Steam Summer Sale 2011

I just purchased Lara Croft Guardian of Light and the 3 challenge packs and noticed there is a costume pack listed in my DLC also. I am not even sure what that is. also looking through old threads it seems one of the challenge packs used to come with the game so did I just pay for a challenge pack that was already included?
Is that Tomb Raider game any good? tempted on getting it

I went ahead and bought a 4 pack of Sanctum. If anyone is interested PM me.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is an extremely good COOP game. Don't buy it if you don't plan to play coop, but for coop, it's -awesome-.
lara craft coop is good, great for the price. played it with the wife.
thoughts on Risen for someone who loved Morrowind/ME2/WoW, but hated the Witcher and was so-so on DA:O?
It's not for you. Risen is much more like Dragon Age AND The Witcher than Morrowind. It's a lot like Gothic 2, also.
ugh dead rising 2 is taking forever to come down in price. Looks like my interest will vanish before it gets to $10
It's not for you. Risen is much more like Dragon Age AND The Witcher than Morrowind. It's a lot like Gothic 2, also.

Hmm. This sounds like I would like it. I wasn't planning to get Witcher 2 until christmas sale, so this might be a good hold over.
Ohh God, yes please! I actually thought about buying the Dungeon Siege 3 pack just have those two games tied to my steam account. Didn't do it, but I came damn close.

Definitely make sure you DL the demo one who thoroughly enjoyed both 1 and 2, DS3 has *zero business* even using Dungeon Siege anywhere in remote correlation.
Had it been named something different...then it would have been a decent game.
But they're simply living on the franchise name and it has almost no resemblance to DS. :(

Kinda like how Tactics is to the Fallout franchise.
(again, not bad gameplay for what it is. just beyond annoyed of their riding the coat-tails)
I thought today was the weakest day yet for the combo of what I have owned/played/whats on sale.

I did get audio surf..

If you don't own Risen and have not played it-it looks like a good deal. Its what Gothic4 should have been like. I paid $29.99 for it late last year.
today blows. The only contender is the Quake pack. But I already own everything in it including the expansions. But they are on CD. Don't feel like purchasing the Quake pack just because it's on steam. Because all of my mods and configs are already setup.

If steam would backup configs, mods, etc. I would have jumped on it.
Bleh. I really tried to ignore the hate and try Far Cry 2.

Going to the first safe house, sneak around the back. Now there is only one guy left. He is facing the direction you originally enter that area, so completely the other direction as me, and keeps firing. Every time he fires I get hurt, even though he is pointing the entirely different direction. Wtf.
today blows. The only contender is the Quake pack. But I already own everything in it including the expansions. But they are on CD. Don't feel like purchasing the Quake pack just because it's on steam. Because all of my mods and configs are already setup.

If steam would backup configs, mods, etc. I would have jumped on it.

it can actually. kinda. heres what you do:
1. on steam click install.
2. once it does the loading bar for setting up folders to download, go to download screen and pause the download.
3. exit out of steam
4. browse to your steam folder. in my case "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common"
5. click on quake or whatever the game is in question.
6. look in the directory and compare it to your already installed game folder setup. it should generally be similar.
7. delete everything in that steamapps\common\quake\ and its subdirectories.
8. copy (not move in case something goes wrong) your installed folders into the common\quake\ folder
9. start steam and verify game content

it may look like a lot of steps but its just detailed description.
it works with most games i think. i discovered this from rebuying games on steam that i had installed already on retail. it saves on downloading, esp large games. after verifying, a few files may "fail to verify" but its because steam has a few of its own files to place in the directories.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is an extremely good COOP game. Don't buy it if you don't plan to play coop, but for coop, it's -awesome-.

I actually really enjoyed playing through it solo as well. Very fun game.
If anyone is interested, I still have 1 copy of Sanctum left.

EDIT: All copies are sold!
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I've got an extra copy of DeusEx1 GOTY (the good one) if someone wants to trade for a copy of Sanctum. :cool:

Risen is an incredibly well done RPG. It is the spiritual successor to the Gothic Series. Graphics are top notch, and offers subtle game decisions. They are so subtle you barely realize they are game changing.
Lara Croft GOL is a good game... quite different from your standard Lara Croft title.
Bleh. I really tried to ignore the hate and try Far Cry 2.

Going to the first safe house, sneak around the back. Now there is only one guy left. He is facing the direction you originally enter that area, so completely the other direction as me, and keeps firing. Every time he fires I get hurt, even though he is pointing the entirely different direction. Wtf.
Shift delete
WTF, did you guys see this, or is it just me?

Risen just jumped in price from:
Risen $7.49
Risen $10.19
WTF, did you guys see this, or is it just me?

Risen just jumped in price from:
Risen $7.49
Risen $10.19

Went from 75 off to 66%.

Shame on you Risen...

WTF, did you guys see this, or is it just me?

Risen just jumped in price from:
Risen $7.49
Risen $10.19

I was wondering. After all the love for it here I decided I might bite. Then I looked it up and decided it was too expensive :p
Planning to buy Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light for SP action... are the DLCs worth it?

Please advise.. ;)

Also I'll probably pick up TR: Anniversary
I grabbed a Sanctum 4-pack and Lara Croft DLCS. I'm not sure how, but I already had ChallengePack 2. Was it given away at one point? I have zero record of it in my emails from Steam.
I bought the lara croft DLCs, all of them, 3 separate times for myself wife and cousin. It's such a good coop game.
Bit on Audiosurf, Lara Croft Guardian of Light + DLC and Sanctum today...was maybe going to go for Risen but didn't get on Steam today until after they bumped their price it's a little too rich for my blood :p
Hmm... I should snag one of the Sanctum copies from you people who bought the 4-pack - 1st person tower defense sounds worthy. - Feel free to PM me...heh

Edit: And yes, I, too, skipped Risen because it was over $10. At $7.50, as it was originally, I'd have been sold. Oh well.
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i too am wondering about single player lara croft... i dont have many gamer friends to co-op with =[
How is single player? crap?

I donno, a couple people in this thread said it was fun single, but the game is designed entirely around Lara Croft and this ancient Aztec guy working as a team, doing team moves, he puts his shield up and she jumps on it to reach places, she stands on his spear (don't ask), she throws him rope lines to walk across and climb up, etc. There's a ton of moves and its a great GREAT coop game.