Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

They actually need 20million for the game and that's their goal.

And let's pretend that the crowdfunding just completely died at $15ml. Supposedly we'd only get a few cute little extras if we made it to $16/17m and above - additional playable ship classes and laser pistols and such. Would we get the game we'd been promised, after exceeding their original target by more than 2x, or wouldn't we?

And let's pretend that the crowdfunding just completely died at $15ml. Supposedly we'd only get a few cute little extras if we made it to $16/17m and above - additional playable ship classes and laser pistols and such. Would we get the game we'd been promised, after exceeding their original target by more than 2x, or wouldn't we?

Their initial goal was a proof-of-concept goal needed to pull in more outside investor funding. However, since they blew past that goal they set the target for completely crowd sourced funding in the $20-21 million range. *Edit: The percentage under the bar is the % from the current million to the next million for stretch goal purposes.*

If funding stopped now and they did not seek outside investors we'd get a finished game, but not the one currently envisioned.

I think I've spent all I'm going to spend unless something really cool comes out.
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And let's pretend that the crowdfunding just completely died at $15ml. Supposedly we'd only get a few cute little extras if we made it to $16/17m and above - additional playable ship classes and laser pistols and such. Would we get the game we'd been promised, after exceeding their original target by more than 2x, or wouldn't we?

I'm.actually in the mountains camping with my wife n kids so I'm not gonna scour links lol. Here's best I can do ATM.

Goto.development, and the original plan was investors so if crowd funding stop.right now I don't thnink they would have an issue finding 6mil in investment after getting 15mil in crowd funding.

And let's pretend that the crowdfunding just completely died at $15ml. Supposedly we'd only get a few cute little extras if we made it to $16/17m and above - additional playable ship classes and laser pistols and such. Would we get the game we'd been promised, after exceeding their original target by more than 2x, or wouldn't we?

I do remember something along those lines being said in an interview, hopefully someone else can give a link because I'm simultaneously too busy and lazy to look :p

But it makes sense when you think about the fact they are making a rather expansive AAA title that it would have a budget that is similar to a rather expansive AAA title. Even if you assume that many AAA games have half their budget spent on marketing, the actual development budget would still be in the 20+ million range.

I don't know what their studio costs are like, but just throwing some numbers out there, if you have on average 50 people working on a game over 3 years and are paying them 70k a year, that's 10 million in development costs straight away in wages alone.

I will admit I didn't follow the development closely in the early days so I don't know how the vision has changed, but looking at the sort of game we are looking now, I'd be surprised if they could make it for less than 20 mill.
I do remember something along those lines being said in an interview, hopefully someone else can give a link because I'm simultaneously too busy and lazy to look :p

But it makes sense when you think about the fact they are making a rather expansive AAA title that it would have a budget that is similar to a rather expansive AAA title. Even if you assume that many AAA games have half their budget spent on marketing, the actual development budget would still be in the 20+ million range.

I don't know what their studio costs are like, but just throwing some numbers out there, if you have on average 50 people working on a game over 3 years and are paying them 70k a year, that's 10 million in development costs straight away in wages alone.

I will admit I didn't follow the development closely in the early days so I don't know how the vision has changed, but looking at the sort of game we are looking now, I'd be surprised if they could make it for less than 20 mill.

They actually posted a chart of their numbers about what they could afford to spend on marketing and production vs a normal production environment and they pretty much DESTROYED the production environments numbers.

I think it was something along the lines of 3x cheaper.
For those wondering, the new stats page is not complete yet. There is a lot more functionality that is coming. Each ship will have it's own in depth dedicated page with an embedded commercial video, and a ship model allowing you to configure it with any available hardpoint and engine upgrades.

Here's a preview of it shown on WMH 3 months ago:

And also this:
zanebien said:
Yes, the interactive ship "turntable" is still in the works because we're now extending it to display individual weapon information, equipped weapons, as well as what weapons will be compatible or incompatible for each hardpoint for each ship. Same thing goes for thrusters I believe as well (have to double check with the design team).

What you saw in the WH demo only displayed the location of hardpoints and thrusters on the ship, but now it will have that plus all of what I had just described. The actual weapon stats and information are currently being fleshed out, so I can't make any promises on exactly when this will be published (in addition to revamped product page styling).
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For those wondering, the new stats page is not complete yet. There is a lot more functionality that is coming. Each ship will have it's own in depth dedicated page with an embedded commercial video, and a ship model allowing you to configure it with any available hardpoint and engine upgrades.

Ya know, as cool as all this stuff is... I kinda wish they'd put the effort toward the actual game :p
Website dev team isn't the same as the game dev team. You can do both at the same time.
I'm not sure how separate the teams are over at cloud imperium. But either way, people are spending time on this stuff, therefore money is being spent on it. I personally would sooner see that time and money spent on the actual game. If it's simply that the web design team has nothing better to do, then IMO the web design team is too big and the game design team should be larger. ;) I'd much rather see this sort of detail with ship specs and turntables and hardpoint details in the game than in the website.

But that's obviously just my opinion. I have a friend who is lapping up all this stuff. I'd just reckon money and time are limited resources and would rather see them being spent polishing the game. I've seen enough games with huge arse budgets lacking polish to feel concerned that they are over reaching a bit on this project.
I'm not sure how separate the teams are over at cloud imperium. But either way, people are spending time on this stuff, therefore money is being spent on it. I personally would sooner see that time and money spent on the actual game. If it's simply that the web design team has nothing better to do, then IMO the web design team is too big and the game design team should be larger. ;) I'd much rather see this sort of detail with ship specs and turntables and hardpoint details in the game than in the website.

But that's obviously just my opinion. I have a friend who is lapping up all this stuff. I'd just reckon money and time are limited resources and would rather see them being spent polishing the game. I've seen enough games with huge arse budgets lacking polish to feel concerned that they are over reaching a bit on this project.
Another way to look at it is that the website (which I dig, btw) is a source of income. The cool site is more likely to get visitors excited in the project, and that's a good way to keep the money flowing... But I do agree that it's hard to wait!
if you have been to the chatroll its clear the site needs more money put into it.
I'm not sure how separate the teams are over at cloud imperium. But either way, people are spending time on this stuff, therefore money is being spent on it. I personally would sooner see that time and money spent on the actual game. If it's simply that the web design team has nothing better to do, then IMO the web design team is too big and the game design team should be larger. ;) I'd much rather see this sort of detail with ship specs and turntables and hardpoint details in the game than in the website.

But that's obviously just my opinion. I have a friend who is lapping up all this stuff. I'd just reckon money and time are limited resources and would rather see them being spent polishing the game. I've seen enough games with huge arse budgets lacking polish to feel concerned that they are over reaching a bit on this project.



I kind of agree...kind of, but like DWolvin says... keeping the buzz going will mean more donations over this thread...will only happen with constant dribbles of stuff...the rest has yet to be determined. I say colossal hit or epic fail...likely no in between.
I think the info and interactivity for the ships will translate to more dollars over time and will be worth the web costs over adding another dev or artist right now. That's coming from someone that personally couldn't really care less about the bells and whistles on the site.

I wish they'd fix up the forums (ignore, subscriptions etc) and the chat more than anything else and they could have used an ten year old solution for both which would be better that what they have at the moment. I'd prefer those get fixed before ANYTHING else on the site frankly now that the store is working OK.
Ya the chat could use a bit of updating. personaly i thing the forums are not worth the effort. besides the dev section and a few random dev posts the forums are total shit. just a bunch of nerd rage, complaining and trolls.

but over all, i think that its worth the time and money. if they didn't update their website and keep adding content to it. their sales wouldn't be any where close to what they would be. this entire endeavor has only been possible because of amazing marketing.
In case anyone was wondering, a Cutlass does fit inside an Idris (max of 2) ;) Yarrr, all aboard!
Whahhh? that's kinda big. so i guess the hanger bays will be at least 26x30x8. this also means that the avenger should be able to fit as well.

where did you hear that. by the way.
Whahhh? that's kinda big. so i guess the hanger bays will be at least 26x30x8. this also means that the avenger should be able to fit as well.

where did you hear that. by the way.

And possibly a Freelancer+smaller ship? Only thing is the Freelancer is 1 meter taller.
Ya the chat could use a bit of updating. personaly i thing the forums are not worth the effort. besides the dev section and a few random dev posts the forums are total shit. just a bunch of nerd rage, complaining and trolls.

This, unfortunately.
Whahhh? that's kinda big. so i guess the hanger bays will be at least 26x30x8. this also means that the avenger should be able to fit as well.

where did you hear that. by the way.

I was going to post the question myself but decided to F3 search every page of every designer and ship artists "Ask a Dev" forum.

Found holoKitten responding to someone asking about fitting a Cutlass inside a Caterpillar, it won't, but he said it should fit inside an Idris.

And it makes sense, just look at the dimensions compared to the hornet. 24/22 vs 29/25 and you won't be physically flying the ship in. It will be similar to landing on a planet, the ship goes autopilot and returns control to you after you've made it inside the Idris' hangar.

And possibly a Freelancer+smaller ship? Only thing is the Freelancer is 1 meter taller.
Didn't look for that answer. I always assumed it wouldn't fit 'cause they specified single seat fighters/ships. I'm just gonna ask "Which ships can fit/dock inside an Idris?" to clear any doubt.
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Didn't look for that answer. I always assumed it wouldn't fit 'cause they specified single seat fighters/ships. I'm just gonna ask "Which ships can fit/dock inside an Idris?" to clear any doubt.

Thanks. I assumed the same thing but you never know. :D
Well if he said it "could" fit. that doesn't necessarily mean that they will be able to dock. otherwise every thing smaller than a caterpillar will be able to fit in the idris .

Which is something i dont think they want.
have they given a date for the hangar? i thought in that livestream i saw august 24th
From chatroll banner: "Hangar Module v1 : 24th Aug @ 9PM CEST (Germany/UTC+2) / 2PM CDT (Texas/UTC-5)".

Why that night!!! Agh. I promised my girlfriend I would go to a party with her in SF... Now I'll be thinking about Star Citizen most of that time. :(
Why that night!!! Agh. I promised my girlfriend I would go to a party with her in SF... Now I'll be thinking about Star Citizen most of that time. :(

you'll have 3 months to walk around the hangar until dogfighting comes out though. haha.
Why that night!!! Agh. I promised my girlfriend I would go to a party with her in SF... Now I'll be thinking about Star Citizen most of that time. :(

its been known to be the 24th for awhile now, over a month? you just plan things badly :)
Dunno why I'm excited for the hangar, I've got the cutlass lti paco and that's it so I'm not even gonna be able to enjoy the hangar till they add in the cutlass. Every time I realise this I become a sad panda :(
Dunno why I'm excited for the hangar, I've got the cutlass lti paco and that's it so I'm not even gonna be able to enjoy the hangar till they add in the cutlass. Every time I realise this I become a sad panda :(

add an aurora its only like 25$ !! :D
Haha I wish. The $110 for my cutlass was as much as I'm gonna have to spend on this for a while. Just have to live with YouTube videos till cutlass hangar update
Haha I wish. The $110 for my cutlass was as much as I'm gonna have to spend on this for a while. Just have to live with YouTube videos till cutlass hangar update

trade in the cutlass for a 300i to check out the hangar. When the cutlass is released upgrade to it again
Haha I wish. The $110 for my cutlass was as much as I'm gonna have to spend on this for a while. Just have to live with YouTube videos till cutlass hangar update

well at least you won't have to wait for them to make the asteroid hanger. They are putting it in the normal hanger temporarily until the asteroid hanger comes out. that doesn't mean that its coming out on the 24th. but at least it means you will see it sooner than the asteroid hanger.

trade in the cutlass for a 300i to check out the hangar. When the cutlass is released upgrade to it again

I don't think he has veteran or original backers status. so he would Lose LTI.
well at least you won't have to wait for them to make the asteroid hanger. They are putting it in the normal hanger temporarily until the asteroid hanger comes out. that doesn't mean that its coming out on the 24th. but at least it means you will see it sooner than the asteroid hanger.

I don't think he has veteran or original backers status. so he would Lose LTI.

that is what lorien is for. i dont think he would have a problem swapping the pledges out so people can get in the hangar then back later when they want their original ship back.

even if you did it for a few days. then went back to the cutlass pack
that is what lorien is for. i dont think he would have a problem swapping the pledges out so people can get in the hangar then back later when they want their original ship back.

even if you did it for a few days. then went back to the cutlass pack
