


Wow, that is really nice! Very nice mod. I wouldn't mind that sitting on my desk.

I've got a mobo if you're interested as a base. Socket 939 NF4-SLI its the eVga one that they were bundling with 7800's before Christmas, I've also got an Asus A8N-SLI in the closet too, so both would be good bases to start from. :D
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