Team fortress 2? What the ...

ghostchamber said:
I think we'll know more when we see screenshots, video, and hands-on gameplay.

I like what I see so far. It is good to see something which may be a bit different.

I assume that when you say "another," you mean that there has been a previous scheme. Which scheme is it you are referring to?

Well for one, they have baught up some great free (once free) MODS, such as DOD, and now Team Fortress, heck even the HL2 so called episodes (Add-Ons) cost money, when they really shouldn't even cost 20-25$ an episode, it's focused on a money hungery cycle, they release a 3 - 5 hour gameplay extra addition and charge money. Even Red Orcestra should of been released free (UT2004 MOD), I remmber "The Ship" was even free at one time... I'm really becoming un-supportive of Valve (Steams) little scheme to make money on worthless additions. If you think about it, do you really want to spend 20$ on a game that you can only even play ON-LINE through steam!!! I miss the old days of WON, when I didn't need an internet connection to play. I've played HL1 since 1998 and TF since 1999, and CS since 1999-2000, so please don't call me a noob or even think of flaming, if you look into it, they're becoming quite monopolized and money hungery with the steam client.

My 2 cents.

And, I for one am sick of it.

Free-Weekend DOD for me.
Think of it this way: $20 for 4 hours of gameplay (average) would yield 12 hours across 3 episodes for $60, which is less than a new Xbox 360 game with tax and about average money/hour ratio.
So don't play it or buy it when it comes out. That's all you need to do..If enough do that, then valve may change their ways someday.
If a game is fun and worthwhile, then by all means charge for it, but maybe a little cheaper though.
I've been playing pc/video games since the mid-80's, and believe me, they used to charge 40-50$ for games not even half or a quarter as good as some out today. But unfortunately, alot of the newer games rely on older games for their ideas more and more it seems. Alot of the innovation in games came out in the first decade or so imho then started a gradual decline with a few exceptions...
(Well, i guess i'll go and sing "Memories"
krameriffic said:
Think of it this way: $20 for 4 hours of gameplay (average) would yield 12 hours across 3 episodes for $60, which is less than a new Xbox 360 game with tax and about average money/hour ratio.

Oh, but good sir! What if vavle (steam) was to go out of business, what happens to all your games you have baught 5 years ago and you want to play some again! WELL YOU CAN'T BECUASE THEY NO LONGER EXIST! NO WAY TO LOG ON AND PLAY! :rolleyes:
What the hell are you talking about? You do realize that there is a "play in offline mode" option in the Steam client? And assuming they did go out of business(which is impossible) all they would have to do is quickly patch the game to no longer need Steam to run.
jaguax said:
What the hell are you talking about? You do realize that there is a "play in offline mode" option in the Steam client? And assuming they did go out of business(which is impossible) all they would have to do is quickly patch the game to no longer need Steam to run.

But, how do you re-install the games if you don't have the CD's or Back ups?

synergyo1 said:
I believe steam has a built-in backup option?

They do, but lets say you un-installed steam, and didn't make back-ups, they go belly-up, how are you going to get your games back? :(
Just buy ther disk if you are worried. I see all addons and mods they offer for sale on steam also on the store shelves.
AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
They do, but lets say you un-installed steam, and didn't make back-ups, they go belly-up, how are you going to get your games back? :(

This is getting to be ridiculous. For the thousandth time, Valve said if they happen to go "out of business" they would release an update that wouldn't require you to use Steam or the internet to play their games. :rolleyes:
Moofasa~ said:
This is getting to be ridiculous. For the thousandth time, Valve said if they happen to go "out of business" they would release an update that wouldn't require you to use Steam or the internet to play their games. :rolleyes:
The Internet: Serious Business
tsn | spazz said: ;)

As for the people bitching about cost for games, fuck off. With Ep 2 you get a game and a multiplayer game. That's $10 a game. Pretty fucking cheap to me.
not only that, its a Half-Life game, one of the most consistant and awesome series' ever created.
tsn | spazz said: ;)

As for the people bitching about cost for games, fuck off. With Ep 2 you get a game and a multiplayer game. That's $10 a game. Pretty fucking cheap to me.
I don't need you to tell me where to post, thanks.
Man, I had a blast playing TFC back in the day. All those sound effects of doors openning, and powerups, etc, is just nostalgic to me. That was a fantastic free mod. I remember getting into rocket jumping up to the upper level in 2forts to waste snipers and having some guy tell me to go play Quake. So i Did! (Quake 2 actually).
you guys realize this was a teaser trailer right?

besides, the models don't make the game.
Someone said it has WORMS feel to it, first thing that popped up in my head was Armed & Dangerous, and if the game will be fun to play and funny it's a winner in my book. Now if they only released some kind of movie or something or in game screenshot *makes desperate face*
As long as conc jumping and the same awesome fluid player movement from TFC are still there, I'll be happy. For those that never really got into the game, an unrivaled emphasis on skillful movement really is at the core of what made tfc great. It makes me kind of sad that so many gamers have only known the current bore-fest of gameplay that has taken over the genre -- realism. Nowadays it's all about moving around at the speed of a turtle and every gunfight ends 0.4 seconds after the enemy comes into line of sight. In TFC, however, since many of the most effective weapons use slow projectiles like rockets, skillful player prediction is simply required to efficiently aim and, likewise, the target can carefully dodge to avoid most of the damage. Furthermore, most fights are between offense and defense -- light classes that have a significant speed advantage against heavy classes that have a damage advantage. This difference really introduces some fun gameplay mechanics and tactics -- the defender is trying to quickly kill the enemy, while the attacker is ideally trying to completely bypass and out-maneuver the defender. Basically, almost every fight becomes an intense mini-duel that can be like an intricate dance of death. Also, unlike games such as CS with a frustrating spawn timer, you're right back in the game when you die so you spend a hell of a lot more time having fun fighting enemies in close proximity instead of impatiently staring at some dude camping an air duct for 3 minutes or walking across a map the size of a freaking WoW zone just to experience a few seconds of combat.

I suppose this kind of expanded into a small rant here, but those really are some of the reasons why I love tfc. Simply put, playing tfc at a skill level of anything above raw newbie is, in my opinion, still the best online fps experience available today. The sheer number of tactics, strategies, and skill sets to learn and master is personally extremely rewarding if you put the time in to practice them. I hope to god that TF2 is more of the same since it will give people who are too jaded by the aging graphics of current TF games a chance to experience this refreshing type of gameplay. I can't wait to see what Valve has been up to.
Kersk said:
As long as conc jumping and the same awesome fluid player movement from TFC are still there, I'll be happy. For those that never really got into the game, an unrivaled emphasis on skillful movement really is at the core of what made tfc great. It makes me kind of sad that so many gamers have only known the current bore-fest of gameplay that has taken over the genre -- realism. Nowadays it's all about moving around at the speed of a turtle and every gunfight ends 0.4 seconds after the enemy comes into line of sight. In TFC, however, since many of the most effective weapons use slow projectiles like rockets, skillful player prediction is simply required to efficiently aim and, likewise, the target can carefully dodge to avoid most of the damage. Furthermore, most fights are between offense and defense -- light classes that have a significant speed advantage against heavy classes that have a damage advantage. This difference really introduces some fun gameplay mechanics and tactics -- the defender is trying to quickly kill the enemy, while the attacker is ideally trying to completely bypass and out-maneuver the defender. Basically, almost every fight becomes an intense mini-duel that can be like an intricate dance of death. Also, unlike games such as CS with a frustrating spawn timer, you're right back in the game when you die so you spend a hell of a lot more time having fun fighting enemies in close proximity instead of impatiently staring at some dude camping an air duct for 3 minutes or walking across a map the size of a freaking WoW zone just to experience a few seconds of combat.

I suppose this kind of expanded into a small rant here, but those really are some of the reasons why I love tfc. Simply put, playing tfc at a skill level of anything above raw newbie is, in my opinion, still the best online fps experience available today. The sheer number of tactics, strategies, and skill sets to learn and master is personally extremely rewarding if you put the time in to practice them. I hope to god that TF2 is more of the same since it will give people who are too jaded by the aging graphics of current TF games a chance to experience this refreshing type of gameplay. I can't wait to see what Valve has been up to.

Well put! I agree on all points.
skittzle said:
Well put! I agree on all points.
To follow up on this a bit, I strongly suggest... in fact... I flat out demand that everyone go watch this video. While there are alot of TFC videos out there with impressive content, this one absolutely captures the essence and raw energy of TFC. Not to mention the video quality is right out beautiful. If you only watch one TFC video in your life, this is the one to watch. Even if you absolutely hate TFC, you should check it out just for the amazing editing and A/V syncing that they managed to pull off. It is definitely worth a few minutes of your time. If you never really played TFC before, think of this as a trailer for what we can hopefully expect from TF2.

TFC Skill Video - LD2 (Click the "Download" text tucked away in the bottom left)
Langly said:
QWTF is and will always be better then TFC.
I never understood this kind of nostalgic elitism.

I played QWTF for 6 months before TFC came out, and I think TFC introduced alot of beneficial changes to the formula. That's just my opinion, of course. Do me a favor though, try watching that video and see if it doesn't change your mind about TFC.
i never really got into team fortress, too much stuff going on... this looks interesting though...
qwtf is where it's at, and i hope tf2 brings that back

-edit- reasoning, for the most part it's something in the difference of player movement between the two that bothers me...i could never put my finger on it
The pyro and spy classes are probably the most original about the game, including Team Fortress 1 for Quake 1. Those who were not gaming around this era of multiplayer have missed out. I'm sorry to say.

I used the name Cyrax on TF1, many years ago. Cyrax from Mortal Kombat. And these douches tried to correct me "you mean cyrix?". FUCK NO. :rolleyes:
This game is going to rock...In my later youth TFC came out..and my addiction really kicked in..

Must say though; Fortress Forever, as well as TF2..Both are very inventive and will probably keep people playing...It outdoes most of these new remakes and unoriginal games out...

as well..CONC jumping is badass...that is all.
Kersk said:
I never understood this kind of nostalgic elitism.

I played QWTF for 6 months before TFC came out, and I think TFC introduced alot of beneficial changes to the formula. That's just my opinion, of course. Do me a favor though, try watching that video and see if it doesn't change your mind about TFC.

I watched it and it reinforced my opinion of tfc. Seriously most of the conc/gren jumps in that video are mediocre compared to what I've seen in qwtf or mtf for that matter. The airshots can be seen on a regular basis on any qw pub. I dunno... I'm not bashing tfc or the players by any means, but it's simply not qw. The video was very nicely done though and props to them for that. I'll see if I can dig up some tf videos.
Im going to point out what TF and TFC did for the CTF gameplay mode which no god dam other person has thought to do and which still makes TF the best CTF game ever is this.

When you drop the flag it "stays there" GASP ... then the other team has to DEFEND the flag from the point it drops for X seconds instead of the gayfest of CTF for years out of every other game where you kill the guy touch the flag and it goes back instantly.

I will welcome TF2 with open arms if it accomplishes just that one individual thing once again.
AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
Well for one, they have baught up some great free (once free) MODS, such as DOD, and now Team Fortress, heck even the HL2 so called episodes (Add-Ons) cost money, when they really shouldn't even cost 20-25$ an episode, it's focused on a money hungery cycle, they release a 3 - 5 hour gameplay extra addition and charge money. Even Red Orcestra should of been released free (UT2004 MOD), I remmber "The Ship" was even free at one time... I'm really becoming un-supportive of Valve (Steams) little scheme to make money on worthless additions. If you think about it, do you really want to spend 20$ on a game that you can only even play ON-LINE through steam!!! I miss the old days of WON, when I didn't need an internet connection to play. I've played HL1 since 1998 and TF since 1999, and CS since 1999-2000, so please don't call me a noob or even think of flaming, if you look into it, they're becoming quite monopolized and money hungery with the steam client.

My 2 cents.

And, I for one am sick of it.

Free-Weekend DOD for me.
That's fine if you think the additions are worthless, but that hardly makes it a scheme. Perhaps the pricing is bit steep (I would know as I haven't bought EP2 yet), but you can always just not buy them.
I love the way the models look. However, so far we've only seen one of each of them. The thing I'm concerned about is that because the models are so interesting, different and unique from eachother when viewed alone, its going to look really awkward with a bunch of clones of the exact same models running around. It was ok for CS:S and DOD:S, but I think becuase the models are so stylized in TF2, it may ruin the cartooney experience. If valve used a mild type of diversity in the models, I think it would make it better. However, I could be wrong... the clones running around could add to the cartooney-awesome-ness.

Anybody understand what Im saying?
Does anyone else see a similarity between the TF2 Screeenshots and the old Vivendi title ( that was a pretty fun game, although plagued by Bugs) Evil Genius?


Evil Genius

It's funny since Evil Genius support was canceled rather quickly if I remember correctly. I wonder if Valve knew these guys and hired them to create the characters and style of the game.

As soon as I saw that first TF2 Screenshot, I immediately thought of Evil Genius.
This game is going to be SICK!!! I hope all the kids who say its OMG SUXX0RZ GFX !! just won't play it. Like someone said, if you weren't around when it first came out you have no idea just how awesome TFC actually was, back before every 12 year old and their cousin had internet. I really hope Valve delivers this and just doesn't try to squeeze a buck. /crosses fingers