Team fortress 2? What the ...

Hahah truthfully the game looks like it'll be fun. I always pictured TF to be a bit on the silly side, although the old TF2 "in-game screenshots" shows otherwise.
I can't say I love the new look, but I really enjoyed TFC. So as long as the classic gameplay is there then it should be fun regardless.
Valve is releasing 2 new videos next week regarding the Hl2 EP2 release.

Apparently they will include TF2 footage!
hahaha maybe I was wrong about the game not being cel-shaded, but truth be told it looks like it's going to be hilarious. :D
When I read about what it was supposed to look like I was skeptical, but now that I've actually seen it, I like it. Now I just hope that the gameplay stays true to TFC.
bleh screw tfc needs to go back to original QWTF play BACK TO THE ROOTS!
Looks good to me. Why would we want another TF clone when Fortress Forever is already being made and will probably be out around the same time as TF2? I imagine the games will play different than each other and look different as well. If they were the exact same game, this would be horrible as it would split the Fortress community apart. Instead, it seems like they will both be different enough that people will be willing to play both, at least this is what I'm hoping :)
I'm inventing a new acronym right now, watch this:

JAMS, Just Another, Military, Shooter.

TF2 isn't one, great.

There's like, 64 billion stylistically identical shooters out there, if it bothers you that there's colours other than olive drab, and Khaki in use, there's plenty of other stuff out there with no danger of inducing over stimulation.
im excited about this game, this is alot different than the old screenshots and video... but i bet its gonna rock this world.

cool models actually, excited to see the maps and whatnot. they got a few tricks up their sleeve i bet.
Naruto said:
bleh screw tfc needs to go back to original QWTF play BACK TO THE ROOTS!

My roots are based in qwtf (MTF to be exact) and the game was utterly ruined by two factors:

1 - when carmack released source code and no one would comprimise on a standard client, so many people were able to cheat - I remember a project that a guy in MTF put together that included a hacked client that would phone home to a central server. It was absolutly amazing how big the percentage of cheaters in the game there were

2 - bunnyhopping. While I can BH with the best of them, it was not fair in the least bit where classes are based on speed for a Heavy Weapons guy to go faster than a jet jumping (only in MTF) scout. Rediculous really. And when everyone started to get cable, sniping was just WAY too easy... I remeber when I ran a server I would always play sniper in clan matches becuase with a soild 15 ping I could hit anything, no one would be able to cross the bridge in 2fart5

3 - everyone only played 2fart5. Hopefully with TF2 they will include map packs with the client download to force people to DL maps - which was much of the major problem with QWTF. It took 15 minutes to download a map, and most people wouldn't bother.... I on the other hand still have a CD with around 120 maps or so.
I loved playing Spy and sneaking around in the base giving info to my team and stabbing people when they least expect it.
TFC is the game that got me into internet gaming, it was quite simply the best experience I have ever had (and probably ever will) online, sooo many good memories.

I'm looking more foward to this game than Crysis. :D
Kevlarman said:
Toaster in the water and caltrops inside the forts FTW.

well.. you must be someone I know.... I was pretty hardcore into the MTF community for a while...

I went by upgrader, rook, and x-raided way back in the primer and assman server days...

Wow... just thinking about pinging 200 to a server and being ecstatic is laughable now.

I was in clan DK... was a big part of the Rage Rant Rave board (RRR) before it got hacked and Laygo gave up on MTF to move on the Counter Strike.

If you didn't know, for a while Red Fox and a couple of others like plasticity tried to keep the community going but it was just too childish and cheat laden
jaguax said:
TFC is the game that got me into internet gaming, it was quite simply the best experience I have ever had (and probably ever will) online, sooo many good memories.

I'm looking more foward to this game than Crysis. :D

go try to find the MegaTF installer.... If you can, it will give you insight to why some people thought TFC was cool... but for the life of me I always thought that game was a complete joke.
I still have my original Quake directory intact, with Mega TF and hundreds of fortress sounds, maps and models. Let me know if you need anything.

Even with 20 mods the dir is barely a gig :D
Still play mtf on occasion, when people are actually pubbing.

hahah, whats up death!! I remember you, you are seriously going to hurt my feelings if you don't say hi. :)
RooK said:
3 - everyone only played 2fart5.
There were so many great maps out there for QWTF which nobody ever played: Canalzone, those cops vs. robbers maps, 4F4 with hooks, Hunted.

Rock1 with teleporters added an especially crazy twist to every game too. Hunted was also loads of fun, at least when the map was played correctly and there wasn't some sap building a sentry gun in the respawn! :)

I was mostly a Canalzone junkie back in QWTF's days, playing on a server hosted by "Tech's Revenge" I believe is what it was called. I first played TF back in the days where you had to choose teams by typing in "IMIN1" or "IMIN2" in the console, that was back before Quakeworld was around and before the Spy and a couple of other characters were added in.

I don't know what to think about TF2, though. I gave up hope long ago on it ever seeing the light of day. I'll most likely end up downloading it though, just to check it out.
I hope the MOD is free, and not another sceme for STEAM (Valve) to rip 20$ off people.
if they stuck to the "realistic military" theme then theyd probably mess with the success of CS and DOD so they did the next best thing and made a smart change to the "cartoony feel"

i played a some of tf and a lot of tfc and what made those games what they are is the gameplay. the fastpaced gameplay keeps many many players still playing a 5+ yr old game.

i think valve made the right choice and if they can keep the basically gameplay feel i think theyll have another winner in their hands
Wilks said:
What do you guys think?
I think we'll know more when we see screenshots, video, and hands-on gameplay.

I like what I see so far. It is good to see something which may be a bit different.

AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
I hope the MOD is free, and not another sceme for STEAM (Valve) to rip 20$ off people.
I assume that when you say "another," you mean that there has been a previous scheme. Which scheme is it you are referring to?
Hmm.. i've waited for TF2, but i doubt that the game will be anything seriously great now if they go that cartoonish-route. I like more the classical stuff. Hope it will be good.
its already been stated its going to be packaged with HL2: Ep2, so technically its free with a 20 or 25 dollar purchase which im sure you will be able to find on sale for 10 or 15 bucks anyways...