The DC Contest Parts Donation Thread

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p[H]ant0m said:
I've got a mobo if you're interested as a base. Socket 939 NF4-SLI its the eVga one that they were bundling with 7800's before Christmas, I've also got an Asus A8N-SLI in the closet too, so both would be good bases to start from. :D

Either of those would put use well on our way to have a very nice system. I could probably get a 3000+ venice or Opteron 141 for around $100. A PSU I should be able to get cheap enough. Far as a video card is concerned, if I can get the money for a midrange card (x600 or something) I would... but a video card would be that last of my concerns. This will be a damn good folder first, and if someone wants to make it play games, that can come out of their pocket :D
Hey moose... whatever happened to that WC stuff that you kept forgetting about? Perhaps I could still make good use of those in that :p
Viper87227 said:
Hey moose... whatever happened to that WC stuff that you kept forgetting about? Perhaps I could still make good use of those in that :p
I keep forgetting of course.
AtomicMoose said:
Oh Crap...

If anyone has any spare 939 CPU's and could cut me a deal, I may be needing one. P[H] has a 939 board hes willing to send me, but a CPU for it is going to be rather costly, more than I can afford.
Viper87227 said:
If anyone has any spare 939 CPU's and could cut me a deal, I may be needing one. P[H] has a 939 board hes willing to send me, but a CPU for it is going to be rather costly, more than I can afford.
Everyone send Viper 5 bucks so he can buy a socket 939 CPU!
Looks like the UPS man brought me some goodies today. Check back in a few minutes for some pictures!
Damn, this thing is sweet in person. Almost wish I didn't have to give it to one of you guys....

Few pics. Sorry about the retarded sizing. Thanks photobucket for that. I dont have photoshop installed, and dont have time to do such before work, so I cannot resize them right now.








And, a video

roftranspo said:
that is some cool shit on the side my man :)

I am partial to it myself.

There is a switch though, so it, along with the cathodes, can be turned off if need be. The LED fans are always light.
Yeah, but the nice thing is that the tinted side panel keeps it from being obnoxiously bright, so those who keep the computer in the room where they sleep won't be kept awake. Both bling and practicality.
Fenris_Ulf said:
Yeah, but the nice thing is that the tinted side panel keeps it from being obnoxiously bright, so those who keep the computer in the room where they sleep won't be kept awake. Both bling and practicality.

It is also rather functional as a mirror :cool:
There are two silver pieces of wire in sort of a "L" shape. Hook the end with the "U" under one of the fins (I recommend one near the gap in the middle). On the other end is a little 1/4" long bit that goes in one of the fan mounting holes. A little bump slides up over the side of the fan to lock it in place. Do the other side the same way. Here's a pic, hopefully it's clearer than my instructions. There should be brackets for Socket A, 754/939 and P4.
Thats much better. I was thinking I had to hook it to the little metal hooks in the middle, and was like how the hell do I attach it.

Thanks :D
Maybe we could get Steve to donate some stuff and make a "Killer Folding Rig #1". At least this case should get some front page pimpage when the time arrives.
Fenris_Ulf said:
Maybe we could get Steve to donate some stuff and make a "Killer Folding Rig #1". At least this case should get some front page pimpage when the time arrives.

As awesome as that would be, I doubt it would happen. All the hardware steve gets is donated. Something tells me those who donate it would rather see them go to the charity stuff steve does than folding.
Viper87227 said:
As awesome as that would be, I doubt it would happen. All the hardware steve gets is donated. Something tells me those who donate it would rather see them go to the charity stuff steve does than folding.
folding IS charity :)
ok I am cleaning the ol room here. Want a socket A board? It is new in box with everything - manual. I am sure it is around here someplace. I see you have moved onto socket 939 and all. If I don't here back from you it goes into FS/FT forum.

Duster said:
ok I am cleaning the ol room here. Want a socket A board? It is new in box with everything - manual. I am sure it is around here someplace. I see you have moved onto socket 939 and all. If I don't here back from you it goes into FS/FT forum.

I am sure in due time I Could put it to good use. I do have a 1300+ without a home. I would still never everything else to get a PC going, so I doubt it would end up in a contest for a good while, but I could always stock it for future use. LMK!

roftranspo said:
folding IS charity :)

Yeah, you and I know that. But try to compare it to raising money for starving children. I think most companies would choose the later. Bottem line is, I dont think it's gunna happen. It's not like Steve is sitting on a mountain of hardware, he uses all that he gets (or so I would assume).
How about a 939 CPU/mobo and some other goodies for [H]orde|Bowl II? PM sent :D
Bumping this. I've managed to scrape togehter a kick ass PC for the bowl, and I don't plan to skip on any area's.

I need a nice PSU, ram, and perhaps a good cd/dvd drive. If anyone has anything to donate, it would be a huge help. Better yet, if you have any spare cash, the paypal account is always open.
Viper87227 said:
Bumping this. I've managed to scrape togehter a kick ass PC for the bowl, and I don't plan to skip on any area's.

I need a nice PSU, ram, and perhaps a good cd/dvd drive. If anyone has anything to donate, it would be a huge help. Better yet, if you have any spare cash, the paypal account is always open.

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