The Altcoin Thread

That has only happened when the unexchanged has climbed really high and we just had low balances. This time it hasn't. There will be no big payout this time, the last 2 days are completely bombed.

If we can get the hashing power over to waffle, (which is up to 8gh now), they will be just as profitable. I moved my 2.8mh over about 30 min ago, and I just hit .001 BTC estimated already.
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That has only happened when the unexchanged has climbed really high and we just had low balances. This time it hasn't. There will be no big payout this time, the last 2 days are completely bombed.

If we can get the hashing power over to waffle, (which is up to 8gh now), they will be just as profitable.

there's been many times in the past where stats have been showing minor updates but still been broken. Like I said this has happened in the past and is not new. Everybody with decent hashrates at middlecoin have already seen this exact thing happen before.

You say its been horrible all week but scroll to the bottom of mine:

in the past week there's been TWO bad paydays. This guy has earned the credit with me to not panic over 2 days where my earnings were halved... it'll balance out My only crappy paying weeks were when I was testing other pools. Waffle included I tried them for 3 days and they sucked all 3 of those days.
3rd bad payday coming up :p (and the worst yet too)

When you tried waffle they probably only had 1gh. Now they have 8, that's a HUGE difference in profitability.
So in addition to the open air rig I posted a couple of pages back, I also got 2 identical 270x machines up and running. These machines are 2 new computers that my dad wanted me to buy for his shop. So, I had him buy the computers and SSDs (Dell i660 with fast Core i3's and 8GB of RAM and 120GB Samsung 840 Pros) and I picked up 2 XFX R9 270x from Best Buy for $230 each and also 2 CX500 PSUs for $40 each on Amazon.

Anyway, I got one of them setup last night and am running SGMiner silently with a VBS script that runs automatically at startup. For video they're using the integrated video so other than the fan being a little louder (but not much on auto), he nor his employee have no idea anything is happening. Perfect! I'm humming along at 400KH/s each. Very happy. This brings me up to 3.8MH/s for all of my rigs.

hehe, yeah having the integrated video is nice. I have that on my one Z68 mining rig, but the other is a 790FX so I have to use the card. But I have a 7970 as the top card for video, and with the 8192TC/2thread settings the desktop and internet browsing ETC isn't as affected as my 7950 was with 21712/20. Anything above 13 intensity and the resources are all hogged.
3rd bad payday coming up :p (and the worst yet too)

When you tried waffle they probably only had 1gh. Now they have 8, that's a HUGE difference in profitability.

it was 2 weeks ago... I'm going to test some other pools soon but waffle already got a round of testing and failed. Waffle has horrible stats. There are several that look far superior to waffle so if there's a mass exodus from middlecoin wafflecoin doesn't deserve it. There are a few that are far more deserving of the support.
I'm happy with them so far, about on track for .022 for my 2.8mh today. Not great, but better than MC at this point. As I said, the more GH that a pool can get the more profitable it will be.

I would try clevermining, but the secretiveness of their fees disturbs me. OK as low as 1% on bad days, what can it be as high as? 5%? Who knows.
if people trusted coin switching pools more, they could hold their coins for more days to see what peak value they can get instead of immediately cashing them out - could maybe get 50% more on some coins
I watched a random switching pool (I assume it was middlecoin) absolutely decimate the value of a single coin last night as it cashed out across multiple exchanges.

That crap needs to stop. It's a large portion of the reason coin prices get depressed and stay depressed.
I setup BAMT on one of my mining rigs last night, and that it was super easy to get going. And it runs off a USB 3.0 port as well. For now it's just a test rig with only 2x7850 inside of it, as I am trying to get a feel for using BAMT before porting everything else over to it.

My two concerns with BAMT right now are voltage control, and fan control. In overdrive, when I set a lower voltage, they still both go to 1.219v. The fan control also doesn't seem to work. I remember these cards being quite loud at 100% fan, but at 100% fan inside of BAMT, they don't make much noise and will go to 95C unless I put a 120mm fan right ontop of them. I'd rather not mod bios files, but if I have to go that route, I will.

I did get Windows installed and working on the USB drive, but it was just too much a pain to work with. It was slow (Win 7 would not boot off the USB 3.0 ports, and I could not get Win8 to even detect the USB as a HD to install on to try that out), and if you forgot to update registry settings on shutdown, it wouldn't boot off the USB, and had to be fixed in Workstation to work again.
Under linux virtually no card has working voltage control. You have to bios mod with VBE7

Never had a problem with fan control though, maybe double check your cgminer.conf file for a typo
I'm happy with them so far, about on track for .022 for my 2.8mh today. Not great, but better than MC at this point. As I said, the more GH that a pool can get the more profitable it will be.

I would try clevermining, but the secretiveness of their fees disturbs me. OK as low as 1% on bad days, what can it be as high as? 5%? Who knows.

Who cares what the fee is, if you are making more money?

I don't care what the fee is as along as CM can beat MC at btc/mhs, which based on the last couple crappy pay out on CM's part, shouldn't be hard to do.
I watched a random switching pool (I assume it was middlecoin) absolutely decimate the value of a single coin last night as it cashed out across multiple exchanges.

That crap needs to stop. It's a large portion of the reason coin prices get depressed and stay depressed.

The coins are fighting back (and against the threat of ASICs) plenty of alternative algo coins out there that are well profitable to mine and entirely out of reach for the locust swarms.
The coins are fighting back (and against the threat of ASICs) plenty of alternative algo coins out there that are well profitable to mine and entirely out of reach for the locust swarms.


which ones do you mean?
I watched a random switching pool (I assume it was middlecoin) absolutely decimate the value of a single coin last night as it cashed out across multiple exchanges.

That crap needs to stop. It's a large portion of the reason coin prices get depressed and stay depressed.

The thing to think about though is that these coins wouldn't get any other notice otherwise. Sure some pump and dump stuff seems to be going on but if it wouldn't happen then the coins would just stay low and never get anywhere. There really is no reason we should have this many coins out there other than to make us money.
it was 2 weeks ago... I'm going to test some other pools soon but waffle already got a round of testing and failed. Waffle has horrible stats. There are several that look far superior to waffle so if there's a mass exodus from middlecoin wafflecoin doesn't deserve it. There are a few that are far more deserving of the support.

Has it been tested since the 10th of February? You said 2 weeks and I'm guessing they were having problems due to this update-

Better performance (Feb 10th)
We've made further changes to our profitability switcher that look to be doing really well over the last day or so. If you haven't switched to the new geolocated stratum endpoints, please do so:
New York: stratum+tcp://
California: stratum+tcp://
Amsterdam: stratum+tcp://

Looks like they've figured everything out now.

I've convince several people on another forum to switch to waffle, so far we are ALL very happy. The stats are way better, you can know which coin you are mining, there's a breakdown of how much of each coin you've mined, stats update like every 5 seconds not 30 minutes, and my payout balance so far after only 12 hours is beating my middlecoin's last 24 hours before.

As I said, the more hashing power a pool has the more it will profit due to finding more block rewards. Now that waffle has more around 8-9gh, it's doing really well. If more people will come, it'll be just as good or better payout that middlecoin....without the secretiveness of what coin is being mined.

Edit- Middlecoin has lost 3gh today, looks like most of it went to waffle....when I switched my workers to waffle this morning at 7:30am EST they only had 7gh now it's 9.5gh. Keep switchin people! woot!
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Switchercoin sucks! Everytime they switch coins there's a pause and can cause your worker to go unstable. I had horrible payout when I tried them too for 2 days. Plus as mentioned they convert to LTC not BTC.

Clever mining got a nice increase today. People are still avoiding hashcow it looks like lol. But the biggest increase in hash rate by leaps and bounds is wafflepool :)
I put half of mine on clever because I like it more than waffle. What was the one that didnt' auto convert but you could log in to mine a different coin?

I've been using them lately for Reddcoin and Penguincoin, KDC, NOBL, etc.... probably gonna use them for a few others too... the pool op is taking requests for other coins and has a massive list lined up to add. It'll be interesting to see. The only drawback to his setup is that you can't go partial with your miners. When you switch, it switches them ALL to the coin you choose. So you'd probably have to create different accounts if you wanted to put only half your miners on one coin and half on another for instance.

Wafflepool has only increased in hash rate because of 1 miner. 5+Gh/s... it is speculated it's a Chinese mining co-op or something.... maybe even another pool. Today, however, Wafflepool isn't doing so hot for me. So I just got home from work and I'ma do some of my own profit switching. Just gonna spend some time on and switch coins when I feel like it.
I put half of mine on clever because I like it more than waffle.

Clever was definitely my second choice, but with waffle's major hashrate increase I went with them because they will be more profitable with that 9gh hashrate compared to clever's 3gh.
Wafflepool has only increased in hash rate because of 1 miner. 5+Gh/s... it is speculated it's a Chinese mining co-op or something.... maybe even another pool.

Even if you didn't consider the 5gh guy, they've still increased 2gh today on top of that. And even if they leave, waffle still has 4gh left, which is still more than any other autoswitching pool that I know of (besides MC of course). But hopefully they will stay :)
He's probably referring to SHA-3 (which is fucking awesome, like 30% less power consumption and heat compared to scrypt) and Adaptive Nfactor Scrypt (which is meh).

Is anyone certain that SHA-3 is actually ASIC resistant? If you think about it, it's probably more ASIC receptive than anything. For instance, take Scrypt... its only real ASIC resistance was its reliance on a lot of fast memory which makes it hard to adapt an ASIC to it cheaply. Now with SHA-3, we have 30% less power consumption combined with the fact that you can now underclock your memory. Given all that, lower memory speed alone means ASICs should be able to be adapted for it quicker and cheaper. Unless I'm missing something.... :confused:
The number of miners on Waffle has increased as well, from under 1000 last week when I started to well over 2000 now. So the increase is due to more than the one uber-miner.
I've had decent payouts there going on 9 days now.
Inevitably a day after the return is a low I have a super day that averages out.
I'm guessing some times the exchanges are slow to payout, as we know they can be.
Then the next day it all gets caught up.
Is anyone certain that SHA-3 is actually ASIC resistant? If you think about it, it's probably more ASIC receptive than anything. For instance, take Scrypt... its only real ASIC resistance was its reliance on a lot of fast memory which makes it hard to adapt an ASIC to it cheaply. Now with SHA-3, we have 30% less power consumption combined with the fact that you can now underclock your memory. Given all that, lower memory speed alone means ASICs should be able to be adapted for it quicker and cheaper. Unless I'm missing something.... :confused:

I was thinking along these lines too.
Is anyone certain that SHA-3 is actually ASIC resistant?.....

My take on it is that more than it being "resistant" to ASICs, it gives another expensive moving target for the ASIC devs to go after.
ASICs are expensive to ramp up, and pretty inflexible unless you know what flexibility you need to add up front.
You see how long it's taken them to get anything really going for scrypt, and now they have another threat, SHA-3, to their component under development, that they have spent a lot of money on trying to get to profitable quantities for sale.
If nothing else it could dishearten them into not continuing the chase.
Soon as they get to a profit point, the coin changes to a new format, and so on.
Maybe you get my point....?
My take on it is that more than it being "resistant" to ASICs, it gives another expensive moving target for the ASIC devs to go after.
ASICs are expensive to ramp up, and pretty inflexible unless you know what flexibility you need to add up front.
You see how long it's taken them to get anything really going for scrypt, and now they have another threat, SHA-3, to their component under development, that they have spent a lot of money on trying to get to profitable quantities for sale.
If nothing else it could dishearten them into not continuing the chase.
Soon as they get to a profit point, the coin changes to a new format, and so on.
Maybe you get my point....?

not really because there will always be profitable scrypt just like BTC is still very profitable. From what I can tell though there's no sign of a "GPU killer" ASIC even in the works for scrypt. They are crazy expensive and don't step performance up at all. They do nice performance/kwh but so many of us don't care about that at all. They need to have a $50 USB stick that can do like 100Khash before GPU mining even thinks about ending. Lets not forget that I have proper warranties on all of my video cards. If one dies I have a replacement seriously fast. ASIC warranties aren't very good.

Doomsday isn't coming with scrypt, it has proven very difficult for the ASIC's. It'll take a very long time for the ASICs to actually be a thread. The real threat is institutional mining that tends to happen with ASICs because of how much hash you can put into a server room. My $10k spent is a drop in the bucket compared to what some of these places can spend on equipment.
My take on it is that more than it being "resistant" to ASICs, it gives another expensive moving target for the ASIC devs to go after.
ASICs are expensive to ramp up, and pretty inflexible unless you know what flexibility you need to add up front.
You see how long it's taken them to get anything really going for scrypt, and now they have another threat, SHA-3, to their component under development, that they have spent a lot of money on trying to get to profitable quantities for sale.
If nothing else it could dishearten them into not continuing the chase.
Soon as they get to a profit point, the coin changes to a new format, and so on.
Maybe you get my point....?

Ya, that was my thought on the ASIC resistance as well... the only thing it adds is another algorithm to conquer.

And your point is exactly what I was thinking the past few days. It would be quite hilarious actually if the ASIC devs finally came out with a Scrypt ASIC and created bold headlines and essentially shouted from the rooftops that they finally had a product and that orders would commence immediately, and then the alt coin world switched to SHA-3.
About a month ago I heard rumors that ASIC's would come out for scrypt around November 2014. Was there no merit to those claims?
^^^^^ My thought exactly.
Just proving new coin algorithms can be developed and used successfully will put a scare into the ASIC developers.
I do not believe there is an ASIC designer out there who can develop HW that would be flexible enough to keep up.
Actually I am wrong...those are called GPUs today :)
^^^^^ My thought exactly.
Just proving new coin algorithms can be developed and used successfully will put a scare into the ASIC developers.
I do not believe there is an ASIC designer out there who can develop HW that would be flexible enough to keep up.
Actually I am wrong...those are called GPUs today :)
They need to design a coin around Nvidia GPU's then we'll be set and can go around buying video cards easily.
Agreed. Or Nvidia needs to jump on board and develop FW that will mine what we have out there already more better.
About a month ago I heard rumors that ASIC's would come out for scrypt around November 2014. Was there no merit to those claims?

Different developers have had different dates in mind I'm guessing. I have heard dates as early as March 2014 to now you say you've heard November 2014... well, let's hope it's all slipping back.

LOL... just watch... the ASIC devs will essentially rebrand a AMD GPU and call it a Scrypt ASIC. :p
^^^^^ My thought exactly.
Just proving new coin algorithms can be developed and used successfully will put a scare into the ASIC developers.
I do not believe there is an ASIC designer out there who can develop HW that would be flexible enough to keep up.
Actually I am wrong...those are called GPUs today :)

ditch asic manufacturing for fgpa manufaturing, then sell those as asics :p
Is anyone certain that SHA-3 is actually ASIC resistant? If you think about it, it's probably more ASIC receptive than anything. For instance, take Scrypt... its only real ASIC resistance was its reliance on a lot of fast memory which makes it hard to adapt an ASIC to it cheaply. Now with SHA-3, we have 30% less power consumption combined with the fact that you can now underclock your memory. Given all that, lower memory speed alone means ASICs should be able to be adapted for it quicker and cheaper. Unless I'm missing something.... :confused:
SHA-3 is not ASIC resistant at all. It's not memory-intensive at all, so ASICs can be made for it with SHA-256 performance level easily.
The developer of maxcoin said he left the algoritm open to change it if ASICs start showing up, though.
It really depends on how honest he is.