The Altcoin Thread

I think middlecoin is performing an experiment, just how many days of crappy payout that can do and how long people will still stay.
Yeah well... it worked... I'm trying someone else. Today's payout wasn't much more than electric costs and unexchanged didn't even rise much.
MC is down to 16gh now. He manually exchanged some a couple hours ago to probably try to keep a few people happy. But all that did was take some unexchanged away, there's barely any new earnings.

Go to waffle! 9.75gh and rising! I actually just got .027 BTC the last 23 hours with my 2.8mh with them :)
waffle sure changes coins often and fast, seems counterproductive

I like how it shows you the coin history, some interesting coins
I somewhat agree with that, but as long as I'm getting atleast close to .01 per MH or better I'm satisfied.

Middlecoin looks to be shooting for another less than .005 per MH day today. The only reason it's going to hit over 200 BTC total profits is the big 75 BTC worth of exchange he did last night. They are also below 15gh now. I'm really wondering if he's doing this on purpose to lose some people because the servers are overloaded or something. The last couple weeks since he crested 20gh there's been lots of server downtime/problems. Not that I care anymore since I'm probably not going back.

Been looking at clevermining too, they claim .012 per MH the last 24 hours. It sounds good anyway, still not sure. I see on the site now it says the fee is 2%, did he decide to just do a flat fee now? They did just hit 5gh now too, it was only 4gh yesterday so I think a lot more of middlecoins workers went to clever.

EDIT- Just got this tweet in from middlecoin-

Middlecoin @middlecoinpool

The pool wasn't properly recording some blocks starting on the 16th. Stats will be frozen while the pool crunches some numbers.

Does that mean that the stats were just wrong and he's going to pay people back? Or there was a screw up and whats done is done?
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I somewhat agree with that, but as long as I'm getting atleast close to .01 per MH or better I'm satisfied.

Middlecoin looks to be shooting for another less than .005 per MH day today. The only reason it's going to hit over 200 BTC total profits is the big 75 BTC worth of exchange he did last night. They are also below 15gh now. I'm really wondering if he's doing this on purpose to lose some people because the servers are overloaded or something. The last couple weeks since he crested 20gh there's been lots of server downtime/problems. Not that I care anymore since I'm probably not going back.

Been looking at clevermining too, they claim .012 per MH the last 24 hours. It sounds good anyway, still not sure. I see on the site now it says the fee is 2%, did he decide to just do a flat fee now? They did just hit 5gh now too, it was only 4gh yesterday so I think a lot more of middlecoins workers went to clever.

EDIT- Just got this tweet in from middlecoin-

Middlecoin @middlecoinpool

Does that mean that the stats were just wrong and he's going to pay people back? Or there was a screw up and whats done is done?

makes sense I haven't gotten paid since the 16th. I'll give him till tomorrow, if not then I'm going full on to wafflepool.
With what hash rate on each?

WU effective is 2.3-2.4mh/s about 1000 watts including everything, router, modem, fans

also consecutive days, not at same time, sorry don't have those kinds of resources

just sharing in case it helps, the difference is small enough to indicate it is likely total pool hashrate as long as the coin picking algorithm doesn't suck

I'm thinking of just studying what coins waffle is picking and manually doing those like earthcoin
No. The 7870 didn't work with a 270x bios, even though it was probably the "closest" 270x bios - I tried to flash a Dual-X Sapphire 7870 with a Dual-X Sapphire 270x bios. It didn't boot and I had to "blind flash" (not really blind when you have other cards to power the display) it back to the 7870 bios. But hopefully the "best 7870 bios" cross vendor flash will work later today. Based off 270x performance, 7870s should have no problem crossing 400 kH/s, but the majority of them them cannot even reach that number. But there are a few 7870s out there that do perform well in mining, and that's why I'm going to test a cross vendor flash later today. I have one rig running 4x7870s, and I will flash one of them and then report back the results.

Also, does anyone know why AMD drivers are retarded? Why does hash rate go so low after a driver crash and recovery, and not get fixed until the entire machine is rebooted? It makes tweaking a pain in the ass sometimes. Nvidia cards don't do this stupid crap.

Did you confirm the two bioses support the same ram? Perhaps differing VRMs? I don't have a large sample size to compare, but I tested an xfx 270x recently and it uses some fancy vrm compared to my xfx 7850 1gb.

There does seem to be at least one guy with a 7870 (gigabyte) that's able to push 270x-like hashes.

I've flashed many imcompatible bioses on my 7850. Never an issue, since I run a multimonitor setup with the intel graphics. Just winflash it back. Mostly, it's because I'm trying 2gb bioses on my 1gb card. Need to figure out how to mod the bios accordingly...

Either way, I'm pulling down 420kh/s on my 1gb 7850 with 1200/1375. It's already enough of a power pig at these settings, but I'm willing to accept it. Can do around 430kh/s with 1250/1375 but power consumption is absolutely atrocious at that point. So I think there's hope for the 7870.. Especially since they're popping up for around $150 every now and then again.
Going to try a week or two, concurrent waffle vs clever on my 270x7 rigs. Just need my extra 270s to come in.
Too bad he couldn't let it run for a couple weeks to get better polling numbers. If middlecoin was off the last week or so it will probably skew his numbers. I would suspect most the pools come out pretty close to the same though, unless he isn't discounting fees the pools deduct.
So much for the ''numbers crunching'' on middle. Yet another crap day. It's just doing horrendous, what in the world is that pool doing? It's lower than .005 per MH. Mining straight litecoin would be like 30% more profitable than middlecoin at this point.
Jumped on the reddcoin bandwagon and sold all my electric volt for it. hopefully i can make a few bucks off it.
I've been doing reddcoin for a bit... I stopped, has it took off again?

well its at $645K and slowly going up, I dont mine to insta dump anymore since ive made all my investment back,now i am doing it for possible long term gains.
Does nobody use anymore?

My WU is about 1.4-1.5 MH/s.

Last 24 hours there, I'm at .0133 Bitcoin per day.

Just FYI, running two R9 290s. Getting about 810 and 850 out of the other (raw, not WU).
I've been doing reddcoin for a bit... I stopped, has it took off again?
I did it at the beginning, and have 150k of them, but then I moved on to more profitable coins. Hopefully 150k will be worth something in a few more months.

Atm the thing that bothers me a lot is the fact that the price of Maxcoin is crashing brutally, which will soon make it useless to mine.
I'll have to return back to scrypt soon, which makes me very sad. I was getting used to the awesome temps and silence of SHA-3 mining. :(
Will a SeaSonic Gold 1050w be enough to power a 290x, 290, and HD7970?

I'm thinking it will, don't really want to step up to a 1200-1250w as that's like $100 more.
Does nobody use anymore?

My WU is about 1.4-1.5 MH/s.

Last 24 hours there, I'm at .0133 Bitcoin per day.

Just FYI, running two R9 290s. Getting about 810 and 850 out of the other (raw, not WU).

That's about the same as wafflepool then. I got .035 with 3.5mh but the payout was delayed 3 hours so I think I was around .0325 at normal payout time.

Will a SeaSonic Gold 1050w be enough to power a 290x, 290, and HD7970?

I'm thinking it will, don't really want to step up to a 1200-1250w as that's like $100 more.

If will be enough, yes, but it is loading it pretty good. As long as you tweak well and undervolt them, you will be fine. You should be pulling 900w at the wall if it's all tweaked well. So like 800w actual draw, give or take a little depending on the CPU/board used.
If will be enough, yes, but it is loading it pretty good. As long as you tweak well and undervolt them, you will be fine. You should be pulling 900w at the wall if it's all tweaked well. So like 800w actual draw, give or take a little depending on the CPU/board used.

Yeah, I will be undervolting. Thanks.
Will a SeaSonic Gold 1050w be enough to power a 290x, 290, and HD7970?

I'm thinking it will, don't really want to step up to a 1200-1250w as that's like $100 more.

Find the cheap power thread I made.... trust me its worth it
there's been many times in the past where stats have been showing minor updates but still been broken. Like I said this has happened in the past and is not new. Everybody with decent hashrates at middlecoin have already seen this exact thing happen before.

You say its been horrible all week but scroll to the bottom of mine:

in the past week there's been TWO bad paydays. This guy has earned the credit with me to not panic over 2 days where my earnings were halved... it'll balance out My only crappy paying weeks were when I was testing other pools. Waffle included I tried them for 3 days and they sucked all 3 of those days.

I see you finally made the move. Can I ask what pool you're trying out?

Coming up on a week of bad profits for MC. The 16th's payout doesn't count because the only reason it was good was because he did a big trade on the massively built up unexchanged. Overall it was a poor profit day also.
I left a lowly 1Mh on it just for monitoring purposes the massive unexchanged amount is rather disturbing. I put 5Mh on waffle to monitor it and the remeaining 7Mh or so is on other stuff
Hey guys. I've been using GUIMiner-scrypt to get started, but I'm seeing some potential benefits from changing to newer miner builds, such as SGMiner or CGMiner-kalroth! This will especially be necessary if I intend to mine Darkcoin, which has a bunch of different algorithms - currently there are specially customized versions of sgminer that can mine it, from what I can see. Hopefully in time support for SHA-3, the darkcoin "mix", and others will be incorporated into mainstream sgminer or kalroth builds.

That said, I am wondering if anyone can give me an example of a cgminer/sgminer scypt command line script config for maximum hash rates for this old 6970 of mine (which, on GUIMiner Scrypt gets about 475kh/s)? I've been using some of the defaults for GUIminer-scrypt 6970 settings slightly modified, but perhaps someone else has even better mods for me? Thus far I have - thread concurrency =8128 Worksize = 256 Vectors = 1 GPU threads = 1 Use stratum: Yes, and Intensity either 18 when I'm AFK or 13 when at the PC.

Also, has anyone been using CGWatcher or that new CGRemote? I'd be very interested to give them a try, but I hope eventually they will have Linux support, especially if I go through with a serious mining rig.

Finally, some who have been spending more time than I watching the affairs of the crypto world... I've heard rumblings that it is less profitable/harder to mine DOGE and others these days, but perhaps that isn't true?

My coin list of interest..
DogeCoin and Anoncoin are the primary 2 I mine at the moment.
Litecoin and WorldCoin I have wallets for, but am unsure if worth mining at this point?
I'm looking into Darkcoin now (non-scrypt)
Man BTC and all the Alt coins are falling. I wonder what the new norm price wise for BTC is going to be now that MtGox is gone
Man BTC and all the Alt coins are falling. I wonder what the new norm price wise for BTC is going to be now that MtGox is gone

nobody serious has even thought about gox in a very long time. Gox prices have been ignored for a good year now.
nobody serious has even thought about gox in a very long time. Gox prices have been ignored for a good year now.

true... but it was enough to start the $300 dive. I would wait about another week before starting to str8 up buy BTC and hold on too it.
Man BTC and all the Alt coins are falling. I wonder what the new norm price wise for BTC is going to be now that MtGox is gone
BCT is gonna go up, altcoins are indeed falling in price, and there doesn't seem to be a raise in price.
This is especially annoying for maxcoin, since it's so awesome. :(
apparently nvidia finally made a new video chip that is more efficient than amd

sounds like it also could give asics trouble which would be good news

maybe will build a "summer rig" based on them

242kh/s @ 60 watts via 750 Ti 1GB graphics card

is $140 the list price or street price

the problem is no pci-e power connector which won't fly for risers and will eventually burn your motherboard into fire

maybe the next model higher will have pci-e power

oh wait, no the usb risers feed the power directly, so in theory it won't be a problem - how many pci-e pins are used for power in a slot? because 60 watts continuous though a little pin contact doesn't sound like a terrific idea

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apparently nvidia finally made a new video chip that is more efficient than amd

sounds like it also could give asics trouble which would be good news

maybe will build a "summer rig" based on them

242kh/s @ 60 watts via 750 Ti 1GB graphics card

is $140 the list price or street price

the problem is no pci-e power connector which won't fly for risers and will eventually burn your motherboard into fire

maybe the next model higher will have pci-e power

oh wait, no the usb risers feed the power directly, so in theory it won't be a problem - how many pci-e pins are used for power in a slot? because 60 watts continuous though a little pin contact doesn't sound like a terrific idea

PCI-e for video cards is rated for 75w through the slot connector, although other slots are supposed to be limited to 25w. All the power pins are located in the first 1x section.

You can also use a board like this one that provides extra power to the 1x slots. Pro BTC/

I just got one and I am hoping it allows me to get away with out powered risers.
apparently nvidia finally made a new video chip that is more efficient than amd

sounds like it also could give asics trouble which would be good news

maybe will build a "summer rig" based on them

242kh/s @ 60 watts via 750 Ti 1GB graphics card

is $140 the list price or street price

the problem is no pci-e power connector which won't fly for risers and will eventually burn your motherboard into fire

maybe the next model higher will have pci-e power

oh wait, no the usb risers feed the power directly, so in theory it won't be a problem - how many pci-e pins are used for power in a slot? because 60 watts continuous though a little pin contact doesn't sound like a terrific idea


The 750 Ti is still an unknown at this point. Based on the limited data out right now, it can hit 300 kh with overclocks and tweaking pulling ~70W.

1x R9 290X = 1000 hash at ~300W
1x R9 290 = 900 hash at ~220-250W depending on leakage
3x 750 Ti = 900 hash at ~200-230W depending leakage

The 750s would eat up more PCIe slots but have the distinct advantage of only using one 650W power supply for ~5-6 cards. Right now it's a wash but the power usage might be a long term winner for the 750 Ti.
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If a 290 can do 900khash @ 220watts then the 750ti is nothing special

Three of them would be 180-210watts to make 900 khash

I wonder how that article is calculating its numbers

Okay it says the 290 is 800khash @ 300 watts, that is way different than what you are saying

This page shows 800-830

The one claiming 880 actually gets 770-820 WU

The lower wattage is from undervolting and the higher speeds are thestilt bios's
I don't see a 290x getting down to 220w, atleast pulling from the wall anyway.
I'm hard pressed to get my 280x down to ~225w/700kh with an 80+ gold PSU (1020/1500 clocks and 1.023v). I can get my 7970 down to 160w but only 550kh at those settings (855/1500 clocks and .975v).