Team Fortress 2 Idler program punishment


Jun 12, 2009
September 2, 2009 - Erik Johnson

Over the next few days we'll be removing all TF2 items that were earned using external idling applications. We're going to adopt a zero tolerance policy for external applications used to manipulate the persistent item system. Due to us not having a policy in place prior to today, this time we're only removing the items earned through cheating the system. Going forward, if we find users using external applications, we'll remove all of their items. If you're interested, only about 4.5% of the players in TF2's community will be affected by this cleansing process.

Meanwhile, everyone who took the moral high road will soon be finding a new hat in their inventory. We've also significantly increased the chance of finding any of the existing hats.

We realize there is a high level of demand for items, and we're still working on systems to allow you to find them in new ways (via Trading, and crafting duplicates into desired items). However, we need to draw the line at running external applications.

So i lost a bunch of stuff, both legal and illegal. Oh well. Back to the achievement_idle.bsp
So i lost a bunch of stuff, both legal and illegal. Oh well. Back to the achievement_idle.bsp

You'll be missing out on getting the Cheater's Lament, bet you're gutted. /Sarcasm OFF. Seriously though hats are pointless
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all that shit reeked of grinding anyways, im glad I stopped playing.
Yeah, TF2 is quickly spiraling away from what made Team Fortress awesome in the first place.
Pretty lame on Valve's part again. The funny part is server owners are banning people on sight for wearing halos. There is also a server mod to make it say "FAG" above your head in place of the halo. Also 10k idlers at any given time is like 1/2 or 1/3rd of the community, not 4.5%. Adding the randomized drop system into TF2 was probably the worst idea ever.
Haha last night I joined a server with some friends and was like "OMG I FINALLY GOT A HAT!". Then I found out why. Its pretty obvious that idling to unlock items was abusing the system.
Good. Bunch of dumb idlers, go play an RPG if you're that worried about accessories. Either that or go to the Mall, lulz.
hehe i was affected by this as well. I dont see how any one expected valve not to do anything, i didnt think they would delete items but its not a big deal, I didnt get any hats using the program anyways and had all the weaps anyways
awesome they got rid of like 2 of my 7 healy syringe guns, that's it.

i am crushed.
what are these external apps anyway?

Isn't going to achievement idle when you are sleeping or going to work cheating anyway??
Pretty lame on Valve's part again. The funny part is server owners are banning people on sight for wearing halos. There is also a server mod to make it say "FAG" above your head in place of the halo. Also 10k idlers at any given time is like 1/2 or 1/3rd of the community, not 4.5%. Adding the randomized drop system into TF2 was probably the worst idea ever.

What kind of crappy servers are you playing on? Are they run by 5 year olds?

I don't see why these little kids are getting their panties in a bunch over items that don't do anything.

Haha and yea like z3ro said I was surprised I finally got a hat. Guess I play too much. I still want the other ones, but oh no i have to earn them :D
Whoever thought of this stupid system needs to be reassigned at Valve. They need to continue to create new game types and new maps, not stupid hats or unlocking or crafting ideas.
well yea but I'd still earn them through playing more. Semantics arguing shouldn't be necessary.
what are these external apps anyway?

Isn't going to achievement idle when you are sleeping or going to work cheating anyway??

The random drop system is inherently unfair the way Valve designed it. How the system should have worked is that you simply have x amount of chances to obtain an item, in-game or not. Instead you only have your chance while the game is loaded, making those with more free time more likely to receive an item. Thus the system is random, yet not equally random.

Valve should make it so the drop system works at all times and you are notified of new items on game load, with an option to delete dupes automatically. The idler program was the most fair and sane implementation of the system possible. Everyone gets the EXACT same opportunities as everyone else. Big fail on Valve's part here.

I'm of the mind that they should simply give all the hats out (with many hats for each class) and let people choose their favorites, thus providing some personalization to the game for everyone. Not everyone will pick the same hat, and not everyone will use a hat. The .01% chance for a hat is nonsense.
The random drop system is inherently unfair the way Valve designed it.
The whole concept of having useless accessories in a team-based multiplayer shooter is nonsense to begin with. Having a random drop system to support an array of useless accessories is just icing on the cake (regardless of whether it's broken or not).

I imagine Valve's going for the 5-9 year old female demographic for TF2. The hats make sense for that demographic, but don't make sense for any other.
I support the wearable items in that they create a little diversity in the player visuals and gives a hint as to the wearer's personality. They just implemented it in the most brain-damaged way possible (a drop system).
What kind of crappy servers are you playing on? Are they run by 5 year olds?

I don't see why these little kids are getting their panties in a bunch over items that don't do anything.

Haha and yea like z3ro said I was surprised I finally got a hat. Guess I play too much. I still want the other ones, but oh no i have to earn them :D

u mad
that idle program gave me an unfair advantage, even though it doesn't modify any system files or increase the drop chance
that idle program gave me an unfair advantage, even though it doesn't modify any system files or increase the drop chance

It's a shame my hundreds of hours of play before the hats came out had no influence on whether I got one or not. I almost want to say they should have just stopped patching TF2 a long time ago.
funny to watch all the people defending their cheating.

that's right it is a useless item yet you cheated to get it.
How is it cheating?

They are idling, just like people who are sitting in achievement_idle...the only difference is they didn't have to give up system resources with the idle program
My brother showed me this last week, and I ran it for a good 10 seconds before I said "Fuck this, Valve is going to ban me for this." I still got the halo though apparently.

I havent played the game yet because im at work but i heard that people were getting kicked/banned from servers for wearing the halo or not wearing the halo. Medics are ignoring people depending on if they have the halo or not. Server admins already made a plugin that disables the halo so that people will just play and stfu.
Let me start by saying I don't play TF2. I have never, ever heard of "droppable loot" in a non-rpg game. Really randomized dropped loot in a, that is some outside the box thinking.
Whatever happened to just playing the game for fun? Now people are grinding and botting in a team-based FPS for useless vanity items?

It seriously boggles my mind.
Well, pretty much Valve decided to take the rift that already existed in the community and turn it into a full blown war.

If they had a problem with the idler, they should have just fixed the loophole that allowed it and we would have all just moved on. Instead they sanctioned a battle between idlers and halos.

Way to support your community Valve. . .


Glad I never come upon stupid people like the "rebels" listed in the article.
idlers vs what now?

Dude I'm just playing the game. It's my fault I got a halo? get over it.
Remember when they came out with the random drop system and everyone stated how much they detest it and they left it in the game anyways? Yeahhhh