Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

This quote made me think of something potentially cool:
The max crew value refers to the number of seats/stations that can be used by players. Some ships (like the Constellation) have physical space for a lot more. How many more we allow hasn't been determined and we probably won't know for sure until after testing. We could prevent your ship from leaving the hangar if you were over-crewed, but its a bit premature to speculate as to how we're going to enforce a rule we don't even know we'll have just yet :)

So if you will be able to fit more actual people than crew on your ship think of what you can do with, for example, a Constellation. It has the P52 fighter, so you grab a few extra people and have them bring their own EVA suits with magnetic boots. You can guess what I'm gonna suggest next :D

Have them physically climb onto the P52 carrying weapons of their own securing themselves with magnetic boots, maybe on the wings or wherever. It'd be pretty freaky seeing a P52 with a couple of people on top of it flying through space with 2 people shooting lol. Caveats are EVA suits have limited life support (30min?) so you'd have to get back before then unless you want to asphyxiate the people riding on top of it. Hmmm, maybe that fact could even be used as a form of extortion by pirates lol (the equivalent of walking the plank in space?).

Hell it might also work on the Idris and you can have people climb onto whatever ships you have docked inside it lol.
Have them physically climb onto the P52 carrying weapons of their own securing themselves with magnetic boots, maybe on the wings or wherever. It'd be pretty freaky seeing a P52 with a couple of people on top of it flying through space with 2 people shooting lol. Caveats are EVA suits have limited life support (30min?) so you'd have to get back before then unless you want to asphyxiate the people riding on top of it. .

Sounds like a good target for a scythe... :D
Duuude precision flying decapitations lol. Excuse my nerding out lol.
Damn, where's that picture of the fighter jet with a dude strapped to it's wing holding an AK47 when you need it >.<
This quote made me think of something potentially cool:

So if you will be able to fit more actual people than crew on your ship think of what you can do with, for example, a Constellation. It has the P52 fighter, so you grab a few extra people and have them bring their own EVA suits with magnetic boots. You can guess what I'm gonna suggest next :D

Have them physically climb onto the P52 carrying weapons of their own securing themselves with magnetic boots, maybe on the wings or wherever. It'd be pretty freaky seeing a P52 with a couple of people on top of it flying through space with 2 people shooting lol. Caveats are EVA suits have limited life support (30min?) so you'd have to get back before then unless you want to asphyxiate the people riding on top of it. Hmmm, maybe that fact could even be used as a form of extortion by pirates lol (the equivalent of walking the plank in space?).

Hell it might also work on the Idris and you can have people climb onto whatever ships you have docked inside it lol.

i have a feeling they will easily try to prevent wing walking on a fighter.

we get magnetic boots but i doubt they will make them strong enough to stay attached while in powered flight.
i have a feeling they will easily try to prevent wing walking on a fighter.

we get magnetic boots but i doubt they will make them strong enough to stay attached while in powered flight.

even if the boots were strong enough you would break your legs in about .2 seconds if the fighter decided it wanted to do some maneuvers. well unless you were in a mech suit or some kind of exo suit.
I'd just like to remind everyone that I am, and have been, extending my concierge access to anyone from [H] that owns a game package. If you have any questions regarding your account and/or pledges please send them to me and I will forward them to the concierge. You will get a definitive answer much quicker than going through regular support channels.


P.S: Game specific questions are not covered. For that, everyone has access to the Ask a Dev forum ( They only do account and pledge inquiries.
hey lorien, any confermation that the digital pirate comes with 5000 credits and not just 2000 like listed? I remember you discussing this a few pages ago after i mentioned it and was curious if a definate answer was reached? If not could you ask lol
This quote made me think of something potentially cool:

So if you will be able to fit more actual people than crew on your ship think of what you can do with, for example, a Constellation. It has the P52 fighter, so you grab a few extra people and have them bring their own EVA suits with magnetic boots. You can guess what I'm gonna suggest next :D

Have them physically climb onto the P52 carrying weapons of their own securing themselves with magnetic boots, maybe on the wings or wherever. It'd be pretty freaky seeing a P52 with a couple of people on top of it flying through space with 2 people shooting lol. Caveats are EVA suits have limited life support (30min?) so you'd have to get back before then unless you want to asphyxiate the people riding on top of it. Hmmm, maybe that fact could even be used as a form of extortion by pirates lol (the equivalent of walking the plank in space?).

Hell it might also work on the Idris and you can have people climb onto whatever ships you have docked inside it lol.

Or you could have them inside working on repairs of ship systems... a cadre of engineers. Or a platoon of marines ready to board a ship..
hey lorien, any confermation that the digital pirate comes with 5000 credits and not just 2000 like listed? I remember you discussing this a few pages ago after i mentioned it and was curious if a definate answer was reached? If not could you ask lol

Edit: I asked directly and it turns out I was right to say it came with only 2k all along.

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Did any one watch the new interview with CR? any thing good? Im at work and haven't had a chance to check it out.
Did any one watch the new interview with CR? any thing good? Im at work and haven't had a chance to check it out.

at work as well sadly. My new monitors show up today. I have a feeling that the hangar mod at 4320 x 2560 is going to murder my poor computer...
Yeah, 4320x2560 @ 120hz is going to be 'fun'. Thankfully, setting up and switching between monitor profiles is easy with CCC. By the alpha hopefully I will have gotten two other VP2770s so i'll be at 7680x1440. I've never liked the portrait view especially for games. I don't mind the bezels in landscape, but the bezels are just too close and so tall in portrait.

I think at that resolution you are better off running at 60-75hz with Star Citizen, otherwise you might start skipping frames and it will look worse.
Yeah, 4320x2560 @ 120hz is going to be 'fun'. Thankfully, setting up and switching between monitor profiles is easy with CCC. By the alpha hopefully I will have gotten two other VP2770s so i'll be at 7680x1440. I've never liked the portrait view especially for games. I don't mind the bezels in landscape, but the bezels are just too close and so tall in portrait.

I think at that resolution you are better off running at 60-75hz with Star Citizen, otherwise you might start skipping frames and it will look worse.

It will definitely take some fine tuning. I ran a landscape setup for a while with 24s but I didn't like having to turn my head that much. If the Bezels prove to bother me too much I'll have to man up and remove them.
Considering how far out this game is from release. I'll definitely be up for an upgrade.
even if the boots were strong enough you would break your legs in about .2 seconds if the fighter decided it wanted to do some maneuvers. well unless you were in a mech suit or some kind of exo suit.

I dont think thats how things work in space.
So we have an actual h guild for star citizen yet? Or is the steam group gonna be the guild lol
So we have an actual h guild for star citizen yet? Or is the steam group gonna be the guild lol

i think its semi informal right now. but if you go to the. hard gaming community sub forum there is a hard star citizens group. And that's probably going to give you a good idea of what its going to look like. if and or when we form a corp.
Yeah, still informal but the idea is to have an out of game guild/corp and within it we'd have factions. One for traders/explorers, one for mercenaries/bounty hunters who want to keep their rep with UEE as clean as possible and other for pirates/bounty hunters/mercenaries who don't care for rep. This is all tentative though 'cause we have no details on how being associated with someone playing a different role will affect your character's standing/rep. Things are still a ways off anyways, we have at least 6 more months before they implement any social features in the game.
Yeah, still informal but the idea is to have an out of game guild/corp and within it we'd have factions. One for traders/explorers, one for mercenaries/bounty hunters who want to keep their rep with UEE as clean as possible and other for pirates/bounty hunters/mercenaries who don't care for rep. This is all tentative though 'cause we have no details on how being associated with someone playing a different role will affect your character's standing/rep. Things are still a ways off anyways, we have at least 6 more months before they implement any social features in the game.

I'm very interested to see how well this works. If we can have three factions working as a piece of another while maintaining their own separate reputations it will be pretty cool. However if the actions of Shifty and Lorien taint the rest of the organization... I'm not sure how we go about it from there.
Yeah, I don't mind playing along side pirates as long as doing so doesn't tank my UEE rep. I'd have no problems doing trade runs from high sec to low sec.
Yeah, I don't mind playing along side pirates as long as doing so doesn't tank my UEE rep. I'd have no problems doing trade runs from high sec to low sec.

I'm hoping this is possible. It would be an incredible niche for daring traders to fill.
I'm very interested to see how well this works. If we can have three factions working as a piece of another while maintaining their own separate reputations it will be pretty cool. However if the actions of Shifty and Lorien taint the rest of the organization... I'm not sure how we go about it from there.

how dare you sir! i am a professional, i never leave witnesses.

but really. i. see no reason why it wouldn't work. its not like us pirates are going to go ape shit every time we see another ship. piracy is a business (of murder :D) so its all about profits and going postal doesn't fit in with the average business model.
And remember some of us have secondary accounts with which we'll conduct our less than lawful actions. I fully plan on playing up the explorer/trader side of the game as well. There's a reason why I didn't buy an Aurora and a Freelancer, I want to play a character that starts fresh without even going through SQ42 making his own way in the galaxy from scratch first getting an aurora and work my way up to a Freelancer, and ultimately a Starfarer.
its not like us pirates are going to go ape shit every time we see another ship. piracy is a business (of murder :D) so its all about profits and going postal doesn't fit in with the average business model.

If I were a pirate, I'd be looking for conflicts and opportunity wherever possible...

.... maybe people like me are the problem...
I really hope they do exploring well. that could be one of the coolest aspects. i have this picture in my mind of a space suited figure, silhouetted by a sun, floating towards this enormous derelict, which is cast half in shadow with rays of light shining through a mesh of twisted superstructure. Every time i think of exploring.