Team fortress 2? What the ...

When this game first released almost no one had broadband and about 99% of players had dial-up. The people on dial up were very quick to notice which of the LPB players had broadband and they didn't hesitate letting the LPB's know who they were.. I remember being one of the few *LPB*s with supra sub-50 ping and people used to scream bloody LPB murder because I could fly around like superman and they were stuttering around like a slide show with dial-up-itis. LOL! :p Ahh... the memories..
pillbub said:
When this game first released almost no one had broadband and about 99% of players had dial-up. The people on dial up were very quick to notice which of the LPB players had broadband and they didn't hesitate letting the LPB's know who they were.. I remember being one of the few *LPB*s with supra sub-50 ping and people used to scream bloody LPB murder because I could fly around like superman and they were stuttering around like a slide show with dial-up-itis. LOL! :p Ahh.. the memories..

Grr. Way to open old wounds and horrible memories. I was actually in a clan with an average ping of 600ms for awhile. I never once pinged less than 450ms until years later when we were finally getting DSL installed and the telephone company discovered that the short 8 foot wire connecting our house to the pole was completely weathered and shot. They replaced it and I was instantly able to connect at 56k and get like high 100's and low 200's pings. And then the DSL went active a few days later. I cried for a week straight. *sniff* :( Of course, this all happened about a month before I left for college. God damnit! Although I have to say, sometimes high ping can be an advantage - I remember one match on a particuarly terrible server that I was getting like > 1000 ping on and I was actually capping the flag since I was warping around so much, lol... :cool:

They couldn't see me coming, but, unfortunately, neither could I... :eek:
pillbub said:
When this game first released almost no one had broadband and about 99% of players had dial-up. The people on dial up were very quick to notice which of the LPB players had broadband and they didn't hesitate letting the LPB's know who they were.. I remember being one of the few *LPB*s with supra sub-50 ping and people used to scream bloody LPB murder because I could fly around like superman and they were stuttering around like a slide show with dial-up-itis. LOL! :p Ahh.. the memories..
WOW!!....You brought back a memory I had totally forgotten about. The day I broke the 100ms barrier, I think I cried and creamed my pants at the same time! It really was a huge difference in the gaming experience. I can remember seeing the server list full of "HPB ONLY" servers when Broadband really started to hit mainstream! It was fun to finally be able to join one of those servers and not get kicked in 5 minutes
AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
Even Red Orcestra should of been released free (UT2004 MOD), I remmber "The Ship" was even free at one time... I'm really becoming un-supportive of Valve (Steams) little scheme to make money on worthless additions.

Umm, Valve does not own the rights to Red Orchestra or The Ship. The people that made those free mods actually made new updated versions of them to sell and perhaps (GASP!) make a living doing what they enjoy? Go figure eh?
guys I've never played TF ... yeah sorry but I didn't have an unlimited Internet access until 2002, and TF was already and old story at that point.

can someone please explain to me what's the point of having so many character classes when the game is just about capturing a flag and taking it back to your own base? for example if I choose to play as a spy, how am I gonna be useful to my team?
AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
Well for one, they have baught up some great free (once free) MODS, such as DOD, and now Team Fortress, heck even the HL2 so called episodes (Add-Ons) cost money, when they really shouldn't even cost 20-25$ an episode, it's focused on a money hungery cycle, they release a 3 - 5 hour gameplay extra addition and charge money. Even Red Orcestra should of been released free (UT2004 MOD), I remmber "The Ship" was even free at one time... I'm really becoming un-supportive of Valve (Steams) little scheme to make money on worthless additions. If you think about it, do you really want to spend 20$ on a game that you can only even play ON-LINE through steam!!! I miss the old days of WON, when I didn't need an internet connection to play. I've played HL1 since 1998 and TF since 1999, and CS since 1999-2000, so please don't call me a noob or even think of flaming, if you look into it, they're becoming quite monopolized and money hungery with the steam client.

My 2 cents.

And, I for one am sick of it.

Free-Weekend DOD for me.

Maybe you need it to be put into perspective for you.

First off, Red Orchestra Ostfront is not a mod and the new ship game is not either. They are both stand alone retail releases.

Incase you didn't know, one of the main points of Steam is to allow independent developers (IE both the ostfront and ship dev's) to make money and try to get their foot in the game development door.

Like indie film makers you can "only" go so far with free mods. Do you understand why most mods these days are for the the most part released uncomplete and unfinished with a very noticeable lack of polish? It's because as a whole game development has became quite a bit more work then it used to be.

The days of being able to take a new'ish gen type of game and being able to make a full on quality release isn't really the same as it used to. You have generally quite a bit more developers/needs these days among more work to put into it.

You mention DoD/Red orchestra/The ship. Let me ask you this, have you played any NEW mods post half life that are anywhere near the quality of those games at release?

Why don't you play Dystopia, or Battlegrounds, etc free mods for Hl2? You can tell that the quality and such suffers because the developers of these mods don't have all the people/time/moeny they need to get the games finished as much as they'd like.

Hence why Valve made steam to allow these mod teams to make their games and sell them in order to gain back a profit in order to provide you, the player, with a better experience then what many can do now.

Take for example, the Red Orchestra guys. They made their own company and such for Ostfront. They hired out people to do sounds and many other things. they released with quite a few new maps and overall a very complete gameplay feeling.

So many gamers are hyprocrits. You scream about these big publishers pumping out sub-par uninnoviative games and yet you are more then happy to pluck down 30-50 bucks for the same old same old crap.

However when an independent developer actually tries to get their foot into the game development world for a living instead of just a hobby like many can only afford to do it as you get pissed off at them for trying to charge 17-20'ish bucks for a full fleged stand alone game that actually does try it's own thing? (The ship for instance is quite an innoviative game imo, in terms of it's style/gameplay, etc).
wilka91 said:
can someone please explain to me what's the point of having so many character classes when the game is just about capturing a flag and taking it back to your own base? for example if I choose to play as a spy, how am I gonna be useful to my team?

Different classes are better on different maps. Therefore the defense is going to be using different classes and playing each position differently. The offense must adjust to this accordingly. For example to defend the spiral on 2fort5 you will have a demoman there 99% of the time piping the spiral, but on a map like bam4 you'd have 1-2 soldiers defending the spiral and maybe even a medic.

The game is much more dynamic than simply saying "oh yeah you just try to capture the flag." That's what makes it fun, because each game has the opportunity to be completely different than the last, and the way you play it is up to you.

As for the question about spy, the class is basically offense only and is wonderful on maps that are engineer heavy, because he can disguise as the other team and kill the guns. A good spy can completely dismantle a defense that isn't good at spy checking.
Tedium said:
Different classes are better on different maps. Therefore the defense is going to be using different classes and playing each position differently. The offense must adjust to this accordingly. For example to defend the spiral on 2fort5 you will have a demoman there 99% of the time piping the spiral, but on a map like bam4 you'd have 1-2 soldiers defending the spiral and maybe even a medic.

The game is much more dynamic than simply saying "oh yeah you just try to capture the flag." That's what makes it fun, because each game has the opportunity to be completely different than the last, and the way you play it is up to you.

As for the question about spy, the class is basically offense only and is wonderful on maps that are engineer heavy, because he can disguise as the other team and kill the guns. A good spy can completely dismantle a defense that isn't good at spy checking.
Or, in a nutshell, since every class has its own strengths and weaknesses, more teamplay and strategy is needed for a team to win.

Also, TF supports more than just Capture The Flag, you can also do escort missions (Hunted), capture and hold, King of the Hill, etc. Team Fortress has never been a mod that has limited itself to a single style of gameplay.
each class is used for different situations

some maps will have a eng, some will use a demo to pipe the flag instead of a sg

normaly theres always a hw on defense, cuz hes a walking sg

soldiers are used mostly for d though

the only classes not used in matches are pyros and snipers
there are always sniplers in matches. You must be a TFC player because TFC ruined so many of the class types. In QWTF no matter what map you played a sniper was a danger, either on offense: roaming taking out pipers or sents or Defensive making sure nothing made it out of the enemy base alive.

can't wait for TF2 been waiting for about 9-10 years now.
The change will be new but it should be fun regardless
Zoalord said:
there are always sniplers in matches. You must be a TFC player because TFC ruined so many of the class types. In QWTF no matter what map you played a sniper was a danger, either on offense: roaming taking out pipers or sents or Defensive making sure nothing made it out of the enemy base alive.

can't wait for TF2 been waiting for about 9-10 years now.
The change will be new but it should be fun regardless

Couldnt agree more with the low down on snipers, I personally loved all classes but spent most of my time as a sniper, and i cant count how many times on maps like 2 fort, i could pop some scout or medic coming from the top deck with the flag. Then with a few experianced sniper and that flag in the open, its only a matter of time before your team could return it. That IMO was one of the key roles of the sniper :D

I too cant wait, and while this does look like a big change from TFC, valve has always struck me as the kind of company to deviate from the norm, and blaze their own path.