Summer/Fall Giveaway!

farm had to go down for a few days for moving day, it should be back online in another few days
Crap, the psu died in my desktop, i'll have ~3-4 days where i won't be folding. :( Does that DQ me?
I have def been limiting my outages to stay in the running

c'monnnnnn luck!
I'm sending the PM to Kyle to pick the winner on the 1st of Nov.
I think the system could explode into flames now and I would have enough points to qualify

fingers crossed
Insider trading going on here?

cept I don't trade...
however I do have my hand in the next giveaway...

I believe in the leaders supporting our team as we best can.
so fold on... fold hard.
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cept I don't trade...
however I do have my hand in the next giveaway...

I believe in the leaders supporting our team as we best can.
so fold on... fold hard.

No, the next giveaway is sitting on my desk......

What do you have? :confused:
I keep turning down sales on a new proc (955/1090?) because I'm waiting for 01Nov...
But I really am itching to upgrade. :D
Kendrak, do you need anything for the next giveaway?

I will contribute in any way you like.
I've got it all squared away.... there is always the one after however.....
Just a status update, I've sent a PM to Kyle, just waiting on his choice.
ooo the anxiety is killin me..

After a like 6 year hiatus I got my Bitcoin rigs folding on about 10 cores as opposed to the single core AMD-XP 3200 Barton I had back in the day.. Kinda makes me sad that it says it would take 7.7 years for my to catch up with the guy thats in #200 and not moving.. Wonder how many spots I could jump applying all GPUs to F@H for 1 month.. Might do that if I get bored.
Kyle sent me a PM a few min ago....
Let's all give our congrats to munkel!


The 2nd place winner is Sgraffite!

I will be sending out PMs later today after I get home from work.
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Time for new thread.... Prepare for the next giveaway... keep folding [H]ard
Kyle sent me a PM a few min ago....
Let's all give our congrats to munkel!


The 2nd place winner is Sgraffite!

I will be sending out PMs later today after I get home from work.

congrats to both lucky bastards. now get that hardware folding!
Sounds like someone forgot the rules to his own giveaway :p.

Na, it is more like managing PMs and posting on the [H] from my phone quickly between appointments and client calls.