Star Wars: Battlefront Reboot

Well at least its finally dawning on some of these vocal personalities that $DLC for MP games fragments the player base and kills longevity.

The whole issue would be resolved if people just stopped buying shit like $50 DLC packs. Unfortunately enough people get a boner to buy the game + season pass at launch that I can't see this trend dying anytime soon. Battlefront raised the bar with a $50 fee for the DLC, and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of users willing to pay it. EA and other companies will continue to sell high priced season passes as long as user keep buying them. It would be stupid for them to do otherwise.

I know a lot of people that preorder the games + DLC packs for damn near everything. I've completely given up on suggesting that maybe they could wait for post launch, because they think I am the stupid one for possibly paying an extra $10 for the DLC if I wait :eek: I've made peace with this and simply don't buy the games if I don't see the value in the DLC strategy.
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Noob question, what actually is a season pass? I've never bought a season pass for any game I own.

Do you get all future dlc content?
Noob question, what actually is a season pass? I've never bought a season pass for any game I own.

Do you get all future dlc content?

Game company promises your X releases of DLC content over the next year (4 is common). Normally these would all be $10/each if purchased separately, however if you pay $30 up front for the season pass, you get all 4 pieces of DLC and "save" $10.

For Battlefront the Season Pass is $50, which makes it likely the there will be four $15 DLC releases.
Noob question, what actually is a season pass? I've never bought a season pass for any game I own.

Do you get all future dlc content?

Have you ever had a colonoscopy and then been told you're fine and you probably could have lived without it? Thats a season pass.
Game company promises your X releases of DLC content over the next year (4 is common). Normally these would all be $10/each if purchased separately, however if you pay $30 up front for the season pass, you get all 4 pieces of DLC and "save" $10.

For Battlefront the Season Pass is $50, which makes it likely the there will be four $15 DLC releases.

AKA "The Ultimate Preorder".
Game company promises your X releases of DLC content over the next year (4 is common). Normally these would all be $10/each if purchased separately, however if you pay $30 up front for the season pass, you get all 4 pieces of DLC and "save" $10.

For Battlefront the Season Pass is $50, which makes it likely the there will be four $15 DLC releases.
Pretty much what I thought, ok. Games bore me within a month tops, so looks like I'll never be buying a season pass.
Have you ever had a colonoscopy and then been told you're fine and you probably could have lived without it? Thats a season pass.

Game is still horribly broke. Spawn points right next to enemy. No way to control cheating/aimbot/auto target/shooting through walls. Cheating is so obvious...I was in on walker assault and a small handful of players were wiping out the whole empire team...
Battlefront raised the bar with a $50 fee for the DLC

For Battlefront the Season Pass is $50, which makes it likely the there will be four $15 DLC releases.

$15 was the going rate for BF3 and BF4 DLC so Battlefront isn't really raising the bar on anything (in the EA/DICE era). Technically you could say the bar started high with BF1942:Road to Rome ($20) and BF1942:Secret Weapons of WWII ($30). anyway i got more than my money's worth out of BF3 and BF4 Premium. I skipped Hardline's DLC because the writing was on the wall regarding longevity of the game. i'm waiting to see on Battlefront DLC but so far it looks like it'll be worth it to me. i'm having a blast with the game.
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Not to mention, Dice/EA has said they'll be releasing free maps and items from time to time without the season pass too.

Slowly, but surely, content will be added to this game, enough to call it a full game. :)
Not to mention, Dice/EA has said they'll be releasing free maps and items from time to time without the season pass too.

Slowly, but surely, content will be added to this game, enough to call it a full game. :)

yup. and when the whole she bang is $20 I still won't buy it. broken game is broken. no dedicated servers with admins alone is reason enough to skip it entirely.

I would be more pissed but I am used to it by now. ea eats dicks like candied bacon.
Gonna wait for some sales later this winter and hope to grab game plus DLC for $50USD. I really enjoyed the beta but am not shelling out the $160CAD current price for the Ultimate Edition. That is just comical.

This is coming from someone that bought BF3 and BF4 with Premium on launch day and got massive value from both. I will probably do the same with the next BF game as well.
yup. and when the whole she bang is $20 I still won't buy it. broken game is broken. no dedicated servers with admins alone is reason enough to skip it entirely.

I would be more pissed but I am used to it by now. ea eats dicks like candied bacon.

admittedly and normally Im not a stickler for it Dedis and admins would go a long way to selling me on this. the match making and team stuff is just particular poor in this one.
Gonna wait for some sales later this winter and hope to grab game plus DLC for $50USD. I really enjoyed the beta but am not shelling out the $160CAD current price for the Ultimate Edition. That is just comical.

This is coming from someone that bought BF3 and BF4 with Premium on launch day and got massive value from both. I will probably do the same with the next BF game as well.

Eh, if you don't buy, you don't buy it.
I understand you want certain things in the game.

But, dont lie, you would play it on a friends rig if if he had it :)
I'm not a fan of ea's tactics but they are in business to make money. I can either pass or not. For the moment i own the full game and i really like it but i haven't ponied up for the dlc yet but as much as i don't like it i will probably do it at some point.
The whole issue would be resolved if people just stopped buying shit like $50 DLC packs. Unfortunately enough people get a boner to buy the game + season pass at launch that I can't see this trend dying anytime soon. Battlefront raised the bar with a $50 fee for the DLC, and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of users willing to pay it. EA and other companies will continue to sell high priced season passes as long as user keep buying them. It would be stupid for them to do otherwise.

I know a lot of people that preorder the games + DLC packs for damn near everything. I've completely given up on suggesting that maybe they could wait for post launch, because they think I am the stupid one for possibly paying an extra $10 for the DLC if I wait :eek: I've made peace with this and simply don't buy the games if I don't see the value in the DLC strategy.

I agree that doesn't help, you have to hand it to publishers....they know that large segments of their customer base are easily exploitable because of fanboyism, stupidity, gullibility and apathy.

People keep eating this shit up despite there being very compelling anecdotal experiences with past games demonstrating that gating MP content behind paywalls is detrimental to the online experience, and moreover that EA of all publishers doesn't give a shit that online communities are dead in less than 12 months because they are already working on the next sequel. Nothing makes me want to facedesk more than seeing people post how CoD 35 sucked and was dead after 6 months, but they are going to give CoD 36 the benefit of the doubt.

Then again, maybe this is starting to finally dawn on many users considering that Titanfail and Hardline both flopped hard, and Battlefront only started out with a concurrent user base of just over 45,000 players which is already down to less than 23,000!

$15 was the going rate for BF3 and BF4 DLC so Battlefront isn't really raising the bar on anything (in the EA/DICE era). Technically you could say the bar started high with BF1942:Road to Rome ($20) and BF1942:Secret Weapons of WWII ($30). anyway i got more than my money's worth out of BF3 and BF4 Premium. I skipped Hardline's DLC because the writing was on the wall regarding longevity of the game. i'm waiting to see on Battlefront DLC but so far it looks like it'll be worth it to me. i'm having a blast with the game.

The only parallels to the those expansion packs was the potential for fragmentation. Other than that you are comparing apples and oranges, because:

(1) 1942 wasn't a shell of a game lacking in content designed to encourage the purchase of expansions;

(2) 1942 had shit loads of free community content, you didn't need to pay for anything extra to improve the experience when you had all manner of mods to cater to whatever you wanted....e.g. Desert Combat, Eve of Destruction, Forgotten Hope, Galactic Conquest, etc.
Noob question, what actually is a season pass? I've never bought a season pass for any game I own.

Do you get all future dlc content?

Generally no. You usually get all of the map packs for a game. Many games have other dlc for costumes or other things that are not included.

Destiny is kinda the weird one here. The season pass gave you a few extra missions but they then released the taken king or whatever it is called that is still extra even if you bought the season pass.
Reading the Battlefront forums it seems that there are problems with matchmaking and showing empty servers? I am seeing a low count on Supremacy and Walker Assault, but am not sure if it's the issue or the game is dead.
It's because Jakku is out, most players are playing the new mode/map.
Give it a few days and that number will even out again, :p
That's odd, played last two nights on my PS4 and every game mode launched very quickly into full games. I refused to preorder this game, only picked it up because I got a 20% of coupon for the playstation store but I don't get the week early access to Jakku :(
Yeah, have had zero issues finding matches on any mode on PS4 as well.
Walker assault has been dead after midnight but the Jakku map is full. Its a good map and I suspect it will be busy for a while. I play on pc.
Reading the Battlefront forums it seems that there are problems with matchmaking and showing empty servers? I am seeing a low count on Supremacy and Walker Assault, but am not sure if it's the issue or the game is dead.

Yeah I had trouble finding a Supremacy server last night at around 7-8pm EST. Figured it was because of Jakku which I don't have yet because I didn't preorder.
That's the time I was gaming here on the west coast. Hopefully, it's only because of the new map.
ditto, had trouble finding games in: Supremacy, Drop Zone, and Walker Assault (to a lesser extent) last night around 8-10pm PST.
That's the time I was gaming here on the west coast. Hopefully, it's only because of the new map.

Probably more to do with the fact that peak player count is down to 21,000 worldwide on PC. Don't think there is going to be very much life left in this game.
Well DICE put in a chat off feature which is great, but I didn't see any patch notes anywhere that they had added that. Sigh. I happened to stumble upon it yesterday. DICE continues to be notorious for not announcing all changes that they make with patches. On the bright side this is good so my kids don't read all the crap some people spew out on the chat box.
Is it me or does killing players reward you more than it should?

No way in hell does one with the most objective score get top of the server if there is a person with far more kills than that player.

It should be the opposite.

You can rack up like 450+ points for killing a player. ( top player killed)

And only 250 points to capture a zone? How ridiculous.

What's the point of caring if your team wins or not then? It won't make your score or K/D go higher, at least by not much.
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It's because there's a stupid focus on K/D when if you're lucky enough to become a Hero or something, it blows the whole balance out of the water.
for those of us having issues finding populated games, unselect the "+Battle of Jakku" filter. once you do that there are plenty of populated servers. Supremacy, Cargo, Drop Zone, etc.
Having fun with Battlefront its not as deep as a Battlefield game but its still fun.

Heroes are pretty overpowered but I think that is the point of heroes.

Walker Assault actually is pretty dumb that AT AT Walkers are invincible most of the time and you need to hold a station to call in Y Wing strike to even damage them. Such a step backwards. Modern military designate for air strikes with a laser carried by the Lieutenant. Guess it makes sense as a game mode but still is dumb. Seems hard for Rebels to win since they are so backwards. Would be more fun if you could straight up rocket the AT+AT legs or use a speeder to tow rope them like them in the movies.

Battle of Jakku comes out tonight.
for those of us having issues finding populated games, unselect the "+Battle of Jakku" filter. once you do that there are plenty of populated servers. Supremacy, Cargo, Drop Zone, etc.

Still struggling to find populated servers. For sure there is a matchmaking problem. Even Jakku had a low player count.
same problem with populated servers, either there is a software bug or could the game be dying that quickly? Press hasn't been kind to it.
but but the matchmaking was supposed to ENHANCE your experience...........................


still have not bought this game and will not. jedi academy ftw!
yea I didn't mind the dumbing down of the game. Its star wars and looks great.

The no sale to me happened with they said it would have match making.

Sounds like the game is dead on PC....Wow sounds just like Every COD on the PC. Good job Dice!
yea I didn't mind the dumbing down of the game. Its star wars and looks great.

The no sale to me happened with they said it would have match making.

Sounds like the game is dead on PC....Wow sounds just like Every COD on the PC. Good job Dice!

I still REALLY want this to be a good game.

it looks SO GOOD, but everyone who's played it says its pretty 'meh' once the visuals wear off.