The DC Contest Parts Donation Thread

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these do? :D
I have a Pioneer DVD Burner I can donate if you still need it (Brand New from newegg about a month ago..never been used)

Tormond said:
I have a Pioneer DVD Burner I can donate if you still need it (Brand New from newegg about a month ago..never been used)

A CD-Rom drive is not needed, but it would be a welcome addition. All I have is an old DVD/CD drive. A DVD-Burner would be much more fitting for the system. If its something your willing to donate at no cost, I would gladly accept it, but given that other aspects are more important, it's not something I would be able to spend money on.

Whoever just paypaled me (and feel free to remain anonymous if you wish), much obliged. Puts be very close to being able to afford a PSU.

[BRO]Alaskan said:
I guess I could have put that it was from me.
Joseph Rittenberry

Makes no matter to me. Some people wish to remain anonymous with that sort of thing... but I try to make sure that whoever it was knows that it was appreciated.
Christmas time usually means upgrade time here at the [H]. Perhaps you can send some hardware Vipers way?? Give it some thought... :D
AtomicMoose said:
Christmas time usually means upgrade time here at the [H]. Perhaps you can send some hardware Vipers way?? Give it some thought... :D

Viper can you give us the current list of what you've got and what is still needed?
Imitation said:
Viper can you give us the current list of what you've got and what is still needed?

Well, right now, nothing is specifically needed. I have all the hardware I need for the Bowl as well as the Runoff going down, and nothing has been planned in the future yet.

However, I do currently have a lonely AM2 motherboard which will need to eventually be turned into a folder for a contest. As such, I would gladly start taking donations on hardware to see that happen. Aside from the MB, I don't have anything else I would need. Also... the bank is always open, and I am always taking monetary donations which are stored for when they are needed.
As Viper stated, nothing is "needed" at this point for a specific contest or box. I bumped this thread since Viper is always looking for hardware to throw into a contest. the more donations we have, the more contests/run-offs we have and the more we give away.

Just keep it in mind. :)
Any activity here? Got a part or two I could donate, since they aren't selling...

Nice Thermalright SLK-800A socket 462 heatsink w/90mm fan
Antec 300w PSU
[BRO]Alaskan;1031366471 said:
Viper (who ran our contests) is nolonger part of the [H]ord

Several people ran these contests, not just me :D

As far as parts donations go, Bill... being that I don't fold for Team 33 anymore, I don't think you'd want to be donating your parts to me. To be honest, this is the first time I've even popped back in here... so I don't know if someone else has picked up on doing contests or whatever. If so, perhaps a new thread would be in order, as to avoid confusion?
Several people ran these contests, not just me :D

As far as parts donations go, Bill... being that I don't fold for Team 33 anymore, I don't think you'd want to be donating your parts to me. To be honest, this is the first time I've even popped back in here... so I don't know if someone else has picked up on doing contests or whatever. If so, perhaps a new thread would be in order, as to avoid confusion?

I agree, we are better making a new thread so I'll make one and ask someone to close this one to avoid any confusion and mistakes.
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