Steam Summer Sale 2011

The updated version of Gothic 3 is pretty much a different game. If you were a fan of the series, or like the genre, you should check it out.

Indeed. And make sure to check with World of Gothic for the latest community patch; they were shipping Gothic 3 with the 1.6 patch and last I played they were up to 1.74 or so. Added a bunch of balancing and a shadowing fix for AMD cards.

And while the game is much improved and much more fleshed out, it still isn't a seamless, AAA style experience. The Hero's accent will change fairly often, some quests still might glitch, but it really isn't any worse other games. And there's a console to fix your problems.
I want another shot at the witcher 2 and amnesia under $5. I would buy like 3 copies of that game.
Looks like 2 days in a row i won't be getting any new games. Anything worth while I already have from previous sales.

Like someone else said, I've been getting some flak from the little lady about buying so many games too. She knows exactly how big my backlog is even though I only show games installed.

What can I say, I love to save money on games that will be even cheaper by the time i get to play them. :D

<The last line is the> Quote of the Thread right there! lmao

Ain't it the truuuuuuuth! :D

/on topic/ Still hoping for Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 to be released on a killer "franchise sale" during all this! =D
Todays sales blow chunks, I know there will be a couple people who buy Audiosurf, that's probably about it.
Why are the sales on capcom games so lame? I have seen them much lower in the past. I think I bought SFIV for like 7.49 before. I wanted to get LP2 and maybe even dead rising 2 for some co-op action. But only 50% off? No money from me
I recommend Lora Croft and the Guardian of Light. Same but different from the typical TR games.
Get CoH too.
Whattttt? Super Streetfighter4 was just released, so regular Streetfighter4 is bargain bin and not a real deal? What a waste of a spot.
Risen is ok, Street fighter and Company of heroes. The Lara Croft game is ok if you want a top down game. It is a bit old school for my tastes.
int keys? I shall investigate! also I will have to pick up audio surf. $1.50 seems fine to me. :)
I am thinking about Sanctum. Anybody here play it?

I had fun with it. It can get a little repetitive but if you like tower defense games you'll get $3.75 of enjoyment out of it. I haven't tried multiplayer yet.

The developers have been pretty good about updating the game, it's a lot more fleshed out now compared to when it first launched. They put in an extra map, endless waves and turbo option for single player, and 4 player co-op with more stuff planned for the future.
They should be ashamed for putting vanilla SF4 on sale. And I agree re: Capcom sales being shit, they really have been this year. :mad:

Best buys today IMHO - Audiosurf and CS:S even though anyone who doesn't already own them should hang their head in shame. :D
Quake is a buy if you're a game stockpiler or a fan. ;) The rest are a big [MEH]
Really, nothing here is appealing today.

I just hope people dont' buy that abysmal product known as Command and Conquer 4.
For those just looking for multiplayer, COH-TOV has all the factions. If you are looking for multiplayer, you only need that one. Looks like the bundle is (currently) priced more than the individual items. The first two have a single player campaign worth playing. TOV has a small campaign, but has all the multiplayer factions. This is still a solid bit of on-line fun.

C&C3 is also on sale - $6 for the first, $4 for Kane's Wrath add on.
Cities XL 2011 (which is different from plain Cities XL, I own both) is nowhere near as good as Tropico 3, but its pretty decent. If you love builders, its easily worth 8 bucks. Simcity 4 + expansion is better though.

Lara Croft & Guardian of Light is FANTASTIC coop game. It's designed for coop. Great buy, I'm picking up another copy for a friend so we can play it together. My wife and I already have it.

Company of Heroes is a great game but the engine still has so many problems, so fucking laggy and stutter marathon. I've spent literally 20+ hours trying to get it running smoothly with my cousin (sig machine, his is similar), neither of us could ever make it work acceptably in multi on the larger maps. But other than that the game itself is fantastic.

Risen is a good RPG if you liked Witcher. I don't know the Meta for it but I'd have to give it around 82 myself because while it starts strong and goes strong for a long time, it dies off a lot near the end. Still a solid RPG, similar to Witcher, Dragon Age Origins.

Dead Rising 2 is good, has full coop, but the price is still too high. I paid 20 for it on an earlier sale and it really isn't worth that much. 5-10 sure, but not 20.

The rest is either obvious and well known (Street Fighter, Audiosurf, CSS, C&C, Quake) or not worth mentioning (Rift)... or one that I don't know much about (Sanctum). It looks shitty though, so I'm not gonna bite.

edit: Oh it's a tower defense game, I didn't realize that. I might bite on the 4-pack if I can find some reason to justify what looks like a really bland and bare FPS-TD...
is CS source as good as battlefield and that stuff? I never played it.

Also is Sanctum good or what? without co-op, like for singleplayer.

and what is Cities XL like? does it even come close to simcity4?
is CS source as good as battlefield and that stuff? I never played it.

Also is Sanctum good or what? without co-op, like for singleplayer.

CS Source is a close-in-combat squad tactical twitch-action FPS, these days only played by 2 types of people: Hackers and die-hard CS players, 97.3% of whom are gigantic assholes. It blows because of this.
is CS source as good as battlefield and that stuff? I never played it.

Wow, never played Source?! :eek:

It depends on what you like. It is hard now as the game is terribly dated. Yet the mechanics and gunplay are still some of the best that an FPS have ever achieved. Definitely worth trying if for nothing else to see what is (In combination with non-Source) the biggest game in FPS history.
Man the steam store page crashed and was really struggling when the sale first went live....
CS Source is a close-in-combat squad tactical twitch-action FPS, these days only played by 2 types of people: Hackers and die-hard CS players, 97.3% of whom are gigantic assholes. It blows because of this.

I'm a casual player, and I still play it every once and a while.
There are exceptions to every rule.

It's also not really that dated looking with everything maxed out.

I recommend it. Just note, as requiem said, there are a lot of experts playing and you're first go around you'll die. Damn near every game.
VAC servers are pretty good about hackers. I haven't been in a game where I've repetitively died due to a hacker in a long time.

This would be lol-worthy if it wasn't so sad. Typical response from an admittedly casual player, though. :(